Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

Even worse than that, Warren was hired by Harvard law school because she lied about her ethnicity to gain affirmative action benefits.
Now call me a "fucking liar". Go ahead, faggot.
Yup yup.

Just so everyone who may be new to this site, or those who haven't seen this, you need to know what Ms. Yup yup - "koshergirl" considers a thumbs-up, all in, hell yeah I agree comment:

Sundance : : "The majority of people back then believed and the more astute and intelligent today, still believe and (those who are knowledegable regarding genetics) understand that Negroes were designed by Nature(Creator) to be slaves; that they were part of a 'degraded caste' meant to serve the rest of humanity...and of course any advanced civilization must have servants(at least until robots are able to assume that role)....

Most Southerners based the legitamacy of slavery (it had been legal for thousands of years) on the Bible....which from Genesis to Revelation sanctions slavery."

koshergirl gave this post a "Winner."

These are the Trump Klansmen we are dealing with these days.

Never forget.

I don't know if I can stand that many idiotic statements in one post. The Bible sanctions slavery? And the Klan was a Republican organization?

"The Bible sanctions slavery?"

“Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.” (Peter 2:18: )

"And the Klan was a Republican organization?"

No, just a far right-wing hate group. They are not Democrats or Republican... they are Trumpkins!

The Klan was certainly a Democratic organization.

They were long ago betrayed by the dems, and have been out in the cold ever since, without any mainstream presence.

NOt sure what part of this is news to you, or really to anyone. Ancient history.
Native Americans came out during the election and demanded she stop claiming status!
They consider it STOLEN valor!
Not true. By the way, what is true is that the Code Talkers tribe and other tribes have issued official comments critical of the Presidents insulting immature comments. Ya, they saw it as the disparaging of their WWII Veterans and culture.
Try this...

"...But the University of Pennsylvania, where Warren intermittently taught law school from 1987 through 1995, touted Warren as a minority faculty member in an official school publication, according to an online document obtained by The Boston Globe.

The school listed her as a minority in a “Minority Equity Report’’ posted on its website. The report, published in 2005, well after her departure, included her as the winner of a faculty teaching award in 1994. Her name was highlighted in bold, the designation used for minorities in the report. Neither the Warren campaign nor the University of Pennsylvania would explain why she was listed as a minority....The controversy started after it emerged that Harvard had billed her as a Native American faculty member and that Warren had listed herself as a minority for nearly a decade in a commonly used legal directory."

Records shed more light on Elizabeth Warren’s minority status - The Boston Globe
So what? That does not give Trump license to insult Native Americans anywhere, let alone at,a White House vent intended to honor Narive Americans!

What if, at an NAACP event, Trump (an idiot of the first order) said "We have a former president and we call him 'Sambo'."

How is calling someone who is not Native American out for her fake ancestry an insult to them?

Calling someone Sambo is an insult to blacks. How is calling someone Pocahontas an insult to Native Americans?
You can't understand how taking a notable Mative American's name and using it as an insult can be insulting?

It is not used as an insult because Pocahontas was not a bad person.

It is mocking Warren.

Maybe one day when those two lonely synapses in your brain finally fire at the same time, you might have a thought.
Let's say you're in England speaking before a group of British educators.

"Ya know, back in Dayton there's a woman on the school board we hate. She's dishonest, she's a thief and she is incompetent. We call her Queen Elizabeth."

Do you understand now?

No. That makes no sense and cannot compare. You libs just don't have any sense of humor.
There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
Til this very day, rednecks and conservatives call Obama the most divisive president ever....because he dared stick up for a dead black kid who was murdered....meanwhile, there's Trump....who did in fact throw out a racial slur to native americans, who by the way, do not wish to address the issue, because its not some basketball franchise or some bingo venue, its Trump who can dry up their prized government subsidized income in one swat of a pen....because we all know the orange bastard keeps score....only solidifying the fact....when good people stay silent...evil, ie Trump flourishes!! He honors these two men, with a portrait of the one president responsible for more slaughter and mistreatment of native americans in all our history, Jackson!!
So what? That does not give Trump license to insult Native Americans anywhere, let alone at,a White House vent intended to honor Narive Americans!

What if, at an NAACP event, Trump (an idiot of the first order) said "We have a former president and we call him 'Sambo'."

How is calling someone who is not Native American out for her fake ancestry an insult to them?

Calling someone Sambo is an insult to blacks. How is calling someone Pocahontas an insult to Native Americans?
You can't understand how taking a notable Mative American's name and using it as an insult can be insulting?

It is not used as an insult because Pocahontas was not a bad person.

It is mocking Warren.

Maybe one day when those two lonely synapses in your brain finally fire at the same time, you might have a thought.
Let's say you're in England speaking before a group of British educators.

"Ya know, back in Dayton there's a woman on the school board we hate. She's dishonest, she's a thief and she is incompetent. We call her Queen Elizabeth."

Do you understand now?

