Trump: California Causes Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific (and other crazy things)

Trump is a fucking moron

Both of the president’s tweets reveal a profound misunderstanding of the way California water works. It’s not that we’re diverting water into the Pacific Ocean. The tiny amount of water that reaches the Pacific Ocean these days is what’s left after we’ve diverted the vast majority of our rivers to cities and farms. He just has this completely backward. And furthermore, there’s no water policy that would have made these fires worse. We don’t take water from the forest. The forest provides water to use, and water is allocated to farmers and to cities and a little bit to the fish. And what’s left is in the rivers. And it flows down to our ecosystems. There’s just nothing in his tweet that makes any sense, except maybe the very last line.

MJ: “Must also tree clear to stop fire spreading.” What is he referring to there?

PG: I imagine he’s throwing a bone to the lumber industry, which would like to do more cutting. There isn’t any disagreement that California forest policy—and forest policy in the United States—shouldn’t be better. Everybody agrees it should be better. That’s been true for decades. Whether a different forest policy and timber policy put in place decades ago would have changed the risk of forest fire, we don’t really know. We do know we need to do a better job at managing forests. But I don’t think that is what he’s commenting on.

He’s also completely ignoring the other reality, which is that years of severe drought have killed California forests and left a lot of fire material available. And climate change is causing extreme heat and extreme weather that is making these fires worse.

We asked a California water expert to make sense of Donald Trump's moronic wildfire tweets

Bull fucking shit.

ens of thousands of people have been tossed out of work—the town of Mendota alone has an unemployment rate of about 40%—and the lines for food donations stretch down streets. The reason? There isn’t enough water to go around this year, and the Obama administration is drawing up new reasons to divert more of it from farms and people and into the San Francisco Bay.

Devon Nunes also stated in an interview along side Paul Rodriguez, “There’s a half a million acres of farmland, it’s bigger than the size of Rhode Island, that’s now dry because of these fools!”

David Spady reports that, “California’s man-made water crisis led to $2.2 billion in losses, water rationing, rising food costs, and the destruction of small family businesses.”

70 percent of California’s rainfall “washes out to sea” every year..for a minnow.
The destruction is horrific. Businesses lost, property values lost, jobs lost, crop production lost, food cost increases, just to begin.

Presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina recently weighed in on the subject. She said that as a result, 70 percent of California’s rainfall “washes out to sea” every year…California is a classic case of liberals being willing to sacrifice other people’s lives and livelihoods at the altar of their ideology. It is a tragedy,”

The Climate Change, Save the Whale, Hug the Tree, Save the Baitfish crowd consistently uses a false narrative to to accomplish their political agenda. Now scientists are predicting a 35 year mega-drought in the West. When does the madness stop?}

California Dumps a Trillion Gallons of Fresh Water in the Ocean; Declares Water Shortage
We need a State Corp of Engineers to engineer more watershed capacity and more storage capacity; along with hydraulic energy production at every practicable opportunity.
We need a president who chooses science over fossil fuel CEO’s.
The earth continues to heat up. The west is on fire each summer and we have a president who spends all his time attacking citizens and playing golf.
What’s wrong with that picture?


Science huh.

Say Comrade, how many genders are there?


It's so cute which you Stalinist scum talk about science, as if you knew what science is....
Trump is a fucking moron

Both of the president’s tweets reveal a profound misunderstanding of the way California water works. It’s not that we’re diverting water into the Pacific Ocean. The tiny amount of water that reaches the Pacific Ocean these days is what’s left after we’ve diverted the vast majority of our rivers to cities and farms. He just has this completely backward. And furthermore, there’s no water policy that would have made these fires worse. We don’t take water from the forest. The forest provides water to use, and water is allocated to farmers and to cities and a little bit to the fish. And what’s left is in the rivers. And it flows down to our ecosystems. There’s just nothing in his tweet that makes any sense, except maybe the very last line.

MJ: “Must also tree clear to stop fire spreading.” What is he referring to there?

PG: I imagine he’s throwing a bone to the lumber industry, which would like to do more cutting. There isn’t any disagreement that California forest policy—and forest policy in the United States—shouldn’t be better. Everybody agrees it should be better. That’s been true for decades. Whether a different forest policy and timber policy put in place decades ago would have changed the risk of forest fire, we don’t really know. We do know we need to do a better job at managing forests. But I don’t think that is what he’s commenting on.

