Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7

Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7

An epidemic of brain deaths seems to have afflicted the callous conservative's who spend their days posting "Trump is Great".

IDIOT-GRAM: a phrase or one sentence post which lacks substance & is not thoughtful or thought Provoking.

Arent you like 80? Shouldnt you know your ass from a hole in the ground by now?

I'm 70, my dad live to 94, his mom to 103, her father to 89. I wonder, did you pick 80 out of a hat, or is that your tested IQ?

Maybe you should look inward before calling others out.

I do, and this is a political message board, mostly, and if someone can not take the heat, they will push the funny button. Those that do lack the ability to post anything substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking; when they post an idiot-gram they best not consider I'll play nice with them.
The World's Top 10 Economies

1. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

2. Jina.

3. Japan.

4. Germany.

5. United Kingdom.

6. India.

7. France.

8. Brazil.

9. Italy.

10. Canada.

Italy is a bigger economy than Russia. Italy, for chrissakes!

THAT is why Russia is not invited to the G7. They didn't make the cut.
Russia is undermining the US on world stage and the orange is helping them. Traitor much ?
Conservatives are in bed with communism now LOL.
Fuck off asshole. Go lie to your anus
dude, at least be factual. that's all I ever ask. You want respect, treat me with respect. now how do you know trump had any ties to putin? if you can't answer that, then you're just a jck off parrot of the left.

Democrat Fake News told em it was so. Therefore, it must be so. You aren't gonna reason with them. They're partisan zealots. They've been radicalized. But hey, nice try. :)
Right, like Yanukovych's pro Russia trade deal was popular. And the pro Russian backers didn't invade because they couldn't win natl elections.

I've never really understood your reality. Yes the neocons are dangerous. But facts remain facts.

Yup....and the undeniable truth is Putin wanted trump....the undeniable truth is Moscow celebrated when trump was elected....the undeniable truth the GOP platform was changed to benefit Russia at trumps urging.

And now this....but..."I have seen very tough on Russia.....".....just another trump lie....
The facts are the facts. Russia and probably Assange illegally hacked to get ant-Hillary information, and used facebook to use it to make false accusations about Hillary. I didn't vote for her. But facts are facts. JC and Dscchrute or anyone doesn't get their own facts.

But it's really irrelevant unless Trump broke the law in working with Putin.

But it's irrelevant to the issue of the G-7. we don't get anything good from Russia. They never were our ally and never will be. They killed hundreds of Dutch citizens. They invaded Ukraine and are killing a dozen or so a week now. West Europe needs Russia. There are only two reasons Trump would bring up the G-7 and Europe. "shiny object" don't look at tariffs. OR, vlad told me to.

Not Putin, but Soros and his puppets Obama&Co invaded Ukraine and blamed Putin for that. I live there and know WHO invaded it. I wonder, how do you know?

Same like DNC cheated Bernie for Hillary, then lost and guess whom they blamed for that? Yes, neither they blamed themselves nor their crooked candidate, they blamed Putin.

Putin did NOT annex Crimea. Crimea has had a referendum and according to the International Law reunited with Russia. But Kosovo WAS illegally annexed from Serbia because there was NO referendum.

According to UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples:
All peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.
The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

So many Americans have eyes but can't see simple things, can't differ sh*t from Shinola. What a perfect material for Soros and his Deep State buddies. - Coup in Ukraine Illustrates America’s Addiction to Meddling and Regime Change
Trump was outside of his plane giving a news conference before leaving for the G7.

He must have said Russia 10 times. Defending them. Asking why the other countries are mistreating them. Saying there shouldn't be a meeting without Russia..

Our President is right, the Russian Federation is a major power and a major economic power.
Oh, so huge. With an economy SMALLER than the Italians.
Not Putin, but Soros and his puppets Obama&Co invaded Ukraine and blamed Putin for that.


Putin did NOT annex Crimea. Crimea has had a referendum and according to the International Law reunited with Russia.

Exactly like Hitler and the Sudetenland...

The referendum was AFTER Putin invaded Crimea, dipshit.

And gee, what a surprise outcome that the descendants of the communist oppressors who invaded and occupied Crimea to begin with voted to continue the occupation.
Looks like Trumpbots anti-globalism is just changing the world from an American dominated form of globalism to a Russia/China dominated form of globalism.

One way or another, the world's economy is globalized. The only question is who is the big dog in the global economy. Looks like it ain't gonna be the U.S. for very much longer.
Trump carrying out Putin's plan?
Trump was outside of his plane giving a news conference before leaving for the G7.

He must have said Russia 10 times. Defending them. Asking why the other countries are mistreating them. Saying there shouldn't be a meeting without Russia.

He said Canada mistreats us even though Canada is one of the few countries the US has a trade surplus.

Rudy said Mrs. Trump told him she knew nothing about Trump sleeping with Stormy and she said they don't speak. Rudy also smeared many American women and Trump said he agrees with what Rudy said.

Trump told NFL players to send him the names of people they want pardoned.

Trump named about every US trade agreement and said he wanted to get rid of them. He said we would be better off.

I think he believes that we have moved on from "Make America Great Again" to "America Alone" or "America Alone with Russia".

It was all over the place and left even his staff scratching their collective heads.

At this moment I think the G7 is thinking about kicking out the US. For good reason.


