trump begs Florida judge to restore his Twitter account

Do you think trump should have his Twitter account reactivated?

  • No, he'll just call for more violence

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • Yes, trump has learned his lesson and will behave in the future

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 18 45.0%

  • Total voters
So we can admit that government trying to control the media is Fascistic?

All the time right, right?
Yes, it's quite clearly so, but which side will gain the necessary control?
There's nothing in the claims of Nazism but there are real indications that both sides of the fight will stoop to fascist tactics.
In this case, Trump appeals to the judicial branch while previously condemning all media sources. Even Fox News that supports him but needed to apply the brakes to maintain credibility of their genuine side of the news. (Chris Matthews and some others)
You've become an empty bottle making a noise and your accusations of Nazism are kneejerk accusations with no substance.
Hardly, You behave exactly like the NAZIs in prewar Germany. Exactly

Your true objection is that my accusations ring true.
According to the article, Trump is "arguing the social media company was 'coerced' by members of the U.S. Congress to suspend his account."

So, yeah. We need proof.

Agreed. But I don't think the that has anything to do with Twitter banning trump. The Twitter ban was in response to the Jan. 6th insanity. The stuff with social media "collaborating" with government to stop misinformation is another debate. It's certainly possible that members of Congress did, in fact, made threats and demands. And if Trump has evidence of that, we should nail them. Somehow, I doubt he does.
I was not taking this in the context of the OP's example but rather in a broader sense. The way I read your OP, the point really was not one on the legal merits of what Trump needs or does not need to win the case and force Twitter to reinstate his account. I read it more as a comment on how Trump, and by extension many republicans, want to use the government to control media. I agree with the legal requirement, if Trump has proof that they coerced them the he has a case that the courts would actually have a justifiable reason to intervene. But Trump's account is mostly irrelevant.

"So we're regularly making sure social media platforms are aware of the latest narratives, dangerous to public health that we and many other Americans are seeing across all of social and traditional media. And we work to engage with them to better understand the enforcement of social media platform policies"

coupled with statements that they are pushing to make bans cross platform and such has been used to censor actual hard news against a favored candidate is one of the most frightening things that has come out of the executive branch in a decade. They are outright admitting that they are active in determining what is true and what is false. And virtually no one even noticed. Instead they are all fighting over who gets to control the information, not that it should be free from control.
I was not taking this in the context of the OP's example but rather in a broader sense. The way I read your OP, the point really was not one on the legal merits of what Trump needs or does not need to win the case and force Twitter to reinstate his account. I read it more as a comment on how Trump, and by extension many republicans, want to use the government to control media. I agree with the legal requirement, if Trump has proof that they coerced them the he has a case that the courts would actually have a justifiable reason to intervene. But Trump's account is mostly irrelevant.

"So we're regularly making sure social media platforms are aware of the latest narratives, dangerous to public health that we and many other Americans are seeing across all of social and traditional media. And we work to engage with them to better understand the enforcement of social media platform policies"

coupled with statements that they are pushing to make bans cross platform and such has been used to censor actual hard news against a favored candidate is one of the most frightening things that has come out of the executive branch in a decade. They are outright admitting that they are active in determining what is true and what is false. And virtually no one even noticed. Instead they are all fighting over who gets to control the information, not that it should be free from control.
This argument about economic freedom is utter horseshit. Twitter and Facebook are common carriers, just like the phone company. As such they have no right to revoke anyone's account.
Oh there's evidence. It may not be conclusive evidence, but there is evidence nonetheless.

That is proof positive right there that the Democrat party wanted to silence Trump. But it is not about Trump.

This is about the government being allowed to coerce and pressure social media to control narratives and silence opposing voices, including private citizens.
Isn’t it with Twitter and FB both that current government workers have been given direct access to deleting all content they find contentious or to be information against their push for fake vaccines? This is most telling that so much more is going on with censure and supports your view that the US government should not be determining what information should be allowed to be known by the public and hiding the rest. This goes against the core values of a democratic process of full disclosure.

Since Biden’s handlers claim that Facebook contains a lot of misinformation - why don’t they break up Zuckerberg’s monopoly instead of eliminating consumers’ right for all information? Biden’s administration’s continued efforts to control all public information trumps all else with their actions and inactions. These dictatorial measures will lead many undecided and moderate voters to go right next time.
Yes, it's quite clearly so, but which side will gain the necessary control?
There's nothing in the claims of Nazism but there are real indications that both sides of the fight will stoop to fascist tactics.
In this case, Trump appeals to the judicial branch while previously condemning all media sources. Even Fox News that supports him but needed to apply the brakes to maintain credibility of their genuine side of the news. (Chris Matthews and some others)
The democrats have been openly trying to control Media for several years now. They are calling for direct control over what they determine is 'fake news.' Which side will gain the necessary control indeed - it is not even relevant. They BOTH want that control. That is the real problem.
Instead they are all fighting over who gets to control the information, not that it should be free from control.
Now you're on topic.

#6. Control the media. The debate can now turn to Americans insulting each other and hurling profanities, in an attempt to blame the other side.

But whatever side wears the fascist label the most appropriately will deserve to own it.

(see reference to divorce, abortion, and homosexuality)
It figures that you would limit your thinking about all of this to simply being happy that somebody is shutting up Trump.

I know I'm wasting my time telling you this but this is way bigger than just Trump.

Fuck Trump

Silence that motherfucker forever. I don't care. It's not about him.

If you can't see the shit that's coming then I have nothing more to say to you. You are a lost fucking cause.
Any day now…..Tell them, “Bootney’s comin” and “ Hell’s comin with him”! :laugh2:

Will you be wearing bike shorts?
The democrats have been openly trying to control Media for several years now. They are calling for direct control over what they determine is 'fake news.' Which side will gain the necessary control indeed - it is not even relevant. They BOTH want that control. That is the real problem.
Indeed, no political party should ever be in full control of public information. Ever. This could be enough of a contentious issue to be the basis of a strong third-party coming into formation. Having a large majority of people aware of the importance of freedom of speech and freedom of press refusing to let political parties hold the reins of information.
This argument about economic freedom is utter horseshit. Twitter and Facebook are common carriers, just like the phone company. As such they have no right to revoke anyone's account.
That's the correct talking point. The media has no right.

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