Trump attacks Muslim War Hero's Parents

I would like to take particular issue with the O. P.

His post line was, in relation to what Trump actually said, a pure fraud. People in control of this board ought to do better.

These desperate and despicable Democrats decided to use these parents for political purposes, the parents agreed to be so Trump used them for political purposes he had a perfect right to do...too make a point as well...which is that while this Muslim Man was waiving the U. S. Constitution at Trump...he was hiding behind his intractable mid-eval Islamic beliefs to keep the woman's mouth shut. He probably never let her drive a car either.

Trump ridicules the hypocrisy of the Democrats. He has broken through the political correctness bullshit and called out the hypocrisy...and it makes you pinheads and loons and socialists and hypocrites crazy....God Bless him...he has some personality disorders, but he has three redeeming qualities that are almost Heavenly by comparison:

1) He's got the guts to take on the best shots the Libero-Progorsso-Socialists-Pravda-like Media can offer;

2) He has the sense to see the mess Europe has on its hands for being complete Liberal Dumb-Asses and letting a Middle -Eastern Culture into its borders which has a tradition of Barbarism, of Blood-lust; of carrying grudges, not for decades, but for centuries....and believes that instead of assimilating with Infidels (Us) they must convert us or kill us....and Trump has the sense to see we are fools to let the same thing happen here.

3) And, most of all, he is NOT Hillary Clinton...the debased and craven coat-tial rider of a pussy-loving Southern Boy, who happened to be a political genius.

Did Trump and the despicable Republicans use Sean Smith's mother for political purposes?

Why yes. What's your point other than deflection.
Why is Trump tormenting this poor woman?



‘I’d Like To Hear His Wife Say Something’...

‘Maybe She Wasn’t Allowed To Have Anything To Say’...

FRIDAY: Ghazala Speaks On National TV...

‘I Was Very Nervous, Because I Cannot See My Son’s Picture. I Cannot Even Come In The Room Where His Pictures Are’...

Trump To Khan: ‘I’ve Made Sacrifices’ — Can’t Name Any...

Someone go get the crybaby libs some fucking diapers.. You fucking nitwits don't give a shit about 4 dead in Benghazi but are here using this MADE UP story once again to take the focus off of THE CORRUPT DEMOCRAT PARTY WHO FIXES ELECTIONS, NOMINATIONS, COLLABORATES WITH THE MEDIA, PLANTS LIES AND FALSE STORIES ABOUT THEIR ENEMIES, ARE PROVEN BIGOTS
If ANYONE is offended by what Trump said, you're a fucking politically correct lunatic.. Isn't amazing how easily offended liberals are until it's their own Party who spews RACIST AND RELIGIOUS bigotry, then not a word but blame the Russians and Donald Trump.. you people are the proverbial boy who cried fucking wolf.. OVER AND OVER, you're offended by anything that doesn't match your ideological bent and meltdown over it..NO ONE GIVES A FUCK


Says a dopey bitch who can't figure out which side she's on until she see's how well it's accepted.. I've read a lot of your crapwrapper posts.. dull and you can never tell who you really support.. You're the person who has no loyalty to anything. Don't thank me.. free analysis on me this time.. Next time, see my manager and he'll get you a broom and dustpan.

There are many people like me who are still on the fence dumb ass, I do like Trump ......I have been a democrat my whole life and I am not afraid to say that..

I guess you think everyone should be a old hating hag angry at life mean dumb ass who can't see past her own hypocritical narrow minded , trailer park mentality ..

I bet that you think your helping your party....

I don't like people who hide behind the computer and get their rocks off dicking everyone around with your nastiness.

Your on ignore , good riddance.

Thank you.. Someone tell this BITCH thank you ROFLMAO
Everyone hang in there.. Julian Assange is going to deliver the DEATH blow to the corrupt Democratic Plantation at the right time.. Just before the election.. More slimey dirt on the SEWER Party.
Notice how Hussein always backs the TERRORISTs? Sharansky: If Obama had backed Iran’s dissidents, Arab Spring might have looked different

Sharansky: If Obama had backed Iran’s dissidents, Arab Spring might have looked different
Ex-Soviet Jewry icon, now Jewish Agency chief, slams the US president for his failure to support dissidents across the Middle East
BY DAVID HOROVITZ January 30, 2014, 7:28 pm

Natan Sharansky, the former Soviet dissident and Israeli politician who now heads the quasi-governmental Jewish Agency, assailed US President Barack Obama for failing to support anti-regime dissidents in the region.

Most importantly, he indicated, Obama’s decision not to encourage the would-be reformers confronting the ayatollahs’ regime in 2009 doomed those protests, which might otherwise have led to a revolution ousting the hardline Islamist regime.

The case of the thwarted revolution in Iran was “the saddest” instance of Obama’s misguided human rights stance, said Sharansky in a wide-ranging interview with The Times of Israel. “Everything starts from the fact that in 2009, when Iranians were ready for the revolution, when millions of double thinkers were going to cross this line,” said Sharansky, “they hear the message from the American president: Engagement with the government of Iran is more important than [its] replacement.”

The president’s stance, he said, “took all the energy out of this [movement]. And if it had succeeded then,” he added, “the whole Arab Spring could have been a very different story.”

President George W. Bush bestows the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Natan Sharansky, a former prisoner of the Soviet regime, during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Friday, Dec. 15, 2006 (photo credit: AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

More generally, Sharansky castigated Obama for failing to support dissidents across the region who were standing up against dictatorship. “With all that is happening in the Middle East,” he charged, “the president of the United States doesn’t take a position.”

Sharansky, who spent nine years in a Soviet gulag after seeking to immigrate to Israel before his release in 1986, said bitterly that “if American politicians had treated [Soviet dissident Andrei] Sakharov the way American leaders today are treating Egyptian dissidents, the Soviet Union might still exist.”

He said that while president Jimmy Carter had taken a highly principled stance in support of Sakharov, and George W. Bush “met with more than 100 democratic dissidents… and broke many taboos” on their behalf, Obama “simply stopped. You can’t tell me one important human rights activist [with whom Obama has met] when he was not already on the winning side.”

Sharansky said he’d had only one meeting with Obama, during the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, and that Obama made clear then that “it would be very important to him to continue this tradition where American presidents help dissidents.” But that changed after Obama assumed the presidency.

