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Trump calls Democrats the party of crime

Yes, in most threads about Trump I side with the Dems as I do not like Trump or most of his policies. In threads about Obama I side with the Repubs because I did not like Obama or any of his policies.

It seems to be beyond the ability of your tiny little mind to grasp not everyone lives in the sheep pen of one of the parties.

Did you mean to say about Obama...."I do not like his race" ?

Do not project your views on to me.
I didn't say they would control it. I said they would get control of it. All spending originates in the House.

Now they can gain some credibility by taking steps to control it. Right off the bat they can end the funding for the great tax cut scam and immediately come up with $1.5 trillion in revenue. They could then not borrow any money in 2019, and freeze spending for the remainder of the year.

This would set them up for a Medicare for all program in 2020, and it would be the only thing they would have to campaign for. If they get the Senate in 2020, even if dotard is reelected, he would sign it, because they would make him an offer he couldn't refuse, and unless he did would be a lame duck for four years, and there isn't a third bite at the apple.

Dotard is on his last few months of any relevance remaining in his Presidency.

Please explain how one "ends funding for a tax cut"?

When was the last time that congress did not borrow any money?

Contempt of Court TWICE
In Violation of Constitution TWICE
Financed/aided/abetted terrorists
Armed Drug Cartels
Protected Human Traffickers
Released Enemy leaders during war
Protected illegal Sanctuary Cities
Protected violent Illegals
Committed War Crime - Invading Syria
Warned Terrorists an attack was coming
Set new record - FOIA criminal non-compliance

US AG Holder:
Perjury, 1st US Cabinet Member in history to be Censured

CIA Director Brennan
Perjury TWICE - illegally spied on Americans, reporters, media, US Senator, & USSC Justices

NIA Director Clapper
Perjury TWICE

IRS DIrector Koskinen
Perjury, illegally targeting Americans

FBI Director Comey
Perjury, Obstruction, Conspiracy

Deputy FBI Director McCabe
Perjury, Obstruction, Sedition, Conspiracy

FBI Agent Strzok
Perjury, Obstruction, Sedition, Conspiracy

Deputy Director of the DOJ Rosenstein
Obstruction, Conspiracy, Non-Compliance with Congressional Subpoenas

Special Counsel Mueller
Obstruction / Refusal to comply with Congressional Subpoenas

Hillary Clinton
Perjury, Obstruction, Espionage, Illegal handling of classified, election fraud, violation of election law, violation of election finance law...

Chairwoman of the DNC - DWS
Perjury, Treason, Espionage Conspiracy

Chairwoman of the DNC - Brazil
Violations of Election Law, violation of campaign finance law...

Senator Diane Feinstein
Treason, Espionage....
republicans control everything; they could pursue any of that if there was anything to it.

Contempt of Court TWICE
In Violation of Constitution TWICE
Financed/aided/abetted terrorists
Armed Drug Cartels
Protected Human Traffickers
Released Enemy leaders during war
Protected illegal Sanctuary Cities
Protected violent Illegals
Committed War Crime - Invading Syria
Warned Terrorists an attack was coming
Set new record - FOIA criminal non-compliance

US AG Holder:
Perjury, 1st US Cabinet Member in history to be Censured

CIA Director Brennan
Perjury TWICE - illegally spied on Americans, reporters, media, US Senator, & USSC Justices

NIA Director Clapper
Perjury TWICE

IRS DIrector Koskinen
Perjury, illegally targeting Americans

FBI Director Comey
Perjury, Obstruction, Conspiracy

Deputy FBI Director McCabe
Perjury, Obstruction, Sedition, Conspiracy

FBI Agent Strzok
Perjury, Obstruction, Sedition, Conspiracy

Deputy Director of the DOJ Rosenstein
Obstruction, Conspiracy, Non-Compliance with Congressional Subpoenas

Special Counsel Mueller
Obstruction / Refusal to comply with Congressional Subpoenas

Hillary Clinton
Perjury, Obstruction, Espionage, Illegal handling of classified, election fraud, violation of election law, violation of election finance law...

