Trump: Bush lied about reason for invading Iraq

Bush spent seven years and lost 6000 Soldiers and couldn't kill bin Laden
Bush even let him escape at Tora Bora

When Clinton warned about the threat of AlQaeda....Republicans claimed he was trying to divert attention away from their blowjob investigation
Now we all know Bush used Blow Jobs assertions that Sadam had WMD, he also was prosecuting Sadam for breaking over a dozen U.N. resolutions! BUT, don't let the truth get in the way of another Leftist lie!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
President Clinton never thought anyone would be dumb enough to invade Irag
But then again, he never anticipated anyone as stupid as Bush
And yet his wife voted for Bush's war.

i don't think they knew the depths of baby bush's lies at that time. but you know that,
oh they knew, they had the same intelligence as Bush, but don let the truth get in the way of your Bush hatred

not really. he could barely speak.
Now we all know Bush used Blow Jobs assertions that Sadam had WMD, he also was prosecuting Sadam for breaking over a dozen U.N. resolutions! BUT, don't let the truth get in the way of another Leftist lie!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
President Clinton never thought anyone would be dumb enough to invade Irag
But then again, he never anticipated anyone as stupid as Bush
And yet his wife voted for Bush's war.

i don't think they knew the depths of baby bush's lies at that time. but you know that,
oh they knew, they had the same intelligence as Bush, but don let the truth get in the way of your Bush hatred

not really. he could barely speak.

What was that?
Hard to believe there are a handful on this forum who STILL believe that decade+ long occupation was worth it. I said to someone else...bush fucked up once...Obama four times.

yeah, okie dokie. then why do the whinging whining rightwingnuts keep demanding war?
We demand leadership...not war.

No war is needed if we are the strongest.:thup:

what was lebanon?

oh right. he called it a "peacekeeping operation"

and that whole grenada thing was necessary because of our strength.

and then he used our CIA to run military operations.


Nobody knew who was responsible for that at the time. We shouldn't be in there "peace keeping" anyway

We know who was responsible....Dick Cheney. Remember Valerie Plaine and how she was outed 'cause her husband wouldn't play ball with scooter Libby and Cheney. This is common knowledge and has been thoroughly investigated. Wake up! I said to someone else...bush fucked up once...Obama four times.

yeah, okie dokie. then why do the whinging whining rightwingnuts keep demanding war?
We demand leadership...not war.

No war is needed if we are the strongest.:thup:

what was lebanon?

oh right. he called it a "peacekeeping operation"

and that whole grenada thing was necessary because of our strength.

and then he used our CIA to run military operations.


Nobody knew who was responsible for that at the time. We shouldn't be in there "peace keeping" anyway

everyone knew who was responsible. everyone knew they went into the white house and didn't want to hear word one about bin laden and only wanted to know about iraq. everyone knew that hans blix the UN inspector said iraq was in compliance. everyone knew that daddy bush's state dept told him what the ramifications of invading baghdad would be.

was it for haliburton? a bit. mostly i think he wanted to prove himself and do something his daddy didn't....
yeah, okie dokie. then why do the whinging whining rightwingnuts keep demanding war?
We demand leadership...not war.

No war is needed if we are the strongest.:thup:

what was lebanon?

oh right. he called it a "peacekeeping operation"

and that whole grenada thing was necessary because of our strength.

and then he used our CIA to run military operations.


Nobody knew who was responsible for that at the time. We shouldn't be in there "peace keeping" anyway

We know who was responsible....Dick Cheney. Remember Valerie Plaine and how she was outed 'cause her husband wouldn't play ball with scooter Libby and Cheney. This is common knowledge and has been thoroughly investigated. Wake up!

You'd be surprised how many here will stand by the last Repub admin simply because of their party id/ideology. Sad.
yeah, okie dokie. then why do the whinging whining rightwingnuts keep demanding war?
We demand leadership...not war.

No war is needed if we are the strongest.:thup:

what was lebanon?

oh right. he called it a "peacekeeping operation"

and that whole grenada thing was necessary because of our strength.

and then he used our CIA to run military operations.


Nobody knew who was responsible for that at the time. We shouldn't be in there "peace keeping" anyway

everyone knew who was responsible.

No they didn't not till later
President Clinton never thought anyone would be dumb enough to invade Irag
But then again, he never anticipated anyone as stupid as Bush
And yet his wife voted for Bush's war.

i don't think they knew the depths of baby bush's lies at that time. but you know that,
oh they knew, they had the same intelligence as Bush, but don let the truth get in the way of your Bush hatred

not really. he could barely speak.

