Trump: Bush lied about reason for invading Iraq

We demand leadership...not war.

Leadership through war! "Ya think Islamist militants are just going to wake up tomorrow morning and say all is forgiven, lets pray?
Funny, funny, funny....Ha!

The left is convinced if we are nice to them and stop global warming they will be nice muzzzies.

no, loony toon. we're convinced that no gain is made if we violate the geneva conventions. it's about what we do as a country not about satisfying your rage.

The problem, loony toon, is they don't abide by any ROE and in the process we lose good people. Fighting war with rules is ridiculous
...says the life-long civilian. You aren't that bright. What was your major in college? Nothing to do w/ US History or Government, thats for sure.

Off topic, reported. Still wanna play?
I find it interesting that you haven't got an honest bone in your body when incontrovertible evidence is presented that Blow Job let Bin Laden go, and NO, 9/11 wouldn't have happened without Bin Laden...Prove it would! :ahole-1:

And the blind sheik was incarcerated when 9/11 happened and couldn't approve shit!

So on one side, we have Clinton administration officials who say that there were no credible offers on the table, and on the other, we have claims by a Sudanese government that was (and still is) listed as an official state sponsor of terrorism. It’s possible, of course, that both sides are telling the truth: It could be that Erwa did make an offer, but the offer was completely disingenuous. What is clear is that the 9/11 Commission report totally discounts the Sudanese claims. Unless further evidence arises, that has to be the final word.

Ultimately, however, it doesn’t matter. What is not in dispute at all is the fact that, in early 1996, American officials regarded Osama bin Laden as a financier of terrorism and not as a mastermind largely because, at the time, there was no real evidence that bin Laden had harmed American citizens. So even if the Sudanese government really did offer to hand bin Laden over, the U.S. would have had no grounds for detaining him. In fact, the Justice Department did not secure an indictment against bin Laden until 1998 – at which point Clinton did order a cruise missile attack on an al Qaeda camp in an attempt to kill bin Laden.

We have to be careful about engaging in what historians call "Whig history," which is the practice of assuming that historical figures value exactly the same things that we do today. It’s a fancy term for those "why didn’t someone just shoot Hitler in 1930?" questions that one hears in dorm-room bull sessions. The answer, of course, is that no one knew quite how bad Hitler was in 1930. The same is true of bin Laden in 1996.

Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

You mean WHAT BLOW JOB CLIUNTON "SAID" ON THAT YouTube AUDIO FILE IS A "LIE"....BLOW JHOB 'LIED ABOUT IT???......C4A I thought more of you, but it seems you've drifted back to being a SLURPER for Blow Job!
Bush spent seven years and lost 6000 Soldiers and couldn't kill bin Laden
Bush even let him escape at Tora Bora

When Clinton warned about the threat of AlQaeda....Republicans claimed he was trying to divert attention away from their blowjob investigation
Now we all know Bush used Blow Jobs assertions that Sadam had WMD, he also was prosecuting Sadam for breaking over a dozen U.N. resolutions! BUT, don't let the truth get in the way of another Leftist lie!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
President Clinton never thought anyone would be dumb enough to invade Irag
But then again, he never anticipated anyone as stupid as Bush

BUT dumb ass, he BOMBED Iraq.... Qualifies as an invasion to anyone being HONEST!...But don't let facts get in the way of a good, leftist, lying, rant!

So on one side, we have Clinton administration officials who say that there were no credible offers on the table, and on the other, we have claims by a Sudanese government that was (and still is) listed as an official state sponsor of terrorism. It’s possible, of course, that both sides are telling the truth: It could be that Erwa did make an offer, but the offer was completely disingenuous. What is clear is that the 9/11 Commission report totally discounts the Sudanese claims. Unless further evidence arises, that has to be the final word.

Ultimately, however, it doesn’t matter. What is not in dispute at all is the fact that, in early 1996, American officials regarded Osama bin Laden as a financier of terrorism and not as a mastermind largely because, at the time, there was no real evidence that bin Laden had harmed American citizens. So even if the Sudanese government really did offer to hand bin Laden over, the U.S. would have had no grounds for detaining him. In fact, the Justice Department did not secure an indictment against bin Laden until 1998 – at which point Clinton did order a cruise missile attack on an al Qaeda camp in an attempt to kill bin Laden.

