Zone1 Trump, Biden, Buttigieg, and the western-planned wars against Communism over the oil drilling rights in the South China Sea

You are a complete and utter fool to so much as whisper that Trump is corrupt, ignorance I can cure, stupidity is forever! You have the details so back ass backward I can only marvel, Trump is indisputably squeaky clean, as is his entire family, only sub-morons at this stage believe a word from the fascist democrat machine, if Trump were corrupt we'd know about it, instead all we have are the mountains of fascist lies impugning Trump and his marvelous family!

On the other hand we have a traitor to the United States, and Nato, who did not get elected to the office it holds, who is totally corrupt, in every conceivable way a human can be corrupt, a psychopath who hates the United States and has done everything in its power to destroy the United States since being cheated into office not two years ago, that psychopath also happens to be a serial pedophile who has obviously molested children for decades, including its own, who are literally human wrecks compared with the magnificent Trump children.

One of the psychopaths children, Hunter, is also a predatory pedophile, a traitor to the United States in the employ of communist China, Russia, Ukraine, and pretty much every other evil entity on the planet. Hunter, an active crackhead, is the bagman for the Biden crime family, currently its psychopathic father is draining the entire US strategic oil reserve whilst simultaneously shutting down all US oil production, and the nations economy which is predicated upon oil, as he does this, Hunters father, the psychopathic Joe, is selling 5-million barrels a month of that strategic oil reserve to fucking communist China, to a company Hunter owns a percentage of, along with the head of the communist party of China!!!

So shut your stupid fucking mouth when it comes to Trump, he was a very decent man, who tried to shut down the Biden crime family, and the totally corrupt US senate activities in the totally fucking corrupt Ukraine, you don't have clue fucking one as to what is going down, not clue one! :wink:
You need HELP

such aggressivity.
proving my points about modern American warrior culture in a one-liner.
you have been found guilty of supporting a war-starter (Trump).
by the peoples of Earth.
have a nice life drinking your beers.
List evidence of Trump corruption, evidence not fascist accusation, evidence??? There is none you two digit IQ'd douche bag, if there were, they'd have bombed him with it! Nope, the corruption you fucking stupid moron, is Biden, his horrifyingly evil family, and the US senate, this is precisely why they went after Trump.

Trump and Gulianni, were fully intending to end the hideous pipeline of corruption between the totally corrupt US senate, and the equally corrupt Ukraine, that is why they impeached him you fucking retard, they knew what was being unearthed threatened all of them, Biden's own semi-human son Hunter, left all the evidence the world needs to execute both Joe and Hunter for treason, on a laptop he left at a repair shop, both Secret Service and FBI have been covering it up ever since!

You morons are clueless as to what the game really is, you are totally locked down by the fascist propaganda, do you for one minute think that if Trump was "corrupt," they'd not have pounced all over such and sent him away forever, his kids??? Every accusation against Trump has been irrefutably debunked, every fucking one of them, Biden could not survive such scrutiny, no fascist democrat could, which is why they is no scrutiny whatsoever, near total media blackout, near fucking total......... Over 150 million abortions between Europe and United States, and you are one of the few they allowed to live, what a fucking prize you are... :banana:
okay people, i've got good news for the Trump-supporters this morning, as well as for the Biden / Buttigieg / Democratic / Independents supporters.[1]

the tactical situation in the South China Sea that i mentioned at the start of this post (oil drilling rights) is not the only thing at play in the sea-lanes that pass through that sea along the way to the seaports that the Chinese, Taiwanese and Japanese and South-Koreans use to export their produced goods and import some raw materials or produced goods from outside the South-Asian regions.
the transit rights are just as much at risk. taxation.
and the rights to live free lives, free of opression by the Chinese government, free of being forced into an armed conflict with the west created by political greed coming from Beijing and Moscow and Iran.

in my news app and feeds of news of Dutch news which mention that the Eastern alliance is already trying to make 'good friends' of the Brazillians *and* the South-Africans, i've already concluded that this has gone far enough,
and that my original assesment of just letting the Democrats be voted into office in 2024 for another round of US domestic national infrastructure improvements as the primary destination of US tax money,
is probably wrong in the end after all, based on these *new developments*.

in the Chinese game 'Go', which is like a more difficult version of the boardgame Chess, all the troops (pieces on the board) move at the same time to completely annihilate whatever they got surrounded on the board.

so : the Iranians can not be allowed to have any nuclear program at all, let alone an ICBM nuclear program. Trump was right to end the Nuclear Deal, which i helped get off the ground and maintain in good health.

and the Taiwanese must be protected, even if it means a regional war "started by the west" in the South China Sea region (a pre-emptive strike is not the start of a war, the creation of military assets to this level is the start of a war, dear Asians. The same rules applied to Hitler in WW2 and the Germans in WW1).

