Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7

Cause...."I have been very tough on Russia".....oh and Putin is pulling on my short hairs....
Why are Republicans in bed with Russia?
There is a cold war, or a hot one. Putin invaded Ukraine to get their petrochemicals so the West would have to keep buying from him. Putin supported Trump because Hillary wanted to arm the Ukrainians.

JFC, JC. Go start a thread for fuck's sake. (shaking head)
Putin supported trump you know this how?
Fuck off asshole. Go lie to your anus
dude, at least be factual. that's all I ever ask. You want respect, treat me with respect. now how do you know trump had any ties to putin? if you can't answer that, then you're just a jck off parrot of the left.

Democrat Fake News told em it was so. Therefore, it must be so. You aren't gonna reason with them. They're partisan zealots. They've been radicalized. But hey, nice try. :)

How can you reason with the left they are like Truuuuuummmmpppp~

Why are Republicans in bed with Russia?
There is a cold war, or a hot one. Putin invaded Ukraine to get their petrochemicals so the West would have to keep buying from him. Putin supported Trump because Hillary wanted to arm the Ukrainians.

JFC, JC. Go start a thread for fuck's sake. (shaking head)
Putin supported trump you know this how?
Fuck off asshole. Go lie to your anus
dude, at least be factual. that's all I ever ask. You want respect, treat me with respect. now how do you know trump had any ties to putin? if you can't answer that, then you're just a jck off parrot of the left.

Democrat Fake News told em it was so. Therefore, it must be so. You aren't gonna reason with them. They're partisan zealots. They've been radicalized. But hey, nice try. :)
Right, like Yanukovych's pro Russia trade deal was popular. And the pro Russian backers didn't invade because they couldn't win natl elections.

I've never really understood your reality. Yes the neocons are dangerous. But facts remain facts.
Nat's never ending butt hurt over Hillary losing.
she won, Trump cheated, you all know it, that's why you fight so hard, to demean and stop the Mueller investigation from getting to the TRUTH.... :rolleyes:

Trump cheated Bernie, amiright?
Trump cheated America.

he's the biggest and the bestest cheater!!!

How so? Did Putin's mind control beam make you flip your vote?
pick up a news paper and actually read something other than the comics Frankie! Pulitzer prize winning reporting on this investigation has been going on! ;)

you have a lot of catching up to do!
As he left for Canada for the G6+1 economic summit, our beloved president once again showed his affections for all that is Russian, calling for that country to be reinstated into this global economic partnership, after Obama and others kicked utin to the curb for invading and occupying the Crimea.

Never mind that countries such as China and India's economies are considerably larger than Russia's GDP.........heck, even our own California alone almost DOUBLES Russia's GDP.

Trump's "gratitude" for Russia's help in getting elected, is a beautiful sight to behold in the annals of unrequited love.

Nearly everyone believes Putin has something on trump. He laps the very sweat off Putin's was....
Russia is the largest country in the world covering 11 time zones and 1/8 of the world's land mass. Russia is the 2nd most prolific nuclear power, 2nd to the U.S. It's no secret that Russia tries to interfere with U.S. policies and elections and we do it to them. The negligence of the Hussein administration led the "intelligence" networks to assume that Russia had actually interfered with the electoral process but it has never been proven. For some reason the crazy angry left has gotten it into their pretty little empty heads that we should goad the 2nd most prolific nuclear power into some sort of conflict or try to isolate Russia as some sort of "punishment" for something that never happened rather than inviting them to sit down at the negotiating table. Today's radical lefties are like the sissie on the school bus who keeps kicking the bully until he gets a black eye.

Russia, as large and grand that you claim, doesn't even have the Economy size of Italy.....due to their corrupt Putin/Oligarch government cronyism.

THEY are no one to look up to!
Europe is dependent upon his petrochemicals, esp since Trump has allowed Putin to more or less annex all of Ukraine's. The question remains why Trump favors this.
the 64,000 dollar question for sure!
It does appear to be a hostile act excluding Russia from the talks. Why are so many in the West itching for another Cold War, or WWIII? It's so sad and perplexing.
Why are Republicans in bed with Russia?
There is a cold war, or a hot one. Putin invaded Ukraine to get their petrochemicals so the West would have to keep buying from him. Putin supported Trump because Hillary wanted to arm the Ukrainians.

JFC, JC. Go start a thread for fuck's sake. (shaking head)

The illegal Coup in Ukraine was supported by the US/West. Russia wouldn't have had to respond if there was no illegal Coup. It's something the US/Western Media never talks about. Folks in the West are only provided one side of the story. The reality is, no illegal Coup in Ukraine, no bloody mess.
That's true. Although the coup came about because Putin tried to get a trade deal with Ukraine that the maj of Ukrainians elected a new govt to not do.

but again, what does that have to do with a trade deal between the G-7 nations?