We have to be careful about engaging in what historians call "Whig history," which is the practice of assuming that historical figures value exactly the same things that we do today. It’s a fancy term for those "why didn’t someone just shoot Hitler in 1930?" questions that one hears in dorm-room bull sessions. The answer, of course, is that no one knew quite how bad Hitler was in 1930. The same is true of bin Laden in 1996.

Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

You mean WHAT BLOW JOB CLIUNTON "SAID" ON THAT YouTube AUDIO FILE IS A "LIE"....BLOW JHOB 'LIED ABOUT IT???......C4A I thought more of you, but it seems you've drifted back to being a SLURPER for Blow Job!
Bush spent seven years and lost 6000 Soldiers and couldn't kill bin Laden
Bush even let him escape at Tora Bora

When Clinton warned about the threat of AlQaeda....Republicans claimed he was trying to divert attention away from their blowjob investigation
Now we all know Bush used Blow Jobs assertions that Sadam had WMD, he also was prosecuting Sadam for breaking over a dozen U.N. resolutions! BUT, don't let the truth get in the way of another Leftist lie!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
President Clinton never thought anyone would be dumb enough to invade Irag
But then again, he never anticipated anyone as stupid as Bush
And yet his wife voted for Bush's war.

i don't think they knew the depths of baby bush's lies at that time. but you know that,

So on one side, we have Clinton administration officials who say that there were no credible offers on the table, and on the other, we have claims by a Sudanese government that was (and still is) listed as an official state sponsor of terrorism. It’s possible, of course, that both sides are telling the truth: It could be that Erwa did make an offer, but the offer was completely disingenuous. What is clear is that the 9/11 Commission report totally discounts the Sudanese claims. Unless further evidence arises, that has to be the final word.

Ultimately, however, it doesn’t matter. What is not in dispute at all is the fact that, in early 1996, American officials regarded Osama bin Laden as a financier of terrorism and not as a mastermind largely because, at the time, there was no real evidence that bin Laden had harmed American citizens. So even if the Sudanese government really did offer to hand bin Laden over, the U.S. would have had no grounds for detaining him. In fact, the Justice Department did not secure an indictment against bin Laden until 1998 – at which point Clinton did order a cruise missile attack on an al Qaeda camp in an attempt to kill bin Laden.

We have to be careful about engaging in what historians call "Whig history," which is the practice of assuming that historical figures value exactly the same things that we do today. It’s a fancy term for those "why didn’t someone just shoot Hitler in 1930?" questions that one hears in dorm-room bull sessions. The answer, of course, is that no one knew quite how bad Hitler was in 1930. The same is true of bin Laden in 1996.

Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

You mean WHAT BLOW JOB CLIUNTON "SAID" ON THAT YouTube AUDIO FILE IS A "LIE"....BLOW JHOB 'LIED ABOUT IT???......C4A I thought more of you, but it seems you've drifted back to being a SLURPER for Blow Job!
Bush spent seven years and lost 6000 Soldiers and couldn't kill bin Laden
Bush even let him escape at Tora Bora

When Clinton warned about the threat of AlQaeda....Republicans claimed he was trying to divert attention away from their blowjob investigation
Now we all know Bush used Blow Jobs assertions that Sadam had WMD, he also was prosecuting Sadam for breaking over a dozen U.N. resolutions! BUT, don't let the truth get in the way of another Leftist lie!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
President Clinton never thought anyone would be dumb enough to invade Irag
But then again, he never anticipated anyone as stupid as Bush

BUT dumb ass, he BOMBED Iraq.... Qualifies as an invasion to anyone being HONEST!...But don't let facts get in the way of a good, leftist, lying, rant!
Don't be too hard on Leftnutter. He is terribly feeble minded.
You mean WHAT BLOW JOB CLIUNTON "SAID" ON THAT YouTube AUDIO FILE IS A "LIE"....BLOW JHOB 'LIED ABOUT IT???......C4A I thought more of you, but it seems you've drifted back to being a SLURPER for Blow Job!
Bush spent seven years and lost 6000 Soldiers and couldn't kill bin Laden
Bush even let him escape at Tora Bora

When Clinton warned about the threat of AlQaeda....Republicans claimed he was trying to divert attention away from their blowjob investigation
Now we all know Bush used Blow Jobs assertions that Sadam had WMD, he also was prosecuting Sadam for breaking over a dozen U.N. resolutions! BUT, don't let the truth get in the way of another Leftist lie!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
President Clinton never thought anyone would be dumb enough to invade Irag
But then again, he never anticipated anyone as stupid as Bush

BUT dumb ass, he BOMBED Iraq.... Qualifies as an invasion to anyone being HONEST!...But don't let facts get in the way of a good, leftist, lying, rant!
Don't be too hard on Leftnutter. He is terribly feeble minded.

