Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7

I don't understand what people are so angry about ..

The number one motivating factor to being a trump supporter is to be in favor of anything they feel makes liberals mad -- period, end of the story.

Liberals should start talking about how they are VERY MUCH against Medicare and Social Security -- Trump lovers will then be in favor of expanding it -- problem solved.
hard not to do that when the leftists don't care about american values and americans keeping jobs. In fact, it's a useless effort.

You care about American values? That may be the biggest of your lies.
just because my values are different than yours doesn't make yours american. I know mine are.

BTW, I know for a fact yours are not american. You believe in illegals taking americans jobs.


Let's talk about "illegals" taking American jobs.

Many of them are hired by American Employers, who exploit them and defraud payroll taxes.

Many of them are hired by red blooded American homeowners to cut their lawns, pour concrete, watch their children and clean their homes; homeowners who also pay less and provide no benefits than what an American worker would demand.

In fact the average illegal worker, works harder (physical labor) than the banker, broker or member of Congress. And in the case of the latter, they are much more productive.
Stratford is a putinbitch plant.
Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7
Trump has a point. Russia is an active player in the global economy (at least for Europe) and it is pretty stupid to try to orchestrate things without having all the players at the table.

Or Trump could be Putin's bitch, I dunno.
Actually if we should add a non-democratic country to the G7 it should be China, they have a lot larger economy than Russia. The just don't have Trump on a leash.
they have the dems, we know.
Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7
Trump has a point. Russia is an active player in the global economy (at least for Europe) and it is pretty stupid to try to orchestrate things without having all the players at the table.

Or Trump could be Putin's bitch, I dunno.

Actually, you are close on your first part.

The worth of the United States is 20.4 trillion. The worth of the other
6 members of the G-7 COMBINED is only 19.2 trillion.

They need us...and in the worst possible way. They don't bring in the tax
dollars off of their citizens like the U>S> does. They have always placed
tariffs on their goods as a way of national income. The Donald isn't going
to play like that anymore with these uneven trade deals. That cuts into
their income in a big way. They lose us...they have to replace our Country
with others. Who are they going to get to offset business lost in America...Peru, Bolivia, Belize? They're up a creek without a fucking paddle
and they know it. They just can't shut their mouths, and continue to challenge The
Donald publically. That's a losing proposition for them. He'll put them in a
position of losing face.

He brings up Russia to bait them into responding, which they all have. Russia has to change this or change that. Well, if they lose us, they'll
have to trade with Russia and that will make them certified phonies. The
Donald in one statement this morning has already boxed in the other
members of the G-7. The guy is really, really, brilliant.

Those other folks in the G-7 cannot afford to wait us out. Canada maybe on
Welfare before this is all over. We've heard The Donald talking about that 270% tariff they have on Dairy products. That's the high end for them. They also have 70% on Sausage. 50% on lumber and on barley. 20% on beef
and a few more. We stop that with Canada and their citizens will have to
become refugees in Syria.

AND we still have the Trump card, that The Donald hasn't even played yet.

29 Nations and we foot the bill for 22% of its cost for operation. They opt for
Russia and China he just tells them to get the Russians and the Chinese to
take our spot in NATO and they can defend Western Europe. (We'll take care of the Eastern Bloc Countries.) What are they going to do then?

Those Western Europeans moan about Russia's treatment of the Ukraine,
yet they denied the Ukraine a spot in NATO. If they had added the Ukraine to
NATO, the Crimea would still belong to the Ukraine or we'd be at War with
Russia, one of the two.

Western Europe is our bitch and it's time they started admitting to it.

They're fucked and they know it.
Ok this all sounds like the politics of friend groups...

Why would we want Canada to be on Welfare? That is crazy talk

although I am sure Putin would enjoy destroying our relationships with our allies.
how the fk would you know what Putin would like? you doing business with him? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:amazing how well you all know Putin. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7
Trump has a point. Russia is an active player in the global economy (at least for Europe) and it is pretty stupid to try to orchestrate things without having all the players at the table.

Or Trump could be Putin's bitch, I dunno.
Actually if we should add a non-democratic country to the G7 it should be China, they have a lot larger economy than Russia. The just don't have Trump on a leash.

Who has Trump on a leash?
If you don't know then your obviously not paying attention.
attention to what exactly? what you got?
It does appear to be a hostile act excluding Russia from the talks. Why are so many in the West itching for another Cold War, or WWIII? It's so sad and perplexing.
I don't understand what people are so angry about ..