No. That makes no sense and cannot compare. You libs just don't have any sense of humor.
2 months, 2 weeks and 4 days of conservative sense of humor with Obama's "cling to their guns and religion comment". You ass ho's love disshing out the shit, but can never take it in the a** like most fa**!!
If I dress as an Indian for Halloween, it’s cultural appropriation. So why isn’t it cultural appropriation to pretend to be an Indian to get a job at Harvard?
There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
It was kind of nice what he said to them, though: You're very very special people. You were here long before anyone else was here."
Good for Trump. At long last, a minority he doesn't dislike.
Girl, if that half ass bs tribute makes you feel all warm and fuzzy all over, I can only imagine how easy it is to fool you....get a clue, this man has about as much love for native americans as he does for a 1 hour weight watchers meeting...give me a break!!
Pocahontas crack was bad enough - even worse was the ginormous portrait of Andrew F-ing Jackson in the background. Native Americans remember him and his Trail of Tears fondly! :rolleyes-41:

The prominent placement of an Andrew Jackson portrait during an event meant to honor a group of Native Americans at the Oval Office on Monday has raised questions about the White House’s message.

Jackson is known for his harsh treatment of Native Americans as president, famously signing the Indian Removal Act, which led to thousands of Native American deaths as tens of thousands were forced to relocate. Some observers thought the juxtaposition of his portrait during the event with the stated purpose of honoring three Navajo code talkers was strange.​

The Toxic Tangerine is ignorant and unfit. He doesn't read. Couldn't SOMEONE have advised against that? Meh - never mind. He has surrounded himself with the likes of Huckie Sanders and Omarosa.

There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
Til this very day, rednecks and conservatives call Obama the most divisive president ever....because he dared stick up for a dead black kid who was murdered....meanwhile, there's Trump....who did in fact throw out a racial slur to native americans, who by the way, do not wish to address the issue, because its not some basketball franchise or some bingo venue, its Trump who can dry up their prized government subsidized income in one swat of a pen....because we all know the orange bastard keeps score....only solidifying the fact....when good people stay silent...evil, ie Trump flourishes!! He honors these two men, with a portrait of the one president responsible for more slaughter and mistreatment of native americans in all our history, Jackson!!

Til this very day, rednecks and conservatives call Obama the most divisive president ever

Only because he was.

because he dared stick up for a dead black kid who was murdered.

Which black hoodlum are you talking about?

meanwhile, there's Trump....who did in fact throw out a racial slur to native americans

Mocking that lying liar, Warren, isn't slurring American Indians.
Many people from OK have Native American blood. Can you prove Warren doesn't?

No they sure can't. My Mom told me that my great great grandma was 100% Georgia Cherokee - making me around 10% or so.

But I would be hard pressed to prove it.
If I dress as an Indian for Halloween, it’s cultural appropriation. So why isn’t it cultural appropriation to pretend to be an Indian to get a job at Harvard?
Let me get this straight, ya'll got a president, that has yet to tell the truth on any subject except for what eats for breakfast lunch and dinner and you want to drag Warren for a supposid lie told 30 plus years ago? When this orange mf lies every single fuckin day of his life since birth? Get the fuck outta here
If I dress as an Indian for Halloween, it’s cultural appropriation. So why isn’t it cultural appropriation to pretend to be an Indian to get a job at Harvard?
Let me get this straight, ya'll got a president, that has yet to tell the truth on any subject except for what eats for breakfast lunch and dinner and you want to drag Warren for a supposid lie told 30 plus years ago? When this orange mf lies every single fuckin day of his life since birth? Get the fuck outta here

30 plus years ago? you mean like Roy Moore?
There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
Til this very day, rednecks and conservatives call Obama the most divisive president ever....because he dared stick up for a dead black kid who was murdered....meanwhile, there's Trump....who did in fact throw out a racial slur to native americans, who by the way, do not wish to address the issue, because its not some basketball franchise or some bingo venue, its Trump who can dry up their prized government subsidized income in one swat of a pen....because we all know the orange bastard keeps score....only solidifying the fact....when good people stay silent...evil, ie Trump flourishes!! He honors these two men, with a portrait of the one president responsible for more slaughter and mistreatment of native americans in all our history, Jackson!!

Til this very day, rednecks and conservatives call Obama the most divisive president ever

Only because he was.

because he dared stick up for a dead black kid who was murdered.

Which black hoodlum are you talking about?

meanwhile, there's Trump....who did in fact throw out a racial slur to native americans

Mocking that lying liar, Warren, isn't slurring American Indians.
Dude, every single time you post here....your creds along with the rest of these Trump moron's gets smaller and smaller, at this point, consider yourself in the boat with your comrads....A NON MOTHERFUCKIN FACTOR....STRICKLY HERE FOR LAUGHS AND ONLY WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT, BYE STUPID
Good for Trump. At long last, a minority he doesn't dislike.

Oh he doesn't like them. He probably asked Kellyanne before the meeting if they could be deported. ;)
He placed a portrait of Jackson in the background to signal to his supporters, the one's with brains......that Jackson slaughtered and killed more indians in his day. Trump should be put away forever in a lunatic room with the key lost in space
what a moron.....I don't know how anybody can take her seriously

^ Lives life in a cartoon.

Warren does yes you are right.:rolleyes:
She's a highly regarded US Senator.

You're a 400 pound troll living in mamas basement typing on the internet with cheeto fingers.

Ain't life a bitch.

she is a liar!

shame on Pocahontas!

Remember when Howie Carr offered to pay for a DNA test for fauxahontas???

"Carr: OK, Fake Indian, time to either give up the claim or prove it"
Carr: OK, Fake Indian, time to either give up the claim or prove it

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