Trump attacks Muslim War Hero's Parents

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Damnation - threads merged. It's that double posting I keep getting...what the hell? :dunno:
Let me look at threads...

Oh...stay classy Trump, you thin skinned buffoon...

Trump Responds To Slain Soldier's Father, Who Appeals To GOP Leaders

In an interview with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd Friday night, Trump didn't zero in on Khan's accusations but rather on his wife, Ghazala Khan, who stood beside her husband silently. His response to Dowd was brief.

"I'd like to hear his wife say something," Trump said.

Trump expanded on that sentiment in an interview with ABC News Saturday.

"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," Trump said. "Maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say, you tell me."

In an interview on MSNBC the previous night, Ghazala Khan explained why she chose to remain silent on stage.

"I cannot see my son's picture. I cannot even come in the room where his pictures are," she said. "That's why when I saw the picture on my back, I couldn't take it and I controlled myself at that time. So, it is very hard."

Her husband added that she served as his "coach" while writing the speech and said she gave him the strength to speak on stage.

"Forty years of marriage has brought us in a position where we are strength for one another," Khan said. "Her being there was the strength so I could hold my composure. I am much weaker than she is in such matters."

Strawman arguments wrapped in the flag are very low class and questioning someone's patriotism for political gain is snake belly low. Hillary set it up and as bad as everyone feels for their family she had no high ground to stand on. Hillary has no sacrifices to her credit.

Indeed, as Trump constantly and consistently questions the patriotism of American Muslims. So...let's's not Trumps fault he attacked Mr. Kahn, it's Hillary's? Trump can't be expected to control himself?

Hillary set it up. Kahn attacked Trump. Questioning Trump's patriotism when the message is one of our security not his faith.

I see you support Sharia Law. You don't get laid much do you?
Okay...hopefully it can get back on track again....

I don't know that Trump was actually attacking.
Trump attacks Muslim War Hero's Parents

Umm, no. He attacked Trump.

Trump replied, quite mildly, as the OP shows.

What the hell are we becoming...
We're becoming liars who will tell any fib, hurl any exaggeration, and shout out any smear no matter how false, in order to fool people into thinking Donald Trump did something "Bad" even when our own posts show it never happened.

This a common tactic by people who don't dare tell the truth, knowing they would lose if they did.

We are becoming people with zero character.

We're becoming liars who will tell any fib, hurl any exaggeration, and shout out any smear no matter how false, in order to fool people into thinking Donald Trump the charlatan is fit to hold the office of the President. We are becoming people with zero character.
Oh...stay classy Trump, you thin skinned buffoon...

Trump Responds To Slain Soldier's Father, Who Appeals To GOP Leaders

In an interview with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd Friday night, Trump didn't zero in on Khan's accusations but rather on his wife, Ghazala Khan, who stood beside her husband silently. His response to Dowd was brief.

"I'd like to hear his wife say something," Trump said.

Trump expanded on that sentiment in an interview with ABC News Saturday.

"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," Trump said. "Maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say, you tell me."

In an interview on MSNBC the previous night, Ghazala Khan explained why she chose to remain silent on stage.

"I cannot see my son's picture. I cannot even come in the room where his pictures are," she said. "That's why when I saw the picture on my back, I couldn't take it and I controlled myself at that time. So, it is very hard."

Her husband added that she served as his "coach" while writing the speech and said she gave him the strength to speak on stage.

"Forty years of marriage has brought us in a position where we are strength for one another," Khan said. "Her being there was the strength so I could hold my composure. I am much weaker than she is in such matters."

I seriously felt the same way as Trump while I watched her husband be the man with his wife just staring at him..It did bother me a lot..
Oh...stay classy Trump, you thin skinned buffoon...

Trump Responds To Slain Soldier's Father, Who Appeals To GOP Leaders

In an interview with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd Friday night, Trump didn't zero in on Khan's accusations but rather on his wife, Ghazala Khan, who stood beside her husband silently. His response to Dowd was brief.

"I'd like to hear his wife say something," Trump said.

Trump expanded on that sentiment in an interview with ABC News Saturday.

"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," Trump said. "Maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say, you tell me."

In an interview on MSNBC the previous night, Ghazala Khan explained why she chose to remain silent on stage.

"I cannot see my son's picture. I cannot even come in the room where his pictures are," she said. "That's why when I saw the picture on my back, I couldn't take it and I controlled myself at that time. So, it is very hard."

