Trump Calls Anthony Weiner a 'Sleazebag' and 'Perv' at Massachusetts Event

So Trump the rapist thinks Weiner the schlong photographer is the pervert,

and Trump's fans wholeheartedly agree.

How unsurprising at this point.
At a Massachusetts fundraiser Friday night, Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trumpcontinued his attacks on Democrat Hillary Clinton saying the former Secretary of State has “some very big problems” with her email server.

However, the real estate mogul took things a step further attacking longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her husband, former Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) calling him a “perv."

“Who is Huma married to?,” Trump asked. “One of the great sleazebags of our time. Anthony Weiner.”

Weiner resigned his Congressional seat in 2011, after it was discovered the Democrat took shirtless photos of himself and shared them with women online.

Clinton rep Nick Merrill released a statement saying in part “Donald Trump has spent the summer saying offensive things about women, but there is no place for patently false, personal attacks towards a staff member. He should be ashamed of himself…it’s embarrassing to watch frankly.”

Trump Calls Anthony Weiner a 'Sleazebag' and 'Perv'

Why would Trump think it was beneficial to his campaign to personally attack Anthony Weiner for no logical reason?
Trump sure knows what language appeals to the Tea Party.
Trump Calls Anthony Weiner a 'Sleazebag' and 'Perv'

Why would Trump think it was beneficial to his campaign to personally attack Anthony Weiner for no logical reason?
Well, let's work our way through this....Anthony Weiner is a sleavsebag and a perv. Hey, I think we figured it out!

Why attack his wife?

Trump isn't running for president. He's just hogging the stage at open mike night at the comedy club of politics.
...That's nice. Cyber cheating is perverted. Real cheating is perfectly acceptable. lol, see what I mean about the cult?
What part of the phrase Keeping Your Privates Private are you have difficulty with?

Wait... never mind... I'm dealing with one of those Moral Relativist types... it's pointless to continue.

Oh, and, by the way, I'm not part of the so-called Trump Cult.

I think he'd probably turn out to be a frigging disaster as President.

I just want him to keep making the candidates sweat on both sides of the aisle, as long as he can, to turn-up the heat on Illegal Aliens, and to turn a fire-hose on some of the Politically Correct rhetoric-drivel that has come to permeate the National Conversation in recent times.

In that respect, he does excellent service to the Nation, so...

Whatever it takes, to keep him in the race, for as long as possible, until he - inevitably and predictably - shoots himself in the foot, in some un-redeemable fashion.

Oh, that, and having fun poking holes in the pissant ankle-biting arguments that LIbs are so desperately trying to advance, in the face of the Trump juggernaut.

Ya'll are getting more desperate and comically entertaining with each passing week.
...That's nice. Cyber cheating is perverted. Real cheating is perfectly acceptable. lol, see what I mean about the cult?
What part of the phrase Keeping Your Privates Private are you have difficulty with?

Wait... never mind... I'm dealing with one of those Moral Relativist types... it's pointless to continue.

Oh, and, by the way, I'm not part of the so-called Trump Cult.

I think he'd probably turn out to be a frigging disaster as President.

I just want him to keep making the candidates sweat on both sides of the aisle, as long as he can, to turn-up the heat on Illegal Aliens, and to turn a fire-hose on some of the Politically Correct rhetoric-drivel that has come to permeate the National Conversation in recent times.

In that respect, he does excellent service to the Nation, so...

Whatever it takes, to keep him in the race, for as long as possible, until he - inevitably and predictably - shoots himself in the foot, in some un-redeemable fashion.

Oh, that, and having fun poking holes in the pissant ankle-biting arguments that LIbs are so desperately trying to advance, in the face of the Trump juggernaut.

Ya'll are getting more desperate and comically entertaining with each passing week.

I'm the relativist? You're the Trumpbot who's giving his marital infidelity a pass while calling Weiner a pervert.
Show the Weiner Pics or it didn't happen.....oh wait......never mind....


The whole point of Trump's personal attacks on Anthony Weiner is to attack his wife. Huma Abedin is his real target.
What is it about NYC Democrats? They're all such stupid sleaze bags........

Trump calling Weiner a sleazebag is out of bounds according to the left Hillary comparing those who oppose abortion to terrorist acceptable to the same left hypocrisy much.
Trump calling Weiner a sleazebag is out of bounds according to the left Hillary comparing those who oppose abortion to terrorist acceptable to the same left hypocrisy much.

Just try to focus on the thread topic. It ain't that hard.
Trump calling Weiner a sleazebag is out of bounds according to the left Hillary comparing those who oppose abortion to terrorist acceptable to the same left hypocrisy much.

Just try to focus on the thread topic. It ain't that hard.
Try and acknowledge your hypocrisy shitting bull we know that's all but impossible for you but try it anyway.
Written about Trump in 1990, Vanity Fair:

"I thought about the ten years since I had first met Donald Trump. It is fashionable now to say that he was a symbol of the crassness of the 1980s, but Trump became more than a vulgarian. Like Michael Milken, Trump appeared to believe that his money gave him a freedom to set the rules. No one stopped him.

His exaggerations and baloney were reported, and people laughed.

His bankers showered him with money. City officials almost allowed him to set public policy by erecting his wall of concrete on the Hudson River. New York City, like the bankers from the Chase and Manny Hanny, allowed Trump to exist in a universe where all reality had vanished. “I met with a couple of reporters,” Trump told me on the telephone, “and they totally saw what I was saying. They completely believed me. And then they went out and wrote vicious things about me, as I am sure you will, too.”


After The Gold Rush
"republicans have no place in positions of power"

I selected the above phrase from you post, because it will do as well as any to demonstrate how a Pinhead* thinks. The post itself is mere rank opinion backed by no logic, no argument, nothing but insults, as is usual with Pinhead posts...and concluding with an inference that the citizens should not be allowed to elect the people they want to to positions of power. Fuck you.
*A Pinhead is a Liberal-Progressive (Socialist) who thinks they are smarter than us Heartland Americans, and so also think they are imbued with the right to tell us how to think, and, many of them would put us in jail if they could. (All Pinheads have a whisper of KIM-JUNG-UN in them.) They are found mostly in New England and New York, and in gated communities of rotting Northern cities like Chicago. They are not necessarily Stupid People, but their estimate of their intelligent is soooooooooooo much higher than their actual intelligence, they generally appear as Fools.

Heartland Americans are going to elect Hillary Clinton President of the United States and reject the racist, xenophobic, anti-women, anti-working man Republican Taliban party...

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