Always like to bitch slap his lies!
Leadership through war! "Ya think Islamist militants are just going to wake up tomorrow morning and say all is forgiven, lets pray?
Funny, funny, funny....Ha!

The left is convinced if we are nice to them and stop global warming they will be nice muzzzies.

no, loony toon. we're convinced that no gain is made if we violate the geneva conventions. it's about what we do as a country not about satisfying your rage.

The problem, loony toon, is they don't abide by any ROE and in the process we lose good people. Fighting war with rules is ridiculous
...says the life-long civilian. You aren't that bright. What was your major in college? Nothing to do w/ US History or Government, thats for sure.

Off topic, reported. Still wanna play?
You sound like a petulant child....Yeah, I guess I wanna' play....Ha! Another left-wing shitbird - "I'm gonna' report elaborated on Obama and that was off-topic"......BooHoo!
Actually, he said, "They lied"

Dunno if anyone lied. Do know, many used false info to make a point. Whether they knew it to be false at the time, is not known.

However, chemical weapons were found in Iraq.
Not to mention tons of machinery that was irradiated showing up in EU scrap yards mysteriously....NYT itself admittted after last midterm election under Bush that Iraq was less than a yr away from a bomb.
Well, just because some militarized apparatus and other weapons were found doesn't necessarily define WMD, now. It was Saddam FFS!

So on one side, we have Clinton administration officials who say that there were no credible offers on the table, and on the other, we have claims by a Sudanese government that was (and still is) listed as an official state sponsor of terrorism. It’s possible, of course, that both sides are telling the truth: It could be that Erwa did make an offer, but the offer was completely disingenuous. What is clear is that the 9/11 Commission report totally discounts the Sudanese claims. Unless further evidence arises, that has to be the final word.

Ultimately, however, it doesn’t matter. What is not in dispute at all is the fact that, in early 1996, American officials regarded Osama bin Laden as a financier of terrorism and not as a mastermind largely because, at the time, there was no real evidence that bin Laden had harmed American citizens. So even if the Sudanese government really did offer to hand bin Laden over, the U.S. would have had no grounds for detaining him. In fact, the Justice Department did not secure an indictment against bin Laden until 1998 – at which point Clinton did order a cruise missile attack on an al Qaeda camp in an attempt to kill bin Laden.

We have to be careful about engaging in what historians call "Whig history," which is the practice of assuming that historical figures value exactly the same things that we do today. It’s a fancy term for those "why didn’t someone just shoot Hitler in 1930?" questions that one hears in dorm-room bull sessions. The answer, of course, is that no one knew quite how bad Hitler was in 1930. The same is true of bin Laden in 1996.

Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

You mean WHAT BLOW JOB CLIUNTON "SAID" ON THAT YouTube AUDIO FILE IS A "LIE"....BLOW JHOB 'LIED ABOUT IT???......C4A I thought more of you, but it seems you've drifted back to being a SLURPER for Blow Job!
Bush spent seven years and lost 6000 Soldiers and couldn't kill bin Laden
Bush even let him escape at Tora Bora

When Clinton warned about the threat of AlQaeda....Republicans claimed he was trying to divert attention away from their blowjob investigation
Now we all know Bush used Blow Jobs assertions that Sadam had WMD, he also was prosecuting Sadam for breaking over a dozen U.N. resolutions! BUT, don't let the truth get in the way of another Leftist lie!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
President Clinton never thought anyone would be dumb enough to invade Irag
But then again, he never anticipated anyone as stupid as Bush

BUT dumb ass, he BOMBED Iraq.... Qualifies as an invasion to anyone being HONEST!...But don't let facts get in the way of a good, leftist, lying, rant!
He bombed Iraq for 8 years.
So, if you say GWB's rationale for invasion of Iraq was WMDs, how is it he lied?

His rationale was an active weapons program. Not munitions that had been dumped decades ago.
Which was it? Stockpiles? Active weapons program?

Both were found.

No. An active weapons program was never found.

