Trump called himself “Tariff Man” on Twitter

How can anyone deny that Trump has the emotional maturity of a 4th grader? Sometimes I just can’t wrap my mind around the fact that such a moron is actually a politician let alone the president of the US.

Trump, Self-Styled ‘Tariff Man,’ Issues China a Warning

And after that tweet the DJI lost 799 points, the NASDAQ 283 and the S&P 90.

He is the tariff man, but he is also the "fucking up the economy" man

Hey talk-a-lot-thinks-little.......what impact will your stupidity have when it recovers the 799, 283 etc.? You won't have to wait for long. A person with integrity would come clean, but that wouldn't be you.

Those who know something recognize the market is inflated anyhow, but that wouldn't be you either.

What do you consider "not long" since both those markets are down from the day he issued his first tariffs back in I have been waiting 10 months already

Even if you were right you wouldn't have a point, but the reason is well beyond you. But there you go opening your big fucking mouth. Another dumb-shit declared your post a winner, because progressives don't care about truth, they only desire something they want to hear (aka spineless). The DOW was 24824 on January 2nd, and even after the drop today it stands at 25027.

Take a look at post 33 on this thread, it describes you and your buddies. Thanks in advance for the education on things, you progressives are super smart: Stock market Obama and Trump
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Even if you were right you wouldn't have a point, but the reason is well beyond you. But there you go opening your big fucking mout. Another dumb-shit declared your post a winner, because progressives don't care about truth, they desire something they want to hear (aka spineless). The DOW was 24824 on January 2nd, and even after the drop today it stands at 25027.

Except that he did not issue his first tariffs till Jan 22nd. On that day the DJI was 26, it is 25,027. That is a loss of 1187 points...that is 10 months of what most people would call "stagnation", if they are being polite.
How can anyone deny that Trump has the emotional maturity of a 4th grader? Sometimes I just can’t wrap my mind around the fact that such a moron is actually a politician let alone the president of the US.

Trump, Self-Styled ‘Tariff Man,’ Issues China a Warning

And after that tweet the DJI lost 799 points, the NASDAQ 283 and the S&P 90.

He is the tariff man, but he is also the "fucking up the economy" man

Hey talk-a-lot-thinks-little.......what impact will your stupidity have when it recovers the 799, 283 etc.? You won't have to wait for long. A person with integrity would come clean, but that wouldn't be you.

Those who know something recognize the market is inflated anyhow, but that wouldn't be you either.

What do you consider "not long" since both those markets are down from the day he issued his first tariffs back in I have been waiting 10 months already

Even if you were right you wouldn't have a point, but the reason is well beyond you. But there you go opening your big fucking mouth. Another dumb-shit declared your post a winner, because progressives don't care about truth, they only desire something they want to hear (aka spineless). The DOW was 24824 on January 2nd, and even after the drop today it stands at 25027.

Take a look at post 33 on this thread, it describes you and your buddies. Thanks in advance for the education on things, you progressives are super smart: Stock market Obama and Trump
Oh, you like facts?

At this point in Obama's administraiton, the Dow was up 41 percent.

It's only up 23 percent for Trump, and zero for the year.

Trump has had at least five of the biggest point drops in Dow history, including the number one spot.
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