Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
Today was a very, very busy day for Trump:

Two Racials


a lie.

One, holding the ceremony in front of a portrait of Dear Andrew.

Two, using a revered Native American name as a slur.

Three, suggesting the Trump Pu$$ygate Tape (Access Hollywood) was fake.

Two Racials


a lie.

A Trump Trifecta!

Funny. The only denigration I saw was a sick twisted woman exploiting the culture and history of native Americans, in order to obtain special preferences.

Anyone with a minimum of intelligence knows who the real racists are: It's those liberals who steal from other cultures for their own advancement.
There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
And there was no other place to do it in the White House than next to the portrait of Andrew Jackson.
Harvard allowed both Obama and Warren to advance themselves by pretending they were from Kenya and a Native American, respectively.
There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
And there was no other place to do it in the White House than next to the portrait of Andrew Jackson.

Old Hickory? A Democrat to the core:

"Andrew Jackson was a Democrat/Democrat-Republican. Andrew Jackson and his "Jacksonian" supporters began the Democratic-Republican party, which later became the Democratic Party.

What political party was Andrew Jackson in
Along with the Democrats bringing us slavery, the Klan,Jim CDrow Laws, and the fight against civil right, might as well add this to their long history of hate, oppression, violence, and intolerance.
There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
And there was no other place to do it in the White House than next to the portrait of Andrew Jackson.

Old Hickory? A Democrat to the core:

"Andrew Jackson was a Democrat/Democrat-Republican. Andrew Jackson and his "Jacksonian" supporters began the Democratic-Republican party, which later became the Democratic Party.

What political party was Andrew Jackson in
Along with the Democrats bringing us slavery, the Klan,Jim CDrow Laws, and the fight against civil right, might as well add this to their long history of hate, oppression, violence, and intolerance.
Then you are saying Trump is a RINO, because Trump has praised him before.
There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
And there was no other place to do it in the White House than next to the portrait of Andrew Jackson.

Old Hickory? A Democrat to the core:

"Andrew Jackson was a Democrat/Democrat-Republican. Andrew Jackson and his "Jacksonian" supporters began the Democratic-Republican party, which later became the Democratic Party.

What political party was Andrew Jackson in
Along with the Democrats bringing us slavery, the Klan,Jim CDrow Laws, and the fight against civil right, might as well add this to their long history of hate, oppression, violence, and intolerance.
Then you are saying Trump is a RINO, because Trump has praised him before.

Of course Trump praised Jackson. Trump used to be a Democrat too, at one time.

But he's a good learner. :biggrin:

racist trump and you contards are real morons
There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
And there was no other place to do it in the White House than next to the portrait of Andrew Jackson.

Yes, though Trump may not know Jackson was The Indian Killer. Where is the document Warren is said to have listed herself as Native American?
Question for you stupid confused Moon Bats.

Is Disney racist for making millions of dollars off of the Pocahontas brand?

Was Disney making a movie about Pocahontas a racist attack on the Marine Code Talker veterans?
Yes, though Trump may not know Jackson was The Indian Killer.
He obviously did it on purpose under that portrait. I seriously doubt the opposite.

He is sending a message to his fans.
You know, talking bad about Warren and insulting her with his "Pocahontas" slur might be appropriate at one of his rallies where people fawn all over him, but not at a ceremony that is supposed to honor Native Americans who served faithfully and honorably in WWII.

Yeah, I hate it when people insult liars and scam artists by calling them liars and scam artists.

"...when confronted with the accusations that she had claimed to be a minority to exploit the possibility that a school would give her preferential treatment, Warren said that she only listed herself as such to meet new people.


[VIDEO] Real Indians Slam Elizabeth Warren For Pretending To Be American Indian - US Chronicle


Legal Insurrection did report on a newspaper clipping that referenced Warren’s grandfather.

In the news article, Crawford is identified as WHITE, and is reported to have shot a “drunken Indian.”

So not only has Warren pretended to be a Cherokee, in the hopes of being hired as a minority, one of her family members is reported to have actually killed a Native American."

You might want to include the whole verse, so as it won't be taken out of context:

"Slaves, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not by way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord. Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. For the wrongdoer will be paid back for the wrong he has done, and there is no partiality."

There are also many verses of scripture that show what the bible thinks of slavery. I see nothing to substantiate your claim..

What Does the Bible Say About Slavery?

that doesn't change a thing. Nowhere are slave owners admonished not to keep slaves. ALL of it is an instruction book for slave owners and for slaves. nobody cares what you "see" or "don't see". the words say what they say, and you will have to do mental gymnastics to even attempt to make them say something else. It is a blatant endorsement of slavery, telling slaves just to wait "until heaven" to get their reward.

Can you IMAGINE, say, your daughter being kidnapped and held as a sex slave... and being told by you and by the police, "Just fear, obey, and respect your kidnapper; you'll both get what's coming to you in the afterlife".... good grief, what a bunch of embarrassing garbage, and how nauseating it is that you are trying to equivocate it into something moral or good. You should be ashamed of yourself.

The bible is an "instruction book for slave owners and for slaves"?

Gawd, you are a certifiable idiot. :cuckoo::lmao:
People who haven't read it always say stupid shit like that.
the bible was written by man--who is imperfect

Not quite. It was inscribed by the hands of men who were being guided by God's divine direction. They were merely writing down what God was telling them. Look at the four books in the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John: Four different narrations of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Yet all of them said the same thing. Look at other books in the bible as well: There's no way that simple men of those times could have come up with all that by themselves.

You can't use your religious tone to prove its contents.
Confederates are not US citizens until the Oath is signed. Where is yours? I have one from June,* 1865, signed at Fort Delaware, to compare. Look wherever that document Senator Warren signed is, no doubt stuck together.

* The day is illegible.

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