Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7

Nat's never ending butt hurt over Hillary losing.
she won, Trump cheated, you all know it, that's why you fight so hard, to demean and stop the Mueller investigation from getting to the TRUTH.... :rolleyes:
Wrong. Trump won fair and square. It's sad that all the petulant snowflakes can't accept reality.

What a cruel individual you are, can't even muster the common decency to let your political opposition cling to their comfortable delusions.:oops:

"Sometimes when you win, you really lose, and sometimes when you lose, you really win, and sometimes when you win or lose, you actually tie, and sometimes when you tie, you actually win or lose. Winning or losing is all one organic mechanism, from which one extracts what one needs. " -- Gloria Clemente, White Men Can't Jump
Getting Russia back in the G8 is a further necessary undoing of what shitstain obama did.

Obama didn’t throw Russia out of the G8. ALL of the other leaders did it and Putin has done nothing since to be allowed back it.

Perhaps if shitstains like you would learn their facts before posting, you would come off like a Russian troll so often.
If it was done during the shitstain obama years it must be undone. Everything he did must be unravelled.

The Russians are better for the US than democrats. If Putin sent an army here to purge the country of democrats we would be much better off. We would have the wall already built.

So you’re admitting that you want to see the economy destroyed because Obama saved the American economy from a total freefall brought about by W’s cut and spend and borrow policies.

Obama turned around an economy shedding 500,000 jobs a month, and a stock market that had lost half its value, and set the country on a sustained growth period that lasted 7 long and prosperous years.

Now Trump is going back to the cut, spend and borrow Republican agenda, you’ll soon get your wish. The economy will be undone, but the rest of the world is much better prepared this time.

We’ve disentangled ourselves from the US banking system to insulate the world economy from the rampant and unrestrained greed of America’s oligarchs. The lax banking regulations which tied world banking regulations to US regulations have been replaced with strongly regulated systems, many of which are modeled on the Canadian banking system which kept damage from the world economic crash to the Canadian economy to a minimum, in 2008.

The US has just cut banking regulations. Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. The difference is we’ve made new trading alliances, which exclude the US and a Climate Accords which will promote new and cleaner technologies world wide with member countries benefitting from the manufacture and sales of new technologies.

The other member countries are trying to hold the Iran Nuclear Treaty together but the hard liners in Iran are trying to use US withdrawal as an excuse to go back to building a nuke with all due haste.

It worked for Kim Jong Un it’ll work for Iran too. Dumb, Dumb Donald.

yeah because the stuff the left did really know the treaty signed by Clinton.....ooops NK got Trump has to fix it......the Iran deal was an even bigger joke....

Have you looked at the reasons why Clinton’s treaty with NK didn’t work?

1. The guy who signed the Treaty as the Supreme Leader of NK, died within a year of signing the Treaty. His son refused to comply with all the provisions. Some but not all.

2. W tore up the Treaty and called it null and void and unenforceable. But did nothing to try to replace it.

3. Obama was preoccupied with a world economic crash. And there was another regime change in 2011 when Kim Jong Un came to power.
This is how you treat an ally? the anger needle is in the red zone brother, put her completely out of your mind or you will be completely out of it before much anger, so much hatred, not healthy

You fucking ignorant imbecile.........Find a grown up

When did Russia decide to throw an Iron Curtain over a good chunk of Europe???

Did you EVER hear about the Cuban missile crisis?

How much has been spent by us on matching Russia's military buildup?
If the economy was a gung ho under the Big O as libs claim, why wasn't this mentioned during the 2008 campaign?

All we heard for months on the radio were Hate Ads against the Trumpster. Nothing positive at all.

I'm calling this claim about the Obama Economy as garbage
Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7
Trump has a point. Russia is an active player in the global economy (at least for Europe) and it is pretty stupid to try to orchestrate things without having all the players at the table.

Or Trump could be Putin's bitch, I dunno.

Actually, you are close on your first part.

The worth of the United States is 20.4 trillion. The worth of the other
6 members of the G-7 COMBINED is only 19.2 trillion.

