Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence

Flynn wasn’t the only Russia proponent in the administration. Others include chief strategist Steve Bannon and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. What did they know and when did they know it? And what have been their dealings with Russia?
Don't hurt yourself speculating so much, your brain cell may get over heated.

We all have converted to belief in reincarnation because it is impossible to believe that you could be this stupid in just one lifetime.
Funny guy. You offered no substance so far, only speculations. As I said, don't brain storm with the brain cell you have, you may need it to find the bathroom.

You remind me of drool.
Now you are being nasty. I told you not to strain your brain cell, however I am glad that I reminded you to wipe your chin since you cannot multitask. Remembering to wipe your drool and trying to speculate at the same time are just too much for your processing capacity.
Flynn wasn’t the only Russia proponent in the administration. Others include chief strategist Steve Bannon and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. What did they know and when did they know it? And what have been their dealings with Russia?
Don't hurt yourself speculating so much, your brain cell may get over heated.

We all have converted to belief in reincarnation because it is impossible to believe that you could be this stupid in just one lifetime.
Funny guy. You offered no substance so far, only speculations. As I said, don't brain storm with the brain cell you have, you may need it to find the bathroom.

You remind me of drool.
Now you are being nasty. I told you not to strain your brain cell, however I am glad that I reminded you to wipe your chin since you cannot multitask. Remembering to wipe your drool and trying to speculate at the same time are just too much for your processing capacity.
You must have a very low opinion of people if you think they're your equals.
Well yes they are Leftist agencies if they been stacked with Obama people. Comey a leftist?.......Yes or No?
His boss was Lynch, no? Get a grip.
Before you call somebody moron, look into the mirror and say: "Uh.. I need to educate myself about the DOJ and FBI relationship, is it subordinate or lateral?" You are an imbecile after all.
If Trump people coordinated the release of stolen emails with the Russians, he is toast. The investigation is still underway.

Look for more leaks to come out soon. The intelligence community hates the Comrade.
Trump's in so far over his head and in deep do do and all that asshole can say is " Let's talk about Barry."
When the video of Trump's grabbing pussies escapade made the airwaves, Putin released to Wikileaks a barrage of anti-Clinton and DNC memos.........Putin needed to protect his stooge.
I just realized Russian Intelligence is better than Liberal Idiocy.

I just realized you're dumber than a bag of shark's teeth and arrowheads.
And last night you said Fair Trade Trump is a Communist.

Of course you have a screenshot or quote for that, correct?

I say Bovine Feces.

You called me a Communist for being in favor of Fair Trade.
Trump ran on Fair Trade.
You're just what we need on this Thread, a Neo-Con displaying his "love" for his Americans.
When the video of Trump's grabbing pussies escapade made the airwaves, Putin released to Wikileaks a barrage of anti-Clinton and DNC memos.........Putin needed to protect his stooge.
And Hillary's voters had a field day on it...and then voted for Trump!
How phucking stupid are you?
His boss was Lynch, no? Get a grip.
Before you call somebody moron, look into the mirror and say: "Uh.. I need to educate myself about the DOJ and FBI relationship, is it subordinate or lateral?" You are an imbecile after al

Fuckhead, Lynch VETOED Comey's release of his statement about Weiner's emails.....

DID THAT STOP COMEY?....................Yes or No????

CNN and MSNBC have been discussing my OP all night.
Fox... not so much. They're still stuck on the Muslim ban.
If Trump people coordinated the release of stolen emails with the Russians, he is toast. The investigation is still underway.

Look for more leaks to come out soon. The intelligence community hates the Comrade.

1) There is no investigation

2) Trump's just trying to give back to America

3) You're a moron

4) All "leaks" are bullshit perpetuated by what should be reputable news sources yet they're not. "An anonymous source inside X says" Lies.

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