Her husband added that she served as his "coach" while writing the speech and said she gave him the strength to speak on stage.

"Forty years of marriage has brought us in a position where we are strength for one another," Khan said. "Her being there was the strength so I could hold my composure. I am much weaker than she is in such matters."

"I'd like to hear his wife say something," Trump said.

Trump expanded on that sentiment in an
interview with ABC News Saturday.

"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," Trump said. "Maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say, you tell me."

That was an attack? Hardly.

Only in the mind of a relentless Islamist propagandist could it be considered an attack.

I'm not a supporter of Trump, but I think it is ridiculous that Coyote promotes Islamic supremacy by this notion that Muslims get to say anything they want about Trump, while even the the most absolutely minor response on his part is an "attack".

Trump is a jerk. We all know he's a jerk. Since they attacked him onstage, however, he has every right to respond,

....well, at least until useful idiots like Coyote ever gain power and make criticism of Islam illegal.
What the hell are we becoming...
Then we should pray for America.

Trump is not representing the best qualities of this nation. Trump is displaying no noble qualities at all. He is a dyspeptic huckster buffoon too weak to resist the slightest provocation. He is a bully seeking to divide American from American and isolate us from the world. He says he will not honor our NATO obligations, our trade treaties or our national dignity.

And the angry, bitter frustrated followers of this bloviating bully seem to be charmed by his most boorish qualities. What have we become indeed.

Trump sell fear, suspicion, intolerance and divisiveness as if they were steaks, tacky suits or fake university courses. His latest wife cannot speak without plagiarizing nor write a resume without lying. Trump has no class, grace, nobility or sensitivity. In short, he has no qualities to be President. He can lead a professional wrestling organization or stay on as a reality television star. Let his appeal stay among the low brow, the hoy poloy. But dear God in heaven, keep him away from the levers of power. Keep us safe from such a low class, boorish bully. We have sinned, but we do not deserve to live under Donald Trump's heavy and unskilled hand.
Oh...stay classy Trump, you thin skinned buffoon...

Trump Responds To Slain Soldier's Father, Who Appeals To GOP Leaders

In an interview with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd Friday night, Trump didn't zero in on Khan's accusations but rather on his wife, Ghazala Khan, who stood beside her husband silently. His response to Dowd was brief.

"I'd like to hear his wife say something," Trump said.

Trump expanded on that sentiment in an interview with ABC News Saturday.

"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," Trump said. "Maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say, you tell me."

In an interview on MSNBC the previous night, Ghazala Khan explained why she chose to remain silent on stage.

"I cannot see my son's picture. I cannot even come in the room where his pictures are," she said. "That's why when I saw the picture on my back, I couldn't take it and I controlled myself at that time. So, it is very hard."

Her husband added that she served as his "coach" while writing the speech and said she gave him the strength to speak on stage.

"Forty years of marriage has brought us in a position where we are strength for one another," Khan said. "Her being there was the strength so I could hold my composure. I am much weaker than she is in such matters."

We all know if not for the parents being moooslem you wouldn't give a fuck. Tell me I'm wrong.

As a independent woman who has a voice in my home ( sometime too loud ).lol I would feel this way with any color..
She looked as if the family carries the Muslim traditions of the wife's importance is 0.......
If ANYONE is offended by what Trump said, you're a fucking politically correct lunatic.. Isn't amazing how easily offended liberals are until it's their own Party who spews RACIST AND RELIGIOUS bigotry, then not a word but blame the Russians and Donald Trump.. you people are the proverbial boy who cried fucking wolf.. OVER AND OVER, you're offended by anything that doesn't match your ideological bent and meltdown over it..NO ONE GIVES A FUCK
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Oh...stay classy Trump, you thin skinned buffoon...

Trump Responds To Slain Soldier's Father, Who Appeals To GOP Leaders

In an interview with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd Friday night, Trump didn't zero in on Khan's accusations but rather on his wife, Ghazala Khan, who stood beside her husband silently. His response to Dowd was brief.

"I'd like to hear his wife say something," Trump said.

Trump expanded on that sentiment in an interview with ABC News Saturday.

"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," Trump said. "Maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say, you tell me."

In an interview on MSNBC the previous night, Ghazala Khan explained why she chose to remain silent on stage.

"I cannot see my son's picture. I cannot even come in the room where his pictures are," she said. "That's why when I saw the picture on my back, I couldn't take it and I controlled myself at that time. So, it is very hard."