Chairwoman of the DNC - DWS
Perjury, Treason, Espionage Conspiracy

Chairwoman of the DNC - Brazil
Violations of Election Law, violation of campaign finance law...

Senator Diane Feinstein
Treason, Espionage....
republicans control everything; they could pursue any of that if there was anything to it.
All of that (the vast majority at least) was done under Obama.

THEY could have NOT committed those crimes, Obama could have persued them....but they didn't...proving how criminal they were / are...which is the point.

The fact that you think those crimes are ok because they got away with it, because Obama protected them all, because no one Pursuit it, and indicted them, or sent any of them to prison, only proves you are a partisan criminal-supporting SOB.
trump's had his own little crime wave in his administration. You could start with scott pruitt. And of course, trump himself and his lawyer cohen and stormy daniels etc. Then the issue of emoluments. This may become an administration with more scandals and indictments than the reagan administration. And when there's an administration doing bad stuff, it is always the republican ones. Nope, trump's just stirring up his base.

I shouldn't have said trump's base, which is unfair to most decent republicans. I meant the dumber than trailer park trash loons that post here constantly in his favor and only have three or four infantile thing to offer, constantly.....'liberals are evil law breakers, they hate their country, can't be trusted, and all they want is free stuff'... on and on and on.

Contempt of Court TWICE
In Violation of Constitution TWICE
Financed/aided/abetted terrorists
Armed Drug Cartels
Protected Human Traffickers
Released Enemy leaders during war
Protected illegal Sanctuary Cities
Protected violent Illegals
Committed War Crime - Invading Syria
Warned Terrorists an attack was coming
Set new record - FOIA criminal non-compliance

US AG Holder:
Perjury, 1st US Cabinet Member in history to be Censured

CIA Director Brennan
Perjury TWICE - illegally spied on Americans, reporters, media, US Senator, & USSC Justices

NIA Director Clapper
Perjury TWICE

IRS DIrector Koskinen
Perjury, illegally targeting Americans

FBI Director Comey
Perjury, Obstruction, Conspiracy

Deputy FBI Director McCabe
Perjury, Obstruction, Sedition, Conspiracy

FBI Agent Strzok
Perjury, Obstruction, Sedition, Conspiracy

Deputy Director of the DOJ Rosenstein
Obstruction, Conspiracy, Non-Compliance with Congressional Subpoenas

Special Counsel Mueller
Obstruction / Refusal to comply with Congressional Subpoenas

Hillary Clinton
Perjury, Obstruction, Espionage, Illegal handling of classified, election fraud, violation of election law, violation of election finance law...

Chairwoman of the DNC - DWS
Perjury, Treason, Espionage Conspiracy

Chairwoman of the DNC - Brazil
Violations of Election Law, violation of campaign finance law...

Senator Diane Feinstein
Treason, Espionage....
republicans control everything; they could pursue any of that if there was anything to it.
All of that (the vast majority at least) was done under Obama.

THEY could have NOT committed those crimes, Obama could have persued them....but they didn't...proving how criminal they were / are...which is the point.

The fact that you think those crimes are ok because they got away with it, because Obama protected them all, because no one Pursuit it, and indicted them, or sent any of them to prison, only proves you are a partisan criminal-supporting SOB.
Congress was under republican control; there is no excuse for not pursuing these "crimes".
Youre just projected; you dont want to defend the perjury occurring right now before our eyes.