US President Barack Obama speaks in Cairo on June 4, 2009. (photo credit: screen capture, YouTube)

Sharansky, the former head of a center-right political party and an ex-Israeli government minister, also said the current US-led effort to quickly broker an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal was doomed to failure, because a climate for peace had to be built bottom up. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was telling the truth when he said that Palestinian society is not ready to live with Jews in its midst, Sharansky said. “He’s right. He’s saying, Our society is not ready to accept this. He’s not saying, I’m anti-Semitic. But this, for me, is the barometer of readiness or not readiness to accept a peace treaty.”

The guiding human rights principle for the US in the Middle East and beyond, Sharansky said, must be to support processes for creating societies with free economies, political freedom, and bottom-up educational work. “Just consistently support steps towards civil society — in Egypt, in the West Bank, everywhere,” he urged. “Do that for a few years.”
Is this the same Barack Obama that is constantly criticised for supplying weapons to Syrian rebels that eventually ended up in Daesh hands?

It's the same DAMN FOOL who doesn't give a rats ass about American lives or anything else for that matter.. He never lied.. he broadcast his intentions before he was ever elected so I blame the dumbed down electorate.. he was clear that he sided with the Muslims if he had to choose and HE'S PROVEN IT refusing to call ISLAMIC TERROR for what it is..
Not supporting ME dissidents means he doesn't give a rats ass about American lives?
Your logic, as always, is difficult to argue against.

You do realise that ME dissidents are mostly Muslim don't you?
Should he just keep pumping weapons into the Middle East and hope they stay in the hands of the 'good Muslims'?
Oooo...I'd love to see some links to that!

Easy.. Obama-Backed Muslim Brotherhood President Overthrown In Egypt

Be careful what you ask for.

Obama-Backed Muslim Brotherhood President Overthrown In Egypt

Published July 3, 2013

Egyptian Military Ousts President Morsi

Egypt's top military commander says the army is now in full control of the country and President Mohammed Morsi has been replaced by the chief justice of the constitutional court as the interim head of state.

He made the announcements in a Wednesday night speech -- the latest twists in an all-out power struggle inside Egypt that Morsi's national security adviser is describing as a military coup.

Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi said Morsi has failed to meet the demands of Egypt's people and the country's constitution has been temporarily suspended.

Fireworks erupted in Tahrir Square after the announcement was made.

Egypt's top military commander announced Wednesday President Mohammed Morsi had been ousted and replaced by the chief justice of the constitutional court as the interim head of state.

In addition, Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi said the country's constitution has been temporarily suspended and new elections would be held.

In Washington, President Obama issued a statement Wednesday night saying the administration was "deeply concerned" by the decision to remove Morsi and urged the military to avoid "any arbitrary arrests" of the president and his supporters.

Obama also said in light of Morsi's ouster he had "directed the relevant departments and agencies to review the implications under U.S. law for our assistance to the government of Egypt."

At the same time, a security official in Cairo said the head of Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood political party and the organization's deputy chief had been arrested, reportedly in connection with an escape from prison in 2011.

The state-run newspaper Al-Ahram said arrest warrants were being issued for 300 members of the Brotherhood, Reuters reported.

Millions of anti-Morsi protesters in Tahrir Square and around the country erupted in cheers at the news of Morsi's ouster, setting off fireworks and shouting "God is great" and "Long live Egypt."

Morsi, whose whereabouts were not immediately known, said on his presidential Facebook page that the military's action "represents a military coup and it is unacceptable."

An aide said Morsi, who spent the day working in his office, had been moved to an undisclosed location.

In Washington, a U.S. official said nonessential diplomats and embassy families had been ordered to leave Egypt amid the unrest. The State Department issued a warning urging U.S. citizens in the country to leave.

In appointing Adli Mansour the new interim leader, el-Sissi also said a government of technocrats would be formed with "full powers" to run the country. He did not specify how long the transition period would last or when new elections might be held.

Top military officials and opposition leaders met Wednesday and agreed on a political roadmap for the country's future, el-Sissi said. A new presidential cabinet will be formed as well as a national reconciliation committee, which will include youth movements that have been behind anti-Morsi demonstrations.

El-Sissi also warned said the military would deal "decisively" with any violence sparked by the announcements.

Before el-Sissi's address, Egyptian troops, including commandos in full combat gear, were deployed across much of Cairo, including at key facilities, on bridges over the Nile River and at major intersections.

Witnesses told Reuters that the army erected barbed wire and barriers around Morsi's work compound, and moved in vehicles and troops to prevent supporters from getting to his palace.

A travel ban was put on Morsi and the head of his Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammed Badie, as well as Badie's deputy Khairat el-Shater, officials told the Associated Press.

Minutes before the military’s deadline for Morsi to resolve the nation’s political crisis passed Wednesday afternoon, the embattled leader called for "national reconciliation," but vowed he would never step down.

Millions were in the main squares of major cities nationwide, demanding Morsi's removal, in the fourth day of the biggest anti-government rallies the country has seen, surpassing even those in the uprising that ousted against his autocratic predecessor Hosni Mubarak. Critics say Morsi set the nation on a path toward Islamic rule.

Khaled Daoud, spokesman of the main opposition National Salvation Front, which pro-reform leader Mohamed ElBaradei leads, said that ElBaradei, Sheik Ahmed el-Tayeb, grand imam of Al-Azharmosque, and Pope Tawadros II, patriarch of Egypt's Coptic Christian minority, were part of the Wednesday meetings with military leaders.

Employees at Egypt's state TV station said military officers were present in the newsroom monitoring its output, but not interfering with their work.

In an emotional 46-minute speech late Tuesday, Morsi vowed not to step down and pledged to defend his constitutional legitimacy with his life in the face of three days of massive street demonstrations calling for his ouster.

The Islamist leader accused Mubarak loyalists of exploiting the wave of protests to topple his regime and thwart democracy.

"There is no substitute for legitimacy," said Morsi, at times angrily raising his voice, thrusting his fist in the air and pounding the podium. He warned that electoral and constitutional legitimacy "is the only guarantee against violence."
You realise that Obama was concerned that a democratically elected leader of an ally of the US had been overthrown in a military coup...don't you?
He replaced a dictator who oppressed and murdered his own people.

