Trump Busts Obama For Obamacare Scam that Made Him Millions

Boy haven't they banned you yet for all your fake news?. Your spewing breitbart garbage again The site is supposed to educate people not bring them down to your level
FACT CHECK: Did President Obama Make Millions from 'Obamacare' Royalties?
Not very Christian of you
SNOPES? Is this a joke?? You need to take your comedy show on the road with Siete!
Notice how the people that post lies, like the OP, all hate Snopes!!!!!!
They cut and paste and rail against commie fact check. And they are christians??!!!! Must look up siete. I think the Obama haters are back in their double wides sucking off their SS and Medicare benefits but never admit it
Commie fact check. Hmm... does Snopes know you are referring to them as Communists? Not disagreeing with you but they might have a problem with you putting that out there......
Did you know that Obama was making millions of dollars that should be going to the American taxpayer? Yes, Obama arranged to pay himself a royalty for use of the name "Obamacare" because it uses his name! Just one more way Obama is making money off the backs of hard working Americans. Kudos to President Trump's accounting team for exposing Barack Obama and his money making scam!

The article reports:

Donald Trump’s accounting team has found a little-known scam about Obamacare that has made the Obama family millions of dollars that should belong to the taxpayer. According to the lead accountant at Howe, Dewey and DeWitt, Obama had a line item written into the law that gives his family a royalty for using their name.

The name “Obamacare” appears ion the text of the law 418 times and on the health care marketplace exchange websites 129 times. Every time someone clicks on a page with that name on it, the Obama’s receive 41 cents from the US Treasury’s general fund. The worst part is, since the Democrats made it part of the Obamacare law and not the ACA law, it’s perfectly legal.

BREAKING: Obama BUSTED For Obamacare Scam That Made Him MILLIONS
Cool I was wondering how their bank accounts got so plush without actually doing anything to "earn it". I hope the Trump admin will collect it back along with everything else the actual crooks in these political positions have stolen from the public coffers.
Part of it is called royalties. I presume you have written a book and know all about the most?
I am not buying the royalty from books bs nor the book. That could be a handy way to launder money though for the corrupt. Hell Clinton's have gotten away with that and their many other scams for years........

Barack Obama’s “Dreams from My Father” is published - Jul 18, 1995 -
The book received favorable reviews; however, it sold a modest 8,000 to 9,000 ... The publicity generated by his victory prompted a publisher to ...

The Obamas' Book Deals Spark $65 Million Mystery
"Still other insiders said that fathoming the math is impossible, since the sum PRH paid is itself so far from the norm. As one foreign rights associate put it: “We’re all so blown away by the numbers on this deal that the sky’s the limit, right?” She went on, “I’ve rarely seen seven-figure deals abroad, but these numbers are new to the game.”
Last edited:
Umm... from your "source":

DISCLAIMER: The Resistance may include information from sources that may or may not be reliable and facts that don’t necessarily exist. All articles should be considered satirical and any and all quotes attributed to actual people complete and total baloney. Pictures that represent actual people should be considered altered and not in any way real.

If you think that Obama trademarked the term Obamacare and got it put in the bill under that name, then you are some kind of special idiot.

Obama didn't even start using the term Obamacare until around 2010 or 2011.
Did you know that Obama was making millions of dollars that should be going to the American taxpayer? Yes, Obama arranged to pay himself a royalty for use of the name "Obamacare" because it uses his name! Just one more way Obama is making money off the backs of hard working Americans. Kudos to President Trump's accounting team for exposing Barack Obama and his money making scam!

The article reports:

Donald Trump’s accounting team has found a little-known scam about Obamacare that has made the Obama family millions of dollars that should belong to the taxpayer. According to the lead accountant at Howe, Dewey and DeWitt, Obama had a line item written into the law that gives his family a royalty for using their name.

The name “Obamacare” appears ion the text of the law 418 times and on the health care marketplace exchange websites 129 times. Every time someone clicks on a page with that name on it, the Obama’s receive 41 cents from the US Treasury’s general fund. The worst part is, since the Democrats made it part of the Obamacare law and not the ACA law, it’s perfectly legal.

BREAKING: Obama BUSTED For Obamacare Scam That Made Him MILLIONS
Cool I was wondering how their bank accounts got so plush without actually doing anything to "earn it". I hope the Trump admin will collect it back along with everything else the actual crooks in these political positions have stolen from the public coffers.


