Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

If that is proven the Constitution might as well be burned.
Why? Can a loser first term president like Trump create his own fake electors in enough states that he had lost in order to reject the will of the voters: Then Stay in power with a second term and then name his family members successors to his throne for eternity? END2209131433
Why? Can a loser first term president like Trump create his own fake electors in enough states that he had lost in order to reject the will of the voters: Then Stay in power with a second term and then name his family members successors to his throne for eternity? END2209131433
You do not lose when you are cheated.
You do not lose when you are cheated.
NFBW: Biden won -Trump lost. After Trump lost he did not attempt to prove that Biden cheated, Trump and his closest supporters plotted to defraud the US government in order to void Biden’s win.. It is still a crime to create fake electors even if you think the election was stolen from the fat ignorant orange skinned fuckhead
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To be honest I could care less if he's a con man, as long as he does the job I want him to which he did.

Unlike a lot of people my vote doesn't rest on meany Tweets. My vote goes to the person I think will be best for me and my country.
Like a person who can get legislation through? Trump never passed anything. Not even with both houses. You must think mean tweets is governing cuz thats all he did. 100% of the things he did in EOs were reversed the second he left. Infrastructure bill is lasting. So is microchip bill. So are all the other legislative items Biden got through. That's governing. Not "love letters" to North Korea. What a joke.
NFBW: I wonder if Ray and Last sent election fraud huckster any money after getting one of the requests for donations in the run-up to Jan. 6, 2021, to a non-existent 'Official Election Defense Fund," .

Besides the fake electors fraud that DOJ is honing in on There is also Trump’s plot to defraud his stupid supporters like Lastamender and pro-choice Ray From Cleveland :

"There are approximately 40 new subpoenas, according to the Times, and some are aimed at probing efforts to get fake presidential electors appointed to further Trump’s plot to thwart certification of President Biden’s victory," Sargent writes. "That’s commanding much attention, as the Justice Department’s investigation of that particular scheme appears to be seriously advancing."​
According to the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Trump and his allies raised up to $250 million with a fundraising effort that pushed conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.​
"Some missives, which were sent out in the run-up to Jan. 6, 2021, called for donations to an 'Official Election Defense Fund," Sargent writes. "But that fund didn’t exist, the committee demonstrated. Much of the money flowed to the newly created Save America PAC, not 'election-related litigation.' That PAC donated millions to groups connected to top Trump advisers, the committee claimed, such as former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows."​
Sargent goes on to say that Trump's lies about 2020 didn't just spark a riot at the U.S. It also "raked in extraordinary sums from people who were likely despairing about Trump’s loss and believed his lie that the election had been stolen from them."​
Read the full article over at The Washington Post.​

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Like a person who can get legislation through? Trump never passed anything. Not even with both houses. You must think mean tweets is governing cuz thats all he did. 100% of the things he did in EOs were reversed the second he left. Infrastructure bill is lasting. So is microchip bill. So are all the other legislative items Biden got through. That's governing. Not "love letters" to North Korea. What a joke.

Bullshit. Trump got his tax cuts through which affected our businesses and workers alike. He got rid of commie care fines that penalized the least fortunate among us. He rebuilt the military that DumBama let go to hell. His EOs benefited most if not all people in the country especially when it came to the border.

You are correct in saying everything got reversed once the dementia patient took over. That's why we have a labor shortage, record breaking fuel prices, out of control inflation, record fentanyl deaths, highest interest rates in 14 years, worst border problem in over 20 years, people who can't afford groceries, 2/3 of the country living paycheck to paycheck.

It all goes back to the famous Ronald Reagan question: Are you better off today than you were four years ago? Fuck no, and my IRA statements prove that.
Bullshit. Trump got his tax cuts through which affected our businesses and workers alike. He got rid of commie care fines that penalized the least fortunate among us. He rebuilt the military that DumBama let go to hell. His EOs benefited most if not all people in the country especially when it came to the border.

You are correct in saying everything got reversed once the dementia patient took over. That's why we have a labor shortage, record breaking fuel prices, out of control inflation, record fentanyl deaths, highest interest rates in 14 years, worst border problem in over 20 years, people who can't afford groceries, 2/3 of the country living paycheck to paycheck.

