Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7

Trump was outside of his plane giving a news conference before leaving for the G7.

He must have said Russia 10 times. Defending them. Asking why the other countries are mistreating them. Saying there shouldn't be a meeting without Russia.

He said Canada mistreats us even though Canada is one of the few countries the US has a trade surplus.

Rudy said Mrs. Trump told him she knew nothing about Trump sleeping with Stormy and she said they don't speak. Rudy also smeared many American women and Trump said he agrees with what Rudy said.

Trump told NFL players to send him the names of people they want pardoned.

Trump named about every US trade agreement and said he wanted to get rid of them. He said we would be better off.

I think he believes that we have moved on from "Make America Great Again" to "America Alone" or "America Alone with Russia".

It was all over the place and left even his staff scratching their collective heads.

At this moment I think the G7 is thinking about kicking out the US. For good reason.


Yeah, that'll work.

Let's make the New G7 by kicking out the USA and inviting Venezuela!
To quote LBJ one of the left's most beloved presidents, "I'd rather have them on the inside pissing out than the outside pissing in".
And also conducting non-stop cyber warfare against us and invading neighboring countries.

Republicans praising a murderous dictator. Never thought I'd see that. Sad

The Russian Federation has not invaded anyone. They did annex Crimea- which is traditionally part of Russia but was annexed to Ukraine by Communist Strongman Khrushchev.

President Putin was elected and is very popular in his country.

BTW, this isn't about the virtues of Putin, the Russian Lincoln who is merely trying to save the (soviet) Union. This is about recognizing the importance of the Russian Federation.

Somehow, Russia annexing Crimea - which had been part of Russia since the days of the Russian empire, and which has the primary Russian warm water naval base, is seen as aggression.

But NATO pushing it's front line 900 miles east since the end of the cold war is not seen as aggression.
Special counsel hits snag in bringing a criminal case against Russians - CNNPolitics

The situation shows how difficult it will be for Mueller to bring Russians to justice for allegedly interfering in the 2016 election.

Sounds like CNN knows the situation.....a lot of lefties are going to be screaming at the sky.

The above fuckhead will DEFEND Russia because, like his orange hero despots, assassins and spies are the kind of "government" that this idiot craves.

Of course, moron, Mueller will have a hard time plucking people out of Russia ......

BUT, as I wrote in another thread, Mueller is a genius. He knows that he can't extradite Russian spies and oligarchs, BUT the cases will be heard in state courts where the Trump corrupt followers will have to testify without the Trump "get out of jail" card......

Fucking Brilliant and WAY over these Trump cultists' half brains.
Getting Russia back in the G8 is a further necessary undoing of what shitstain obama did.

They aren't even a top 10 economy, better if Russia straightens it's shit out before we let them back in. They need us more than we need them.
Nat's never ending butt hurt over Hillary losing.

For an eternal moron like you surely are, the ONLY way to "defend" your orange hero is.......................bring up Hillary as Hannity has instructed you to do.......Sad but funny.

Ohh let your hate flow...……..I don't watch or listen to right wing talk, I find it annoying and a lot of misleading information, sort of like you nuts on the left, lots of lies and misleading information.

Play all the games you want but starting thread after thread after thread of your butt hurt pretty well exposes you for the nut job you really are.
I don't understand what people are so angry about ..

The number one motivating factor to being a trump supporter is to be in favor of anything they feel makes liberals mad -- period, end of the story.

Liberals should start talking about how they are VERY MUCH against Medicare and Social Security -- Trump lovers will then be in favor of expanding it -- problem solved.
hard not to do that when the leftists don't care about american values and americans keeping jobs. In fact, it's a useless effort.

You care about American values? That may be the biggest of your lies.
just because my values are different than yours doesn't make yours american. I know mine are.

BTW, I know for a fact yours are not american. You believe in illegals taking americans jobs.

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Trump was outside of his plane giving a news conference before leaving for the G7.

He must have said Russia 10 times. Defending them. Asking why the other countries are mistreating them. Saying there shouldn't be a meeting without Russia.

He said Canada mistreats us even though Canada is one of the few countries the US has a trade surplus.

Rudy said Mrs. Trump told him she knew nothing about Trump sleeping with Stormy and she said they don't speak. Rudy also smeared many American women and Trump said he agrees with what Rudy said.

Trump told NFL players to send him the names of people they want pardoned.

Trump named about every US trade agreement and said he wanted to get rid of them. He said we would be better off.

I think he believes that we have moved on from "Make America Great Again" to "America Alone" or "America Alone with Russia".

It was all over the place and left even his staff scratching their collective heads.

Wtf are you raving about? You are all over the place.

Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7

An epidemic of brain deaths seems to have afflicted the callous conservative's who spend their days posting "Trump is Great".
------------------------------------------------ mostly i post the things that The TRUMP is DOING rather than worshipping The TRUMP . I think that there is a difference . Hey , TRUMP calls for possible reinstatement of Russia to the 'G7' Gang of Elite , Effete Euros . Thats not Worship , thats a report of a practical matter Wry Catcher .