Sadly, US/Westerners only know one side of the story in Ukraine. They're hopelessly uninformed. US/Western intelligence agencies carried out an illegal Coup in Ukraine. And that's what's caused all the problems there. They forced Russia to respond. It was an act of aggression.

The US/West has been overthrowing Democratically-elected Governments around the world for many years. I'm shocked so few Americans know that. They're just so uninformed. Ukraine was just another one of their 'Regime Change' operations. It is what it is.
And I'm socked how many US/Western residents are enjoying to live in a parallel reality, so carefully constructed for them by Soros Media. They just hate any kind of truth and jump on it yelling "It's Putin's propaganda!!!!" because it hurts and may destroy their adored parallel world. Deep State has really done a great job brainwashing and dumbing down a big part of Western population and making them live in a Wonderland instead of real world, somewhere next door to Alice....

There is a cold war, or a hot one. Putin invaded Ukraine to get their petrochemicals so the West would have to keep buying from him. Putin supported Trump because Hillary wanted to arm the Ukrainians.

JFC, JC. Go start a thread for fuck's sake. (shaking head)
Putin supported trump you know this how?
Fuck off asshole. Go lie to your anus
dude, at least be factual. that's all I ever ask. You want respect, treat me with respect. now how do you know trump had any ties to putin? if you can't answer that, then you're just a jck off parrot of the left.

Democrat Fake News told em it was so. Therefore, it must be so. You aren't gonna reason with them. They're partisan zealots. They've been radicalized. But hey, nice try. :)
Right, like Yanukovych's pro Russia trade deal was popular. And the pro Russian backers didn't invade because they couldn't win natl elections.

I've never really understood your reality. Yes the neocons are dangerous. But facts remain facts.

It was just another US/West 'Regime Change' operation. They took out the Democratically-elected Ukrainian leader by way of illegal Coup. And then when Russia responded, they played the old 'Boogeyman Card.' Russia is 'Evil', blah blah blah.

It's amazing most Americans are so uninformed. Their nation's leaders have been carrying out illegal 'Regime Change' Coups for several decades. Ukraine was just another one of those operations. But somehow, Russia is the 'Bad Guy' in it. Americans just need to become more informed. It would likely dramatically change their perspectives.
The Republican lead House and Senate intelligence committees have done a real disservice to this Nation, by not having real, public hearings, with witnesses under oath, as they did with the Watergate hearings.

We were all able to watch them, parents, students, grand parents....and could see and hear what was going on, from the horse's mouth....the congress/senate critters and witnesses answering.

It helped us become knowledgeable on the Watergate scandal.... while the Special prosecutor, Archibald Cox, was doing his own investigating behind the scene.
This is how you treat an ally? the anger needle is in the red zone brother, put her completely out of your mind or you will be completely out of it before much anger, so much hatred, not healthy

You fucking ignorant imbecile.........Find a grown up

When did Russia decide to throw an Iron Curtain over a good chunk of Europe???

Did you EVER hear about the Cuban missile crisis?

How much has been spent by us on matching Russia's military buildup?

Apparently, we're spending way too much. Russians Russians Russians Russians.
Nat's never ending butt hurt over Hillary losing.
she won, Trump cheated, you all know it, that's why you fight so hard, to demean and stop the Mueller investigation from getting to the TRUTH.... :rolleyes:

Trump cheated Bernie, amiright?
Trump cheated America.

he's the biggest and the bestest cheater!!!

You mean Clinton cheated Bernie. Trump was elected legally. Clinton and her team performed all types of illegal stuff to keep Bernie out and nary a mention by lib news.
Europe is dependent upon his petrochemicals, esp since Trump has allowed Putin to more or less annex all of Ukraine's. The question remains why Trump favors this.

The answer to your on-target question may be found in an opposite worded question.......Why did Putin VERY MUCH want Trump in the oval office to royally screw up our western alliances???
As he left for Canada for the G6+1 economic summit, our beloved president once again showed his affections for all that is Russian, calling for that country to be reinstated into this global economic partnership, after Obama and others kicked utin to the curb for invading and occupying the Crimea.

Never mind that countries such as China and India's economies are considerably larger than Russia's GDP.........heck, even our own California alone almost DOUBLES Russia's GDP.

Trump's "gratitude" for Russia's help in getting elected, is a beautiful sight to behold in the annals of unrequited love.