You liars on the left always slurping up Al Baraqis shit laden bathwater.. NO.. He fucked the entire stability of the Middle East with his Community Organizing amateur CLUSTERFUCK.. he helped to create ISIS and nothing you batshit crazy leftist SHEEPLE say or do will ever change the historical facts.
I thought we were talking about Egypt and Morsi?
We're talking about your failed messiahs worldwide clusterfuck that has enabled, emboldened terrorists..

These morons don't understand Obama's chief aid is Muslim and so is Hillarious". They parade a man who they preyed on for political gain out on stage and tell him it's Trump's fault his son was killed. Goebbels would be proud.
Notice how Hussein always backs the TERRORISTs? Sharansky: If Obama had backed Iran’s dissidents, Arab Spring might have looked different

Sharansky: If Obama had backed Iran’s dissidents, Arab Spring might have looked different
Ex-Soviet Jewry icon, now Jewish Agency chief, slams the US president for his failure to support dissidents across the Middle East
BY DAVID HOROVITZ January 30, 2014, 7:28 pm

Natan Sharansky, the former Soviet dissident and Israeli politician who now heads the quasi-governmental Jewish Agency, assailed US President Barack Obama for failing to support anti-regime dissidents in the region.

Most importantly, he indicated, Obama’s decision not to encourage the would-be reformers confronting the ayatollahs’ regime in 2009 doomed those protests, which might otherwise have led to a revolution ousting the hardline Islamist regime.

The case of the thwarted revolution in Iran was “the saddest” instance of Obama’s misguided human rights stance, said Sharansky in a wide-ranging interview with The Times of Israel. “Everything starts from the fact that in 2009, when Iranians were ready for the revolution, when millions of double thinkers were going to cross this line,” said Sharansky, “they hear the message from the American president: Engagement with the government of Iran is more important than [its] replacement.”

The president’s stance, he said, “took all the energy out of this [movement]. And if it had succeeded then,” he added, “the whole Arab Spring could have been a very different story.”

President George W. Bush bestows the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Natan Sharansky, a former prisoner of the Soviet regime, during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Friday, Dec. 15, 2006 (photo credit: AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

More generally, Sharansky castigated Obama for failing to support dissidents across the region who were standing up against dictatorship. “With all that is happening in the Middle East,” he charged, “the president of the United States doesn’t take a position.”

Sharansky, who spent nine years in a Soviet gulag after seeking to immigrate to Israel before his release in 1986, said bitterly that “if American politicians had treated [Soviet dissident Andrei] Sakharov the way American leaders today are treating Egyptian dissidents, the Soviet Union might still exist.”

He said that while president Jimmy Carter had taken a highly principled stance in support of Sakharov, and George W. Bush “met with more than 100 democratic dissidents… and broke many taboos” on their behalf, Obama “simply stopped. You can’t tell me one important human rights activist [with whom Obama has met] when he was not already on the winning side.”

Sharansky said he’d had only one meeting with Obama, during the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, and that Obama made clear then that “it would be very important to him to continue this tradition where American presidents help dissidents.” But that changed after Obama assumed the presidency.

US President Barack Obama speaks in Cairo on June 4, 2009. (photo credit: screen capture, YouTube)

Sharansky, the former head of a center-right political party and an ex-Israeli government minister, also said the current US-led effort to quickly broker an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal was doomed to failure, because a climate for peace had to be built bottom up. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was telling the truth when he said that Palestinian society is not ready to live with Jews in its midst, Sharansky said. “He’s right. He’s saying, Our society is not ready to accept this. He’s not saying, I’m anti-Semitic. But this, for me, is the barometer of readiness or not readiness to accept a peace treaty.”

The guiding human rights principle for the US in the Middle East and beyond, Sharansky said, must be to support processes for creating societies with free economies, political freedom, and bottom-up educational work. “Just consistently support steps towards civil society — in Egypt, in the West Bank, everywhere,” he urged. “Do that for a few years.”
Is this the same Barack Obama that is constantly criticised for supplying weapons to Syrian rebels that eventually ended up in Daesh hands?

It's the same DAMN FOOL who doesn't give a rats ass about American lives or anything else for that matter.. He never lied.. he broadcast his intentions before he was ever elected so I blame the dumbed down electorate.. he was clear that he sided with the Muslims if he had to choose and HE'S PROVEN IT refusing to call ISLAMIC TERROR for what it is..
Not supporting ME dissidents means he doesn't give a rats ass about American lives?
Your logic, as always, is difficult to argue against.

You do realise that ME dissidents are mostly Muslim don't you?
Should he just keep pumping weapons into the Middle East and hope they stay in the hands of the 'good Muslims'?

Don't act like you didn't fucking read my post in order to make more excuses for that fucking loser in the WH.. I SAID ISLAMIC TERRORISTS .. AKA The Muslim Brotherhood, the very Barbarians who SLAUGHTERED innocent Iranians who rose up to take back their country as your POS messiah sat back and watched.. did NOTHING.. Oh wait that sounds oddly fucking familiar?! Why gee, same thing happened to 4 AMERICANS WHO WERE LEFT BEHIND for no reason, NO FUCKING reason but for that son of a bitch's dirty quest for power and the upcoming election..
Oooo...I'd love to see some links to that!

Easy.. Obama-Backed Muslim Brotherhood President Overthrown In Egypt

Be careful what you ask for.

Obama-Backed Muslim Brotherhood President Overthrown In Egypt

Published July 3, 2013

Egyptian Military Ousts President Morsi

Egypt's top military commander says the army is now in full control of the country and President Mohammed Morsi has been replaced by the chief justice of the constitutional court as the interim head of state.

He made the announcements in a Wednesday night speech -- the latest twists in an all-out power struggle inside Egypt that Morsi's national security adviser is describing as a military coup.

Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi said Morsi has failed to meet the demands of Egypt's people and the country's constitution has been temporarily suspended.

Fireworks erupted in Tahrir Square after the announcement was made.

Egypt's top military commander announced Wednesday President Mohammed Morsi had been ousted and replaced by the chief justice of the constitutional court as the interim head of state.

In addition, Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi said the country's constitution has been temporarily suspended and new elections would be held.

In Washington, President Obama issued a statement Wednesday night saying the administration was "deeply concerned" by the decision to remove Morsi and urged the military to avoid "any arbitrary arrests" of the president and his supporters.