I do not believe that is a practical matter (his desire to reinstate Putin); I believe he is beholden to Putin for some unanswered reason. I also believe that a secret, if one exists, cannot be kept for long, when two or more people know of it.
Trump was outside of his plane giving a news conference before leaving for the G7.

He must have said Russia 10 times. Defending them. Asking why the other countries are mistreating them. Saying there shouldn't be a meeting without Russia.

He said Canada mistreats us even though Canada is one of the few countries the US has a trade surplus.

Rudy said Mrs. Trump told him she knew nothing about Trump sleeping with Stormy and she said they don't speak. Rudy also smeared many American women and Trump said he agrees with what Rudy said.

Trump told NFL players to send him the names of people they want pardoned.

Trump named about every US trade agreement and said he wanted to get rid of them. He said we would be better off.

I think he believes that we have moved on from "Make America Great Again" to "America Alone" or "America Alone with Russia".

It was all over the place and left even his staff scratching their collective heads.

At this moment I think the G7 is thinking about kicking out the US. For good reason.


Yeah, that'll work.

Let's make the New G7 by kicking out the USA and inviting Venezuela!

Trump wants to ally with Nicaragua and Honduras so you'll get your wish! Conservatives you have no clue about two things, foreign policy and economics.

You are very good at trampling other people's rights in the US though.
As he left for Canada for the G6+1 economic summit, our beloved president once again showed his affections for all that is Russian, calling for that country to be reinstated into this global economic partnership, after Obama and others kicked utin to the curb for invading and occupying the Crimea.

Never mind that countries such as China and India's economies are considerably larger than Russia's GDP.........heck, even our own California alone almost DOUBLES Russia's GDP.

Trump's "gratitude" for Russia's help in getting elected, is a beautiful sight to behold in the annals of unrequited love.

Your constant effort to undermine any attempts at peace making stains your soul with evil.
Play all the games you want but starting thread after thread after thread of your butt hurt pretty well exposes you for the nut job you really are.

Moron, this IS a political forum where elected scum buckets (with your orange hero as the chief-scum-bag) get what coming to them.

Why don't you find a crochet circle of like minded imbeciles to spend time with.....No one is forcing you to write your inanities on these threads......LOL
Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7

An epidemic of brain deaths seems to have afflicted the callous conservative's who spend their days posting "Trump is Great".
------------------------------------------------ mostly i post the things that The TRUMP is DOING rather than worshipping The TRUMP . I think that there is a difference . Hey , TRUMP calls for possible reinstatement of Russia to the 'G7' Gang of Elite , Effete Euros . Thats not Worship , thats a report of a practical matter Wry Catcher .

I do not believe that is a practical matter (his desire to reinstate Putin); I believe he is beholden to Putin for some unanswered reason. I also believe that a secret, if one exists, cannot be kept for long, when two or more people know of it.
we don't so?
Play all the games you want but starting thread after thread after thread of your butt hurt pretty well exposes you for the nut job you really are.

Moron, this IS a political forum where elected scum buckets (with your orange hero as the chief-scum-bag) get what coming to them.

Why don't you find a crochet circle of like minded imbeciles to spend time with.....No one is forcing you to write your inanities on these threads......LOL

Ohhhh, you cry soooooo much, you poor little helpless moron.
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Hey, shit-for-brains, we have no idea what Flynn lied about and the Manafort charges predate his even knowing Trump.

Are you then ready to openly state that Trump surrounds himself and hires mostly scum bags?????

Why did Trump HIRE the crooked Manafort to be his campaign manager?

No he doesnt
He hired Manafort originally to make sure delegates stayed true to Trump.....but you don't remember anything from a week ago...typical lefty.

So we did he get indicted for?
He hired Manafort originally to make sure delegates stayed true to Trump.
Pure bullshit from an Orange piss drinker!

The cheap Idiot-in-Chief hired Manafort because he would work for $0.00 and the offer of access both ways;
Russia<==>USA. A perfect Quid Pro Quo for both of those fucking crooks!
Your constant effort to undermine any attempts at peace making stains your soul with evil.

Corny chimes in with one of his Chinese cookies' cute statements.

The above scum bag must have SURELY stated the same thing when Obama reached an agreement with Iran, correct???....LOL
If we want to kick Deep State and its puppets from deciding the world's fate, producing conflicts and wars and interfering in sovereign countries, we need to see Trump and Putin working together draining that world wide swamp.

Funniest shit I’ve read all week.

Putin, ex kgb and current dictator, who is responsible for atrocious human rights violations against his own people, IS THE FUCKING SWAMP.

Donald, failed businessman, crook, thief, serial cheater and liar, IS THE FUCKING SWAMP.
For some reason the truth always sounds funny to you, brainwashed liberal nut-cases.
Sure thing, dipshit. I guess Putin is an angel and Donald is the most ethical businessman ever! MAGA!


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