Her husband added that she served as his "coach" while writing the speech and said she gave him the strength to speak on stage.

"Forty years of marriage has brought us in a position where we are strength for one another," Khan said. "Her being there was the strength so I could hold my composure. I am much weaker than she is in such matters."

I seriously felt the same way as Trump while I watched her husband be the man with his wife just staring at him..It did bother me a lot..

They were immigrants from the UAE, what did her letting her husband give the speech, for whatever reason, have anything to do with anything? An orthodox Jewish woman would have done the same thing for example, and it would never have been questioned. What did it have to do with what Mr. Kahn was saying?
If ANYONE is offended by what Trump said, you're a fucking politically correct lunatic.. Isn't amazing how easily offended liberals are until it's their own Party who spews RACIST AND RELIGIOUS bigotry, then not a word but blame the Russians and Donald Trump.. you people are the proverbial boy who cried fucking wolf.. OVER AND OVER, you're offended by anything that doesn't match your ideological bent and meltdown over it..NO ONE GIVES A FUCK

If ANYONE is offended by what Trump said, you're a fucking politically correct lunatic.. Isn't amazing how easily offended liberals are until it's their own Party who spews RACIST AND RELIGIOUS bigotry, then not a word but blame the Russians and Donald Trump.. you people are the proverbial boy who cried fucking wolf.. OVER AND OVER, you're offended by anything that doesn't match your ideological bent and meltdown over it..NO ONE GIVES A FUCK


Says a dopey bitch who can't figure out which side she's on until she see's how well it's accepted.. I've read a lot of your crapwrapper posts.. dull and you can never tell who you really support.. You're the person who has no loyalty to anything. Don't thank me.. free analysis on me this time.. Next time, see my manager and he'll get you a broom and dustpan.
All of the things that liberals hold so dear, women's rights, right to choose, disarmament, education, gay rights.
And all of the things they detest, religion, battered women, intolerance, homophobes, glass ceilings, slave traders, slave owners..
This love affair with Islam that you have is baffling. That you think Muslims will enrich our culture, and will just melt in the pot makes no sense because,
Every thing that you hold dear, they detest.
All the things that you detest, they hold dear.
If ANYONE is offended by what Trump said, you're a fucking politically correct lunatic.. Isn't amazing how easily offended liberals are until it's their own Party who spews RACIST AND RELIGIOUS bigotry, then not a word but blame the Russians and Donald Trump.. you people are the proverbial boy who cried fucking wolf.. OVER AND OVER, you're offended by anything that doesn't match your ideological bent and meltdown over it..NO ONE GIVES A FUCK

Got any Taco Bowls, I'm out.
Trump's statements were anti-Muslim dogwhistle...pure and simple.
Oh...stay classy Trump, you thin skinned buffoon...

Trump Responds To Slain Soldier's Father, Who Appeals To GOP Leaders

In an interview with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd Friday night, Trump didn't zero in on Khan's accusations but rather on his wife, Ghazala Khan, who stood beside her husband silently. His response to Dowd was brief.

"I'd like to hear his wife say something," Trump said.

Trump expanded on that sentiment in an interview with ABC News Saturday.

"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," Trump said. "Maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say, you tell me."

In an interview on MSNBC the previous night, Ghazala Khan explained why she chose to remain silent on stage.

"I cannot see my son's picture. I cannot even come in the room where his pictures are," she said. "That's why when I saw the picture on my back, I couldn't take it and I controlled myself at that time. So, it is very hard."

Her husband added that she served as his "coach" while writing the speech and said she gave him the strength to speak on stage.

"Forty years of marriage has brought us in a position where we are strength for one another," Khan said. "Her being there was the strength so I could hold my composure. I am much weaker than she is in such matters."

I seriously felt the same way as Trump while I watched her husband be the man with his wife just staring at him..It did bother me a lot..

They were immigrants from the UAE, what did her letting her husband give the speech, for whatever reason, have anything to do with anything? An orthodox Jewish woman would have done the same thing for example, and it would never have been questioned. What did it have to do with what Mr. Kahn was saying?

My neighbors of 18 years were born in America yet kept the Muslim tradition of the wife being less than the husband , very 1950's of the little woman do not know enough to talk. And respect the husband..

Perhaps she was frightened , but at least let her say Thank you ..or anything.

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