Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence

Soldiers always fall into their swords if it is necessary and they believe in their leader being on the right side of issues because they are patriots unlike leftist scumbags.

You should know that what Flynn did borders on treason.......some fucked up "patriotic value".....

Treason? What a moron you are.

View attachment 112412

It's Treason how?

Get informed Lucy.

I am.
Colliding with our enemy about sanctions put into place because Putin meddled in the election isn't treason?

Please 'splain to me about this "Colliding with our enemy" In what way was the colliding done?

:badgrin: Man, I can own dumbasses like this all day and night.
You don't even own a spine. That's so you can fellate Trump in every position possible.
First of all you can't even admit the murderous thug Putin IS our enemy.
You have no critical thinking skills why Trump absolutely refuses to say ANYTHING negative about Putin.
A well respected general McCaffrey said Trump's most recent comment equating America with the killer Putin was " the most unamerican thing I've ever heard any commander in chief say."

But that's all fine and dandy with you.

Hey dumbass, Is Putin our enemy? Or is it Social Marxist Fucktards and all those manipulated by Soros and Communist college professors?

Personally I think it's the latter and more than half the nation is their Huckleberry, baby.

Putin banned Soros's ass.
Since Putin kills members of the press and makes all of his dissidents " disappear" I can see he'd be someone you'd admire.
Fucking treasonous bastards need to be hauled out to the front of the capital building for a public execution.

No, that'll be your side that gets that date with destiny, you just watch, you just watch.

Watch what the evidence? that your party was a traitor to every value we hold dear?

Leftists have no values, if you did you wouldn't be so quick to trash them to accommodate every piece of Third World scum who have completely backward versions of values, like treating women as lumps of meat for example amongst other things.
You say refugees not welcome?
There is a one in 3.4 billion chance of a refugee killing an American.
You were sold a fraudulent bill of goods and you swallowed.

What's the chances for rape? I'd like to lessen those odds. Does that make me a bad American?
Well, the Russians deny it, Assange denies it, Trump campaign denies it only l formerly eftist run agencies were hinting to it without any evidence so far not on record but unnamed sources....tanks.

(besides the 4th grade spelling).....the above from an idiot whose ilk praised the FBI for sabotaging Clinton's campaign..... LOL

Here's the new "rule" as dictated to right wingers by FOX.........
"From now on the Russian Putin and the rapist Assange will be believed MORE than the US intelligence agencies".......pass this rule on to the rest of the nitwits.

When was Julian Assange convicted of rape?
Putin meddled with the elections? Do you have any proof of that or you are just spewing the talking points?

Moron...........ALL of the intelligence outfits have agreed that Russia DID interfere with the elections....Now you have a choice to make:

EITHER you side with our own intelligence..OR you can side with an ex KGB scum bucket.
Well, the Russians deny it, Assange denies it, Trump campaign denies it only formerly leftist run agencies were hinting to it without any evidence so far not on record but unnamed sources....tanks.
So now you believe and trust the Russians? LMAO You don't know they have stolen elections in other countries do you. How could you? Your lying media wouldn't ever tell you that.
Now, you need to stop talking about other countries' stolen elections. No need to look further than Langley under our governments instructions. Clean your dirt first then go to clean others.
Well, the Russians deny it, Assange denies it, Trump campaign denies it only l formerly eftist run agencies were hinting to it without any evidence so far not on record but unnamed sources....tanks.

(besides the 4th grade spelling).....the above from an idiot whose ilk praised the FBI for sabotaging Clinton's campaign..... LOL

Here's the new "rule" as dictated to right wingers by FOX.........
"From now on the Russian Putin and the rapist Assange will be believed MORE than the US intelligence agencies".......pass this rule on to the rest of the nitwits.

When was Julian Assange convicted of rape?

Never, he was just accused because..leaks. ;)
I love it that the Deplorables are minimizing the gravity of Flynn committing treason , Trump knowing about it for 3 weeks, and not doing a thing about it. Now that trumps aides were in contact with Russian intelligence before the election.

But that's not half as bad as Hillary having a private server, right?
Ha ha ha ha
They have transcripts of the conversations.
Do you? At this moment we don't know jack shit. Those who know are doing what they supposed to do. You leftists are quick to convict everybody without any proof as long as it fits your agenda. Fuck the right to trial and shit, right?
Just say it is the same courtesy that you exposed Secretary Clinton to. We expect nothing more.
I personally have never convicted the bitch. Maybe there will be a real investigation into her dealings with foreign powers to extort money from them for the Clinton Foundation. Allegedly quid pro quo. Then we will see.
There are too many pending investigations into the Trump/ Putin connection coming up. You're going to have to wait a long long time for anything on Hillary.
Yes, there is the diversion. Creating issues to divert attention from real issues. There are many issue what need to be addressed one would be more important than the Clinton shit and that is investigating Soros for subversive activities financing terrorist organizations.

If you say so, but Trump's traitorous behavior will be dealt with first.
WASHINGTON ― National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is gone ― that didn’t take long ― but he leaves behind a famous and fateful question: What did the president know and when did he know it?

Donald J. Trump has been president for less than a month, and already the Watergate query is all the capital is talking about, and, as a result, there is a widespread sense of a White House in deep, perhaps cataclysmic, trouble.

Deplorables: nothing to see here. Lol
Soldiers always fall into their swords if it is necessary and they believe in their leader being on the right side of issues because they are patriots unlike leftist scumbags.

You should know that what Flynn did borders on treason.......some fucked up "patriotic value".....

Treason? What a moron you are.

View attachment 112412

It's Treason how?
Colliding with our enemy about sanctions put into place because Putin meddled in the election isn't treason?

Homeland Security know who is colluding with the enemy of the West and actively giving them aid and comfort.
WASHINGTON ― National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is gone ― that didn’t take long ― but he leaves behind a famous and fateful question: What did the president know and when did he know it?

Donald J. Trump has been president for less than a month, and already the Watergate query is all the capital is talking about, and, as a result, there is a widespread sense of a White House in deep, perhaps cataclysmic, trouble.

Deplorables: nothing to see here. Lol
What a bunch of horseshit, rumor, and innuendo.
You should know that what Flynn did borders on treason.......some fucked up "patriotic value".....

Treason? What a moron you are.

View attachment 112412

It's Treason how?
Colliding with our enemy about sanctions put into place because Putin meddled in the election isn't treason?

Homeland Security know who is colluding with the enemy of the West and actively giving them aid and comfort.
Yes and Trump will not escape a trial no matter who his friends are.

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