He’s also completely ignoring the other reality, which is that years of severe drought have killed California forests and left a lot of fire material available. And climate change is causing extreme heat and extreme weather that is making these fires worse.

We asked a California water expert to make sense of Donald Trump's moronic wildfire tweets

Bull fucking shit.

ens of thousands of people have been tossed out of work—the town of Mendota alone has an unemployment rate of about 40%—and the lines for food donations stretch down streets. The reason? There isn’t enough water to go around this year, and the Obama administration is drawing up new reasons to divert more of it from farms and people and into the San Francisco Bay.

Devon Nunes also stated in an interview along side Paul Rodriguez, “There’s a half a million acres of farmland, it’s bigger than the size of Rhode Island, that’s now dry because of these fools!”

David Spady reports that, “California’s man-made water crisis led to $2.2 billion in losses, water rationing, rising food costs, and the destruction of small family businesses.”

70 percent of California’s rainfall “washes out to sea” every year..for a minnow.
The destruction is horrific. Businesses lost, property values lost, jobs lost, crop production lost, food cost increases, just to begin.

Presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina recently weighed in on the subject. She said that as a result, 70 percent of California’s rainfall “washes out to sea” every year…California is a classic case of liberals being willing to sacrifice other people’s lives and livelihoods at the altar of their ideology. It is a tragedy,”

The Climate Change, Save the Whale, Hug the Tree, Save the Baitfish crowd consistently uses a false narrative to to accomplish their political agenda. Now scientists are predicting a 35 year mega-drought in the West. When does the madness stop?}

California Dumps a Trillion Gallons of Fresh Water in the Ocean; Declares Water Shortage
We need a State Corp of Engineers to engineer more watershed capacity and more storage capacity; along with hydraulic energy production at every practicable opportunity.


But that defies the vision of the Oligarchs who rule the state. Bezos, Cook, Zuckerberg, et al. promote a state where San Francisco and Palo Alto are an island in a vast dustbowl devoid of human life, save the penniless Mexican slaves who serve them unquestioningly.
Junk Bonds, not Junk Laws!

There is no law in California. The law is what pleases the Oligarchs at any given second.
Must tree clear! SAD!
In most cases, firefighters do tree clear in large fires of this nature. It takes away the fires fuel. Learn something before you post. You fucking moron.
The forest rangers said the prez advice was akin to gibberish with the water being diverted to the ocean.
But what do they know when we have a president who’s allergic to reading and learning.

Which "forest rangers" are these, lying fuck?

I'd love to hear a ranger who clains that clearing trees is "gibberish."

Ah, but you're just lying as you fucking Stalinist pigs tend to do.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

So, you got anything to show that he is wrong? Or is that just something you assume and expect others to blindly agree like mindless and ignorant sheep?
Trump made the claim and didn't provide evidence: Fact-checkers humiliated him: Trump’s False claim on California wildfires
You're not giving us proof either.

Douchebag-in-chief can’t thank firefighters for their services, or express condolences for victims of the wildfires; but apparently, he’s an expert on fighting fires.

Trump Accuses California Of Causing Wildfires By ‘Diverting’ Water To Pacific

View attachment 208753

As California wildfires claimed their seventh victim, Donald Trump finally weighed in on the tragedy with one of his most confounding tweets ever, blaming California for the blazes because it “diverts” water to the Pacific Ocean.

He also blamed the state’s “bad environmental laws” — the most protective in the nation — and trees. He called for a “tree clear to stop fire spreading.”

He failed to express condolences to the families of the victims, thank firefighters, or offer comfort to Californians afraid for their lives, homes and communities.

The tweet came just days after the Trump administration moved to scrap tough vehicle emissions standards — initially established by California. The move would clear the way for vehicles to pump an additional 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2030. That’s the equivalent of the entire annual emissions of Canada.

So, you got anything to show that he is wrong? Or is that just something you assume and expect others to blindly agree like mindless and ignorant sheep?
Trump made the claim and didn't provide evidence: Fact-checkers humiliated him: Trump’s False claim on California wildfires
You're not giving us proof either.

You obviously have not read the whole thread.

Plenty of posts and links on fire breaks and "ecological use of water" have been made, demonstrating that Trump's remarks were reasonable and valid.

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