Trump Borders on Treason

Hillary said there was nothing classified on her server.

Now, in the historic moment when first women gets party nomination for president, instead everyone talking about Hillary, Trump single handedly sucks the air out of DNC.

Left media jumps right on it, followed by lefties on this forum, and screams "treason", "threat to the sovereignty of the United States", and "national security risk".

For months we have been told that Hillary did nothing illegal, we were told that her emails were personal in nature, we were told that the was no national security risk because of her emails, and were were told by left media and all the Democrats that this was just a witch hunt and part of vast right wing conspiracy against her and that she has nothing to hide. That was their narrative until press conference when Trump made comment on Russia.

Right away, Clinton campaign releases the statement suddenly calling those 30,000 missing emails that Trump was talking about a "matter of national security issue".

Are they? Or are they not? They can't have it both ways. If those emails are private issues, it they are truly just about family vacation or yoga routines, then there is no espionage, there is no national security risk.

Lefties are also crying foul that Trump is asking Russian to hack Hillary server. Even if that is truth, and it's not, it's impossible to hack the server that is offline, locked someplace in FBI evidence storage room. That means that what Russia has, is what Russia has. If they have anything, they acquired it months ago when server was still operational. That means that Trump put nothing at risk that wasn't at risk already, except maybe the integrity of the Democrats, which they don't have anyways.

Democrats are now claiming that is unethical to ask Russia to release emails, but it's not unethical to delete 30,000 emails from the private server. They're accusing Russia of interfering and meddling into our presidential elections. How is that even possible if, as I said in very first sentence, there was nothing classified on that server. However, it's OK if DNC does the exact the same thing, or even worse, directly play against both candidates running against Clinton.

Yep, that ignorant, stupid Trump played 3D chess with them, while they were still playing checkers.
Hillary gave Russia all those emails. Is that not treason?

No, idiot....Hillary didn't give Russia any e-mails. The e-mails that the Russians hacked were the DNC e-mails....not Hillary's e-mails.

Boy, you all are really stupid.

If they could hack the DNC, what makes an idiot like you think they didn't hack Hillary's unsecured server?

You're the idiot.....if they could hack the DNC, what makes a bigger idiot like you think that her mail was safer at .gov? Looks like they can hack anywhere they want....but to have a Republican candidate suggesting that they do is utterly idiotic and quit claiming that you're such a patriot, when you support a candidate that commits treason on national TV.
Treason? Does that mean you believe Hillary's "personal" emails (that she deleted with no oversight) had classified information in them?
I watched the video several times. He was deliberately goosing the press.

Maybe you're the one who doesn't know sarcasm if it bit him the arse and gave him rabies.

He was not. He has no sense of humour. He gets all bent out of shape over minor ribbings. He's a tool.

You are clearly clueless about Trump then. It is as plain as day how he says and does thing to create a stir. Many in the public spot light say things to stir up press.

The next time Hillary obeys a law will be the first time.

Hillary intends to appoint scofflaw judges to the SCOTUS, treasonous scum like Ruth Ginsburg and Elena Kagan. These will declare the Bill of Rights unconstitutional. Don't expect a constitutional amendment or any hint of letting the people have a voice. The left will dictate to the peasants.
Y'know TT, I get sick of the same old BS. "Oh, bush, bad, Obama good". It's like being in a fucking schoolyard. It's not that simple.

It is to you Communists.

Anything your party does, you defend. Any crime by a party boss you either ignore, praise, or lie about.

Former Los Angeles Sheriff Lee Baca lies to the FBI, he is going to prison. (as well he should.)

Ex-L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca withdraws his guilty plea, clearing the way for a high-profile trial

Hillary Clinton lies to the FBI and you want her to be president, different laws for the party, donchaknow.
What? Are you saying Trump was being sarcastic??? RATFLMAO!!! He wouldn't know sarcasm if it bit him the arse and gave him rabies.

Look, you're a Communist, ergo dumb as a lamppost.

You Communists are liars, lies define you. Here is what Trump actually said;

{By the way, they hacked — they probably have her 33,000 e-mails. I hope they do. They probably have her 33,000 e-mails that she lost and deleted because you’d see some beauties there. So let’s see.}

Yeah, that's sarcasm, shitferbrains. Oh, he's RIGHT - we would see some incredible stuff, but the sarcasm is clear to anyone with an IQ above 30 or a hint of integrity - which disqualifies you on both counts.'re the one with a party that considers someone that commits treason worthy of being President. He also dissed all the generals, claiming he knew more about ISIS than they much for Republicans and their claim to be such Patriots and how much they love the military....they believe and reward a buffoon that claims our military sucks.

