Trump Brokered 4 Historic Peace Agreements in the ME

Your blob signed the surrender papers. This is fact.
Nope. He didn’t. Another lie. It was never a surrender. But say it was. Biden undid just about everything Trump did. Why didn’t he just undo this? Your corpse is useless. I know You wish me dead but I am still here. Not so easy to get rid of me.
Nope. He didn’t. Another lie. It was never a surrender. But say it was. Biden undid just about everything Trump did. Why didn’t he just undo this? Your corpse is useless. I know You wish me dead but I am still here. Not so easy to get rid of me.
Its all a plot to get you. This is true. You’re the #1 ass hole in the world...Hamas invaded Israel just to take you out eventually.
Its all a plot to get you. This is true. You’re the #1 ass hole in the world...Hamas invaded Israel just to take you out eventually.
Don’t turn it around. Admit you d rather not have me alive. Why do you always chicken out? It’s OK. Be honest.
It only took the Biden regime 3 years to turn Trump's Tranquility into a chaotic nightmare.

it did

now we are on the brink of WW3 thanks to the demonRats

take your pick

Will the Potato hit the three buttons at once? ^^^

Everything is possible with this crazy Administration! :dunno:
Candy was sweeter, the sky was bluer, the ocean was calmer when Trumpiebear was prez, that I can tell you.

Some people are even saying Trump made the world go round.
Just a question, how many of those ME countries he brokered deals with are denouncing Hamas? I'm not being rhetoric, tried to look for an answer myself, but stopped after coming across nothing to do with Trump. It simply re-ignited my disgust with GW Bush neo-cons and his backers at the time:

Iraq said on X in a statement from the media office of the Iraqi Prime Minister that "the operations carried out by the Palestinian people today are a natural result of the systematic oppression they have been subjected to for many years at the hands of the Zionist occupation authority, which has never adhered to international and UN resolutions."
Israeli tourists now routinely fly into many Arab nations now and tourists from those Arab nations routinely fly into Israel.

Now under 3 years of Biden Afghans are once again murdering homosexuals and raping children. Iran is sponsoring terrorism around the world again, North Korea is once again launching missiles towards us and our allies and pursuing a hypersonic missile, terrorists are once again murdering civilians in Israel, Russia is again invading its neighbors.

Quite a contrast.

If only Trump were there to fix everything. He could have wheeled and dealed them into submission. And all it would cost is Greenland.
If only Trump were there to fix everything. He could have wheeled and dealed them into submission. And all it would cost is Greenland.
World peace was flourishing under Trump.

Now we’ve got two aircraft carrier groups ready to drop nukes in the Middle East.

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