Obama also said in light of Morsi's ouster he had "directed the relevant departments and agencies to review the implications under U.S. law for our assistance to the government of Egypt."

At the same time, a security official in Cairo said the head of Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood political party and the organization's deputy chief had been arrested, reportedly in connection with an escape from prison in 2011.

The state-run newspaper Al-Ahram said arrest warrants were being issued for 300 members of the Brotherhood, Reuters reported.

Millions of anti-Morsi protesters in Tahrir Square and around the country erupted in cheers at the news of Morsi's ouster, setting off fireworks and shouting "God is great" and "Long live Egypt."

Morsi, whose whereabouts were not immediately known, said on his presidential Facebook page that the military's action "represents a military coup and it is unacceptable."

An aide said Morsi, who spent the day working in his office, had been moved to an undisclosed location.

In Washington, a U.S. official said nonessential diplomats and embassy families had been ordered to leave Egypt amid the unrest. The State Department issued a warning urging U.S. citizens in the country to leave.

In appointing Adli Mansour the new interim leader, el-Sissi also said a government of technocrats would be formed with "full powers" to run the country. He did not specify how long the transition period would last or when new elections might be held.

Top military officials and opposition leaders met Wednesday and agreed on a political roadmap for the country's future, el-Sissi said. A new presidential cabinet will be formed as well as a national reconciliation committee, which will include youth movements that have been behind anti-Morsi demonstrations.

El-Sissi also warned said the military would deal "decisively" with any violence sparked by the announcements.

Before el-Sissi's address, Egyptian troops, including commandos in full combat gear, were deployed across much of Cairo, including at key facilities, on bridges over the Nile River and at major intersections.

Witnesses told Reuters that the army erected barbed wire and barriers around Morsi's work compound, and moved in vehicles and troops to prevent supporters from getting to his palace.

A travel ban was put on Morsi and the head of his Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammed Badie, as well as Badie's deputy Khairat el-Shater, officials told the Associated Press.

Minutes before the military’s deadline for Morsi to resolve the nation’s political crisis passed Wednesday afternoon, the embattled leader called for "national reconciliation," but vowed he would never step down.

Millions were in the main squares of major cities nationwide, demanding Morsi's removal, in the fourth day of the biggest anti-government rallies the country has seen, surpassing even those in the uprising that ousted against his autocratic predecessor Hosni Mubarak. Critics say Morsi set the nation on a path toward Islamic rule.

Khaled Daoud, spokesman of the main opposition National Salvation Front, which pro-reform leader Mohamed ElBaradei leads, said that ElBaradei, Sheik Ahmed el-Tayeb, grand imam of Al-Azharmosque, and Pope Tawadros II, patriarch of Egypt's Coptic Christian minority, were part of the Wednesday meetings with military leaders.

Employees at Egypt's state TV station said military officers were present in the newsroom monitoring its output, but not interfering with their work.

In an emotional 46-minute speech late Tuesday, Morsi vowed not to step down and pledged to defend his constitutional legitimacy with his life in the face of three days of massive street demonstrations calling for his ouster.

The Islamist leader accused Mubarak loyalists of exploiting the wave of protests to topple his regime and thwart democracy.

"There is no substitute for legitimacy," said Morsi, at times angrily raising his voice, thrusting his fist in the air and pounding the podium. He warned that electoral and constitutional legitimacy "is the only guarantee against violence."
You realise that Obama was concerned that a democratically elected leader of an ally of the US had been overthrown in a military coup...don't you?
He replaced a dictator who oppressed and murdered his own people.

You liars on the left always slurping up Al Baraqis shit laden bathwater.. NO.. He fucked the entire stability of the Middle East with his Community Organizing amateur CLUSTERFUCK.. he helped to create ISIS and nothing you batshit crazy leftist SHEEPLE say or do will ever change the historical facts.
I thought we were talking about Egypt and Morsi?
We're talking about your failed messiahs worldwide clusterfuck that has enabled, emboldened terrorists..
I asked for an example of Liberals being supporters of posted about Egypt...I replied and suddenly the conversation is expanded into a general global rant.
Great fun.
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Easy.. Obama-Backed Muslim Brotherhood President Overthrown In Egypt

Be careful what you ask for.

Obama-Backed Muslim Brotherhood President Overthrown In Egypt

Published July 3, 2013

Egyptian Military Ousts President Morsi

Egypt's top military commander says the army is now in full control of the country and President Mohammed Morsi has been replaced by the chief justice of the constitutional court as the interim head of state.

He made the announcements in a Wednesday night speech -- the latest twists in an all-out power struggle inside Egypt that Morsi's national security adviser is describing as a military coup.

Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi said Morsi has failed to meet the demands of Egypt's people and the country's constitution has been temporarily suspended.

Fireworks erupted in Tahrir Square after the announcement was made.

Egypt's top military commander announced Wednesday President Mohammed Morsi had been ousted and replaced by the chief justice of the constitutional court as the interim head of state.

In addition, Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi said the country's constitution has been temporarily suspended and new elections would be held.

In Washington, President Obama issued a statement Wednesday night saying the administration was "deeply concerned" by the decision to remove Morsi and urged the military to avoid "any arbitrary arrests" of the president and his supporters.

Obama also said in light of Morsi's ouster he had "directed the relevant departments and agencies to review the implications under U.S. law for our assistance to the government of Egypt."

At the same time, a security official in Cairo said the head of Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood political party and the organization's deputy chief had been arrested, reportedly in connection with an escape from prison in 2011.

The state-run newspaper Al-Ahram said arrest warrants were being issued for 300 members of the Brotherhood, Reuters reported.

Millions of anti-Morsi protesters in Tahrir Square and around the country erupted in cheers at the news of Morsi's ouster, setting off fireworks and shouting "God is great" and "Long live Egypt."

Morsi, whose whereabouts were not immediately known, said on his presidential Facebook page that the military's action "represents a military coup and it is unacceptable."

An aide said Morsi, who spent the day working in his office, had been moved to an undisclosed location.

In Washington, a U.S. official said nonessential diplomats and embassy families had been ordered to leave Egypt amid the unrest. The State Department issued a warning urging U.S. citizens in the country to leave.