What was that?

Hillary's the only one who accepts that she was wrong to vote for it.
yeah, okie dokie. then why do the whinging whining rightwingnuts keep demanding war?
We demand leadership...not war.

No war is needed if we are the strongest.:thup:

what was lebanon?

oh right. he called it a "peacekeeping operation"

and that whole grenada thing was necessary because of our strength.

and then he used our CIA to run military operations.


Nobody knew who was responsible for that at the time. We shouldn't be in there "peace keeping" anyway

We know who was responsible....Dick Cheney. Remember Valerie Plaine and how she was outed 'cause her husband wouldn't play ball with scooter Libby and Cheney. This is common knowledge and has been thoroughly investigated. Wake up!

what are you talking about? In 1983? Valerie Plaine?..WTF?:cuckoo:
We demand leadership...not war.

No war is needed if we are the strongest.:thup:

what was lebanon?

oh right. he called it a "peacekeeping operation"

and that whole grenada thing was necessary because of our strength.

and then he used our CIA to run military operations.


Nobody knew who was responsible for that at the time. We shouldn't be in there "peace keeping" anyway

We know who was responsible....Dick Cheney. Remember Valerie Plaine and how she was outed 'cause her husband wouldn't play ball with scooter Libby and Cheney. This is common knowledge and has been thoroughly investigated. Wake up!

what are you talking about? In 1983? Valerie Plaine?..WTF?:cuckoo:

were you talking about iran/contra?

everyone knew about that, too. if that had occurred in this political climate and he was a dem instead of a repub, he'd have been impeached.
No war is needed if we are the strongest.:thup:

what was lebanon?

oh right. he called it a "peacekeeping operation"

and that whole grenada thing was necessary because of our strength.

and then he used our CIA to run military operations.


Nobody knew who was responsible for that at the time. We shouldn't be in there "peace keeping" anyway

We know who was responsible....Dick Cheney. Remember Valerie Plaine and how she was outed 'cause her husband wouldn't play ball with scooter Libby and Cheney. This is common knowledge and has been thoroughly investigated. Wake up!

what are you talking about? In 1983? Valerie Plaine?..WTF?:cuckoo:

were you talking about iran/contra?

everyone knew about that, too. if that had occurred in this political climate and he was a dem instead of a repub, he'd have been impeached.

I don't know what that idiot was talking about... im talking about the marine barracks bombing

In retaliation for the attacks, France launched an airstrike in the Beqaa Valley against alleged Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) positions. President Reagan assembled his national security team and planned to target the Sheik Abdullah barracks in Baalbek, Lebanon, which housed Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) believed to be training Hezbollah militants.[80] A joint American-French air assault on the camp where the bombing was planned was also approved by Reagan and Mitterrand. U.S. Defense Secretary Weinberger lobbied successfully against the mission, because at the time it was not certain that Iran was behind the attack.[81]

Some of the U.S. Marines in Beirut were moved to transport vessels offshore where they could not be targeted; yet, they would be ready and available to serve as a ready reaction force in Beirut if needed.[82] For protection against snipers and artillery attacks, the Marines remaining at the airport built and moved into bunkers in the ground employing 'appropriated' Soviet-bloc CONEXes.[83][84]


Eventually, it became evident that the U.S. would launch no serious and immediate retaliatory attack for the Beirut Marine barracks bombing beyond naval barrages and air strikes used to interdict continuous harassing fire from Druze and Syrian missile and artillery sites.[89] A true retaliatory strike failed to materialize because there was a rift in White House counsel (largely between George P. Shultz of the Department of State and Weinberger of the Department of Defense) and because the extant evidence pointing at Iranian involvement was circumstantial at that time: the Islamic Jihad, which took credit for the attack, was a front for Hezbollah which was acting as a proxy for Iran; thus, affording Iran plausible deniability.[10] Secretary of State Schultz was an advocate for retaliaton, but Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger was against retaliation. Secretary of Defense Weinberger, in a September 2001 FRONTLINE interview, reaffirmed that rift in White House counsel when he claimed that the U.S. still lacks "'actual knowledge of who did the bombing' of the Marine barracks

1983 Beirut barracks bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No war is needed if we are the strongest.:thup:

what was lebanon?

oh right. he called it a "peacekeeping operation"

and that whole grenada thing was necessary because of our strength.

and then he used our CIA to run military operations.