Playtex, you have an IQ of DD.

{By the way, they hacked — they probably have her 33,000 e-mails. I hope they do. They probably have her 33,000 e-mails that she lost and deleted because you’d see some beauties there. So let’s see.}

Where is this treason?

Look, you lied in your OP - you're a Communist, lying is what you do. But with Trump's words there, where is the treason? Unless you're saying the Hillary committed treason by mishandling top secret documents? I suppose that if some of the bribes she took were in exchange for the 33,000 emails she leaked, that would be treason, but there is no evidence to show a link between all the bribes she takes and the email. :dunno:

The next time Hillary obeys a law will be the first time.

Hillary intends to appoint scofflaw judges to the SCOTUS, treasonous scum like Ruth Ginsburg and Elena Kagan. These will declare the Bill of Rights unconstitutional. Don't expect a constitutional amendment or any hint of letting the people have a voice. The left will dictate to the peasants.
declare the Bill of Rights unconstitutional!! What the &*^%$##!
That right there destroys what little credibility that you might have had. Do you even know what the bill of rights is?? The are AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. They are PART OF THE CONSTITUTION. Therefore they cannot be made unconstitutional by a court!
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not the point though...the fact that Trump is even suggesting a foreign enemy country do something like that is whats news here, not whether or not it can be done
Look dumbass here's the way it went down

The DNC got caught plotting shit against The Bern, wondering if he was a Jew or an atheist and whether they could use it against them, when they were caught the said the Russians hacked them,for Trump so Trump comes back and says find those 33,000 deleted emails we want to see them. Now you asshole as faux outraged that he is consorting with the enemy, the same enemy Hildebeast was doing uranium deals with. See how stupid you look?

They didn't do anything that was illegal. They were biased, and they shouldn't have been....but it is obvious that Russia is trying to derail Clinton so that Trumpf can win the election because they (Trump/Putin) are in bed together. How poignant, that the party that claims to be so patriotic would have a candidate that resorts to collusion with the enemy. And, you never were able to prove that Hillary, the next president, was making any deals...I debunked your claim, so it is time for you to shut up.
I bet it puts mites in yer crotch that I don't have to stfu when ewe say so! It is a well know fact Clinton did uranium deals with Russia and she reset a button too. Dummy.

I don't expect a big mouth vitriolic pushed around conservative like you to shut up....that's probably the only thing the men in your party allow you to do.....bwahahaha, they know it allows you to vent and release any frustration you might have on being told what to do by them.

Show the proof that Hillary made deals, if you can, but I know you can't because it has been debunked....but go ahead and continue with your lying rants, I guess they give you some release.
What did you say up there? I do don't homework for stupid people. And you are stupid people.

Translation: I don't back up the lies I post because there is no proof.......but I heard it on Faux News, so it must be true..

Bwahahaha! What a dumbass.'re the one with a party that considers someone that commits treason worthy of being President. He also dissed all the generals, claiming he knew more about ISIS than they much for Republicans and their claim to be such Patriots and how much they love the military....they believe and reward a buffoon that claims our military sucks.

Playtex, you have an IQ of DD.

{By the way, they hacked — they probably have her 33,000 e-mails. I hope they do. They probably have her 33,000 e-mails that she lost and deleted because you’d see some beauties there. So let’s see.}

Where is this treason?

Look, you lied in your OP - you're a Communist, lying is what you do. But with Trump's words there, where is the treason? Unless you're saying the Hillary committed treason by mishandling top secret documents? I suppose that if some of the bribes she took were in exchange for the 33,000 emails she leaked, that would be treason, but there is no evidence to show a link between all the bribes she takes and the email. :dunno:

Nobody cares what an ignorant piece of poop like you has to least I don't. Go peddle your poop among your peers...they'll eat it up.
Look dumbass here's the way it went down

The DNC got caught plotting shit against The Bern, wondering if he was a Jew or an atheist and whether they could use it against them, when they were caught the said the Russians hacked them,for Trump so Trump comes back and says find those 33,000 deleted emails we want to see them. Now you asshole as faux outraged that he is consorting with the enemy, the same enemy Hildebeast was doing uranium deals with. See how stupid you look?