The Iraqis were claiming they had an active program, even though they did not. Saddam's claims were to scare the other Gulf countries into fearing Iraq.
You think Bush fell for that bluff?
You mean WHAT BLOW JOB CLIUNTON "SAID" ON THAT YouTube AUDIO FILE IS A "LIE"....BLOW JHOB 'LIED ABOUT IT???......C4A I thought more of you, but it seems you've drifted back to being a SLURPER for Blow Job!
Bush spent seven years and lost 6000 Soldiers and couldn't kill bin Laden
Bush even let him escape at Tora Bora

When Clinton warned about the threat of AlQaeda....Republicans claimed he was trying to divert attention away from their blowjob investigation
Now we all know Bush used Blow Jobs assertions that Sadam had WMD, he also was prosecuting Sadam for breaking over a dozen U.N. resolutions! BUT, don't let the truth get in the way of another Leftist lie!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
President Clinton never thought anyone would be dumb enough to invade Irag
But then again, he never anticipated anyone as stupid as Bush

BUT dumb ass, he BOMBED Iraq.... Qualifies as an invasion to anyone being HONEST!...But don't let facts get in the way of a good, leftist, lying, rant!
He bombed Iraq for 8 years.

And if the Obomanation DIDN'T pull our troops out of Iraq, ISIS wouldn't be a threat to the entire world...Thank you Manchurian muslim!
You mean WHAT BLOW JOB CLIUNTON "SAID" ON THAT YouTube AUDIO FILE IS A "LIE"....BLOW JHOB 'LIED ABOUT IT???......C4A I thought more of you, but it seems you've drifted back to being a SLURPER for Blow Job!
Bush spent seven years and lost 6000 Soldiers and couldn't kill bin Laden
Bush even let him escape at Tora Bora

When Clinton warned about the threat of AlQaeda....Republicans claimed he was trying to divert attention away from their blowjob investigation
Now we all know Bush used Blow Jobs assertions that Sadam had WMD, he also was prosecuting Sadam for breaking over a dozen U.N. resolutions! BUT, don't let the truth get in the way of another Leftist lie!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
President Clinton never thought anyone would be dumb enough to invade Irag
But then again, he never anticipated anyone as stupid as Bush

BUT dumb ass, he BOMBED Iraq.... Qualifies as an invasion to anyone being HONEST!...But don't let facts get in the way of a good, leftist, lying, rant!
He bombed Iraq for 8 years.
Are you a muslim, Mohhamed?
You mean WHAT BLOW JOB CLIUNTON "SAID" ON THAT YouTube AUDIO FILE IS A "LIE"....BLOW JHOB 'LIED ABOUT IT???......C4A I thought more of you, but it seems you've drifted back to being a SLURPER for Blow Job!
Bush spent seven years and lost 6000 Soldiers and couldn't kill bin Laden
Bush even let him escape at Tora Bora

When Clinton warned about the threat of AlQaeda....Republicans claimed he was trying to divert attention away from their blowjob investigation
Now we all know Bush used Blow Jobs assertions that Sadam had WMD, he also was prosecuting Sadam for breaking over a dozen U.N. resolutions! BUT, don't let the truth get in the way of another Leftist lie!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
President Clinton never thought anyone would be dumb enough to invade Irag
But then again, he never anticipated anyone as stupid as Bush

BUT dumb ass, he BOMBED Iraq.... Qualifies as an invasion to anyone being HONEST!...But don't let facts get in the way of a good, leftist, lying, rant!
He bombed Iraq for 8 years.
and killed no one.....
Bush spent seven years and lost 6000 Soldiers and couldn't kill bin Laden
Bush even let him escape at Tora Bora

When Clinton warned about the threat of AlQaeda....Republicans claimed he was trying to divert attention away from their blowjob investigation
Now we all know Bush used Blow Jobs assertions that Sadam had WMD, he also was prosecuting Sadam for breaking over a dozen U.N. resolutions! BUT, don't let the truth get in the way of another Leftist lie!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
President Clinton never thought anyone would be dumb enough to invade Irag
But then again, he never anticipated anyone as stupid as Bush

BUT dumb ass, he BOMBED Iraq.... Qualifies as an invasion to anyone being HONEST!...But don't let facts get in the way of a good, leftist, lying, rant!
He bombed Iraq for 8 years.

And if the Obomanation DIDN'T pull our troops out of Iraq, ISIS wouldn't be a threat to the entire world...Thank you Manchurian muslim!
Manchurian Muslim????

Why are you insulting me? I just pointed out that Bill Clinton didn't just bomb Iraq, he bombed Iraq for 8 years. I wanted to point out that FACT because so many people who post here are ignorant of that history.

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