Trump: Bush lied about reason for invading Iraq

Trump is correct about 9/11.

Bush failed to defend the eastern seaboard of the United States despite the August memo warning of a Bin Laden attack. Bush didn't even follow basic defense protocols by having scramble ready planes or additional airport security.

If 3,000 people died in the U.S. on Obama's watch, and it was later discovered that Obama was warned about an impending attack but ignored it, the result would have been impeachment. If it was further discovered that Obama flew members of the Saudi Royals & the Bin Laden family out of the USA directly after the attack, than Obama would have been imprisoned.

Trump is right. Bush was asleep at the wheel on 9/11.

You guys on the right, just love to bring up what Clinton has said about Iraq while he was prez, to justify Bush's war.
The truth is, yep he said that stuff. But he never got close to invading Iraq Why? Probably because the intelligence was sketchy at best. It was known for many years prior to the Bush Administration digging and digging, here, there, anywhere for intelligence to justify the invasion, that the US and basically the "West" had poor intelligence on Iraq and basically had no intelligence on the ground in Iraq..
So the fact that he never got close to invading Iraq, should tell you something. But to those with tunnel vision, you wouldn't even attempt at "getting it".
Bush spent seven years and lost 6000 Soldiers and couldn't kill bin Laden
Bush even let him escape at Tora Bora

When Clinton warned about the threat of AlQaeda....Republicans claimed he was trying to divert attention away from their blowjob investigation
Now we all know Bush used Blow Jobs assertions that Sadam had WMD, he also was prosecuting Sadam for breaking over a dozen U.N. resolutions! BUT, don't let the truth get in the way of another Leftist lie!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
President Clinton never thought anyone would be dumb enough to invade Irag
But then again, he never anticipated anyone as stupid as Bush

BUT dumb ass, he BOMBED Iraq.... Qualifies as an invasion to anyone being HONEST!...But don't let facts get in the way of a good, leftist, lying, rant!
He bombed Iraq for 8 years.

And if the Obomanation DIDN'T pull our troops out of Iraq, ISIS wouldn't be a threat to the entire world...Thank you Manchurian muslim!

It was W who signed the agreement, not Obama.
Iraq wanted us out, out, out. ISIS was formed as a result of the Maliki Iraqi government and the Abbas Syrian government marginalizing the Sunni in their countries and also the persecution of the Sunni. Most ME experts agree on that. It's just you partisan hacks who have little to no knowledge about the ME, are about the only ones who are defiling reality.
Now we all know Bush used Blow Jobs assertions that Sadam had WMD, he also was prosecuting Sadam for breaking over a dozen U.N. resolutions! BUT, don't let the truth get in the way of another Leftist lie!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
President Clinton never thought anyone would be dumb enough to invade Irag
But then again, he never anticipated anyone as stupid as Bush

BUT dumb ass, he BOMBED Iraq.... Qualifies as an invasion to anyone being HONEST!...But don't let facts get in the way of a good, leftist, lying, rant!
He bombed Iraq for 8 years.

And if the Obomanation DIDN'T pull our troops out of Iraq, ISIS wouldn't be a threat to the entire world...Thank you Manchurian muslim!
Manchurian Muslim????

Why are you insulting me? I just pointed out that Bill Clinton didn't just bomb Iraq, he bombed Iraq for 8 years. I wanted to point out that FACT because so many people who post here are ignorant of that history.

There's a huge difference between bombing Iraq to encourage Iraq to stop building WMD's (that they weren't building, Saddam admitted he had been bluffing) and invading Iraq to overthrow Saddam. How many Americans died as a result of the bombing? How many Americans died because of the invasion?

You guys on the right, just love to bring up what Clinton has said about Iraq while he was prez, to justify Bush's war.
The truth is, yep he said that stuff. But he never got close to invading Iraq Why? Probably because the intelligence was sketchy at best. It was known for many years prior to the Bush Administration digging and digging, here, there, anywhere for intelligence to justify the invasion, that the US and basically the "West" had poor intelligence on Iraq and basically had no intelligence on the ground in Iraq..
So the fact that he never got close to invading Iraq, should tell you something. But to those with tunnel vision, you wouldn't even attempt at "getting it".
You are showing your ignorance of history.
President Clinton never thought anyone would be dumb enough to invade Irag
But then again, he never anticipated anyone as stupid as Bush

BUT dumb ass, he BOMBED Iraq.... Qualifies as an invasion to anyone being HONEST!...But don't let facts get in the way of a good, leftist, lying, rant!
He bombed Iraq for 8 years.