They didn't do anything that was illegal. They were biased, and they shouldn't have been....but it is obvious that Russia is trying to derail Clinton so that Trumpf can win the election because they (Trump/Putin) are in bed together. How poignant, that the party that claims to be so patriotic would have a candidate that resorts to collusion with the enemy. And, you never were able to prove that Hillary, the next president, was making any deals...I debunked your claim, so it is time for you to shut up.
I bet it puts mites in yer crotch that I don't have to stfu when ewe say so! It is a well know fact Clinton did uranium deals with Russia and she reset a button too. Dummy.

I don't expect a big mouth vitriolic pushed around conservative like you to shut up....that's probably the only thing the men in your party allow you to do.....bwahahaha, they know it allows you to vent and release any frustration you might have on being told what to do by them.

Show the proof that Hillary made deals, if you can, but I know you can't because it has been debunked....but go ahead and continue with your lying rants, I guess they give you some release.
What did you say up there? I do don't homework for stupid people. And you are stupid people.

Translation: I don't back up the lies I post because there is no proof.......but I heard it on Faux News, so it must be true..

Bwahahaha! What a dumbass.
GFY you stupid bitch!

Nobody cares what an ignorant piece of poop like you has to least I don't. Go peddle your poop among your peers...they'll eat it up.

What you are is a liar. You posted in your OP;

The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them.

Which is a complete lie. Nowhere did Trump encourage anyone to hack anything. What Trump said was;

{{By the way, they hacked — they probably have her 33,000 e-mails. I hope they do. They probably have her 33,000 e-mails that she lost and deleted because you’d see some beauties there. So let’s see.}}

So you're a filthy liar. You have not a shred of integrity. Hey, you're a Communist, stupid and dishonest is the heart of your filthy party.

Bummer that you're upset at being busted ( :lol: ) for being a complete lying hack, but a gal with an IQ of DD has little else going for her... :eusa_whistle:
No, idiot....Hillary didn't give Russia any e-mails. The e-mails that the Russians hacked were the DNC e-mails....not Hillary's e-mails.

Boy, you all are really stupid.

If they could hack the DNC, what makes an idiot like you think they didn't hack Hillary's unsecured server?
Bottom line is this, why don't we wait and see, and if Putin is in the closet with the RNC, it'll show. But com'on, we all know the RNC are commies in the closet!

Actually, the DNC is closer to Communism and Socialism. But spin it anyway you need to to sleep at night.'re the one with a party that considers someone that commits treason worthy of being President. He also dissed all the generals, claiming he knew more about ISIS than they much for Republicans and their claim to be such Patriots and how much they love the military....they believe and reward a buffoon that claims our military sucks.

What party is that Mertex? Because in elections I don't vote party line.Local elections, I pick the best person, party doesn't matter.
There's only two major parties....and the way you are going after Hillary, I'm sure it's not the Democratic Party. So, I guess if you mean what you say, you'll be voting for Hillary, because she certainly is the best person. She has the most experience, most knowledge and is not an embarrassment to the country like Trumpf.

For President the last three elections I voted Republican once. I am more apt to vote third party and will definitely vote third as the two candidates major candidates are clowns pretending to care about others.
Well, at least you won't hurt Hillary. Most third party voters are just throwing their vote away, but at least you won't be taking votes from the Democratic party.

You people are left to vote for the scum, good luck with either candidate. Bwahahaha!
You've bought into the Republican/conservative smear campaign. Hillary is no scum....just in the minds of the mindless that listen to Faux News. The real scum is Trumpf, and the ones that support him.
They didn't do anything that was illegal. They were biased, and they shouldn't have been....but it is obvious that Russia is trying to derail Clinton so that Trumpf can win the election because they (Trump/Putin) are in bed together. How poignant, that the party that claims to be so patriotic would have a candidate that resorts to collusion with the enemy. And, you never were able to prove that Hillary, the next president, was making any deals...I debunked your claim, so it is time for you to shut up.
I bet it puts mites in yer crotch that I don't have to stfu when ewe say so! It is a well know fact Clinton did uranium deals with Russia and she reset a button too. Dummy.

I don't expect a big mouth vitriolic pushed around conservative like you to shut up....that's probably the only thing the men in your party allow you to do.....bwahahaha, they know it allows you to vent and release any frustration you might have on being told what to do by them.

Show the proof that Hillary made deals, if you can, but I know you can't because it has been debunked....but go ahead and continue with your lying rants, I guess they give you some release.
What did you say up there? I do don't homework for stupid people. And you are stupid people.

Translation: I don't back up the lies I post because there is no proof.......but I heard it on Faux News, so it must be true..

Bwahahaha! What a dumbass.
GFY you stupid bitch!

Can't handle the truth? You're as gifted as Trumpf.........bwahahaha!

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