Contempt of Court TWICE
In Violation of Constitution TWICE
Financed/aided/abetted terrorists
Armed Drug Cartels
Protected Human Traffickers
Released Enemy leaders during war
Protected illegal Sanctuary Cities
Protected violent Illegals
Committed War Crime - Invading Syria
Warned Terrorists an attack was coming
Set new record - FOIA criminal non-compliance

US AG Holder:
Perjury, 1st US Cabinet Member in history to be Censured

CIA Director Brennan
Perjury TWICE - illegally spied on Americans, reporters, media, US Senator, & USSC Justices

NIA Director Clapper
Perjury TWICE

IRS DIrector Koskinen
Perjury, illegally targeting Americans

FBI Director Comey
Perjury, Obstruction, Conspiracy

Deputy FBI Director McCabe
Perjury, Obstruction, Sedition, Conspiracy

FBI Agent Strzok
Perjury, Obstruction, Sedition, Conspiracy

Deputy Director of the DOJ Rosenstein
Obstruction, Conspiracy, Non-Compliance with Congressional Subpoenas

Special Counsel Mueller
Obstruction / Refusal to comply with Congressional Subpoenas

Hillary Clinton
Perjury, Obstruction, Espionage, Illegal handling of classified, election fraud, violation of election law, violation of election finance law...

Chairwoman of the DNC - DWS
Perjury, Treason, Espionage Conspiracy

Chairwoman of the DNC - Brazil
Violations of Election Law, violation of campaign finance law...

Senator Diane Feinstein
Treason, Espionage....
republicans control everything; they could pursue any of that if there was anything to it.
All of that (the vast majority at least) was done under Obama.

THEY could have NOT committed those crimes, Obama could have persued them....but they didn't...proving how criminal they were / are...which is the point.

The fact that you think those crimes are ok because they got away with it, because Obama protected them all, because no one Pursuit it, and indicted them, or sent any of them to prison, only proves you are a partisan criminal-supporting SOB.
Congress was under republican control; there is no excuse for not pursuing these "crimes".
Youre just projected; you dont want to defend the perjury occurring right now before our eyes.
There's no evidence of any crime. None. Feinstein had 6 weeks to produce anything she wanted investigated. She even interviewed Ford during those 6 weeks. Only a douchebag would try to blame Republicans.
He says part of his job description everyday is that he has to fight with these assholes on every single issue.

During a rally in West Virginia on Saturday night, President Trump took aim at Democrats with numerous criticisms throughout his speech. He referred to the party as “the party of crime” and alluded that a Senate controlled by Democrats would turn the U.S. into Venezuela.

Trump Calls Democrats The Party Of Crime - Bing News

Trump 2020!
Further confirmation of the fact that Trump is a liar.
He says part of his job description everyday is that he has to fight with these assholes on every single issue.

During a rally in West Virginia on Saturday night, President Trump took aim at Democrats with numerous criticisms throughout his speech. He referred to the party as “the party of crime” and alluded that a Senate controlled by Democrats would turn the U.S. into Venezuela.

Trump Calls Democrats The Party Of Crime - Bing News

Trump 2020!
Further confirmation of the fact that Trump is a liar.

And republicans are the party of love? lol
"We fell in love.
No really. He wrote me beautiful letters. They were great letters. And then we fell in love."
~Donald Trump
[QUOTE="dudmuck, post: 20896600, member: 66114
Congress was under republican control; there is no excuse for not pursuing these "crimes".[/QUOTE]

US AG Eric Holder is the prime example of this.

Holder was caught dead-to-rights LYING UNDER OATH - a Felony Crime of Perjury. His own testimony was read back to him - live on CSPAN - confronting him with his perjury. Congress recommended him for indictment for his crime - CALLED for his indictment; however, HIS Department of Justice REFUSED to file charges, and Obama protected him from indictment.

Despite being blocked by Obama and the DOJ, Congress - a BI-PARTISAN Congress - voted together to CENSURE Holder for his crimes, making him the 1st US Presidential Cabinet Member in US History to be Censured...another great 'Legacy' for the criminal Obama administration.

Former Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe is the latest and best example of this, as well. Despite the Republicans controlling Congress and despite the US Inspector General exposing crimes committed by McCabe AND recommending McCabe be indicted for his crimes, the DOJ - criminal co-conspirator Rosenstein - REFUSES to file criminal charges / indict McCabe.