The number one motivating factor to being a trump supporter is to be in favor of anything they feel makes liberals mad -- period, end of the story.

Liberals should start talking about how they are VERY MUCH against Medicare and Social Security -- Trump lovers will then be in favor of expanding it -- problem solved.
hard not to do that when the leftists don't care about american values and americans keeping jobs. In fact, it's a useless effort.

You care about American values? That may be the biggest of your lies.
just because my values are different than yours doesn't make yours american. I know mine are.

BTW, I know for a fact yours are not american. You believe in illegals taking americans jobs.


Let's talk about "illegals" taking American jobs.

Many of them are hired by American Employers, who exploit them and defraud payroll taxes.

Many of them are hired by red blooded American homeowners to cut their lawns, pour concrete, watch their children and clean their homes; homeowners who also pay less and provide no benefits than what an American worker would demand.

In fact the average illegal worker, works harder (physical labor) than the banker, broker or member of Congress. And in the case of the latter, they are much more productive.
let's talk about how the illegals get here. Build the wall and they won't get in so easily.

Shame on the business, that doesn't justify shit. go after the companies. I truly want it addressed.

you have no idea how illegals work. that's just parrot food. AGain...
It does appear to be a hostile act excluding Russia from the talks. Why are so many in the West itching for another Cold War, or WWIII? It's so sad and perplexing.
Right? we have them tear down the wall and they want it back up. :dunno:
Here is deany on que with his butt hurt message

You'd think that a moron like the above poster would come up with something a bit different than "butt-hurt" as a slur.....LOL

You would think that you would find something else in your life to cry about, instead it's the same BS every day for the last 18 months. You are at least funny to read. Thanks for the daily laugh.
Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7
Trump has a point. Russia is an active player in the global economy (at least for Europe) and it is pretty stupid to try to orchestrate things without having all the players at the table.

Or Trump could be Putin's bitch, I dunno.

Actually, you are close on your first part.

The worth of the United States is 20.4 trillion. The worth of the other
6 members of the G-7 COMBINED is only 19.2 trillion.

They need us...and in the worst possible way. They don't bring in the tax
dollars off of their citizens like the U>S> does. They have always placed
tariffs on their goods as a way of national income. The Donald isn't going
to play like that anymore with these uneven trade deals. That cuts into
their income in a big way. They lose us...they have to replace our Country
with others. Who are they going to get to offset business lost in America...Peru, Bolivia, Belize? They're up a creek without a fucking paddle
and they know it. They just can't shut their mouths, and continue to challenge The
Donald publically. That's a losing proposition for them. He'll put them in a
position of losing face.

He brings up Russia to bait them into responding, which they all have. Russia has to change this or change that. Well, if they lose us, they'll
have to trade with Russia and that will make them certified phonies. The
Donald in one statement this morning has already boxed in the other
members of the G-7. The guy is really, really, brilliant.

Those other folks in the G-7 cannot afford to wait us out. Canada maybe on
Welfare before this is all over. We've heard The Donald talking about that 270% tariff they have on Dairy products. That's the high end for them. They also have 70% on Sausage. 50% on lumber and on barley. 20% on beef
and a few more. We stop that with Canada and their citizens will have to
become refugees in Syria.

AND we still have the Trump card, that The Donald hasn't even played yet.

29 Nations and we foot the bill for 22% of its cost for operation. They opt for
Russia and China he just tells them to get the Russians and the Chinese to
take our spot in NATO and they can defend Western Europe. (We'll take care of the Eastern Bloc Countries.) What are they going to do then?

Those Western Europeans moan about Russia's treatment of the Ukraine,
yet they denied the Ukraine a spot in NATO. If they had added the Ukraine to
NATO, the Crimea would still belong to the Ukraine or we'd be at War with
Russia, one of the two.

Western Europe is our bitch and it's time they started admitting to it.

They're fucked and they know it.
Ok this all sounds like the politics of friend groups...

Why would we want Canada to be on Welfare? That is crazy talk

although I am sure Putin would enjoy destroying our relationships with our allies.

Allies don't have 1600 tariff's on their goods. That is the definition of
an enemy.
Wow... I guess Trump is just about everybody's enemy because he seems to love tariffs.