Is this why you were so quick to jump to Mindless' defense in the other thread? Because you're as overly-credulous as he is?
Here the disclaimer from the site:

It's amazing what some people will believe to buttress their confirmation biases, but thankfully, it's also quite funny.
If you think that Obama trademarked the term Obamacare and got it put in the bill under that name, then you are some kind of special idiot.

Obama didn't even start using the term Obamacare until around 2010 or 2011.
I wouldn't put anything past Barack Obama.
Commie fact check. Hmm... does Snopes know you are referring to them as Communists? Not disagreeing with you but they might have a problem with you putting that out there......
I just thought that may be your opinion. Apologies if you are a rabid leftie. As a filthy rich corporatist who made money off the uneducated I aappreciate you and Don actually, thank God I don't spend 1/2 my life
searching (and cutting and posting) for anti Donald communist country diatribes. Ever looked into that? Still waiting for your extensive education
Did you know that Obama was making millions of dollars that should be going to the American taxpayer? Yes, Obama arranged to pay himself a royalty for use of the name "Obamacare" because it uses his name! Just one more way Obama is making money off the backs of hard working Americans. Kudos to President Trump's accounting team for exposing Barack Obama and his money making scam!

The article reports:

Donald Trump’s accounting team has found a little-known scam about Obamacare that has made the Obama family millions of dollars that should belong to the taxpayer. According to the lead accountant at Howe, Dewey and DeWitt, Obama had a line item written into the law that gives his family a royalty for using their name.

The name “Obamacare” appears ion the text of the law 418 times and on the health care marketplace exchange websites 129 times. Every time someone clicks on a page with that name on it, the Obama’s receive 41 cents from the US Treasury’s general fund. The worst part is, since the Democrats made it part of the Obamacare law and not the ACA law, it’s perfectly legal.

BREAKING: Obama BUSTED For Obamacare Scam That Made Him MILLIONS
Cool I was wondering how their bank accounts got so plush without actually doing anything to "earn it". I hope the Trump admin will collect it back along with everything else the actual crooks in these political positions have stolen from the public coffers.
Part of it is called royalties. I presume you have written a book and know all about the most?
I am not buying the royalty from books bs nor the book. That could be a handy way to launder money though for the corrupt. Hell Clinton's have gotten away with that and their many other scams for years........

Barack Obama’s “Dreams from My Father” is published - Jul 18, 1995 -
The book received favorable reviews; however, it sold a modest 8,000 to 9,000 ... The publicity generated by his victory prompted a publisher to ...

The Obamas' Book Deals Spark $65 Million Mystery
"Still other insiders said that fathoming the math is impossible, since the sum PRH paid is itself so far from the norm. As one foreign rights associate put it: “We’re all so blown away by the numbers on this deal that the sky’s the limit, right?” She went on, “I’ve rarely seen seven-figure deals abroad, but these numbers are new to the game.”
And you have no prob with Don the con? We still don't know of his commie country deals
Commie fact check. Hmm... does Snopes know you are referring to them as Communists? Not disagreeing with you but they might have a problem with you putting that out there......
I just thought that may be your opinion. Apologies if you are a rabid leftie. As a filthy rich corporatist who made money off the uneducated I aappreciate you and Don actually, thank God I don't spend 1/2 my life
searching (and cutting and posting) for anti Donald communist country diatribes. Ever looked into that? Still waiting for your extensive education
I voted for Donald Trump. He's the best thing that has happened to our country in many years. I pray he gets a 3rd term. With the House and Senate both Republican perhaps they will make sure that happens!
Did you know that Obama was making millions of dollars that should be going to the American taxpayer? Yes, Obama arranged to pay himself a royalty for use of the name "Obamacare" because it uses his name! Just one more way Obama is making money off the backs of hard working Americans. Kudos to President Trump's accounting team for exposing Barack Obama and his money making scam!

The article reports:

Donald Trump’s accounting team has found a little-known scam about Obamacare that has made the Obama family millions of dollars that should belong to the taxpayer. According to the lead accountant at Howe, Dewey and DeWitt, Obama had a line item written into the law that gives his family a royalty for using their name.

The name “Obamacare” appears ion the text of the law 418 times and on the health care marketplace exchange websites 129 times. Every time someone clicks on a page with that name on it, the Obama’s receive 41 cents from the US Treasury’s general fund. The worst part is, since the Democrats made it part of the Obamacare law and not the ACA law, it’s perfectly legal.

