Trump based changes already happening....

The law of the land.

The law is abstract and the borders are arbitrary. There is no such thing as the law of the land.

And by the way, if you think European nations had open borders you know NOTHING about European history.

Never made that claim.

The law of the land.

The law is abstract and the borders are arbitrary. There is no such thing as the law of the land.

And by the way, if you think European nations had open borders you know NOTHING about European history.

Never made that claim.

Your existence is abstract so we can ignore your posts.
Funny how happy you are with non-abstract slave labor in China.
My neighbor had two Mexican's pulling weeds on his property today...I called the Sheriff's office and reported two illegals working on a property next to me...they showed up 20 minutes later..the illegals jumped in their truck and left.

This folks, is an anti-human.

The illegal cockroaches weren't arrested today but I honestly believe it's headed there. AWESOME!

How did you know they were "illegal?"
To Republicans, it doesn't matter. They looked like Mexicans.
The discussion I had with a poster who's name begins with O was very strange. He did say it was morally wrong to claim land other than what you're standing on and only for as long as you stand there. No borders at all, no fences around yards, no "no tresspassing" signs, nothing. I told him if he "wandered about freely" through my door uninvited, he'd likely not be wandering free much longer. I meant jail, not harm, as he didn't seem threatening. Again, if not you, apologies. I thought you were the same guy.

I had a thread where I defended sustained land ownership. You are probably talking about me, but were just too stupid at the time to comprehend my argument.

Name calling ... I am in awe of your overwhelming intelligence ... for a 2nd grader.
The discussion I had with a poster who's name begins with O was very strange. He did say it was morally wrong to claim land other than what you're standing on and only for as long as you stand there. No borders at all, no fences around yards, no "no tresspassing" signs, nothing. I told him if he "wandered about freely" through my door uninvited, he'd likely not be wandering free much longer. I meant jail, not harm, as he didn't seem threatening. Again, if not you, apologies. I thought you were the same guy.

I had a thread where I defended sustained land ownership. You are probably talking about me, but were just too stupid at the time to comprehend my argument.

Name calling ... I am in awe of your overwhelming intelligence ... for a 2nd grader.
The best Onyx, the Trespasser, can do is tell you you're wrong and too stupid to ever understand why.
In the meanwhile, Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman-Sachs agrees with Trump who disagrees with Onyz.
I guess Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman-Sachs is too stupid to ever understand why he's too stupid to ever understand why he's too stupid to ever understand why he's too stupid to ever understand why he's too stupid to ever understand why he's too stupid to ever understand why he's too stupid to ever understand...etc...
The discussion I had with a poster who's name begins with O was very strange. He did say it was morally wrong to claim land other than what you're standing on and only for as long as you stand there. No borders at all, no fences around yards, no "no tresspassing" signs, nothing. I told him if he "wandered about freely" through my door uninvited, he'd likely not be wandering free much longer. I meant jail, not harm, as he didn't seem threatening. Again, if not you, apologies. I thought you were the same guy.

I had a thread where I defended sustained land ownership. You are probably talking about me, but were just too stupid at the time to comprehend my argument.

Name calling ... I am in awe of your overwhelming intelligence ... for a 2nd grader.
The best Onyx, the Trespasser, can do is tell you you're wrong and too stupid to ever understand why.
In the meanwhile, Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman-Sachs agrees with Trump who disagrees with Onyz.
I guess Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman-Sachs is too stupid to ever understand why he's too stupid to ever understand why he's too stupid to ever understand why he's too stupid to ever understand why he's too stupid to ever understand why he's too stupid to ever understand why he's too stupid to ever understand...etc...

It is typical with the immature. If someone disagrees, it must be because they don't know or understand. It simply does not occur to them that they may be wrong, ever.
You are seriously arguing we have no moral right to protect our land?

Loaded question.

The land never belonged to your imaginary collectivist group.

Oh yeah, here we go...the inevitable loony liberal claim...check your history book bud...the last time this soil was conquered it was conquered by the British.
Here's your free history lesson:
In those times, stronger army's took what they wanted and that's just the way it was...once 'it' was taken 'it' was OWNED by the stronger army until a stronger-ER army could take it...that never happened.
You argument is ignorant which is exactly what's expected from 'anything goes, free for all' liberal weirdo's.
Mexico is NOT part of the United State's of America...sorry bud....try again!

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