Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
Til this very day, rednecks and conservatives call Obama the most divisive president ever....because he dared stick up for a dead black kid who was murdered....meanwhile, there's Trump....who did in fact throw out a racial slur to native americans, who by the way, do not wish to address the issue, because its not some basketball franchise or some bingo venue, its Trump who can dry up their prized government subsidized income in one swat of a pen....because we all know the orange bastard keeps score....only solidifying the fact....when good people stay silent...evil, ie Trump flourishes!! He honors these two men, with a portrait of the one president responsible for more slaughter and mistreatment of native americans in all our history, Jackson!!

Til this very day, rednecks and conservatives call Obama the most divisive president ever

Only because he was.

because he dared stick up for a dead black kid who was murdered.

Which black hoodlum are you talking about?

meanwhile, there's Trump....who did in fact throw out a racial slur to native americans

Mocking that lying liar, Warren, isn't slurring American Indians.
Dude, every single time you post here....your creds along with the rest of these Trump moron's gets smaller and smaller, at this point, consider yourself in the boat with your comrads....A NON MOTHERFUCKIN FACTOR....STRICKLY HERE FOR LAUGHS AND ONLY WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT, BYE STUPID

You won't tell me which dead hoodlum you're talking about? LOL!
There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."

Well then maybe that lying **** shouldn't be appropriating Native American culture to game the racist postmodernist identity politics based system that her ilk helped to establish.
If I dress as an Indian for Halloween, it’s cultural appropriation. So why isn’t it cultural appropriation to pretend to be an Indian to get a job at Harvard?

Spreading lies is what Trumpkins are all about. Why is it that Harvard disagrees with the lie that she pretended to be an Indian to get the job?
Way to speak the truth Mr. President!!!!!!!!!! No lack of sincerity with Trump...
No BS just plain honesty and calling it as he sees it. Warren lies to get a special deal for College entry and course acceptance by saying she is native American. She lied and has earned the Pocahontas title for the rest of her miserable lying life.
Many people from OK have Native American blood. Can you prove Warren doesn't?

Bwahahahaha, even WaPo called bullshit:
If I dress as an Indian for Halloween, it’s cultural appropriation. So why isn’t it cultural appropriation to pretend to be an Indian to get a job at Harvard?

Spreading lies is what Trumpkins are all about. Why is it that Harvard disagrees with the lie that she pretended to be an Indian to get the job?

Are you asserting that Warren didn't claim to be of Native American ancestry during her time at Harvard?
If I dress as an Indian for Halloween, it’s cultural appropriation. So why isn’t it cultural appropriation to pretend to be an Indian to get a job at Harvard?

Spreading lies is what Trumpkins are all about. Why is it that Harvard disagrees with the lie that she pretended to be an Indian to get the job?

Are you asserting that Warren didn't claim to be of Native American ancestry during her time at Harvard?

It was your claim that she used it to get the job that I question.
Fauxcahontas claims she is a Cherokee. She needs to prove it, or deal with being called out on it.

Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What?

Elizabeth Warren is not a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

Elizabeth Warren is not enrolled in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

And Elizabeth Warren is not one of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.

Nor could she become one, even if she wanted to.

Typical for democrats, they will lie about anything that will get them ahead. Some say they're minority, some say they're foreign student, and some blame it on video...
Way to speak the truth Mr. President!!!!!!!!!! No lack of sincerity with Trump...
No BS just plain honesty and calling it as he sees it. Warren lies to get a special deal for College entry and course acceptance by saying she is native American. She lied and has earned the Pocahontas title for the rest of her miserable lying life.
Many people from OK have Native American blood. Can you prove Warren doesn't?
We don't need to "prove" fuck all your moron!
Harvard put out a news story saying they "welcomed the first American Indian" onto their staff.
Where the fuck did they get that bullshit lie?????????
That's right. From Warren.
The bitch was/is the one who must "prove" she wasn't fucking LYING!!!! to get a job at Harvard.
Imagine if some white REP put on a 'negro' hair wig and rubbed black shoe polish on themselves and applied from an 'Affirmative Action' teaching job then got the job then showed up for work without the wig and shoe polish?
My grandparents always told me I was descended from African slaves".
Way to speak the truth Mr. President!!!!!!!!!! No lack of sincerity with Trump...
No BS just plain honesty and calling it as he sees it. Warren lies to get a special deal for College entry and course acceptance by saying she is native American. She lied and has earned the Pocahontas title for the rest of her miserable lying life.
Many people from OK have Native American blood. Can you prove Warren doesn't?