And if the Obomanation DIDN'T pull our troops out of Iraq, ISIS wouldn't be a threat to the entire world...Thank you Manchurian muslim!
Manchurian Muslim????

Why are you insulting me? I just pointed out that Bill Clinton didn't just bomb Iraq, he bombed Iraq for 8 years. I wanted to point out that FACT because so many people who post here are ignorant of that history.

There's a huge difference between bombing Iraq to encourage Iraq to stop building WMD's (that they weren't building, Saddam admitted he had been bluffing) and invading Iraq to overthrow Saddam.
Bombing and invading are not mutually exclusive terms.

But of course LWNJs are not known for their logical thinking skills.
Also, using G.W. to attack Jeb made no sense. Jeb wasn't president on 9/11 or during the Iraq invasion.
Sooo..... you didn't hear the deabte? Jeb! said his brother "kept us safe" :bsflag: I know right? :coffee:T3h Donald pointed-out that 9/11 happened on well 9/11- W's watch. They were asleep at the wheel despite being given info relating to it as is known.

If the whole BS left wing lying MEME that Bush was told by the CIA and intentional did nothing is even remotely true then why in the HELL didn't the CIA do something? Why did they need GWB? They and the FBI do this type of thing every freakin day. Why the lying left wants to put it all on GWB is not hard to figure out why.

I think we need everyone of the PDB's President Bush received.

It would not make a difference. Every nuance that even came close to indicating Bush knew would be blown out of proportions.

My question still stands, why in the hell does anyone think that Bush could have done something that the CIA and FBI should not have already done. What is needed is the email, letter, note or witness to Bush telling the CIA and FBI not to do their job.

Because the question was never asked and the directive never given. An order can't be followed if it's never given.
What order was never given? We just received a warning that an Isis attack is inevitable. What order was given? "Have the cart and clubs at tee number one at 0900" ? You have to have specific info to give a specific order.
Well aren't you an articulate fellow...
You haven't been here long enough to get the meaning...and I'm not going to tell you. You'll learn.
Some secret, ridiculous slur or code....get over yourselves. You some sort of elitist club....HAAAAAA!
Im not that interested....just responding to gibberish I guess.
You almost broke the code. "Oh" is my response to gibberish or the droning on of a Libtard. In some cases it mimics my response to my wife when she whines about the condition of the back yard.
A women actually beds you down? Well aren't you a dandy...

So on one side, we have Clinton administration officials who say that there were no credible offers on the table, and on the other, we have claims by a Sudanese government that was (and still is) listed as an official state sponsor of terrorism. It’s possible, of course, that both sides are telling the truth: It could be that Erwa did make an offer, but the offer was completely disingenuous. What is clear is that the 9/11 Commission report totally discounts the Sudanese claims. Unless further evidence arises, that has to be the final word.

Ultimately, however, it doesn’t matter. What is not in dispute at all is the fact that, in early 1996, American officials regarded Osama bin Laden as a financier of terrorism and not as a mastermind largely because, at the time, there was no real evidence that bin Laden had harmed American citizens. So even if the Sudanese government really did offer to hand bin Laden over, the U.S. would have had no grounds for detaining him. In fact, the Justice Department did not secure an indictment against bin Laden until 1998 – at which point Clinton did order a cruise missile attack on an al Qaeda camp in an attempt to kill bin Laden.

We have to be careful about engaging in what historians call "Whig history," which is the practice of assuming that historical figures value exactly the same things that we do today. It’s a fancy term for those "why didn’t someone just shoot Hitler in 1930?" questions that one hears in dorm-room bull sessions. The answer, of course, is that no one knew quite how bad Hitler was in 1930. The same is true of bin Laden in 1996.

Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

You mean WHAT BLOW JOB CLIUNTON "SAID" ON THAT YouTube AUDIO FILE IS A "LIE"....BLOW JHOB 'LIED ABOUT IT???......C4A I thought more of you, but it seems you've drifted back to being a SLURPER for Blow Job!
Bush spent seven years and lost 6000 Soldiers and couldn't kill bin Laden
Bush even let him escape at Tora Bora

When Clinton warned about the threat of AlQaeda....Republicans claimed he was trying to divert attention away from their blowjob investigation
Now we all know Bush used Blow Jobs assertions that Sadam had WMD, he also was prosecuting Sadam for breaking over a dozen U.N. resolutions! BUT, don't let the truth get in the way of another Leftist lie!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
President Clinton never thought anyone would be dumb enough to invade Irag
But then again, he never anticipated anyone as stupid as Bush

BUT dumb ass, he BOMBED Iraq.... Qualifies as an invasion to anyone being HONEST!...But don't let facts get in the way of a good, leftist, lying, rant!
Boots on the ground is an invasion dumbass

Pearl Harbor was bombed, it was not invaded
Bombing takes out facilities, invasion captures territory
Didn't see Clinton sending in 100,000 troops
Didn't see Clinton having 5000 Americans killed

Clinton used containment effectively for 8 years....Bush couldn't wait to invade


Clinton came closer to killing bin Laden than Bush did in seven years of combat and killing 6000 Americans

Blow Job could have PREVENTED it all....and DIDN'T..another COWARD, DemocRAT, pervert, as most seem to be, especially in here!

You think 9-11 couldn't happen without bin Laden?

Khalil Sheik Mohammad planned the attacks, bin Laden approved the plans. Blaming Clinton for not killing Mohammad now?

I find it interesting that you haven't got an honest bone in your body when incontrovertible evidence is presented that Blow Job let Bin Laden go, and NO, 9/11 wouldn't have happened without Bin Laden...Prove it would! :ahole-1:

And the blind sheik was incarcerated when 9/11 happened and couldn't approve shit!

Didn't see Clinton sending in 100,000 troops
Didn't see Clinton having 5000 Americans killed

Clinton used containment effectively for 8 years....Bush couldn't wait to invade


Clinton came closer to killing bin Laden than Bush did in seven years of combat and killing 6000 Americans

Blow Job could have PREVENTED it all....and DIDN'T..another COWARD, DemocRAT, pervert, as most seem to be, especially in here!

You think 9-11 couldn't happen without bin Laden?

Khalil Sheik Mohammad planned the attacks, bin Laden approved the plans. Blaming Clinton for not killing Mohammad now?

I find it interesting that you haven't got an honest bone in your body when incontrovertible evidence is presented that Blow Job let Bin Laden go, and NO, 9/11 wouldn't have happened without Bin Laden...Prove it would! :ahole-1:

And the blind sheik was incarcerated when 9/11 happened and couldn't approve shit!

Al Qaeda didn't need Bin Laden for the attacks. You're an idiot.
Also, using G.W. to attack Jeb made no sense. Jeb wasn't president on 9/11 or during the Iraq invasion.
Sooo..... you didn't hear the deabte? Jeb! said his brother "kept us safe" :bsflag: I know right? :coffee:T3h Donald pointed-out that 9/11 happened on well 9/11- W's watch. They were asleep at the wheel despite being given info relating to it as is known.

If the whole BS left wing lying MEME that Bush was told by the CIA and intentional did nothing is even remotely true then why in the HELL didn't the CIA do something? Why did they need GWB? They and the FBI do this type of thing every freakin day. Why the lying left wants to put it all on GWB is not hard to figure out why.

I think we need everyone of the PDB's President Bush received.

It would not make a difference. Every nuance that even came close to indicating Bush knew would be blown out of proportions.

My question still stands, why in the hell does anyone think that Bush could have done something that the CIA and FBI should not have already done. What is needed is the email, letter, note or witness to Bush telling the CIA and FBI not to do their job.

Because the question was never asked and the directive never given. An order can't be followed if it's never given.

I might be reading you wrongly but what order should have been given? Are you really trying to convince me that the CIA and FBI knew what was going to happen but did NOTHING because GWB didn't tell them too? Really? That is about as absurd of thinking as I think a person could have. Bush may not have been the sharpest knife in the drawer but he wasn't evil. To do what I think you are suggesting is beyond evil. Trump is full of crap and if you agree with him, well.....
Well aren't you an articulate fellow...
You haven't been here long enough to get the meaning...and I'm not going to tell you. You'll learn.
Some secret, ridiculous slur or code....get over yourselves. You some sort of elitist club....HAAAAAA!
Im not that interested....just responding to gibberish I guess.
You almost broke the code. "Oh" is my response to gibberish or the droning on of a Libtard. In some cases it mimics my response to my wife when she whines about the condition of the back yard.
A women actually beds you down? Well aren't you a dandy...
It's better than getting cornholed by your pizza delivery man. By the way ...what is warwfare? Is that how they spell it at the gay bar?
Sooo..... you didn't hear the deabte? Jeb! said his brother "kept us safe" :bsflag: I know right? :coffee:T3h Donald pointed-out that 9/11 happened on well 9/11- W's watch. They were asleep at the wheel despite being given info relating to it as is known.