In appointing Adli Mansour the new interim leader, el-Sissi also said a government of technocrats would be formed with "full powers" to run the country. He did not specify how long the transition period would last or when new elections might be held.

Top military officials and opposition leaders met Wednesday and agreed on a political roadmap for the country's future, el-Sissi said. A new presidential cabinet will be formed as well as a national reconciliation committee, which will include youth movements that have been behind anti-Morsi demonstrations.

El-Sissi also warned said the military would deal "decisively" with any violence sparked by the announcements.

Before el-Sissi's address, Egyptian troops, including commandos in full combat gear, were deployed across much of Cairo, including at key facilities, on bridges over the Nile River and at major intersections.

Witnesses told Reuters that the army erected barbed wire and barriers around Morsi's work compound, and moved in vehicles and troops to prevent supporters from getting to his palace.

A travel ban was put on Morsi and the head of his Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammed Badie, as well as Badie's deputy Khairat el-Shater, officials told the Associated Press.

Minutes before the military’s deadline for Morsi to resolve the nation’s political crisis passed Wednesday afternoon, the embattled leader called for "national reconciliation," but vowed he would never step down.

Millions were in the main squares of major cities nationwide, demanding Morsi's removal, in the fourth day of the biggest anti-government rallies the country has seen, surpassing even those in the uprising that ousted against his autocratic predecessor Hosni Mubarak. Critics say Morsi set the nation on a path toward Islamic rule.

Khaled Daoud, spokesman of the main opposition National Salvation Front, which pro-reform leader Mohamed ElBaradei leads, said that ElBaradei, Sheik Ahmed el-Tayeb, grand imam of Al-Azharmosque, and Pope Tawadros II, patriarch of Egypt's Coptic Christian minority, were part of the Wednesday meetings with military leaders.

Employees at Egypt's state TV station said military officers were present in the newsroom monitoring its output, but not interfering with their work.

In an emotional 46-minute speech late Tuesday, Morsi vowed not to step down and pledged to defend his constitutional legitimacy with his life in the face of three days of massive street demonstrations calling for his ouster.

The Islamist leader accused Mubarak loyalists of exploiting the wave of protests to topple his regime and thwart democracy.

"There is no substitute for legitimacy," said Morsi, at times angrily raising his voice, thrusting his fist in the air and pounding the podium. He warned that electoral and constitutional legitimacy "is the only guarantee against violence."
You realise that Obama was concerned that a democratically elected leader of an ally of the US had been overthrown in a military coup...don't you?
He replaced a dictator who oppressed and murdered his own people.

You liars on the left always slurping up Al Baraqis shit laden bathwater.. NO.. He fucked the entire stability of the Middle East with his Community Organizing amateur CLUSTERFUCK.. he helped to create ISIS and nothing you batshit crazy leftist SHEEPLE say or do will ever change the historical facts.
I thought we were talking about Egypt and Morsi?
We're talking about your failed messiahs worldwide clusterfuck that has enabled, emboldened terrorists..

These morons don't understand Obama's chief aid is Muslim and so is Hillarious". They parade a man who they preyed on for political gain out on stage and tell him it's Trump's fault his son was killed. Goebbels would be proud. did not say it was Trumps fault his son killed, not even close. That wasn't even what his speech was about.
Easy.. Obama-Backed Muslim Brotherhood President Overthrown In Egypt

Be careful what you ask for.

Obama-Backed Muslim Brotherhood President Overthrown In Egypt

Published July 3, 2013

Egyptian Military Ousts President Morsi

Egypt's top military commander says the army is now in full control of the country and President Mohammed Morsi has been replaced by the chief justice of the constitutional court as the interim head of state.

He made the announcements in a Wednesday night speech -- the latest twists in an all-out power struggle inside Egypt that Morsi's national security adviser is describing as a military coup.

Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi said Morsi has failed to meet the demands of Egypt's people and the country's constitution has been temporarily suspended.

Fireworks erupted in Tahrir Square after the announcement was made.

Egypt's top military commander announced Wednesday President Mohammed Morsi had been ousted and replaced by the chief justice of the constitutional court as the interim head of state.

In addition, Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi said the country's constitution has been temporarily suspended and new elections would be held.

In Washington, President Obama issued a statement Wednesday night saying the administration was "deeply concerned" by the decision to remove Morsi and urged the military to avoid "any arbitrary arrests" of the president and his supporters.

Obama also said in light of Morsi's ouster he had "directed the relevant departments and agencies to review the implications under U.S. law for our assistance to the government of Egypt."

At the same time, a security official in Cairo said the head of Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood political party and the organization's deputy chief had been arrested, reportedly in connection with an escape from prison in 2011.

The state-run newspaper Al-Ahram said arrest warrants were being issued for 300 members of the Brotherhood, Reuters reported.

Millions of anti-Morsi protesters in Tahrir Square and around the country erupted in cheers at the news of Morsi's ouster, setting off fireworks and shouting "God is great" and "Long live Egypt."

Morsi, whose whereabouts were not immediately known, said on his presidential Facebook page that the military's action "represents a military coup and it is unacceptable."

An aide said Morsi, who spent the day working in his office, had been moved to an undisclosed location.

In Washington, a U.S. official said nonessential diplomats and embassy families had been ordered to leave Egypt amid the unrest. The State Department issued a warning urging U.S. citizens in the country to leave.

In appointing Adli Mansour the new interim leader, el-Sissi also said a government of technocrats would be formed with "full powers" to run the country. He did not specify how long the transition period would last or when new elections might be held.

Top military officials and opposition leaders met Wednesday and agreed on a political roadmap for the country's future, el-Sissi said. A new presidential cabinet will be formed as well as a national reconciliation committee, which will include youth movements that have been behind anti-Morsi demonstrations.

El-Sissi also warned said the military would deal "decisively" with any violence sparked by the announcements.

Before el-Sissi's address, Egyptian troops, including commandos in full combat gear, were deployed across much of Cairo, including at key facilities, on bridges over the Nile River and at major intersections.

Witnesses told Reuters that the army erected barbed wire and barriers around Morsi's work compound, and moved in vehicles and troops to prevent supporters from getting to his palace.

A travel ban was put on Morsi and the head of his Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammed Badie, as well as Badie's deputy Khairat el-Shater, officials told the Associated Press.