They need us...and in the worst possible way. They don't bring in the tax
dollars off of their citizens like the U>S> does. They have always placed
tariffs on their goods as a way of national income. The Donald isn't going
to play like that anymore with these uneven trade deals. That cuts into
their income in a big way. They lose us...they have to replace our Country
with others. Who are they going to get to offset business lost in America...Peru, Bolivia, Belize? They're up a creek without a fucking paddle
and they know it. They just can't shut their mouths, and continue to challenge The
Donald publically. That's a losing proposition for them. He'll put them in a
position of losing face.

He brings up Russia to bait them into responding, which they all have. Russia has to change this or change that. Well, if they lose us, they'll
have to trade with Russia and that will make them certified phonies. The
Donald in one statement this morning has already boxed in the other
members of the G-7. The guy is really, really, brilliant.

Those other folks in the G-7 cannot afford to wait us out. Canada maybe on
Welfare before this is all over. We've heard The Donald talking about that 270% tariff they have on Dairy products. That's the high end for them. They also have 70% on Sausage. 50% on lumber and on barley. 20% on beef
and a few more. We stop that with Canada and their citizens will have to
become refugees in Syria.

AND we still have the Trump card, that The Donald hasn't even played yet.

29 Nations and we foot the bill for 22% of its cost for operation. They opt for
Russia and China he just tells them to get the Russians and the Chinese to
take our spot in NATO and they can defend Western Europe. (We'll take care of the Eastern Bloc Countries.) What are they going to do then?

Those Western Europeans moan about Russia's treatment of the Ukraine,
yet they denied the Ukraine a spot in NATO. If they had added the Ukraine to
NATO, the Crimea would still belong to the Ukraine or we'd be at War with
Russia, one of the two.

Western Europe is our bitch and it's time they started admitting to it.

They're fucked and they know it.
Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7
Trump has a point. Russia is an active player in the global economy (at least for Europe) and it is pretty stupid to try to orchestrate things without having all the players at the table.

Or Trump could be Putin's bitch, I dunno.
Actually if we should add a non-democratic country to the G7 it should be China, they have a lot larger economy than Russia. The just don't have Trump on a leash.
Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7
Trump has a point. Russia is an active player in the global economy (at least for Europe) and it is pretty stupid to try to orchestrate things without having all the players at the table.

Or Trump could be Putin's bitch, I dunno.
Actually if we should add a non-democratic country to the G7 it should be China, they have a lot larger economy than Russia. The just don't have Trump on a leash.

Who has Trump on a leash?
Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7

An epidemic of brain deaths seems to have afflicted the callous conservative's who spend their days posting "Trump is Great".

IDIOT-GRAM: a phrase or one sentence post which lacks substance & is not thoughtful or thought Provoking.

Arent you like 80? Shouldnt you know your ass from a hole in the ground by now?

I'm 70, my dad live to 94, his mom to 103, her father to 89. I wonder, did you pick 80 out of a hat, or is that your tested IQ?
Maybe you should look inward before calling others out.
Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7
Trump has a point. Russia is an active player in the global economy (at least for Europe) and it is pretty stupid to try to orchestrate things without having all the players at the table.

Or Trump could be Putin's bitch, I dunno.

Actually, you are close on your first part.

The worth of the United States is 20.4 trillion. The worth of the other
6 members of the G-7 COMBINED is only 19.2 trillion.

They need us...and in the worst possible way. They don't bring in the tax
dollars off of their citizens like the U>S> does. They have always placed
tariffs on their goods as a way of national income. The Donald isn't going
to play like that anymore with these uneven trade deals. That cuts into
their income in a big way. They lose us...they have to replace our Country
with others. Who are they going to get to offset business lost in America...Peru, Bolivia, Belize? They're up a creek without a fucking paddle
and they know it. They just can't shut their mouths, and continue to challenge The
Donald publically. That's a losing proposition for them. He'll put them in a
position of losing face.