If the whole BS left wing lying MEME that Bush was told by the CIA and intentional did nothing is even remotely true then why in the HELL didn't the CIA do something? Why did they need GWB? They and the FBI do this type of thing every freakin day. Why the lying left wants to put it all on GWB is not hard to figure out why.

I think we need everyone of the PDB's President Bush received.

It would not make a difference. Every nuance that even came close to indicating Bush knew would be blown out of proportions.

My question still stands, why in the hell does anyone think that Bush could have done something that the CIA and FBI should not have already done. What is needed is the email, letter, note or witness to Bush telling the CIA and FBI not to do their job.

Because the question was never asked and the directive never given. An order can't be followed if it's never given.

I might be reading you wrongly but what order should have been given? Are you really trying to convince me that the CIA and FBI knew what was going to happen but did NOTHING because GWB didn't tell them too? Really? That is about as absurd of thinking as I think a person could have. Bush may not have been the sharpest knife in the drawer but he wasn't evil. To do what I think you are suggesting is beyond evil. Trump is full of crap and if you agree with him, well.....
Bush ignored the threat of terrorism. It was not high on his list of things to do
If he had taken a more proactive stance against terrorism, could he have prevented the attacks? We will never know

Did he keep us safe? Not even close
If the whole BS left wing lying MEME that Bush was told by the CIA and intentional did nothing is even remotely true then why in the HELL didn't the CIA do something? Why did they need GWB? They and the FBI do this type of thing every freakin day. Why the lying left wants to put it all on GWB is not hard to figure out why.

I think we need everyone of the PDB's President Bush received.

It would not make a difference. Every nuance that even came close to indicating Bush knew would be blown out of proportions.

My question still stands, why in the hell does anyone think that Bush could have done something that the CIA and FBI should not have already done. What is needed is the email, letter, note or witness to Bush telling the CIA and FBI not to do their job.

Because the question was never asked and the directive never given. An order can't be followed if it's never given.

I might be reading you wrongly but what order should have been given? Are you really trying to convince me that the CIA and FBI knew what was going to happen but did NOTHING because GWB didn't tell them too? Really? That is about as absurd of thinking as I think a person could have. Bush may not have been the sharpest knife in the drawer but he wasn't evil. To do what I think you are suggesting is beyond evil. Trump is full of crap and if you agree with him, well.....
Bush ignored the threat of terrorism. It was not high on his list of things to do
If he had taken a more proactive stance against terrorism, could he have prevented the attacks? We will never know

Did he keep us safe? Not even close
Yo dumbo...where was Mo Atta when W assumed command?
If the whole BS left wing lying MEME that Bush was told by the CIA and intentional did nothing is even remotely true then why in the HELL didn't the CIA do something? Why did they need GWB? They and the FBI do this type of thing every freakin day. Why the lying left wants to put it all on GWB is not hard to figure out why.

I think we need everyone of the PDB's President Bush received.

It would not make a difference. Every nuance that even came close to indicating Bush knew would be blown out of proportions.

My question still stands, why in the hell does anyone think that Bush could have done something that the CIA and FBI should not have already done. What is needed is the email, letter, note or witness to Bush telling the CIA and FBI not to do their job.

Because the question was never asked and the directive never given. An order can't be followed if it's never given.

I might be reading you wrongly but what order should have been given? Are you really trying to convince me that the CIA and FBI knew what was going to happen but did NOTHING because GWB didn't tell them too? Really? That is about as absurd of thinking as I think a person could have. Bush may not have been the sharpest knife in the drawer but he wasn't evil. To do what I think you are suggesting is beyond evil. Trump is full of crap and if you agree with him, well.....
Bush ignored the threat of terrorism. It was not high on his list of things to do
If he had taken a more proactive stance against terrorism, could he have prevented the attacks? We will never know

Did he keep us safe? Not even close

And prior to, or even after, what would you have him do? What warnings did Clinton ignore prior to the first WTC bombing? No one asks because it is absurd defective thinking to believe that ANYONE would ignore a threat. Especially agencies that are for no other reasons then to prevent such things from happening. I will say there may have been some things ignored but not on GWB's level. Why the things were ignored may have been nefarious but more then likely it was due to no one thinking anyone could do such a thing or the incompetence that the CIA and FBI has shown before and after.