Minutes before the military’s deadline for Morsi to resolve the nation’s political crisis passed Wednesday afternoon, the embattled leader called for "national reconciliation," but vowed he would never step down.

Millions were in the main squares of major cities nationwide, demanding Morsi's removal, in the fourth day of the biggest anti-government rallies the country has seen, surpassing even those in the uprising that ousted against his autocratic predecessor Hosni Mubarak. Critics say Morsi set the nation on a path toward Islamic rule.

Khaled Daoud, spokesman of the main opposition National Salvation Front, which pro-reform leader Mohamed ElBaradei leads, said that ElBaradei, Sheik Ahmed el-Tayeb, grand imam of Al-Azharmosque, and Pope Tawadros II, patriarch of Egypt's Coptic Christian minority, were part of the Wednesday meetings with military leaders.

Employees at Egypt's state TV station said military officers were present in the newsroom monitoring its output, but not interfering with their work.

In an emotional 46-minute speech late Tuesday, Morsi vowed not to step down and pledged to defend his constitutional legitimacy with his life in the face of three days of massive street demonstrations calling for his ouster.

The Islamist leader accused Mubarak loyalists of exploiting the wave of protests to topple his regime and thwart democracy.

"There is no substitute for legitimacy," said Morsi, at times angrily raising his voice, thrusting his fist in the air and pounding the podium. He warned that electoral and constitutional legitimacy "is the only guarantee against violence."
You realise that Obama was concerned that a democratically elected leader of an ally of the US had been overthrown in a military coup...don't you?
He replaced a dictator who oppressed and murdered his own people.

You liars on the left always slurping up Al Baraqis shit laden bathwater.. NO.. He fucked the entire stability of the Middle East with his Community Organizing amateur CLUSTERFUCK.. he helped to create ISIS and nothing you batshit crazy leftist SHEEPLE say or do will ever change the historical facts.
I thought we were talking about Egypt and Morsi?
We're talking about your failed messiahs worldwide clusterfuck that has enabled, emboldened terrorists..
I asked for an example of Liberals being supporters of posted about Egypt...I replied and suddenly the conversation is expanded into a general global rant.
Great fun.

I gave the proof.. Is Hussein a LIBERAL????? IS HE?? He sided with terrorists and had an ALLY, friend of the US removed from power and imprisoned.. You liars think you can play word semantics and get away with it.. WRONG ANSWER
Notice how Hussein always backs the TERRORISTs? Sharansky: If Obama had backed Iran’s dissidents, Arab Spring might have looked different

Sharansky: If Obama had backed Iran’s dissidents, Arab Spring might have looked different
Ex-Soviet Jewry icon, now Jewish Agency chief, slams the US president for his failure to support dissidents across the Middle East
BY DAVID HOROVITZ January 30, 2014, 7:28 pm

Natan Sharansky, the former Soviet dissident and Israeli politician who now heads the quasi-governmental Jewish Agency, assailed US President Barack Obama for failing to support anti-regime dissidents in the region.

Most importantly, he indicated, Obama’s decision not to encourage the would-be reformers confronting the ayatollahs’ regime in 2009 doomed those protests, which might otherwise have led to a revolution ousting the hardline Islamist regime.

The case of the thwarted revolution in Iran was “the saddest” instance of Obama’s misguided human rights stance, said Sharansky in a wide-ranging interview with The Times of Israel. “Everything starts from the fact that in 2009, when Iranians were ready for the revolution, when millions of double thinkers were going to cross this line,” said Sharansky, “they hear the message from the American president: Engagement with the government of Iran is more important than [its] replacement.”

The president’s stance, he said, “took all the energy out of this [movement]. And if it had succeeded then,” he added, “the whole Arab Spring could have been a very different story.”

President George W. Bush bestows the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Natan Sharansky, a former prisoner of the Soviet regime, during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Friday, Dec. 15, 2006 (photo credit: AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

More generally, Sharansky castigated Obama for failing to support dissidents across the region who were standing up against dictatorship. “With all that is happening in the Middle East,” he charged, “the president of the United States doesn’t take a position.”

Sharansky, who spent nine years in a Soviet gulag after seeking to immigrate to Israel before his release in 1986, said bitterly that “if American politicians had treated [Soviet dissident Andrei] Sakharov the way American leaders today are treating Egyptian dissidents, the Soviet Union might still exist.”

He said that while president Jimmy Carter had taken a highly principled stance in support of Sakharov, and George W. Bush “met with more than 100 democratic dissidents… and broke many taboos” on their behalf, Obama “simply stopped. You can’t tell me one important human rights activist [with whom Obama has met] when he was not already on the winning side.”

Sharansky said he’d had only one meeting with Obama, during the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, and that Obama made clear then that “it would be very important to him to continue this tradition where American presidents help dissidents.” But that changed after Obama assumed the presidency.

US President Barack Obama speaks in Cairo on June 4, 2009. (photo credit: screen capture, YouTube)

Sharansky, the former head of a center-right political party and an ex-Israeli government minister, also said the current US-led effort to quickly broker an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal was doomed to failure, because a climate for peace had to be built bottom up. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was telling the truth when he said that Palestinian society is not ready to live with Jews in its midst, Sharansky said. “He’s right. He’s saying, Our society is not ready to accept this. He’s not saying, I’m anti-Semitic. But this, for me, is the barometer of readiness or not readiness to accept a peace treaty.”

The guiding human rights principle for the US in the Middle East and beyond, Sharansky said, must be to support processes for creating societies with free economies, political freedom, and bottom-up educational work. “Just consistently support steps towards civil society — in Egypt, in the West Bank, everywhere,” he urged. “Do that for a few years.”
Is this the same Barack Obama that is constantly criticised for supplying weapons to Syrian rebels that eventually ended up in Daesh hands?

It's the same DAMN FOOL who doesn't give a rats ass about American lives or anything else for that matter.. He never lied.. he broadcast his intentions before he was ever elected so I blame the dumbed down electorate.. he was clear that he sided with the Muslims if he had to choose and HE'S PROVEN IT refusing to call ISLAMIC TERROR for what it is..
Not supporting ME dissidents means he doesn't give a rats ass about American lives?
Your logic, as always, is difficult to argue against.