BREAKING: Obama BUSTED For Obamacare Scam That Made Him MILLIONS
Cool I was wondering how their bank accounts got so plush without actually doing anything to "earn it". I hope the Trump admin will collect it back along with everything else the actual crooks in these political positions have stolen from the public coffers.
Part of it is called royalties. I presume you have written a book and know all about the most?
I am not buying the royalty from books bs nor the book. That could be a handy way to launder money though for the corrupt. Hell Clinton's have gotten away with that and their many other scams for years........

Barack Obama’s “Dreams from My Father” is published - Jul 18, 1995 -
The book received favorable reviews; however, it sold a modest 8,000 to 9,000 ... The publicity generated by his victory prompted a publisher to ...

The Obamas' Book Deals Spark $65 Million Mystery
"Still other insiders said that fathoming the math is impossible, since the sum PRH paid is itself so far from the norm. As one foreign rights associate put it: “We’re all so blown away by the numbers on this deal that the sky’s the limit, right?” She went on, “I’ve rarely seen seven-figure deals abroad, but these numbers are new to the game.”
And you have no prob with Don the con? We still don't know of his commie country deals
That's because there isn't any. Refer back to Obama and Clinton Administrations. You'll find what you are looking for.
Did you know that Obama was making millions of dollars that should be going to the American taxpayer? Yes, Obama arranged to pay himself a royalty for use of the name "Obamacare" because it uses his name! Just one more way Obama is making money off the backs of hard working Americans. Kudos to President Trump's accounting team for exposing Barack Obama and his money making scam!

The article reports:

Donald Trump’s accounting team has found a little-known scam about Obamacare that has made the Obama family millions of dollars that should belong to the taxpayer. According to the lead accountant at Howe, Dewey and DeWitt, Obama had a line item written into the law that gives his family a royalty for using their name.

The name “Obamacare” appears ion the text of the law 418 times and on the health care marketplace exchange websites 129 times. Every time someone clicks on a page with that name on it, the Obama’s receive 41 cents from the US Treasury’s general fund. The worst part is, since the Democrats made it part of the Obamacare law and not the ACA law, it’s perfectly legal.

BREAKING: Obama BUSTED For Obamacare Scam That Made Him MILLIONS
Cool I was wondering how their bank accounts got so plush without actually doing anything to "earn it". I hope the Trump admin will collect it back along with everything else the actual crooks in these political positions have stolen from the public coffers.
Part of it is called royalties. I presume you have written a book and know all about the most?
I am not buying the royalty from books bs nor the book. That could be a handy way to launder money though for the corrupt. Hell Clinton's have gotten away with that and their many other scams for years........

Barack Obama’s “Dreams from My Father” is published - Jul 18, 1995 -
The book received favorable reviews; however, it sold a modest 8,000 to 9,000 ... The publicity generated by his victory prompted a publisher to ...

The Obamas' Book Deals Spark $65 Million Mystery
"Still other insiders said that fathoming the math is impossible, since the sum PRH paid is itself so far from the norm. As one foreign rights associate put it: “We’re all so blown away by the numbers on this deal that the sky’s the limit, right?” She went on, “I’ve rarely seen seven-figure deals abroad, but these numbers are new to the game.”
And you have no prob with Don the con? We still don't know of his commie country deals
What does that have to do with Obama's and Clinton's stuffing their pockets when they were supposed to be representing the peoples best interest? Trump didn't sell out being a politician to make his. He was in private enterprise. If he ever does sell out the people that voted for him like Obama and Clinton I'll be the first to agree he should be tarred and feathered.
If you think that Obama trademarked the term Obamacare and got it put in the bill under that name, then you are some kind of special idiot.

Obama didn't even start using the term Obamacare until around 2010 or 2011.
I wouldn't put anything past Barack Obama.
Well that's obvious. And where is he and you again? He invented it? Wow, Wasn't warren buffet? He's guilty of everything else. At least he released his taxes. No prob with dons taxes.? No arbogaghan money?
Did you know that Obama was making millions of dollars that should be going to the American taxpayer? Yes, Obama arranged to pay himself a royalty for use of the name "Obamacare" because it uses his name! Just one more way Obama is making money off the backs of hard working Americans. Kudos to President Trump's accounting team for exposing Barack Obama and his money making scam!

The article reports:

Donald Trump’s accounting team has found a little-known scam about Obamacare that has made the Obama family millions of dollars that should belong to the taxpayer. According to the lead accountant at Howe, Dewey and DeWitt, Obama had a line item written into the law that gives his family a royalty for using their name.