One thing that could have been done and is an FAA issue is cockpit security. Pilots for years complained about the security and no one did a thing. That motive is easy to figure out, money.
I think we need everyone of the PDB's President Bush received.

It would not make a difference. Every nuance that even came close to indicating Bush knew would be blown out of proportions.

My question still stands, why in the hell does anyone think that Bush could have done something that the CIA and FBI should not have already done. What is needed is the email, letter, note or witness to Bush telling the CIA and FBI not to do their job.

Because the question was never asked and the directive never given. An order can't be followed if it's never given.

I might be reading you wrongly but what order should have been given? Are you really trying to convince me that the CIA and FBI knew what was going to happen but did NOTHING because GWB didn't tell them too? Really? That is about as absurd of thinking as I think a person could have. Bush may not have been the sharpest knife in the drawer but he wasn't evil. To do what I think you are suggesting is beyond evil. Trump is full of crap and if you agree with him, well.....
Bush ignored the threat of terrorism. It was not high on his list of things to do
If he had taken a more proactive stance against terrorism, could he have prevented the attacks? We will never know

Did he keep us safe? Not even close
Yo dumbo...where was Mo Atta when W assumed command?

You think Mohammad Atta was irreplaceable? If not him, they would have used someone else
Where was Bush intelligence in intercepting traffic to the terrorists, name a single anti terrorism initiative coming out of Bush before 9-11
I think we need everyone of the PDB's President Bush received.

It would not make a difference. Every nuance that even came close to indicating Bush knew would be blown out of proportions.

My question still stands, why in the hell does anyone think that Bush could have done something that the CIA and FBI should not have already done. What is needed is the email, letter, note or witness to Bush telling the CIA and FBI not to do their job.

Because the question was never asked and the directive never given. An order can't be followed if it's never given.

I might be reading you wrongly but what order should have been given? Are you really trying to convince me that the CIA and FBI knew what was going to happen but did NOTHING because GWB didn't tell them too? Really? That is about as absurd of thinking as I think a person could have. Bush may not have been the sharpest knife in the drawer but he wasn't evil. To do what I think you are suggesting is beyond evil. Trump is full of crap and if you agree with him, well.....
Bush ignored the threat of terrorism. It was not high on his list of things to do
If he had taken a more proactive stance against terrorism, could he have prevented the attacks? We will never know

Did he keep us safe? Not even close

And prior to, or even after, what would you have him do? What warnings did Clinton ignore prior to the first WTC bombing? No one asks because it is absurd defective thinking to believe that ANYONE would ignore a threat. Especially agencies that are for no other reasons then to prevent such things from happening. I will say there may have been some things ignored but not on GWB's level. Why the things were ignored may have been nefarious but more then likely it was due to no one thinking anyone could do such a thing or the incompetence that the CIA and FBI has shown before and after.

One thing that could have been done and is an FAA issue is cockpit security. Pilots for years complained about the security and no one did a thing. That motive is easy to figure out, money.
Bush did nothing to enhance our defenses against terrorism. Didn't even meet with his antiterrorism experts

He did not keep us safe
It would not make a difference. Every nuance that even came close to indicating Bush knew would be blown out of proportions.

My question still stands, why in the hell does anyone think that Bush could have done something that the CIA and FBI should not have already done. What is needed is the email, letter, note or witness to Bush telling the CIA and FBI not to do their job.

Because the question was never asked and the directive never given. An order can't be followed if it's never given.

I might be reading you wrongly but what order should have been given? Are you really trying to convince me that the CIA and FBI knew what was going to happen but did NOTHING because GWB didn't tell them too? Really? That is about as absurd of thinking as I think a person could have. Bush may not have been the sharpest knife in the drawer but he wasn't evil. To do what I think you are suggesting is beyond evil. Trump is full of crap and if you agree with him, well.....
Bush ignored the threat of terrorism. It was not high on his list of things to do
If he had taken a more proactive stance against terrorism, could he have prevented the attacks? We will never know

Did he keep us safe? Not even close
Yo dumbo...where was Mo Atta when W assumed command?

You think Mohammad Atta was irreplaceable? If not him, they would have used someone else
Where was Bush intelligence in intercepting traffic to the terrorists, name a single anti terrorism initiative coming out of Bush before 9-11
Three Katyushas for that response..

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