He brings up Russia to bait them into responding, which they all have. Russia has to change this or change that. Well, if they lose us, they'll
have to trade with Russia and that will make them certified phonies. The
Donald in one statement this morning has already boxed in the other
members of the G-7. The guy is really, really, brilliant.

Those other folks in the G-7 cannot afford to wait us out. Canada maybe on
Welfare before this is all over. We've heard The Donald talking about that 270% tariff they have on Dairy products. That's the high end for them. They also have 70% on Sausage. 50% on lumber and on barley. 20% on beef
and a few more. We stop that with Canada and their citizens will have to
become refugees in Syria.

AND we still have the Trump card, that The Donald hasn't even played yet.

29 Nations and we foot the bill for 22% of its cost for operation. They opt for
Russia and China he just tells them to get the Russians and the Chinese to
take our spot in NATO and they can defend Western Europe. (We'll take care of the Eastern Bloc Countries.) What are they going to do then?

Those Western Europeans moan about Russia's treatment of the Ukraine,
yet they denied the Ukraine a spot in NATO. If they had added the Ukraine to
NATO, the Crimea would still belong to the Ukraine or we'd be at War with
Russia, one of the two.

Western Europe is our bitch and it's time they started admitting to it.

They're fucked and they know it.
Ok this all sounds like the politics of friend groups...

Why would we want Canada to be on Welfare? That is crazy talk

although I am sure Putin would enjoy destroying our relationships with our allies.
Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7
Trump has a point. Russia is an active player in the global economy (at least for Europe) and it is pretty stupid to try to orchestrate things without having all the players at the table.

Or Trump could be Putin's bitch, I dunno.
Actually if we should add a non-democratic country to the G7 it should be China, they have a lot larger economy than Russia. The just don't have Trump on a leash.

Who has Trump on a leash?
If you don't know then your obviously not paying attention.
Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7
Trump has a point. Russia is an active player in the global economy (at least for Europe) and it is pretty stupid to try to orchestrate things without having all the players at the table.

Or Trump could be Putin's bitch, I dunno.

Actually, you are close on your first part.

The worth of the United States is 20.4 trillion. The worth of the other
6 members of the G-7 COMBINED is only 19.2 trillion.

They need us...and in the worst possible way. They don't bring in the tax
dollars off of their citizens like the U>S> does. They have always placed
tariffs on their goods as a way of national income. The Donald isn't going
to play like that anymore with these uneven trade deals. That cuts into
their income in a big way. They lose us...they have to replace our Country
with others. Who are they going to get to offset business lost in America...Peru, Bolivia, Belize? They're up a creek without a fucking paddle
and they know it. They just can't shut their mouths, and continue to challenge The
Donald publically. That's a losing proposition for them. He'll put them in a
position of losing face.

He brings up Russia to bait them into responding, which they all have. Russia has to change this or change that. Well, if they lose us, they'll
have to trade with Russia and that will make them certified phonies. The
Donald in one statement this morning has already boxed in the other
members of the G-7. The guy is really, really, brilliant.

Those other folks in the G-7 cannot afford to wait us out. Canada maybe on
Welfare before this is all over. We've heard The Donald talking about that 270% tariff they have on Dairy products. That's the high end for them. They also have 70% on Sausage. 50% on lumber and on barley. 20% on beef
and a few more. We stop that with Canada and their citizens will have to
become refugees in Syria.

AND we still have the Trump card, that The Donald hasn't even played yet.

29 Nations and we foot the bill for 22% of its cost for operation. They opt for
Russia and China he just tells them to get the Russians and the Chinese to
take our spot in NATO and they can defend Western Europe. (We'll take care of the Eastern Bloc Countries.) What are they going to do then?

Those Western Europeans moan about Russia's treatment of the Ukraine,
yet they denied the Ukraine a spot in NATO. If they had added the Ukraine to
NATO, the Crimea would still belong to the Ukraine or we'd be at War with
Russia, one of the two.

Western Europe is our bitch and it's time they started admitting to it.

They're fucked and they know it.
Ok this all sounds like the politics of friend groups...