The name “Obamacare” appears ion the text of the law 418 times and on the health care marketplace exchange websites 129 times. Every time someone clicks on a page with that name on it, the Obama’s receive 41 cents from the US Treasury’s general fund. The worst part is, since the Democrats made it part of the Obamacare law and not the ACA law, it’s perfectly legal.

BREAKING: Obama BUSTED For Obamacare Scam That Made Him MILLIONS
Cool I was wondering how their bank accounts got so plush without actually doing anything to "earn it". I hope the Trump admin will collect it back along with everything else the actual crooks in these political positions have stolen from the public coffers.
Part of it is called royalties. I presume you have written a book and know all about the most?
I am not buying the royalty from books bs nor the book. That could be a handy way to launder money though for the corrupt. Hell Clinton's have gotten away with that and their many other scams for years........

Barack Obama’s “Dreams from My Father” is published - Jul 18, 1995 -
The book received favorable reviews; however, it sold a modest 8,000 to 9,000 ... The publicity generated by his victory prompted a publisher to ...

The Obamas' Book Deals Spark $65 Million Mystery
"Still other insiders said that fathoming the math is impossible, since the sum PRH paid is itself so far from the norm. As one foreign rights associate put it: “We’re all so blown away by the numbers on this deal that the sky’s the limit, right?” She went on, “I’ve rarely seen seven-figure deals abroad, but these numbers are new to the game.”
And you have no prob with Don the con? We still don't know of his commie country deals
That's because there isn't any. Refer back to Obama and Clinton Administrations. You'll find what you are looking for.
Ah the good old rightie argument, look it up. I guess the the cl
Boy haven't they banned you yet for all your fake news?. Your spewing breitbart garbage again The site is supposed to educate people not bring them down to your level
FACT CHECK: Did President Obama Make Millions from 'Obamacare' Royalties?
Not very Christian of you
We don't all buy into snopes just like you do not like Breibart.
I appreciate that I just get tired by high school cut and paste Obama haters when they don't have the education or brains to research. You may thing snopes is left but breitbart is established anti Jew and racist.
I appreciate that I just get tired by high school cut and paste Obama haters when they don't have the education or brains to research. You may thing snopes is left but breitbart is established anti Jew and racist.
Different strokes for different folks. Eventually people learn to do their own research and find out what truth lies in any of what is reported. An old friend (a well respected judge) once told me "Generally where there is smoke there is fire". It may be that one piece leads to another piece that brings out the truth.
Did you know that Obama was making millions of dollars that should be going to the American taxpayer? Yes, Obama arranged to pay himself a royalty for use of the name "Obamacare" because it uses his name! Just one more way Obama is making money off the backs of hard working Americans. Kudos to President Trump's accounting team for exposing Barack Obama and his money making scam!

The article reports:

Donald Trump’s accounting team has found a little-known scam about Obamacare that has made the Obama family millions of dollars that should belong to the taxpayer. According to the lead accountant at Howe, Dewey and DeWitt, Obama had a line item written into the law that gives his family a royalty for using their name.

The name “Obamacare” appears ion the text of the law 418 times and on the health care marketplace exchange websites 129 times. Every time someone clicks on a page with that name on it, the Obama’s receive 41 cents from the US Treasury’s general fund. The worst part is, since the Democrats made it part of the Obamacare law and not the ACA law, it’s perfectly legal.

BREAKING: Obama BUSTED For Obamacare Scam That Made Him MILLIONS
Cool I was wondering how their bank accounts got so plush without actually doing anything to "earn it". I hope the Trump admin will collect it back along with everything else the actual crooks in these political positions have stolen from the public coffers.
Have you read Winston Churchill? Business is dirty, politics is filthy? Researched bush , Reagan. Nixon weath? Omg now the clintons are corrupt and Don the con? Hilarious,the king of heard about his mexican, Atlantic city, university scams?? He just coughed up $40000 to settle one of his scams. Still warthog for the vagina grabber lawsuits . And you're worrying about Clinton, Obama ? Hilarious. Do some research
Boy haven't they banned you yet for all your fake news?. Your spewing breitbart garbage again The site is supposed to educate people not bring them down to your level
FACT CHECK: Did President Obama Make Millions from 'Obamacare' Royalties?
Not very Christian of you

Fact Check is a high class form of SNOPES fool. They also are controlled by GOV. of course the liars will put glamorized bs lies up about Obama. Only a moron believes the chit on Fact check lol[/QUOT
Omg , talk about paranoia. Do tell on your fact check sites. Moron ? 2 nd grade insult? Dead giveaway for limited Ed. ? Please let us know about your advanced degrees

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