Trump better win North Carolina if he wants to win this thing


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Everyone is talking about Wisconsin and Michigan etc but North Carolina has 15 electoral votes, more than Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes. And only one less than Michigan.
I would give Trump a very slight edge in north carolina, but let me tell you... if he loses this state, he's toast. if on election day you see that Biden won NC, just turn off the TV and shut down your computer if you're a Trump supporter.
I don't believe Biden can win at this point.

Who exactly votes for a person that can't even campaign. He can't get shit done.

It doesn't help that he is going against the best president in history, who gets everything done.
I don't believe Biden can win at this point.

Who exactly votes for a person that can't even campaign. He can't get shit done.

It doesn't help that he is going against the best president in history, who gets everything done.
I agree, which is why I fear Biden is simply telegraphing the obvious, no matter how many vote for Trump, the counters will declare Biden the new king! Its not possible to win an election where you simply refuse to campaign, yet all available polling clearly depicts Biden as safely, comfortably ahead!

I do not trust any result other than a clear Trump victory, and neither should any decent American anywhere....
Everyone is talking about Wisconsin and Michigan etc but North Carolina has 15 electoral votes, more than Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes. And only one less than Michigan.
I would give Trump a very slight edge in north carolina, but let me tell you... if he loses this state, he's toast. if on election day you see that Biden won NC, just turn off the TV and shut down your computer if you're a Trump supporter.
Trump loses in any State he won previously = Bye-Bye Trumpy Boy.
Everyone is talking about Wisconsin and Michigan etc but North Carolina has 15 electoral votes, more than Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes. And only one less than Michigan.
I would give Trump a very slight edge in north carolina, but let me tell you... if he loses this state, he's toast. if on election day you see that Biden won NC, just turn off the TV and shut down your computer if you're a Trump supporter.
NC has a lot of moonbats
There are a lot of states that Trump better win.

Out of twelve battleground states, Trump has to win nine
Biden needs three to win
Everyone is talking about Wisconsin and Michigan etc but North Carolina has 15 electoral votes, more than Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes. And only one less than Michigan.
I would give Trump a very slight edge in north carolina, but let me tell you... if he loses this state, he's toast. if on election day you see that Biden won NC, just turn off the TV and shut down your computer if you're a Trump supporter.
Everywhere you look you see a Trump sign or flag MAGA hats or veteran for Trump hats 98% certain unless dem cheat Trump has North Carolina.
Everyone is talking about Wisconsin and Michigan etc but North Carolina has 15 electoral votes, more than Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes. And only one less than Michigan.
I would give Trump a very slight edge in north carolina, but let me tell you... if he loses this state, he's toast. if on election day you see that Biden won NC, just turn off the TV and shut down your computer if you're a Trump supporter.
NC has a lot of moonbats
only in Wake county
Everyone is talking about Wisconsin and Michigan etc but North Carolina has 15 electoral votes, more than Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes. And only one less than Michigan.
I would give Trump a very slight edge in north carolina, but let me tell you... if he loses this state, he's toast. if on election day you see that Biden won NC, just turn off the TV and shut down your computer if you're a Trump supporter.


He loses Florida....he's toast

He loses Ohio....he's toast.

He loses N.C.....he's toast.

He wins those three and Penn......

2nd Term.
All I can say is I'm going to mock and laugh incessantly for the next four years no matter who wins. It's my patriotic duty to belittle our elected officials.
Biden’s key to victory is just win Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin that Hillary lost by half a percent each.
He currently leads all three by five percent each

On top of that, he leads in Arizona, Iowa, NC, Florida and Georgia ......all states Trump won in 2016
Everyone is talking about Wisconsin and Michigan etc but North Carolina has 15 electoral votes, more than Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes. And only one less than Michigan.
I would give Trump a very slight edge in north carolina, but let me tell you... if he loses this state, he's toast. if on election day you see that Biden won NC, just turn off the TV and shut down your computer if you're a Trump supporter.
Everywhere you look you see a Trump sign or flag MAGA hats or veteran for Trump hats 98% certain unless dem cheat Trump has North Carolina.

It's rigged for Quid Pro Joe.
Thus, what else explains ALL of Joe's smug lids?
Biden may end up with over 430 Electoral. Texas is within reach, and Georgia is a good bet.
Democrats are nuts. Most people don't even know who Biden is

Biden is a joke. Just like Crooked Hillary nobody really likes him. The racist Negroes, Moon Bats and Illegals will still vote for him because they are idiots and can't help themselves.

Nobody has any energy with Biden. Trump's base has tremendous energy.
Everyone is talking about Wisconsin and Michigan etc but North Carolina has 15 electoral votes, more than Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes. And only one less than Michigan.
I would give Trump a very slight edge in north carolina, but let me tell you... if he loses this state, he's toast. if on election day you see that Biden won NC, just turn off the TV and shut down your computer if you're a Trump supporter.
Everywhere you look you see a Trump sign or flag MAGA hats or veteran for Trump hats 98% certain unless dem cheat Trump has North Carolina.

It's rigged for Quid Pro Joe.
Thus, what else explains ALL of Joe's smug lids?
count ballot up until Nov 12
Biden may end up with over 430 Electoral. Texas is within reach, and Georgia is a good bet.
Democrats are nuts. Most people don't even know who Biden is

Biden is a joke. Just like Crooked Hillary nobody really likes him. The racist Negroes, Moon Bats and Illegals will still vote for him because they are idiots and can't help themselves.

Nobody has any energy with Biden. Trump's base has tremendous energy.
old Joe back in73 said he knew what was best for the negros

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