Trump blames congess


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
How many times has the news started off with Trump blaming congress?

For everything?

Midterms are coming up. How to you get the GOP base to vote GOP when the GOP base says the GOP congress is no good?
How many times has the news started off with Trump blaming congress?

For everything?

Midterms are coming up. How to you get the GOP base to vote GOP when the GOP base says the GOP congress is no good?

Well it does get old hearing Democrats with the talking point that Trump hasn't gotten any legislation passed.... given that he has yet to garner a single Democrat vote for ANYTHING!
i give up dean how do we do that?....


You can't. Because the alternative is a bunch of half-wit Bolsheviks, like this Pocahontas Bitch in Massachusetts....who think they have tweaked Marx just right this time, so it won't end in collapse like every other socialist experiment in history..because they think they are so smart...yet they are such numbskulls they don't even realize they are Bolsheviks.

So, we hold our nose and vote for Republicans, knowing they are Pussies, because the alternative is another Venezuela.
i give up dean how do we do that?....
He doesn't care how Americans vote, just as long as they vote for Statemen, not Congressmen.

As it is now, the majority of congress is made up of Statesmen, not Congressmen and Senators.

And when your legislative branch is peopled with Statesmen, it really doesn't matter if they have a D or an R after their name. They are most definitely not there to represent the folks of the people in their districts or of their state.

They are there to represent lobbyists on Wall Street, in the private intelligence sector, in the defense industry, in the pharmacy industry, in the health care industry, etc. etc. etc.
How many times has the news started off with Trump blaming congress?

For everything?

Midterms are coming up. How to you get the GOP base to vote GOP when the GOP base says the GOP congress is no good?

A better question might be "why should the Conservative base support the GOP?" The congressional leadership of Ryan and McConnell is weak and ineffective. They promised the end of BOcare and tax reform when the controlled both houses and the presidency, but so far there is no evidence to suggest they will deliver either. I urge all registered voters to drop your party affiliation. The GOP has a few younger Senators and Representatives who could and should take the leadership. As long as the tired old bags like McConnell, McCain et al are in Washington the conservative movement is stuck in political mud.
How many times has the news started off with Trump blaming congress?

For everything?

Midterms are coming up. How to you get the GOP base to vote GOP when the GOP base says the GOP congress is no good?

Well it does get old hearing Democrats with the talking point that Trump hasn't gotten any legislation passed.... given that he has yet to garner a single Democrat vote for ANYTHING!

Nonsense Boss! The Dems are not obstructing because they don't have to. The GOP leadership can't even corral their own party. Bring something to a vote and let it fail because the Dems vote against it before you start blaming them for McConnell's ineffectiveness.
How many times has the news started off with Trump blaming congress?

For everything?

Midterms are coming up. How to you get the GOP base to vote GOP when the GOP base says the GOP congress is no good?

Well it does get old hearing Democrats with the talking point that Trump hasn't gotten any legislation passed.... given that he has yet to garner a single Democrat vote for ANYTHING!
Then Trump needs to learn to communicate with these democrats...Yet I don't know if they tweet..
i give up dean how do we do that?....


You can't. Because the alternative is a bunch of half-wit Bolsheviks, like this Pocahontas Bitch in Massachusetts....who think they have tweaked Marx just right this time, so it won't end in collapse like every other socialist experiment in history..because they think they are so smart...yet they are such numbskulls they don't even realize they are Bolsheviks.

So, we hold our nose and vote for Republicans, knowing they are Pussies, because the alternative is another Venezuela.
I see through your propaganda and figure next you will tellus you were speaking of liberal republicans..
Nonsense Boss! The Dems are not obstructing because they don't have to. The GOP leadership can't even corral their own party. Bring something to a vote and let it fail because the Dems vote against it before you start blaming them for McConnell's ineffectiveness.

Well the Republican party is diverse in opinion, they aren't marching in party lockstep.