Yeah, that'll work.

Let's make the New G7 by kicking out the USA and inviting Venezuela!

Actually, there is frustration among the leaders of the G7, and some have even called this summit "G6 plus one" because of Trumps actions against our allies.

I also find it really surprising that Trump is pushing so hard to get Russia back into it. Why? That isn't a decision Trump can make, it has to be done by ALL the leaders, not just him.

'G6 plus one': Frustration with US grows ahead of G7 summit

'G6 plus one'?

Still, of primary concern to the six other world leaders this week remains how to deal with Trump - and whether they should switch strategies, and if so, to what alternative?

"For the first 500 days of the Trump administration, these countries generally were bent over backwards not to criticise President Trump… There is a feeling I think over the last few months that that approach has not borne fruit," Wright said.

That was echoed by Abelson, who said Trump's behaviour - from his tweets to his seemingly snap decisions on key pillars of US policy - has put others on edge.

Whether the leaders all sign on to a customary, joint statement at the end of the summit is also very much up in the air.

Earlier this week, German news agency DPA reported that disagreements with Trump had left the statement "hanging in the balance". It would be the first time all G7 countries do not sign a final statement.

"Many journalists are referring to this summit as the G6 plus one," Abelson said.

"You're dealing with someone who doesn't necessarily hold all the cards, but someone who can cause a lot of disruption. And I think that's what they're ultimately concerned about, just controlling the potential damage."
Trump was outside of his plane giving a news conference before leaving for the G7.

He must have said Russia 10 times. Defending them. Asking why the other countries are mistreating them. Saying there shouldn't be a meeting without Russia.

He said Canada mistreats us even though Canada is one of the few countries the US has a trade surplus.

Rudy said Mrs. Trump told him she knew nothing about Trump sleeping with Stormy and she said they don't speak. Rudy also smeared many American women and Trump said he agrees with what Rudy said.

Trump told NFL players to send him the names of people they want pardoned.

Trump named about every US trade agreement and said he wanted to get rid of them. He said we would be better off.

I think he believes that we have moved on from "Make America Great Again" to "America Alone" or "America Alone with Russia".

It was all over the place and left even his staff scratching their collective heads.

At this moment I think the G7 is thinking about kicking out the US. For good reason.


Yeah, that'll work.

Let's make the New G7 by kicking out the USA and inviting Venezuela!

Trump wants to ally with Nicaragua and Honduras so you'll get your wish! Conservatives you have no clue about two things, foreign policy and economics.

You are very good at trampling other people's rights in the US though.
and democrats dont trample other peoples rights i suppose?
Trump was outside of his plane giving a news conference before leaving for the G7.

He must have said Russia 10 times. Defending them. Asking why the other countries are mistreating them. Saying there shouldn't be a meeting without Russia.

He said Canada mistreats us even though Canada is one of the few countries the US has a trade surplus.

Rudy said Mrs. Trump told him she knew nothing about Trump sleeping with Stormy and she said they don't speak. Rudy also smeared many American women and Trump said he agrees with what Rudy said.

Trump told NFL players to send him the names of people they want pardoned.

Trump named about every US trade agreement and said he wanted to get rid of them. He said we would be better off.

I think he believes that we have moved on from "Make America Great Again" to "America Alone" or "America Alone with Russia".

It was all over the place and left even his staff scratching their collective heads.

At this moment I think the G7 is thinking about kicking out the US. For good reason.
---------------------------------- let them kick the USA out and then see what happens Issac .
However, he did cross Putin once in order to save his own ass. He offered the Ukrainians anti-tank weapons (Russia has the most tanks of any country, and has lots of tanks in Eastern Ukraine), in exchange for them not investigating Paul Manaford.
Ukraine stopped helping the Mueller probe after Trump gave the country weapons to fight Russia

Unfortunately, there are reports from European media that some of those weapons are winding up in Russian backed Ukrainian hands.

There is nothing better than to get a hold of your opponent's weapons to mitigate their impact.
Trump was outside of his plane giving a news conference before leaving for the G7.

He must have said Russia 10 times. Defending them. Asking why the other countries are mistreating them. Saying there shouldn't be a meeting without Russia..

Our President is right, the Russian Federation is a major power and a major economic power.
---------------------------------- its at least a major power that'd kick 'euroazz' if they wanted to PolishP .
The question is no longer...."What does Putin have on trump?"

The question now is...."Would Donnie have Vlad's baby if he were asked?"

Soon....the US adversaries in the world will be Canada, France, and Mexico. Our allies will be Russia, North Korea, and China.

The Orange King is turning the US foreign policy for the last 50 years into a cross word puzzle.....and the pieces will never fit.
They should never have been excluded.
They were excluded for cause. They invaded Crimea. They should be let back in at some time, but they have to make amends. Trump. Putin's bitch, wants to give them a free pass.
Trump is the best thing to happen to Russia and Putin ever. Trump will undo everything that Reagan did.
They should never have been excluded.
They were excluded for cause. They invaded Crimea. They should be let back in at some time, but they have to make amends. Trump. Putin's bitch, wants to give them a free pass.
Trump is the best thing to happen to Russia and Putin ever. Trump will undo everything that Reagan did.
But we now live in a world where treasonous Donald and his shills are doing vlad’s bidding.

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