Nobody knew who was responsible for that at the time. We shouldn't be in there "peace keeping" anyway

We know who was responsible....Dick Cheney. Remember Valerie Plaine and how she was outed 'cause her husband wouldn't play ball with scooter Libby and Cheney. This is common knowledge and has been thoroughly investigated. Wake up!

what are you talking about? In 1983? Valerie Plaine?..WTF?:cuckoo:

were you talking about iran/contra?

everyone knew about that, too. if that had occurred in this political climate and he was a dem instead of a repub, he'd have been impeached.

No doubt. Thats another reason I'm not supporting the false two-party paradigm this time.
what was lebanon?

oh right. he called it a "peacekeeping operation"

and that whole grenada thing was necessary because of our strength.

and then he used our CIA to run military operations.

Nobody knew who was responsible for that at the time. We shouldn't be in there "peace keeping" anyway

We know who was responsible....Dick Cheney. Remember Valerie Plaine and how she was outed 'cause her husband wouldn't play ball with scooter Libby and Cheney. This is common knowledge and has been thoroughly investigated. Wake up!
what are you talking about? In 1983? Valerie Plaine?..WTF?:cuckoo:

were you talking about iran/contra?

everyone knew about that, too. if that had occurred in this political climate and he was a dem instead of a repub, he'd have been impeached.
No doubt. Thats another reason I'm not supporting the false two-party paradigm this time.
You're Canadian, who cares?
I heard on the radio that not even 1 out of 10 college grads could name a supreme court judge. America gets what she deserves
Also, using G.W. to attack Jeb made no sense. Jeb wasn't president on 9/11 or during the Iraq invasion.
Sooo..... you didn't hear the deabte? Jeb! said his brother "kept us safe" :bsflag: I know right? :coffee:T3h Donald pointed-out that 9/11 happened on well 9/11- W's watch. They were asleep at the wheel despite being given info relating to it as is known.

If the whole BS left wing lying MEME that Bush was told by the CIA and intentional did nothing is even remotely true then why in the HELL didn't the CIA do something? Why did they need GWB? They and the FBI do this type of thing every freakin day. Why the lying left wants to put it all on GWB is not hard to figure out why.

I think we need everyone of the PDB's President Bush received.

It would not make a difference. Every nuance that even came close to indicating Bush knew would be blown out of proportions.

My question still stands, why in the hell does anyone think that Bush could have done something that the CIA and FBI should not have already done. What is needed is the email, letter, note or witness to Bush telling the CIA and FBI not to do their job.

Because the question was never asked and the directive never given. An order can't be followed if it's never given.
Bush got his war he doesn't have to revisit the whys and why nots. The Iraq War wasn't all about WMDs anyway
I agree...but he should just grin and say no comment when asked about WMD. He could just say what Obabble would say..."it's still under investigation, therefore I cannot comment." And then add.....GFY!

I like how the left tards whine about Dubya and he must occupy space in their noodles, they are constantly posting "BBBBBBUUUUTTTT BOOOOOOSH!"

Clinton Stated Iraq had WMD and ATTACKED IRAQ years before Boooosh!

Didn't see Clinton sending in 100,000 troops
Didn't see Clinton having 5000 Americans killed

Clinton used containment effectively for 8 years....Bush couldn't wait to invade


One USMB Trump-supporter just bailed on him. No doubt because Trump called-out the elephant in the room the last debate
Bush spent seven years and lost 6000 Soldiers and couldn't kill bin Laden
Bush even let him escape at Tora Bora

When Clinton warned about the threat of AlQaeda....Republicans claimed he was trying to divert attention away from their blowjob investigation
Now we all know Bush used Blow Jobs assertions that Sadam had WMD, he also was prosecuting Sadam for breaking over a dozen U.N. resolutions! BUT, don't let the truth get in the way of another Leftist lie!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
President Clinton never thought anyone would be dumb enough to invade Irag
But then again, he never anticipated anyone as stupid as Bush

BUT dumb ass, he BOMBED Iraq.... Qualifies as an invasion to anyone being HONEST!...But don't let facts get in the way of a good, leftist, lying, rant!
He bombed Iraq for 8 years.

And if the Obomanation DIDN'T pull our troops out of Iraq, ISIS wouldn't be a threat to the entire world...Thank you Manchurian muslim!


If no troops were there Obama would need to do what?

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