Normally, you'd have some moderate Democrats to cross over vote... you know, Bipartisan?

Now... Both McConnell and Ryan are weak little establishment pussies who have now learned they can't bully around the Freedom Caucus. But let's be honest, what they put up as "repeal and replace" was a fucking JOKE!
How many times has the news started off with Trump blaming congress?

For everything?

Midterms are coming up. How to you get the GOP base to vote GOP when the GOP base says the GOP congress is no good?
I agree, We both want Trump to bypass congress with executive orders just like jughead did. Thank you!

Well, Trump is raring to accomplish great legislation for the American people and Congress is twiddling their thumbs playing politics and avoiding difficult decisions.

I'd say Trump is right and the Washington swamp stinks of bipartisan corruption, fraud and far too long dysfunction.
How many times has the news started off with Trump blaming congress?

For everything?

Midterms are coming up. How to you get the GOP base to vote GOP when the GOP base says the GOP congress is no good?
How many times has the news started off with Trump blaming congress?

For everything?

Midterms are coming up. How to you get the GOP base to vote GOP when the GOP base says the GOP congress is no good?
As much as I loath Trump, he's right. The GOP has for the last 8 years talked bullshit to all their supporters on what they can do if given the chance, that it was Obama and the democrats fault, they couldn't get shit passed. We have hundreds of bills just waiting on the presidents signature, they have a president that will sign a piece of toilet paper ripped with shit, just to have a photo opt and these mf's can't come up with anything that's Trump is right in calling these losers out.
I also find it soothing, to see a party who made Obama's life a living, get it from their very own.....Trump, the Karma king!!
Donnie Dealmaker is a master negotiator

He should have no problem getting his agenda through Congress

That is why he was elected
As much as I loath Trump, he's right. The GOP has for the last 8 years talked bullshit to all their supporters on what they can do if given the chance, that it was Obama and the democrats fault, they couldn't get shit passed. We have hundreds of bills just waiting on the presidents signature, they have a president that will sign a piece of toilet paper ripped with shit, just to have a photo opt and these mf's can't come up with anything that's Trump is right in calling these losers out.
I also find it soothing, to see a party who made Obama's life a living, get it from their very own.....Trump, the Karma king!!

But it's not the Republican's fault. As long as the GOP has Susan Collins AND Rand Paul, they're not going to unanimously agree on very much. Very little GOP legislation has ever had 100% Republican support. There are always two or three... a gang of 8... something that prevents them from marching in lockstep like ideological leftists.

Back when Democrats weren't obstructionists, they could sway a few Democrat votes and get things passed. That's what is so frustrating about McConnell and Ryan... they act like we still live in the past when congress was bipartisan for sake of the country rather than having Democrats devoted to obstructing everything they do. But it did absolutely NO good to water down 'repeal and replace' they way they did. It made no sense whatsoever, they didn't even win over Susan Collins!
Donnie Dealmaker is a master negotiator

He should have no problem getting his agenda through Congress

That is why he was elected

How do you do that when all the Democrats are committed to obstruction?
Who needs the Democrats?

Republicans are running the show....that is what they keep telling us. We lost

Why can't a great businessman like Trump get things done?

Donnie Dealmaker is a master negotiator

He should have no problem getting his agenda through Congress

That is why he was elected

How do you do that when all the Democrats are committed to obstruction?
Who needs the Democrats?

Republicans are running the show....that is what they keep telling us. We lost

Why can't a great businessman like Trump get things done?

Because of divisive scum, that's why.
How many times has the news started off with Trump blaming congress?

For everything?

Midterms are coming up. How to you get the GOP base to vote GOP when the GOP base says the GOP congress is no good?
I agree, We both want Trump to bypass congress with executive orders just like jughead did. Thank you!

View attachment 147571
It is a Republican Congress

Why can't he get anything done? He is a great deal maker. That is what he told us

Why can't he make a deal?

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