You do realise that ME dissidents are mostly Muslim don't you?
Should he just keep pumping weapons into the Middle East and hope they stay in the hands of the 'good Muslims'?

Don't act like you didn't fucking read my post in order to make more excuses for that fucking loser in the WH.. I SAID ISLAMIC TERRORISTS .. AKA The Muslim Brotherhood, the very Barbarians who SLAUGHTERED innocent Iranians who rose up to take back their country as your POS messiah sat back and watched.. did NOTHING.. Oh wait that sounds oddly fucking familiar?! Why gee, same thing happened to 4 AMERICANS WHO WERE LEFT BEHIND for no reason, NO FUCKING reason but for that son of a bitch's dirty quest for power and the upcoming election..
Are you talking about Benghazi?
I think you're talking about Benghazi.
Someone really should investigate that.
Someone go get the crybaby libs some fucking diapers.. You fucking nitwits don't give a shit about 4 dead in Benghazi

Not to mention any of the thousands of dead in the U.S., France, Germany, the U.K. and other western countries due to terrorism. That doesn't bother the useful idiots at all, but dare suggest you want to hear a Muslim woman speak, and watch the spittle fly!

It's as if an entire portion of the population has been born without what psychologists call "executive function". They sweat the smallest stuff they can find while giving a free pass to the most utterly egregious.
Notice how Hussein always backs the TERRORISTs? Sharansky: If Obama had backed Iran’s dissidents, Arab Spring might have looked different

Sharansky: If Obama had backed Iran’s dissidents, Arab Spring might have looked different
Ex-Soviet Jewry icon, now Jewish Agency chief, slams the US president for his failure to support dissidents across the Middle East
BY DAVID HOROVITZ January 30, 2014, 7:28 pm

Natan Sharansky, the former Soviet dissident and Israeli politician who now heads the quasi-governmental Jewish Agency, assailed US President Barack Obama for failing to support anti-regime dissidents in the region.

Most importantly, he indicated, Obama’s decision not to encourage the would-be reformers confronting the ayatollahs’ regime in 2009 doomed those protests, which might otherwise have led to a revolution ousting the hardline Islamist regime.

The case of the thwarted revolution in Iran was “the saddest” instance of Obama’s misguided human rights stance, said Sharansky in a wide-ranging interview with The Times of Israel. “Everything starts from the fact that in 2009, when Iranians were ready for the revolution, when millions of double thinkers were going to cross this line,” said Sharansky, “they hear the message from the American president: Engagement with the government of Iran is more important than [its] replacement.”

The president’s stance, he said, “took all the energy out of this [movement]. And if it had succeeded then,” he added, “the whole Arab Spring could have been a very different story.”

President George W. Bush bestows the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Natan Sharansky, a former prisoner of the Soviet regime, during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Friday, Dec. 15, 2006 (photo credit: AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

More generally, Sharansky castigated Obama for failing to support dissidents across the region who were standing up against dictatorship. “With all that is happening in the Middle East,” he charged, “the president of the United States doesn’t take a position.”

Sharansky, who spent nine years in a Soviet gulag after seeking to immigrate to Israel before his release in 1986, said bitterly that “if American politicians had treated [Soviet dissident Andrei] Sakharov the way American leaders today are treating Egyptian dissidents, the Soviet Union might still exist.”

He said that while president Jimmy Carter had taken a highly principled stance in support of Sakharov, and George W. Bush “met with more than 100 democratic dissidents… and broke many taboos” on their behalf, Obama “simply stopped. You can’t tell me one important human rights activist [with whom Obama has met] when he was not already on the winning side.”

Sharansky said he’d had only one meeting with Obama, during the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, and that Obama made clear then that “it would be very important to him to continue this tradition where American presidents help dissidents.” But that changed after Obama assumed the presidency.

US President Barack Obama speaks in Cairo on June 4, 2009. (photo credit: screen capture, YouTube)

Sharansky, the former head of a center-right political party and an ex-Israeli government minister, also said the current US-led effort to quickly broker an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal was doomed to failure, because a climate for peace had to be built bottom up. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was telling the truth when he said that Palestinian society is not ready to live with Jews in its midst, Sharansky said. “He’s right. He’s saying, Our society is not ready to accept this. He’s not saying, I’m anti-Semitic. But this, for me, is the barometer of readiness or not readiness to accept a peace treaty.”

The guiding human rights principle for the US in the Middle East and beyond, Sharansky said, must be to support processes for creating societies with free economies, political freedom, and bottom-up educational work. “Just consistently support steps towards civil society — in Egypt, in the West Bank, everywhere,” he urged. “Do that for a few years.”
Is this the same Barack Obama that is constantly criticised for supplying weapons to Syrian rebels that eventually ended up in Daesh hands?

It's the same DAMN FOOL who doesn't give a rats ass about American lives or anything else for that matter.. He never lied.. he broadcast his intentions before he was ever elected so I blame the dumbed down electorate.. he was clear that he sided with the Muslims if he had to choose and HE'S PROVEN IT refusing to call ISLAMIC TERROR for what it is..
Not supporting ME dissidents means he doesn't give a rats ass about American lives?
Your logic, as always, is difficult to argue against.

You do realise that ME dissidents are mostly Muslim don't you?
Should he just keep pumping weapons into the Middle East and hope they stay in the hands of the 'good Muslims'?

Don't act like you didn't fucking read my post in order to make more excuses for that fucking loser in the WH.. I SAID ISLAMIC TERRORISTS .. AKA The Muslim Brotherhood, the very Barbarians who SLAUGHTERED innocent Iranians who rose up to take back their country as your POS messiah sat back and watched.. did NOTHING.. Oh wait that sounds oddly fucking familiar?! Why gee, same thing happened to 4 AMERICANS WHO WERE LEFT BEHIND for no reason, NO FUCKING reason but for that son of a bitch's dirty quest for power and the upcoming election..
Are you talking about Benghazi?
I think you're talking about Benghazi.
Someone really should investigate that.

SEAL MOTTO: WE NEVER LEAVE ANYONE BEHIND.. It's called honor.. something you scumback leftist traitors haven't the first clue of.. No one needs a fucking investigation to know your messiah has no honor.. Sleep in it.. YOU OWN IT
You realise that Obama was concerned that a democratically elected leader of an ally of the US had been overthrown in a military coup...don't you?
He replaced a dictator who oppressed and murdered his own people.

