Trump Bringing Back Coal Industry!

1979: 250k miners

2017: 50K miners

demand for coal is soft

it's not coming back
FRIEDENS, Pa. — President Donald Trump hailed the opening Thursday of a new coal mine as proof deregulation is helping bring jobs to the industry, even though plans for the mine’s opening were made well before Trump’s election.

Corsa Coal Corp. will supply coal used in making steel and is expected to generate up to 100 fulltime jobs. The company said it decided in August to open the Acosta mine 60 miles south of Pittsburgh after a steel industry boom drove up prices for metallurgical coal.

New coal mine touted by Trump — yet planned before election — opens in Pennsylvania
FRIEDENS, Pa. – A Canadian company is buying PBS Coals Inc. and plans to merge it with another subsidiary the Canadian company already has in southwestern Pennsylvania.

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Corsa Coal Corp. of Toronto plans to merge PBS with its Wilson Creek Energy, based in Somerset.

PBS had about 600 employees when it was purchased by Russian steel company OAO Severstal for $177 million in 2008. Although PBS eventually grew to 1,000 employees, the company never wound up producing much coal for Severstal's operations and layoffs have cut its workforce to under 500.

Corsa board member George Dethlefsen says the Corsa deal, set to close in August, "is a return to local leadership." Corsa plans to "grow" and "stabilize" the company and build PBS "into a large producer."

The deal includes $60 million in cash and assumed liabilities of up to $60 million.

Canadian firm buying PBS Coals Inc., merging it with another southwestern Pennsylvania company
Rumble Mr. President...rumble! One great American!
First New Coal Mine of Trump Era Opens in Pennsylvania
Fusion (an energy with a future) is better, and higher paying.

Coal is used for a whole lot more things than just energy. It will never really go away. You can't make steel without coal, nor many other things where it is an absolute necessity in manufacturing.
Just like oil?

Oil is essential in making plastic and other polymers. Not to mention, try running your car or any other type of machinery without oil. But you can't just substitute oil for coal in many processes. It doesn't work that way. Have you ever been to a steel plant?
Coke will become all but obsolete in most steelmaking in about a decade, say some industry experts.

Technology both gaining ground and still in development will largely remove the need for the coal-based fuel in making high-quality steel, they say.

U.S. Steel: Natural gas process will soon replace coke

Nothing like the right wing, being, "behind the curve".
Rumble Mr. President...rumble! One great American!
First New Coal Mine of Trump Era Opens in Pennsylvania
Fusion (an energy with a future) is better, and higher paying.

Coal is used for a whole lot more things than just energy. It will never really go away. You can't make steel without coal, nor many other things where it is an absolute necessity in manufacturing.
Just like oil?

Oil is essential in making plastic and other polymers. Not to mention, try running your car or any other type of machinery without oil. But you can't just substitute oil for coal in many processes. It doesn't work that way. Have you ever been to a steel plant?
Coke will become all but obsolete in most steelmaking in about a decade, say some industry experts.

Technology both gaining ground and still in development will largely remove the need for the coal-based fuel in making high-quality steel, they say.

U.S. Steel: Natural gas process will soon replace coke

Nothing like the right wing, being, "behind the curve".

Do you have any idea how much money it will cost to change plants from coal to natural gas? Do you think fracking for natural gas is all that much better than mining coal?

Not to mention steel is just one process that involves coal. What is an easier and more economical thing to do, is to spend money learning how to burn clean coal.
FRIEDENS, Pa. — President Donald Trump hailed the opening Thursday of a new coal mine as proof deregulation is helping bring jobs to the industry, even though plans for the mine’s opening were made well before Trump’s election.

Corsa Coal Corp. will supply coal used in making steel and is expected to generate up to 100 fulltime jobs. The company said it decided in August to open the Acosta mine 60 miles south of Pittsburgh after a steel industry boom drove up prices for metallurgical coal.

New coal mine touted by Trump — yet planned before election — opens in Pennsylvania
Same article. 2014 cola mine closed and hundreds of jobs lost. Who was POTUS in 2014?
"Still, for the workers here, the grand opening is allowing them a sigh of relief. Though most are longtime Corsa employees brought in from other facilities, many were jittery after a mine closing in 2014 left hundreds collecting unemployment benefits."
Rumble Mr. President...rumble! One great American!
First New Coal Mine of Trump Era Opens in Pennsylvania
Fusion (an energy with a future) is better, and higher paying.

Coal is used for a whole lot more things than just energy. It will never really go away. You can't make steel without coal, nor many other things where it is an absolute necessity in manufacturing.

This coal mine that is opening is NOT FOR ENERGY PRODUCTION. It is "metallurgical" coal which is currently in demand.

The OP is a losing combination of ignorance and dishonesty.
So more American jobs are bad?

Did you read anything remotely like that? You fucking losers have an imaginary dialogue going 24 fucking 7. How do you manage to complete menial tasks?

I'm pleased that those 70 people and the other folks in that town will benefit from this work. It's even better as the product mined won't be used to make electricity. But I find your cock sucking approach and the claim that Trump had something to do with it to be retarded.