Why would we want Canada to be on Welfare? That is crazy talk

although I am sure Putin would enjoy destroying our relationships with our allies.

Allies don't have 1600 tariff's on their goods. That is the definition of
an enemy.
Trump is lucky he hasn’t gotten the US kicked out of G7
Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7
Trump has a point. Russia is an active player in the global economy (at least for Europe) and it is pretty stupid to try to orchestrate things without having all the players at the table.

Or Trump could be Putin's bitch, I dunno.
Actually if we should add a non-democratic country to the G7 it should be China, they have a lot larger economy than Russia. The just don't have Trump on a leash.

Who has Trump on a leash?
If you don't know then your obviously not paying attention.

Nice non-answer.
Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7
Trump has a point. Russia is an active player in the global economy (at least for Europe) and it is pretty stupid to try to orchestrate things without having all the players at the table.

Or Trump could be Putin's bitch, I dunno.

Actually, you are close on your first part.

The worth of the United States is 20.4 trillion. The worth of the other
6 members of the G-7 COMBINED is only 19.2 trillion.

They need us...and in the worst possible way. They don't bring in the tax
dollars off of their citizens like the U>S> does. They have always placed
tariffs on their goods as a way of national income. The Donald isn't going
to play like that anymore with these uneven trade deals. That cuts into
their income in a big way. They lose us...they have to replace our Country
with others. Who are they going to get to offset business lost in America...Peru, Bolivia, Belize? They're up a creek without a fucking paddle
and they know it. They just can't shut their mouths, and continue to challenge The
Donald publically. That's a losing proposition for them. He'll put them in a
position of losing face.

He brings up Russia to bait them into responding, which they all have. Russia has to change this or change that. Well, if they lose us, they'll
have to trade with Russia and that will make them certified phonies. The
Donald in one statement this morning has already boxed in the other
members of the G-7. The guy is really, really, brilliant.

Those other folks in the G-7 cannot afford to wait us out. Canada maybe on
Welfare before this is all over. We've heard The Donald talking about that 270% tariff they have on Dairy products. That's the high end for them. They also have 70% on Sausage. 50% on lumber and on barley. 20% on beef
and a few more. We stop that with Canada and their citizens will have to
become refugees in Syria.

AND we still have the Trump card, that The Donald hasn't even played yet.

29 Nations and we foot the bill for 22% of its cost for operation. They opt for
Russia and China he just tells them to get the Russians and the Chinese to
take our spot in NATO and they can defend Western Europe. (We'll take care of the Eastern Bloc Countries.) What are they going to do then?

Those Western Europeans moan about Russia's treatment of the Ukraine,
yet they denied the Ukraine a spot in NATO. If they had added the Ukraine to
NATO, the Crimea would still belong to the Ukraine or we'd be at War with
Russia, one of the two.

Western Europe is our bitch and it's time they started admitting to it.

They're fucked and they know it.
Ok this all sounds like the politics of friend groups...

Why would we want Canada to be on Welfare? That is crazy talk

although I am sure Putin would enjoy destroying our relationships with our allies.

Allies don't have 1600 tariff's on their goods. That is the definition of
an enemy.
Wow... I guess Trump is just about everybody's enemy because he seems to love tariffs.

I am sure it is just him playing 3d chess with the rest of the world... pretending to be an idiot must be his ploy so that others underestimate him.
What is it with the crazy left these days? During the Vietnam war the radical left was marching in the streets carrying the Russian flag. Bill Clinton took a KGB sponsored trip to Russia as a student in England. The left loved Gorbey even though he presided over the murder of German people for the crime of visiting West Berlin. Today Russia is arguably the 2nd most prolific nuclear power in the world and the crazy American left seems determined to goad them into some sort of conflict because Barry Hussein's "intelligence " network claimed Russia tried to interfere with U.S. elections just like the CIA tries to interfere with theirs.

It's not Soviet Russia anymore. Russia is now too far right for American leftists.
And right in tune with Trumpbots and Trump

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