Obama's Cabinet Members' crimes are UNDENIABLE. Former CIA Director Brennan was also caught 'dead-to-rights' committing Felony Perjury by declaring under oath before Congress that neither he nor his CIA had illegally spied on the US Senate (or American citizens, reporters, the media, and USSC Justices). Congress, again, hauled him back before Congress approximately 1 week later and presented him and the country with the evidence that he and his criminal CIA had indeed illegally spied on the US Senate, what the US IG called 'a violation of the Separation of Powers' and 'a violation of the Constitution and law'.

-- I blame what happened next partly on the GOP. KNOWING OBAMA / DEMOCRATS / THE LIBERAL PRESS WOULD NEVER LET HIM BE INDICTED - LIKE THE REST OF OBAMA'S TRAITORS / CRIMINALS, the GOP illegally 'cut a deal' with Democrats in which no charges would be pursued against Brennan (because it was in 'the best interest of the country' not to publicly make a huge deal how Obama and his CIA had been illegally spying on the US Senate). All Brennan was required to do - which he did - was appear before Congress on the floor of Congress and admit that he had lied (committed Perjury) and that he and his agency DID illegally spy on the Senate and their staff members. (As YOU already know, links, articles, govt reports, etc have been posted numerous times in numerous thread about this, but you and other snowflakes like to play the 'Stupid' game in which you pretend to never have seen any of it, demand it be posted AGAIN, and claim that if it isn't posted AGAIN then it has to be BS.)

Control of Congress means nothing when prosecutorial power - power to indict, file charges against, and bring to trial - lies in the hands of the criminal President and his criminal Agency Directors who protected / continue to protect one another, as we have seen - again - by Rosenstein refusing to indict McCabe as recommended by the US IG.
The party blowing the deficit up are the criminals.
Says the snowflake whose party and previous President passed a $1 TRILLION dollar NON-Stimulating 'Jobs' Bill that promised to keep the unemployment rate well below double digits and put Americans back to work...and failed monumentally.

Democrats tacked un a record 7,000 DNC-ONLY pieces of self/party-serving US tax dollar sucking/blowing/funded pork which included funding projects like:
- A 'research' project to find out why homosexual Argentinian men have 'better' love lives than heterosexual US men (That one had Barney Frank's name all over it :p )

- Brand new, top-of-the-line, expensive-as-hell eco-windows for a Ranger station...that was set to be torn down - and was - several months later.

- 'Shrimp on a Treadmill'

- Widening the main street of a small town to 'help' local businesses.
*** The project widened the street but there was not enough room for the parking spaces along main street anymore. Customers for one little diner, specifically reported, could no longer park close to the diner - the closes parking spots were now blocks away. People stopped coming / businesses dropped off sharply, and the business closed. So much for 'creating / saving jobs'.

In the end the CBO released a report that based on the $1 trillion dollar price tag for their 'Jobs Bill', based on the number of jobs Obama CLAIMED to have created / saved the cost of each job was approx. $774,000 PER JOB!
*** Obama could have cut a check to each legal family in the US and helped eliminate / if now totally eliminate family debt, helping out a helluva lot more than his failed 'Stimulus' Bill did...but then the Democrats would not have gotten all their self-party-serving pork.

*** BTW, Diane 'ChiComm' Feinstein, Pelosi, and other Democrats got tax free / interest-free personal loans. Pelosi reportedly got money that bailed out her husband's bankrupting business. Isn't that 'special'. As one of the 'shareholders' in the pot of money from which her 'interest -free loan' was taken, I resent criminal Democrats controlling Congress just voting to give themselves some of MY money to help their millionaire-asses out of a jam.
Currently, Republican members and associates of the Trump administration are the ones pleading guilty, being convicted, being indicted, getting sentenced to jail. etc.
Currently, Republican members and associates of the Trump administration are the ones pleading guilty, being convicted, being indicted, getting sentenced to jail. etc.

Democrats are criminals.

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