Trump Borders on Treason

No ignoring four Americans in Benghazi that ended up dead is all on her.

I reiterate again. Stevenson was told not to go, he went. He takes the majority of that responsibility. Nobody ignored them..they were too late. Not on her. And the 4500 killed in Bush's two wars of choice? Is that on Bush?

there were also 13 benghazi when baby bush was president and 50 dead. the wingers don't care about those people at all.

No ignoring four Americans in Benghazi that ended up dead is all on her.

I reiterate again. Stevenson was told not to go, he went. He takes the majority of that responsibility. Nobody ignored them..they were too late. Not on her. And the 4500 killed in Bush's two wars of choice? Is that on Bush?
No ignoring four Americans in Benghazi that ended up dead is all on her.

I reiterate again. Stevenson was told not to go, he went. He takes the majority of that responsibility. Nobody ignored them..they were too late. Not on her. And the 4500 killed in Bush's two wars of choice? Is that on Bush?

there were also 13 benghazi when baby bush was president and 50 dead. the wingers don't care about those people at all.

Four dead, ignored
Then don't get so pissy when I don't agree. I also know you are a regressive, I really don't care that you are. I don't have high utopian moral standards either. This election I see two very bad candidates so I won't vote for them. What is it you have no problem voting for one of seven parties but get pissed that I won't vote for Clinton or Trump for that matter? Lol!

What the hell is a regressive?? Absolutely you have high moral standards. I'm not pissed that you won't vote for either of them. I agree, neither are ideal. The only thing I'm debating about is who is the better candidate of the two. Hillary wins by a mile for so many reasons. Whether you vote for him or her, I couldn't give a shit to be honest. Sounds like there should be a third-party...
I don't trust him however I trust Hillary less, especially when her leaks of propaganda against Libya, in order to justify forcing a regime change.

That has happened since day one with the US. All your presidents have done it. Eisenhower and Cuba, Kennedy and Johnson with Vietnam, Nixon/Kissinger with Chile, Raygun with an array of central and South American countries. Suddenly a relatively minor incident (compared to those mentioned) is a problem for Hillary?
No ignoring four Americans in Benghazi that ended up dead is all on her.

made up debunked BS.
30000 emails deleted. Yep ignored
Got it, because someone else did it, it makes it okay. Lives were lost for no reason. Hillary had her agency produce propaganda, that puts her in the wrong. How many died with Trumps bankruptcy?

Well, again, I come back to your unreasonable want for a Utopian world. It's not a reality. Yeah, let's compare a SOS with a private businessman. Apples and oranges.

And filing bankruptcy has happened millions and millions of times, over and over again. Yet this is now an issue for Trump? Give me a break. You want to equate people not getting paid for work done to people being killed. You are right Apples and Oranges.
Then don't get so pissy when I don't agree. I also know you are a regressive, I really don't care that you are. I don't have high utopian moral standards either. This election I see two very bad candidates so I won't vote for them. What is it you have no problem voting for one of seven parties but get pissed that I won't vote for Clinton or Trump for that matter? Lol!

What the hell is a regressive?? Absolutely you have high moral standards. I'm not pissed that you won't vote for either of them. I agree, neither are ideal. The only thing I'm debating about is who is the better candidate of the two. Hillary wins by a mile for so many reasons. Whether you vote for him or her, I couldn't give a shit to be honest. Sounds like there should be a third-party...

We have more than two parties and I'm going third party.

If I were to vote, I'd vote Trump because of the Supreme Court nominees. I know Hillary would appoint a liberal, Trump I figure he would put in a moderate.
And filing bankruptcy has happened millions and millions of times, over and over again. Yet this is now an issue for Trump? Give me a break. You want to equate people not getting paid for work done to people being killed. You are right Apples and Oranges.

Of course it's an issue for Trump. He's running for public office. He has also publicly stated he's going to do this, that and the other when he clearly doesn't hold true to those ideals in his real life.
And filing bankruptcy has happened millions and millions of times, over and over again. Yet this is now an issue for Trump? Give me a break. You want to equate people not getting paid for work done to people being killed. You are right Apples and Oranges.

Of course it's an issue for Trump. He's running for public office. He has also publicly stated he going to do with this, that and the other when he clearly doesn't hold true to those ideals in his real life.

And getting us into conflict is an issue. We don't need to be the world's defenders. We need to move all of our troops back to the US. We need to leave the ME, Germany, Japan and so on. Our defense budget is higher than the rest of the world combined. We don't need to be interventionist. The world can work out their own troubles.
Cause it's legal.

I know. I'm not talking legal, I'm talking morals.

If you want to talk about morals, explain the from your post #315.

"Iraq and Afghanistan are, and always will be, Bush's wars of choice."

In what way?

That was YOUR statement. YOU can explain it can't you?

I know it was my statement. I'm trying to figure out what your point is. ie, what does my statement have to do with morals.

It is immoral to LIE about the reason for attacking Afghanistan. It was not a war of choice, but was justified in every way.
Four dead, ignored

4500 dead. Ignored.
Fighting for our country, not sabotaged.

Look up the word sabotaged. Who in the Obama admin 'sabotaged' Stevenson? Hint: Nobody...
Hillary Clinton

I suggest you watch the movie "13 Hours" which is about the attack on Benghazi. Not only was the diplomat continually asking for more security, but there was also the fact that the ambassador sent his security detail home just before the attack, as well as the poor decision of the CIA station chief (where the security detail was at) to not let the security guys go rescue him as soon as the attack started.'s not Hillary's fault.
Cause it's legal.

I know. I'm not talking legal, I'm talking morals.
Why isn't it moral? Explain

So you can not pay your subcontractors and then go into Chapter 11 to protect your own arse? And when you come out of Chapter 11 and make a shitload of money (as The Donald is constantly reminding us that he is worth $10 billion) don't you think it is morally right to then repay those contractors that got stung when he went into chapter 11? I do.

Many of those contractors took a tax write off and went back to work for Trump the next day.


have to love the party of "small business" taking that position. i know someone whose brother got beat for $250,000 by dumb donald.

you want to take a $250,000 hit? you think "writing it off" makes up for not being able to pay *your* vendors and *your* employees?

good luck with that.

stop making excuses for him
Really? You know such a person? Is that like Harry Reid knowing an incognito IRS agent who told him Mitt Romney cheats on his taxes?

You Leftists are like idiot 5 year olds who think they're fooling the grown ups.
Donald J. Trump tied thirteen years old child Katie Johnson to a bed and forcibly gang-raped her while she begged him to stop. Trump to prison for life. Never Trump. James Trump.
Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl
Until it's proven, it's an allegation.

but it's fact that bill is a rapist?

shut up.
Where did I say that? Not shutting up.

I find it interesting that you post a link to a story about a lawsuit as evidence that Trump actually raped a girl while simultaneously ignoring the same level of evidence that Bubba is guilty of sexual harassment. Care to comment?

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