Trump attacks popular South Dakota Senator John Thune, calls him RINO & "Mitch's boy": "SD doesnt like weakness. He will be over"

"President Trump went after Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) on Tuesday as he put pressure on GOP senators to back efforts to challenge the Electoral College vote when Congress meets on Jan. 6. -- Trump tweeted, “RINO John Thune, ‘Mitch’s boy’, should just let it play out. South Dakota doesn’t like weakness. He will be primaried in 2022, political career over!!!” The tweet comes after Thune said that efforts to object to the Electoral College vote would “go down like a shot dog” in the Senate. The president is relying on these efforts, led by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), to overturn the election results."

Basically Trump is starting his operation to pressure GOP Senators to object to the E/C vote by attacking them and threatening to back primaries against them if they don't do what he tells them to do -- which is exactly what Obama forced Dem senators to do after the 2016 election....luckily those Senators rejected Obama's evil plans....

If Mo Brooks is able to get Tommy Tuberville to object to the E/C vote; thus leading to Trump's second term -- the south will rise again and Mo Brooks will undoubtedly be elevated to the position of Senate Majority leader once Mitch McConnell is forced to bend his knee and bow down to Trump's awesome power...and with Mitch out the way, Trump can definitely get that $2000 stimulus check passed like he has always wanted; if it wasn't for the Dems trying to block it the whole time...
Good. We were already planning to primary any piece of shit from the GOP who lacks a spine and courage to stand up for America, The Constitution and President Trump. Can't stand up for those things then either retire or resign because we are coming for you!
:yes_text12: :thankusmile:

could not have said it better myself word for word.

how anybody could possibly say biden is for them knowing this bit of news below is beyond me.:rolleyes-41:

He's running out of earth to scorch
Oh we have just begun to fight my friend. It's going to be EPIC.

Untitled drawing - 2020-12-18T123818.458.png

"President Trump went after Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) on Tuesday as he put pressure on GOP senators to back efforts to challenge the Electoral College vote when Congress meets on Jan. 6. -- Trump tweeted, “RINO John Thune, ‘Mitch’s boy’, should just let it play out. South Dakota doesn’t like weakness. He will be primaried in 2022, political career over!!!” The tweet comes after Thune said that efforts to object to the Electoral College vote would “go down like a shot dog” in the Senate. The president is relying on these efforts, led by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), to overturn the election results."

Basically Trump is starting his operation to pressure GOP Senators to object to the E/C vote by attacking them and threatening to back primaries against them if they don't do what he tells them to do -- which is exactly what Obama forced Dem senators to do after the 2016 election....luckily those Senators rejected Obama's evil plans....

If Mo Brooks is able to get Tommy Tuberville to object to the E/C vote; thus leading to Trump's second term -- the south will rise again and Mo Brooks will undoubtedly be elevated to the position of Senate Majority leader once Mitch McConnell is forced to bend his knee and bow down to Trump's awesome power...and with Mitch out the way, Trump can definitely get that $2000 stimulus check passed like he has always wanted; if it wasn't for the Dems trying to block it the whole time...
yeah i remember hearing about this along time ago,my question has always been though and anybody who understands that the most massive vote fraud in mankind history took place,they can answer this for me.

HOW IS TRUMP GOING TO BE ABLE TO KNOW WHICH ONES ARE RINOS FOR BIDEN AND WHICH ONES ARE ON HIS SIDE? because he can ask them if they are going to put pressure on them but just because they say yes,doesnt mean they are telling the truth,they could be lying so how will he be able to find out which ones are for real or not when he cant read their minds if they are lying or not?

from the article:

President Donald Trump has instructed his top political advisers to begin monitoring potential 2022 GOP primary targets, as he lashes out at fellow Republicans whom he deems disloyal.

With less than a month until Trump leaves office, his team has begun mapping out what his post-White House political infrastructure will look like. Until now, the planning has centered on deploying resources to defeat Democrats in midterm races. But advisers are now also keeping tabs on Republican incumbents.

Trump in recent weeks has used his Twitter feed to attack Republicans for failing to get behind his unfounded claims the election was stolen from him. But his team is now taking more formal steps — such as tracking their public comments — with an eye toward possibly marshaling the president’s political operation to replace them with more Trump-friendly figures, according to a person with direct knowledge of the deliberations.

Trump advisers are turning their focus to the Republicans who have been vocal in speaking out against the longshot, Trump-backed challenge to the certification. The president and his team are particularly infuriated at Senate Majority Whip John Thune of South Dakota, who said the maneuver “would go down like a shot dog” in the Senate

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