Once, will you post something that isn't a lie or a failure to grasp facts?
I live in Kentucky and my land lord is friends with some of the people that own coal mines around here that voted Trump. He recently talked to them and asked if the coal mining industry has gotten better since Trump has been in office... they said nothing has changed.

It's not going to happen over night though. There is a lot of Obama bs rules to undo and un tie.
Rumble Mr. President...rumble! One great American!
First New Coal Mine of Trump Era Opens in Pennsylvania
Fusion (an energy with a future) is better, and higher paying.

Coal is used for a whole lot more things than just energy. It will never really go away. You can't make steel without coal, nor many other things where it is an absolute necessity in manufacturing.
Just like oil?

Oil is essential in making plastic and other polymers. Not to mention, try running your car or any other type of machinery without oil. But you can't just substitute oil for coal in many processes. It doesn't work that way. Have you ever been to a steel plant?

The sick part is they have cars that will run on water, but then they keep it out of the market because the gas industry and their big stock markets, and the elites who control as well as invest in them would lose billions.
I live in Kentucky and my land lord is friends with some of the people that own coal mines around here that voted Trump. He recently talked to them and asked if the coal mining industry has gotten better since Trump has been in office... they said nothing has changed.
It's not the 19th century anymore so coal is on the way out

I am getting tired of winning. Do you hate natural Gas too? You live off the grid with solar panels only I suppose. You burn wood in the woodstove for heat? we have already been over this. you had no answer on the other 10 thread polluted by: "Coal on the way out". China can't live without it right now.

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source?
In 2016, about 4.08 trillion kilowatthours (kWh) of electricity1 were generated at utility-scale facilities in the United States.2 About 65% of this electricity generation was from fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, petroleum, and other gases), about 20% was from nuclear energy, and about 15% was from renewable energy sources. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that an additional 19 billion kWh (or about 0.02 trillion kWh) of electricity generation was from small-scale solar photovoltaic systems in 2016.3

Major energy sources and percent shares of U.S. electricity generation at utility-scale facilities in 20161

  • Natural gas = 33.8%
  • Coal = 30.4%
  • Nuclear = 19.7%
  • Renewables (total) = 14.9%
    • Hydropower = 6.5%
    • Wind = 5.6%
    • Biomass = 1.5%
    • Solar = 0.9%
    • Geothermal = 0.4%
  • Petroleum = 0.6%
  • Other gases = 0.3%
  • Other nonrenewable sources = 0.3%
  • Pumped storage hydroelectricity = -0.2%4
In 1990, coal provided almost 60% of our energy. Now it is 30%, and energy demands are being easily met.

P.S. You have to win first before you can get tired of it.
Let's get it back up to 60%
Rumble Mr. President...rumble! One great American!
First New Coal Mine of Trump Era Opens in Pennsylvania
Fusion (an energy with a future) is better, and higher paying.

Coal is used for a whole lot more things than just energy. It will never really go away. You can't make steel without coal, nor many other things where it is an absolute necessity in manufacturing.

This coal mine that is opening is NOT FOR ENERGY PRODUCTION. It is "metallurgical" coal which is currently in demand.

The OP is a losing combination of ignorance and dishonesty.
So more American jobs are bad?

Did you read anything remotely like that? You fucking losers have an imaginary dialogue going 24 fucking 7. How do you manage to complete menial tasks?

I'm pleased that those 70 people and the other folks in that town will benefit from this work. It's even better as the product mined won't be used to make electricity. But I find your cock sucking approach and the claim that Trump had something to do with it to be retarded.

Once, will you post something that isn't a lie or a failure to grasp facts?
Trump already got us out of that bullshit Paris Agreement. We will use same standards as China now.
I live in Kentucky and my land lord is friends with some of the people that own coal mines around here that voted Trump. He recently talked to them and asked if the coal mining industry has gotten better since Trump has been in office... they said nothing has changed.
It's not the 19th century anymore so coal is on the way out

I am getting tired of winning. Do you hate natural Gas too? You live off the grid with solar panels only I suppose. You burn wood in the woodstove for heat? we have already been over this. you had no answer on the other 10 thread polluted by: "Coal on the way out". China can't live without it right now.

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source?
In 2016, about 4.08 trillion kilowatthours (kWh) of electricity1 were generated at utility-scale facilities in the United States.2 About 65% of this electricity generation was from fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, petroleum, and other gases), about 20% was from nuclear energy, and about 15% was from renewable energy sources. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that an additional 19 billion kWh (or about 0.02 trillion kWh) of electricity generation was from small-scale solar photovoltaic systems in 2016.3

Major energy sources and percent shares of U.S. electricity generation at utility-scale facilities in 20161

  • Natural gas = 33.8%
  • Coal = 30.4%
  • Nuclear = 19.7%
  • Renewables (total) = 14.9%
    • Hydropower = 6.5%
    • Wind = 5.6%
    • Biomass = 1.5%
    • Solar = 0.9%
    • Geothermal = 0.4%
  • Petroleum = 0.6%
  • Other gases = 0.3%
  • Other nonrenewable sources = 0.3%
  • Pumped storage hydroelectricity = -0.2%4
In 1990, coal provided almost 60% of our energy. Now it is 30%, and energy demands are being easily met.

P.S. You have to win first before you can get tired of it.
Let's get it back up to 60%
Another narcissistic liberal.

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