Nearly everyone believes Putin has something on trump. He laps the very sweat off Putin's was....
However, he did cross Putin once in order to save his own ass. He offered the Ukrainians anti-tank weapons (Russia has the most tanks of any country, and has lots of tanks in Eastern Ukraine), in exchange for them not investigating Paul Manaford.
Ukraine stopped helping the Mueller probe after Trump gave the country weapons to fight Russia
It does appear to be a hostile act excluding Russia from the talks. Why are so many in the West itching for another Cold War, or WWIII? It's so sad and perplexing.
Why are Republicans in bed with Russia?
There is a cold war, or a hot one. Putin invaded Ukraine to get their petrochemicals so the West would have to keep buying from him. Putin supported Trump because Hillary wanted to arm the Ukrainians.

JFC, JC. Go start a thread for fuck's sake. (shaking head)

The illegal Coup in Ukraine was supported by the US/West. Russia wouldn't have had to respond if there was no illegal Coup. It's something the US/Western Media never talks about. Folks in the West are only provided one side of the story. The reality is, no illegal Coup in Ukraine, no bloody mess.
Republican congress is 100% supporting Ukraine against Russia in 2014. Great Putin Apparatchik you are.

Russia wouldnt have to respond? Their response was to illegally annex Crimea. And the eastern third of Ukraine has been utter shit since then; although it wasnt great before them, its been just death.
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There is a cold war, or a hot one. Putin invaded Ukraine to get their petrochemicals so the West would have to keep buying from him. Putin supported Trump because Hillary wanted to arm the Ukrainians.

JFC, JC. Go start a thread for fuck's sake. (shaking head)
Putin supported trump you know this how?
Fuck off asshole. Go lie to your anus
dude, at least be factual. that's all I ever ask. You want respect, treat me with respect. now how do you know trump had any ties to putin? if you can't answer that, then you're just a jck off parrot of the left.

Democrat Fake News told em it was so. Therefore, it must be so. You aren't gonna reason with them. They're partisan zealots. They've been radicalized. But hey, nice try. :)
Right, like Yanukovych's pro Russia trade deal was popular. And the pro Russian backers didn't invade because they couldn't win natl elections.

I've never really understood your reality. Yes the neocons are dangerous. But facts remain facts.

Yup....and the undeniable truth is Putin wanted trump....the undeniable truth is Moscow celebrated when trump was elected....the undeniable truth the GOP platform was changed to benefit Russia at trumps urging.

And now this....but..."I have seen very tough on Russia.....".....just another trump lie....
Putin supported trump you know this how?
Fuck off asshole. Go lie to your anus
dude, at least be factual. that's all I ever ask. You want respect, treat me with respect. now how do you know trump had any ties to putin? if you can't answer that, then you're just a jck off parrot of the left.

Democrat Fake News told em it was so. Therefore, it must be so. You aren't gonna reason with them. They're partisan zealots. They've been radicalized. But hey, nice try. :)
Right, like Yanukovych's pro Russia trade deal was popular. And the pro Russian backers didn't invade because they couldn't win natl elections.

I've never really understood your reality. Yes the neocons are dangerous. But facts remain facts.

Yup....and the undeniable truth is Putin wanted trump....the undeniable truth is Moscow celebrated when trump was elected....the undeniable truth the GOP platform was changed to benefit Russia at trumps urging.

And now this....but..."I have seen very tough on Russia.....".....just another trump lie....
The facts are the facts. Russia and probably Assange illegally hacked to get ant-Hillary information, and used facebook to use it to make false accusations about Hillary. I didn't vote for her. But facts are facts. JC and Dscchrute or anyone doesn't get their own facts.

But it's really irrelevant unless Trump broke the law in working with Putin.

But it's irrelevant to the issue of the G-7. we don't get anything good from Russia. They never were our ally and never will be. They killed hundreds of Dutch citizens. They invaded Ukraine and are killing a dozen or so a week now. West Europe needs Russia. There are only two reasons Trump would bring up the G-7 and Europe. "shiny object" don't look at tariffs. OR, vlad told me to.
Europe is dependent upon his petrochemicals, esp since Trump has allowed Putin to more or less annex all of Ukraine's. The question remains why Trump favors this.

The answer to your on-target question may be found in an opposite worded question.......Why did Putin VERY MUCH want Trump in the oval office to royally screw up our western alliances???
Yes, Trump could very well be Putin's bought for tool.
If the economy was a gung ho under the Big O as libs claim, why wasn't this mentioned during the 2008 campaign?

All we heard for months on the radio were Hate Ads against the Trumpster. Nothing positive at all.

I'm calling this claim about the Obama Economy as garbage

Google the economic numbers for W’s Presidency. Google the numbers for Obama’s. Start with the DOW Jones when W took office, when Obama took office and when Trump took office.

Do the same for job creation for each of their Presidencies, year by year.

Easy peasy.

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