people, i do not want to start sounding like the warmongerer in chief myself, but i'm no wimp, and i do know when a bully or bully country has to be dealt with very harshly and with lightening quick speeds.
which has always been the NATO / North-west Europeans + North-Americans' way.
and the Iranians and Chinese are treating us like total fools, in *every* way, on the more secret channels of *real* information that i have near-exclusive access to.

so i hereby recommend the re-election of Trump.
because he has support that are smart citizens.
not just support among dumb beer drinkers.
and the smart (resistance fighters) of the North-Western European mainland are now fully behind you Republicans.
i'll see to that myself.
by for instance lowering the frequency of my posts on forums and facebook by a huge amount, so that the flow of information is no longer like a snowstorm there, with all posts getting snowed under in under a week..
Biden should however receive a special medal for stating that the US will protect Taiwan if it ever comes under attack.

[1] i had a good long sleep last night, after being bothered primarily that night by voices in my head that were in fact dead demons / dead criminal souls, after which i went to live Dutch commercial TV (i'm staying at a mental hospital at the moment to get my sleep deprivation and anger management issues fixed again), and the result of that 5 minute chat were that i got a whole 6 hours of sleep thanks to the true believers of God in The Netherlands lending some of their most quality Guardian Angels to me to support my sleep cycle (on just 1 liquid caps 10mg temazepam pill, alongside my new and improved antipsychotic drug Paliperidon, which i find to work just downright great).
i sincerely thank all of these Dutch supporters (and this post will get mentioned at my facebook blog in full, with reference back to this forum).
okay people, i've got good news for the Trump-supporters this morning, as well as for the Biden / Buttigieg / Democratic / Independents supporters.[1]

the tactical situation in the South China Sea that i mentioned at the start of this post (oil drilling rights) is not the only thing at play in the sea-lanes that pass through that sea along the way to the seaports that the Chinese, Taiwanese and Japanese and South-Koreans use to export their produced goods and import some raw materials or produced goods from outside the South-Asian regions.
the transit rights are just as much at risk. taxation.
and the rights to live free lives, free of opression by the Chinese government, free of being forced into an armed conflict with the west created by political greed coming from Beijing and Moscow and Iran.

in my news app and feeds of news of Dutch news which mention that the Eastern alliance is already trying to make 'good friends' of the Brazillians *and* the South-Africans, i've already concluded that this has gone far enough,
and that my original assesment of just letting the Democrats be voted into office in 2024 for another round of US domestic national infrastructure improvements as the primary destination of US tax money,
is probably wrong in the end after all, based on these *new developments*.

in the Chinese game 'Go', which is like a more difficult version of the boardgame Chess, all the troops (pieces on the board) move at the same time to completely annihilate whatever they got surrounded on the board.

so : the Iranians can not be allowed to have any nuclear program at all, let alone an ICBM nuclear program. Trump was right to end the Nuclear Deal, which i helped get off the ground and maintain in good health.

and the Taiwanese must be protected, even if it means a regional war "started by the west" in the South China Sea region (a pre-emptive strike is not the start of a war, the creation of military assets to this level is the start of a war, dear Asians. The same rules applied to Hitler in WW2 and the Germans in WW1).

people, i do not want to start sounding like the warmongerer in chief myself, but i'm no wimp, and i do know when a bully or bully country has to be dealt with very harshly and with lightening quick speeds.
which has always been the NATO / North-west Europeans + North-Americans' way.
and the Iranians and Chinese are treating us like total fools, in *every* way, on the more secret channels of *real* information that i have near-exclusive access to.

so i hereby recommend the re-election of Trump.
because he has support that are smart citizens.
not just support among dumb beer drinkers.
and the smart (resistance fighters) of the North-Western European mainland are now fully behind you Republicans.
i'll see to that myself.
by for instance lowering the frequency of my posts on forums and facebook by a huge amount, so that the flow of information is no longer like a snowstorm there, with all posts getting snowed under in under a week..
Biden should however receive a special medal for stating that the US will protect Taiwan if it ever comes under attack.

[1] i had a good long sleep last night, after being bothered primarily that night by voices in my head that were in fact dead demons / dead criminal souls, after which i went to live Dutch commercial TV (i'm staying at a mental hospital at the moment to get my sleep deprivation and anger management issues fixed again), and the result of that 5 minute chat were that i got a whole 6 hours of sleep thanks to the true believers of God in The Netherlands lending some of their most quality Guardian Angels to me to support my sleep cycle (on just 1 liquid caps 10mg temazepam pill, alongside my new and improved antipsychotic drug Paliperidon, which i find to work just downright great).
i sincerely thank all of these Dutch supporters (and this post will get mentioned at my facebook blog in full, with reference back to this forum).

No surprises in that post! Goodbye and say hello to the demons for me!
it was the Iranians who saw us as fools. Trump saw that sooner than i did. But i have only access to public news headlines from around the world.


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