You liars on the left always slurping up Al Baraqis shit laden bathwater.. NO.. He fucked the entire stability of the Middle East with his Community Organizing amateur CLUSTERFUCK.. he helped to create ISIS and nothing you batshit crazy leftist SHEEPLE say or do will ever change the historical facts.
I thought we were talking about Egypt and Morsi?
We're talking about your failed messiahs worldwide clusterfuck that has enabled, emboldened terrorists..
I asked for an example of Liberals being supporters of posted about Egypt...I replied and suddenly the conversation is expanded into a general global rant.
Great fun.

I gave the proof.. Is Hussein a LIBERAL????? IS HE?? He sided with terrorists and had an ALLY, friend of the US removed from power and imprisoned.. You liars think you can play word semantics and get away with it.. WRONG ANSWER
Who did he have removed from power and imprisoned...just so that we're clear?
Everyone hang in there.. Julian Assange is going to deliver the DEATH blow to the corrupt Democratic Plantation at the right time.. Just before the election.. More slimey dirt on the SEWER Party.[/QUOTE
You realise that Obama was concerned that a democratically elected leader of an ally of the US had been overthrown in a military coup...don't you?
He replaced a dictator who oppressed and murdered his own people.

You liars on the left always slurping up Al Baraqis shit laden bathwater.. NO.. He fucked the entire stability of the Middle East with his Community Organizing amateur CLUSTERFUCK.. he helped to create ISIS and nothing you batshit crazy leftist SHEEPLE say or do will ever change the historical facts.
I thought we were talking about Egypt and Morsi?
We're talking about your failed messiahs worldwide clusterfuck that has enabled, emboldened terrorists..

These morons don't understand Obama's chief aid is Muslim and so is Hillarious". They parade a man who they preyed on for political gain out on stage and tell him it's Trump's fault his son was killed. Goebbels would be proud. did not say it was Trumps fault his son killed, not even close. That wasn't even what his speech was about.

What was it about? Hillary should submit to Huma and all the Muslims in the world should be able to come to America because only 10% want to kill you.
There are many many many issues but I keep focusing on two.

Trump=hunters for sport. Killing elephants to get a tail, shooting a lion just to post next to it. Neither are eaten by the shooter. Its a trophy. And his friendship with Palin, who likes killing from helicopters. Which other than human means squat to him. Business is business and if that means all nature and the animals in it must be disposed of or their habitat be it. A nice shiney new mall or golf course will put money in pockets and thats all that matters to him. But he will try to keep muslims OUT.

Hillary=liar, cheater, thief, careless, possibly insane. But she does care about global warming, the environment, animals, nature, protecting the lifes that are also on this world with us and will make sure they are protected even though she still will be lining her pockets in some form or another. And she will leave SS and Medicare alone. But she will bring MORE muslims IN.

So which do I choose? It's depressing, it makes me sad, pissed and feel helpless. And I am not the only one. This is a bad bad BAD election for everyone and our two choices comes down to which is worse than the other.
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You liars on the left always slurping up Al Baraqis shit laden bathwater.. NO.. He fucked the entire stability of the Middle East with his Community Organizing amateur CLUSTERFUCK.. he helped to create ISIS and nothing you batshit crazy leftist SHEEPLE say or do will ever change the historical facts.
I thought we were talking about Egypt and Morsi?
We're talking about your failed messiahs worldwide clusterfuck that has enabled, emboldened terrorists..
I asked for an example of Liberals being supporters of posted about Egypt...I replied and suddenly the conversation is expanded into a general global rant.
Great fun.

I gave the proof.. Is Hussein a LIBERAL????? IS HE?? He sided with terrorists and had an ALLY, friend of the US removed from power and imprisoned.. You liars think you can play word semantics and get away with it.. WRONG ANSWER
Who did he have removed from power and imprisoned...just so that we're clear?

You tell me??? TELL US why your messiah trashed and betrayed an ally and sided with FUCKING TERRORISTS... This should be good.
One day we'll all look back at this election in shame at what we allowed to enter political discourse. Donald f'ing Trump. How did it come to this...

How did it come to Hillary? I mean really. Can she open her mouth without a lie???
Is this the same Barack Obama that is constantly criticised for supplying weapons to Syrian rebels that eventually ended up in Daesh hands?

It's the same DAMN FOOL who doesn't give a rats ass about American lives or anything else for that matter.. He never lied.. he broadcast his intentions before he was ever elected so I blame the dumbed down electorate.. he was clear that he sided with the Muslims if he had to choose and HE'S PROVEN IT refusing to call ISLAMIC TERROR for what it is..
Not supporting ME dissidents means he doesn't give a rats ass about American lives?
Your logic, as always, is difficult to argue against.

You do realise that ME dissidents are mostly Muslim don't you?
Should he just keep pumping weapons into the Middle East and hope they stay in the hands of the 'good Muslims'?

Don't act like you didn't fucking read my post in order to make more excuses for that fucking loser in the WH.. I SAID ISLAMIC TERRORISTS .. AKA The Muslim Brotherhood, the very Barbarians who SLAUGHTERED innocent Iranians who rose up to take back their country as your POS messiah sat back and watched.. did NOTHING.. Oh wait that sounds oddly fucking familiar?! Why gee, same thing happened to 4 AMERICANS WHO WERE LEFT BEHIND for no reason, NO FUCKING reason but for that son of a bitch's dirty quest for power and the upcoming election..
Are you talking about Benghazi?
I think you're talking about Benghazi.
Someone really should investigate that.

SEAL MOTTO: WE NEVER LEAVE ANYONE BEHIND.. It's called honor.. something you scumback leftist traitors haven't the first clue of.. No one needs a fucking investigation to know your messiah has no honor.. Sleep in it.. YOU OWN IT
Still...why isn't anyone looking into it?
Gracie this is a GREAT election. It comes down to submission to the political establishment (evil) vs. making America great again (good). For example, it is a good thing to prevent the USA from becoming like today's Europe which is becoming like an Muslim empire where murder, rape and poverty are the norm. Only one candidate will do anything to stop the Muslim invasion. The again, if you are intrigued by the idea of being submissive to Muslim doucebags then Crooked Hillary is your choice.
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