Can you prove she does?

Maybe she need to do a DNA test!?!

We have to trust her.

First because she's a woman, second because she's democrat.

We know that neither women, or democrats never lie.
Way to speak the truth Mr. President!!!!!!!!!! No lack of sincerity with Trump...
No BS just plain honesty and calling it as he sees it. Warren lies to get a special deal for College entry and course acceptance by saying she is native American. She lied and has earned the Pocahontas title for the rest of her miserable lying life.
Many people from OK have Native American blood. Can you prove Warren doesn't?

Can you prove she does?

Maybe she need to do a DNA test!?!

She was given that opportunity, and refused to participate.

What does that say?

Leftists never have to prove their claims. Everything they say is an absolute truth and cannot be challenged.
If I dress as an Indian for Halloween, it’s cultural appropriation. So why isn’t it cultural appropriation to pretend to be an Indian to get a job at Harvard?

Spreading lies is what Trumpkins are all about. Why is it that Harvard disagrees with the lie that she pretended to be an Indian to get the job?

Are you asserting that Warren didn't claim to be of Native American ancestry during her time at Harvard?

It was your claim that she used it to get the job that I question.

Never claimed that though it doesn't seem far fetched especially considering she won't release her records to disprove the claim.
Anyway, how can calling her "Pocahontas" be "racially insensitive" if she's not really a Native American? I can see if he had called her "Whitey" or "cracker" or "honky". That would be insensitive to her race, wouldn't it?

I don't see an issue here.

"Anyway, how can calling her "Pocahontas" be "racially insensitive" if she's not really a Native American?"

Shut up, ni**er.

Now, see if you can figure out how that was racially insensitive. Squeeze your brain really hard, if it helps.

I like that she calls it "racial slur" although she could be a racist for pretending to be an Indian. By doing that she also cheated real minorities from getting a position at Harvard.

The beauty of this whole argument is that the people calling Warren a liar are lying about what she did and supporting a man who has lied on average 5 times a day to the American public.
It's downright criminal and offensive, but hardly surprising, that Democrats continue to rally around their Fake Indian.
There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."

it really is time to acknowledge that he's mentally ill

Being so buthurt for over a year actually describes mental illness.
Fauxcahontas claims she is a Cherokee. She needs to prove it, or deal with being called out on it.

Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What?

Elizabeth Warren is not a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

Elizabeth Warren is not enrolled in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

And Elizabeth Warren is not one of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.

Nor could she become one, even if she wanted to.

Typical for democrats, they will lie about anything that will get them ahead. Some say they're minority, some say they're foreign student, and some blame it on video...
That same article also points out that there is no evidence she used her "heritage" to get her job.
Anyway, how can calling her "Pocahontas" be "racially insensitive" if she's not really a Native American? I can see if he had called her "Whitey" or "cracker" or "honky". That would be insensitive to her race, wouldn't it?

I don't see an issue here.

"Anyway, how can calling her "Pocahontas" be "racially insensitive" if she's not really a Native American?"

Shut up, ni**er.

Now, see if you can figure out how that was racially insensitive. Squeeze your brain really hard, if it helps.

Doesn't bother me in the least, because I'm not black. Why should Trump's calling Warren "Pocahontas" cause you leftist monkeys to go ape shit? Warren's no Injun.

"Doesn't bother me in the least, because I'm not black."

That wasnt the focus, dummy. You were asked if you could use that lump between your ears to puzzle out why it was racially insensitive.

You, of course, CAN figure it out, because you are not brain dead. But you found this convenient little narrative ("doesnt bother me, because I'm not _______") that actually makes you look more stupid than if you were actually too retarded to figure it out

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