It all goes back to the famous Ronald Reagan question: Are you better off today than you were four years ago? Fuck no, and my IRA statements prove that.
Are you better off now than you were in Jan 2020 where Trump crashed the economy to? YES YES YES
Are you better off now than you were in Jan 2020 where Trump crashed the economy to? YES YES YES

He didn't crash the economy, your buddies in China did. In fact during covid, we had the best GDP out of all G7 countries outside of China, and that's only because they had a head start by not telling the rest of the world what they did to us. That and Democrat cities and states shut businesses down.

With Trump people were happy. We all had something to look forward to. What do we have to look forward to now? 87,000 new IRS agents hassling middle-class Americans over their nickle dime tax returns? Illegal foreigners taking our jobs when things slow down? Higher gasoline prices when the recession finally lifts, if it finally lifts? Charging stations nobody will use littering our highways?
NFBW: I wonder if Ray and Last sent election fraud huckster any money after getting one of the requests for donations in the run-up to Jan. 6, 2021, to a non-existent 'Official Election Defense Fund," .

Besides the fake electors fraud that DOJ is honing in on There is also Trump’s plot to defraud his stupid supporters like Lastamender and pro-choice Ray From Cleveland :

"There are approximately 40 new subpoenas, according to the Times, and some are aimed at probing efforts to get fake presidential electors appointed to further Trump’s plot to thwart certification of President Biden’s victory," Sargent writes. "That’s commanding much attention, as the Justice Department’s investigation of that particular scheme appears to be seriously advancing."​
According to the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Trump and his allies raised up to $250 million with a fundraising effort that pushed conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.​
"Some missives, which were sent out in the run-up to Jan. 6, 2021, called for donations to an 'Official Election Defense Fund," Sargent writes. "But that fund didn’t exist, the committee demonstrated. Much of the money flowed to the newly created Save America PAC, not 'election-related litigation.' That PAC donated millions to groups connected to top Trump advisers, the committee claimed, such as former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows."​
Sargent goes on to say that Trump's lies about 2020 didn't just spark a riot at the U.S. It also "raked in extraordinary sums from people who were likely despairing about Trump’s loss and believed his lie that the election had been stolen from them."​
Read the full article over at The Washington Post.​


Conservatives are stupid that way.
Trump lost

Get over it

The fact that he’s still saying shit like this speaks to his unfitness for office
He didn't crash the economy,
He certainly did. Covid saved being TRUMP being blamed for the recession that was coming despite Trump’s predictions for 5.0 GDP ROI in his trillions tax cut that produced just one 3.0 GDP unremarkable year and then petered out. . All we got was more huge deficits while the rich like him paid less taxes. It was another fuckin trickle down disaster nothing to do with COVID END2209131746
He certainly did. Covid saved being TRUMP being blamed for the recession that was coming despite Trump’s predictions for 5.0 GDP ROI in his trillions tax cut that produced just one 3.0 GDP unremarkable year and then petered out. . All we got was more huge deficits while the rich like him paid less taxes. It was another fuckin trickle down disaster nothing to do with COVID END2209131746

Yeah, a recession, just like they were predicting before he stepped foot in the White House. There was no recession coming or anything close. Before covid, we had a million more jobs than Americans that could do them. You people are so brainwashed it's hopeless.
He didn't crash the economy, your buddies in China did. In fact during covid, we had the best GDP out of all G7 countries outside of China, and that's only because they had a head start by not telling the rest of the world what they did to us. That and Democrat cities and states shut businesses down.

With Trump people were happy. We all had something to look forward to. What do we have to look forward to now? 87,000 new IRS agents hassling middle-class Americans over their nickle dime tax returns? Illegal foreigners taking our jobs when things slow down? Higher gasoline prices when the recession finally lifts, if it finally lifts? Charging stations nobody will use littering our highways?
You crack me up. You excuse Trump’s economic decimation due to Covid but you don’t recognize any of the impacts that carried into Biden. One or the other pal. Give them both credit or blame but your selective excuse is just sad.

