Trump Borders on Treason

You are a nut job, you haters are going to hate. Glad you have 7 different parties. I don't know what country you are from but I would be willing to bet that I wouldn't know any of your leaders nor do I care to. Yet, you desperately want us to recognize your opinion. Fine I recognize your opinion as being without merit and you are not logical.

I have voted for five different parties and will vote for another party this year. Big whopping deal.

If you don't like our political system, too bad, you aren't a citizen and we don't care. You have 7 parties and are not relevant to us.

not about hating. you think I don't want a strong US? of course i do. But if you keep on backing losers like Trump you're going to be a third world country in no time.

Yeah. nothing logical about filing 4 chapter 11s. Go tell that to the sub-contractors he ripped off...

Love the xenophobia! Well done Georgio....

I may add..... The sad part after those chapter 11s Trump bragged he made a lot of money.

And he stayed within the law, nothing he did was illegal. That is the crap we hear about Hillary, she stayed with in the laws. There was no wrong doing.
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails

Yeah, man that's terrible. We wouldn't want Russia to get data that is of national security interest, like high end missile guidance technology.... paid for by a Chinese front company..... which donated to the presidents re-election campaign...... MAN... that would be TERRIBLE!

Glass house girl. Stop being a hypocrite... then complain about Trump.
But Hillary is LOL

Well, I think she is more trustworthy than him. Neither of them are leading lights in that dept. I think with regard to her personal life and what she gets up to she is less trustworthy compared to her political life. I think he is untrustworthy in every form or life.
Well why'd the 3500 only allege? Why didn't they just say he did? Seems you don't know what is what.

The term 'allege' is always used in law cases because nothing has been proved. For example, a guy could shoot somebody in front of 100 witnesses and could be standing over the body riddled with bullets and his gun still smoking and he would still be referred to as the 'alleged killer' in the public domain until the jury convict. But there is no doubt he did it from the get go.
My life has been great, thanks for trying to judge my life and my views.

If it comes down to trust, I would go with Trump. Since that isn't the only issue, Trump won't get my vote.

What do you trust about him? There is nothing I can see that makes him trustworthy.

I don't trust him however I trust Hillary less, especially when her leaks of propaganda against Libya, in order to justify forcing a regime change.
He has nothing else. Just wants to name call, it's a regressive left tactic.

So you all posts 317, 343, 335 and 334 'nothing else'. And I call it as I see it.

I don't claim to be a Progressive, you claim to be one, except you are a regressive because you don't like your opinions challenged.

1) I've never claimed to be progressive.
2) I couldn't give a flying fuck if you challenge my opinions. This is a debating board. If nobody challenged others opinions there'd be no board.
3) You're the one who said I just want to name call, yet there are literally thousands of posts on this board, and the vast majority on this thread, where I don't. Don't give me the moral high ground about how you can't vote for either candidate because they don't meet your high Utopian, moral standards. and then write smack about me. Makes you look like them. How quaint.
I don't trust him however I trust Hillary less, especially when her leaks of propaganda against Libya, in order to justify forcing a regime change.

That has happened since day one with the US. All your presidents have done it. Eisenhower and Cuba, Kennedy and Johnson with Vietnam, Nixon/Kissinger with Chile, Raygun with an array of central and South American countries. Suddenly a relatively minor incident (compared to those mentioned) is a problem for Hillary?
And he stayed within the law, nothing he did was illegal. That is the crap we hear about Hillary, she stayed with in the laws. There was no wrong doing.

Doesn't make him likable and shows he has shit morals. Give examples of Hillary. Credible ones.

Already listed the worst one Libya. Hillary's private e-mail server, while the FBI cleared her. There was issues of judgement and just could prove intent.
I don't trust him however I trust Hillary less, especially when her leaks of propaganda against Libya, in order to justify forcing a regime change.

That has happened since day one with the US. All your presidents have done it. Eisenhower and Cuba, Kennedy and Johnson with Vietnam, Nixon/Kissinger with Chile, Raygun with an array of central and South American countries. Suddenly a relatively minor incident (compared to those mentioned) is a problem for Hillary?
No ignoring four Americans in Benghazi that ended up dead is all on her.
I don't trust him however I trust Hillary less, especially when her leaks of propaganda against Libya, in order to justify forcing a regime change.

That has happened since day one with the US. All your presidents have done it. Eisenhower and Cuba, Kennedy and Johnson with Vietnam, Nixon/Kissinger with Chile, Raygun with an array of central and South American countries. Suddenly a relatively minor incident (compared to those mentioned) is a problem for Hillary?

Got it, because someone else did it, it makes it okay. Lives were lost for no reason. Hillary had her agency produce propaganda, that puts her in the wrong. How many died with Trumps bankruptcy?
Got it, because someone else did it, it makes it okay. Lives were lost for no reason. Hillary had her agency produce propaganda, that puts her in the wrong. How many died with Trumps bankruptcy?

Well, again, I come back to your unreasonable want for a Utopian world. It's not a reality. Yeah, let's compare a SOS with a private businessman. Apples and oranges.
No ignoring four Americans in Benghazi that ended up dead is all on her.

I reiterate again. Stevenson was told not to go, he went. He takes the majority of that responsibility. Nobody ignored them..they were too late. Not on her. And the 4500 killed in Bush's two wars of choice? Is that on Bush?
He has nothing else. Just wants to name call, it's a regressive left tactic.

So you all posts 317, 343, 335 and 334 'nothing else'. And I call it as I see it.

I don't claim to be a Progressive, you claim to be one, except you are a regressive because you don't like your opinions challenged.

1) I've never claimed to be progressive.
2) I couldn't give a flying fuck if you challenge my opinions. This is a debating board. If nobody challenged others opinions there'd be no board.
3) You're the one who said I just want to name call, yet there are literally thousands of posts on this board, and the vast majority on this thread, where I don't. Don't give me the moral high ground about how you can't vote for either candidate because they don't meet your high Utopian, moral standards. and then write smack about me. Makes you look like them. How quaint.

Then don't get so pissy when I don't agree. I also know you are a regressive, I really don't care that you are. I don't have high utopian moral standards either. This election I see two very bad candidates so I won't vote for them. What is it you have no problem voting for one of seven parties but get pissed that I won't vote for Clinton or Trump for that matter? Lol!
I don't trust him however I trust Hillary less, especially when her leaks of propaganda against Libya, in order to justify forcing a regime change.

That has happened since day one with the US. All your presidents have done it. Eisenhower and Cuba, Kennedy and Johnson with Vietnam, Nixon/Kissinger with Chile, Raygun with an array of central and South American countries. Suddenly a relatively minor incident (compared to those mentioned) is a problem for Hillary?
No ignoring four Americans in Benghazi that ended up dead is all on her.

made up debunked BS.

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