I am sure it is just him playing 3d chess with the rest of the world... pretending to be an idiot must be his ploy so that others underestimate him.
and you know that the other countries are putting our companies out of business with their tarrifs right? Trump isn't going to allow it anymore. time for the other countries to :bigboy:
let's talk about how the illegals get here. Build the wall and they won't get in so easily.

Shame on the business, that doesn't justify shit. go after the companies. I truly want it addressed.

you have no idea how illegals work. that's just parrot food. AGain...
A wall won't be necessary if you start locking up employers who KNOWINGLY hire illegals with the same passion you want law enforcement to go after illegals

...but that won't happen because those employers look like you and me -- can't demonize them like we do those darkies
You fucking ignorant imbecile.........Find a grown up

When did Russia decide to throw an Iron Curtain over a good chunk of Europe???

Did you EVER hear about the Cuban missile crisis?

How much has been spent by us on matching Russia's military buildup?
lol..I was repeating the liberal refrain "they were our allies during wwII" whenever the right brought up the points you just did the left would trot out that lin...
...the only difference is russia was communist when the left was reminding us of that, since they are no longer communist the left treats them like traitors...this entire exercise was to get you to see the hypocrisy in the lefts treatment then and now and where its sympathies calm down and put the election out of your mind, she lost! deal with it!
Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7

Yea...heaven forbid we work with the Russians as allies instead of trying to start a war with them.
We did... remember the G8? then they screwed us.
---------------------------------------------------- how did the Russians screw the USA when they invaded the 'ukraine' - crimea . Mighta screwed 'mrobama' but wasn't 'mrobama' supposed the supply weapons to 'ukraine / crimea' Eric ??
let's talk about how the illegals get here. Build the wall and they won't get in so easily.

Shame on the business, that doesn't justify shit. go after the companies. I truly want it addressed.

you have no idea how illegals work. that's just parrot food. AGain...
A wall won't be necessary if you start locking up employers who KNOWINGLY hire illegals with the same passion you want law enforcement to go after illegals

...but that won't happen because those employers look like you and me -- can't demonize them like we do those darkies

The wall is still needed to keep out drugs and one most remember that the people coming are not thinking just about work but escaping Mexico
Not to try to get the thread back on point (mon dieu!) but I wonder what Trump's motivation is in blowing up the G-7 before it even begins - or is that the motivation itself? - or is he for some reason carrying Putin's water on this, when we certainly don't need Russia's petrochemicals and only the western European countries have any reason to keep Russia's economy afloat.

That is, is he confident Rudy has prevented any small chance of impeachment, and he is now free to reward Putin for electoral assistance? Or is he merely using Russia as a wedge to divide the G-6 on Tariffs? And is he really serious on tariffs or merely playing the G-6 for better deals on import quotas?
It does appear to be a hostile act excluding Russia from the talks. Why are so many in the West itching for another Cold War, or WWIII? It's so sad and perplexing.
Why are Republicans in bed with Russia?
How utterly ridiculous. A critical thinking professor would give you an F- for such nonsense. Let us consider actions that Trump has taken that Putin dislikes:

* He sold weapons to Ukraine.
* He has extended the Obama sanctions on Russia.
* He has pressured some arms buyers not to buy Russian weapons.
* He has cancelled the Iran nuclear deal, a deal that Putin hailed.
* He has imposed high tariffs on some Russian goods.
* He has repeatedly condemned Russian misconduct.
* He has expelled numerous Russian diplomats.
As he left for Canada for the G6+1 economic summit, our beloved president once again showed his affections for all that is Russian, calling for that country to be reinstated into this global economic partnership, after Obama and others kicked utin to the curb for invading and occupying the Crimea.

Never mind that countries such as China and India's economies are considerably larger than Russia's GDP.........heck, even our own California alone almost DOUBLES Russia's GDP.

Trump's "gratitude" for Russia's help in getting elected, is a beautiful sight to behold in the annals of unrequited love.

Except....he didnt help, lol you loon bats are beyond delusional.
let's talk about how the illegals get here. Build the wall and they won't get in so easily.

Shame on the business, that doesn't justify shit. go after the companies. I truly want it addressed.

you have no idea how illegals work. that's just parrot food. AGain...
A wall won't be necessary if you start locking up employers who KNOWINGLY hire illegals with the same passion you want law enforcement to go after illegals

...but that won't happen because those employers look like you and me -- can't demonize them like we do those darkies
build the wall. why are you afraid of it?

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