Trump Brokered 4 Historic Peace Agreements in the ME

Trump, the greatest modern president. No ambassador murdered on the anniversary of 9/11. That makes Trump better than Obama.

Trump, no crying to the United Nations like Bush, making Trump better than Bush.

Trump, faithful to his wife, making Trump better than Clinton.

Trump, did not bailout banks, send our jobs overseas, making Trump better than Bush sr.

Trump, we need a Trump dynasty, four years of Trump, then 8 years of Trump's daughter. After that the USA will be the great shining light on a hill for all of mankind.
Shitforbrains is stuck on stupid.
Has no brain to think on its own so can only parrot what it’s masters have fed and do blathers the same lies over and over.
Yeah, I know you are Shitforbrains.

Your blob signed the surrender agreement, invited terrorists to Camp David and Biden actually got our troops out of there.
Trump, faithful to his wife. An excellent family man.
When the blob left the Hospital after being struck down by Covid (amazing the horse de-wormer didn’t work), he gets home and walks up the steps. He turns around, salutes nobody....

That was sad enough.

What was more sad was that not his wife, or his kids were there to greet him.

trump returns home from covid

One of the better parts of my job is that at 6:00 AM, we can release people. Usually patients are chomping at the bit to get out of the hospital as you may imagine. There are often signs, balloons, one time there was a small bugle corps down there in the lobby for a soldier who was leaving the hospital.

The blob? Nobody cared.
When the blob left the Hospital after being struck down by Covid (amazing the horse de-wormer didn’t work), he gets home and walks up the steps. He turns around, salutes nobody....

That was sad enough.

What was more sad was that not his wife, or his kids were there to greet him.

trump returns home from covid

One of the better parts of my job is that at 6:00 AM, we can release people. Usually patients are chomping at the bit to get out of the hospital as you may imagine. There are often signs, balloons, one time there was a small bugle corps down there in the lobby for a soldier who was leaving the hospital.

The blob? Nobody cared.

Trump was the greatest modern president. It was a breath of fresh air not to have a Lawyer, lifelong politician as a president.

Clinton, remember when he saluted the Marine guard. Clinton was so sloppy with his salute it was an insult. Clinton certainly was a piece of shit.
Israeli tourists now routinely fly into many Arab nations now and tourists from those Arab nations routinely fly into Israel.

Now under 3 years of Biden Afghans are once again murdering homosexuals and raping children. Iran is sponsoring terrorism around the world again, North Korea is once again launching missiles towards us and our allies and pursuing a hypersonic missile, terrorists are once again murdering civilians in Israel, Russia is again invading its neighbors.

Quite a contrast.

any "peace deal" brokered by trump in that area was in furtherance of saudi aggression in yemen and kusher's $2B payoff.
Why did Obama negotiate Iran into a nuclear power and a threat to the world?
did he? IF iran is a nuclear power (which IF you knew you could neither confirm nor deny.) it occurred after trump broke the deal with the P5+1.

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