The only reason you feel sad is you think Trump was one of you. That’s his con. Biden knows was more about everyday people than Donald does - a silver spoon in the mouth lazy guy whose dad gave him a fortune and got him in to Penn with bad grades as a transfer.
You crack me up. You excuse Trump’s economic decimation due to Covid but you don’t recognize any of the impacts that carried into Biden. One or the other pal. Give them both credit or blame but your selective excuse is just sad.

The only reason you feel sad is you think Trump was one of you. That’s his con. Biden knows was more about everyday people than Donald does - a silver spoon in the mouth lazy guy whose dad gave him a fortune and got him in to Penn with bad grades as a transfer.

Oh please, Dementia faced nothing with covid like Trump did. Even with three vaccines (that Trump didn't have) he had more deaths than Trump did. Covid has been behind us for about a year now and the country is in miserable shape. What did Dementia say about Trump when we hit 200,000 covid deaths? That's right, Trump should step down from the presidency. Well.........when is he going to take his own advice?
There was no recession coming or anything close.

NFBW: Trump’s non-criminal economic legacy will be the explosive rise in the national debt that occurred on his watch.

While running for president, Trump pledged to balance the budget and then pay off the entire national debt:

“we’ve got to get rid of the $19 trillion in debt … I think I could do it fairly quickly … I would say over a period of eight years.​
But in reality when Trump enacte a huge tax cut, in late 2017, that was heavily slanted toward corporations and the rich, It gave economy a temporary boost—

Trump in 2018, it grew at an annual rate of 2.9 per cent and then it faded

During 2019 G.D.P. grew at 2.3 per cent.

Those growth rates are half the four-per-cent growth that Trump
promised in 2016.

They are in line with the average ho-hum growth rates since 2000, which average 2.2 per cent.

Trump’s business plan as he stated it need sustained 4 percent annual growth to make the tax cuts for the rich pay off - they never hit there. We got one year at 2.9 and then ka-put the Trump economic miracle never comes. Just another one of trumps failed business venture. And you’re still kissing his ass because you think he’s such a great president. Get your nose out of there Come up for air END2209131950
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NFBW: Trump’s non-criminal economic legacy will be the explosive rise in the national debt that occurred on his watch.

While running for president, Trump pledged to balance the budget and then pay off the entire national debt:

“we’ve got to get rid of the $19 trillion in debt … I think I could do it fairly quickly … I would say over a period of eight years.​
But in reality when Trump enacte a huge tax cut, in late 2017, that was heavily slanted toward corporations and the rich, It gave economy a temporary boost—

Trump in 2018, it grew at an annual rate of 2.9 per cent and then it faded

During 2019 G.D.P. grew at 2.3 per cent.

Those growth rates are half the four-per-cent growth that Trump
promised in 2016.

They are in line with the average ho-hum growth rates since 2000, which average 2.2 per cent.

Trump’s business plan as he stated it need sustained 4 percent annual growth to make the tax cuts for the rich pay off - they never hit there. We got one year at 2.9 and then ka-put the Trump economic miracle never comes. Just another one of trumps failed business venture. And you’re still kissing his ass because you think he’s such a great president. Get your nose out of there Come up for air END2209131950

During Trump's four years in office with half of that time spent with a Democrat led House, He spent 7.8 trillion. Not even two years into Biden, and he and the Democrat House spent 3.8 trillion so far and he hasn't hit the halfway point of his term.

YES, deaths of Trump dopes who were afraid of getting vaccinated because it would get them a microchip inserted that would convert them to commie sympathizers. So they would rather die.

Not really. Blacks were the leading group of refusing vaccinations and nobody who got the shot was asked of their political affiliation.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland
Not really. Blacks were the leading group of refusing vaccinations and nobody who got the shot was asked of their political affiliation.
Most blacks vote Democrat so if we compare the two parties - the unvaccinated are Republicans. And you want to blame UNVACCINATED COVUD deaths on Biden and black folks …



Polls consistently identify Republicans as the group least likely to report being vaccinated and the most likely to say they will never get a shot.​

Democrats consistently poll in the other direction, with just 5% saying they will never be vaccinated and 86% reporting having at least one dose.​

44% OF WHITE EVANGELICAL PROTESTANTS HAVE NOT BEEN VACCINATED 42% say they were never get vaccinated


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