Trump cabal directly contradicted on climate change by government report...

You are calling scientists all liars and incompetent
No I'm not...Not all scientist agree and not all scientist are in the pocket of uncle Sam and dependent on grants for their livelihood....You think it's all done, that the science is rock solid and all agree but you are wrong. You could not be more wrong...more and more scientists are speaking out on the issue and questioning the computer models....Read!!!!

"Uncle Sam"... What? And in which country do you reside?

Probably thinks society should just be a free for all like the wild west or somalia.
Over the past 115 years global average temperatures have increased 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit,

It's almost as if the people who have dedicated their lives to this science know something you don't, isn't it?

It's obvious you get your water from flint Michigan
In a development that should surprise exactly nobody, Trump and his loyalist officials have been directly contradicted (again) by an extensive report on climate change. This time, it comes from 13 agencies in his own administration.

The entire report can be read here:

Climate Science Special Report:

Over the past 115 years global average temperatures have increased 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, leading to record-breaking weather events and temperature extremes, the report says. The global, long-term warming trend is “unambiguous,” it says, and there is “no convincing alternative explanation” that anything other than humans — the cars we drive, the power plants we operate, the forests we destroy — are to blame.

The report was approved for release by the White House,..." -NYT

"“It begs the question, where are members of the administration getting their information from? They’re obviously not getting it from their own scientists.” - Philip Duffy
No one is surprised. The swamp hasn't been drained yet. Work on the report started in 2015, and the people working on it aren't political appointees. Trump can't just fire them.
You are calling scientists all liars and incompetent
No I'm not...Not all scientist agree and not all scientist are in the pocket of uncle Sam and dependent on grants for their livelihood....You think it's all done, that the science is rock solid and all agree but you are wrong. You could not be more wrong...more and more scientists are speaking out on the issue and questioning the computer models....Read!!!!

"Not all scientist agree"

So? If 90%+ of them agree, that's an overwhelming consensus. And you are calling all of them liars and/or incompetent. Imagine the nerve of some uneducated slob, trying to even talk about, much less critique, their life's work.

Yes, it is settled science that our emissions have warmed and will warm the climate. No, your little contingent of American Republican deniers doesn't have any bearing on that whatsoever. In fact, you embarrass our country.
Consensus isn't science, dipstick. The minute you utter the word "consensus" you unmask yourself as a scientific ignoramus.
You are calling scientists all liars and incompetent
No I'm not...Not all scientist agree and not all scientist are in the pocket of uncle Sam and dependent on grants for their livelihood....You think it's all done, that the science is rock solid and all agree but you are wrong. You could not be more wrong...more and more scientists are speaking out on the issue and questioning the computer models....Read!!!!

"Not all scientist agree"

So? If 90%+ of them agree, that's an overwhelming consensus. And you are calling all of them liars and/or incompetent. Imagine the nerve of some uneducated slob, trying to even talk about, much less critique, their life's work.

Yes, it is settled science that our emissions have warmed and will warm the climate. No, your little contingent of American Republican deniers doesn't have any bearing on that whatsoever. In fact, you embarrass our country.
Consensus isn't science, dipstick. The minute you utter the word "consensus" you unmask yourself as a scientific ignoramus.

I didn't say or imply that consensus was science. I said (not implied) that you uneducated slobs are calling them incompetent and liars. That's a fact, and one especially true of you. So own it.
You are calling scientists all liars and incompetent
No I'm not...Not all scientist agree and not all scientist are in the pocket of uncle Sam and dependent on grants for their livelihood....You think it's all done, that the science is rock solid and all agree but you are wrong. You could not be more wrong...more and more scientists are speaking out on the issue and questioning the computer models....Read!!!!

"Not all scientist agree"

So? If 90%+ of them agree, that's an overwhelming consensus. And you are calling all of them liars and/or incompetent. Imagine the nerve of some uneducated slob, trying to even talk about, much less critique, their life's work.

Yes, it is settled science that our emissions have warmed and will warm the climate. No, your little contingent of American Republican deniers doesn't have any bearing on that whatsoever. In fact, you embarrass our country.
Consensus isn't science, dipstick. The minute you utter the word "consensus" you unmask yourself as a scientific ignoramus.

I didn't say or imply that consensus was science. I said (not implied) that you uneducated slobs are calling them incompetent and liars. That's a fact, and one especially true of you. So own it.

Yup the flint water is getting to you...
You are calling scientists all liars and incompetent
No I'm not...Not all scientist agree and not all scientist are in the pocket of uncle Sam and dependent on grants for their livelihood....You think it's all done, that the science is rock solid and all agree but you are wrong. You could not be more wrong...more and more scientists are speaking out on the issue and questioning the computer models....Read!!!!

"Not all scientist agree"

So? If 90%+ of them agree, that's an overwhelming consensus. And you are calling all of them liars and/or incompetent. Imagine the nerve of some uneducated slob, trying to even talk about, much less critique, their life's work.

Yes, it is settled science that our emissions have warmed and will warm the climate. No, your little contingent of American Republican deniers doesn't have any bearing on that whatsoever. In fact, you embarrass our country.
Consensus isn't science, dipstick. The minute you utter the word "consensus" you unmask yourself as a scientific ignoramus.

I didn't say or imply that consensus was science. I said (not implied) that you uneducated slobs are calling them incompetent and liars. That's a fact, and one especially true of you. So own it.

Of course you said it. Do you think we're too stupid to understand meant by the following?

"If 90%+ of them agree, that's an overwhelming consensus."
You got caught using a bogus aregument and now you're trying to back peddle.
Climate Change is the perfect kind of scare tactic that the soft-minded liberals will fall for
sure shit for brain "'soft minded liberals " and also the Trump Environmental agency ...duh urrrr
]Trump administration releases report finding 'no convincing ... White House-approved report concludes humans are behind climate ...
CNBC-16 hours ago
New US Report on Climate Change Offers Dire Warnings
Voice of America-13 hours ago
Trump administration report attributes climate change to 'human ...
CNN-17 hours ago
A Major New US Report Affirms: Climate Change Is Getting Worse
In-Depth-The Atlantic-18 hours ago
Climate change sucks moisture from the West, adding to droughts ...
Climate Change is the perfect kind of scare tactic that the soft-minded liberals will fall for
sure shit for brain "'soft minded liberals " and also the Trump Environmental agency ...duh urrrr
]Trump administration releases report finding 'no convincing ... White House-approved report concludes humans are behind climate ...
CNBC-16 hours ago
New US Report on Climate Change Offers Dire Warnings
Voice of America-13 hours ago
Trump administration report attributes climate change to 'human ...
CNN-17 hours ago
A Major New US Report Affirms: Climate Change Is Getting Worse
In-Depth-The Atlantic-18 hours ago
Climate change sucks moisture from the West, adding to droughts ...

When did the White House approve it? The Obama adminisrtion created the report.
Climate Change is the perfect kind of scare tactic that the soft-minded liberals will fall for
No, climate change is what we are seeing caused by the warming of the atmosphere by the GHGs we have put into the atmosphere. The science is solid, that willfully ignorant asses like you cannot comprehend the science behind it is just a reflection of your intellectual shortcomings. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on this planet has policy statements that say that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger to all of us. Against that we have no brain assholes like you yapping nonsense, not backing your yapping up with anything.

It should have gone up a whole 6 inchese by then.

Pattycake, you are just about a dumb fuck. 6" more sea level rise will create even more problems for Miami and other East Coast cities that are experiancing more tidal flooding every year now. And, if it is only 6" more by then, we will have been very lucky.

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