Trump Campaign Chairman Just Retroactively Filed As A Pro-Russian Foreign Agent


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort files as foreign agent for Ukraine work

A consulting firm led by Paul Manafort, who chaired Donald Trump’s presidential campaign for several months last year, retroactively filed forms Tuesday showing that his firm received $17.1 million over two years from a political party that dominated Ukraine before its leader fled to Russia in 2014.

Manafort disclosed the total payments his firm received between 2012 and 2014 in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing late Tuesday that was submitted to the U.S. Justice Department. The report makes Manafort the second former senior Trump adviser to acknowledge the need to disclose work for foreign interests.

First Flynn, now Manafort.

You see, a ledger surfaced last year showing payments to Trump's campaign chairman from a pro-Russian group in the Ukraine.

Manafort first claimed the ledger was fake. "Nuh uh! That thing is so bogus!"

But the ledger has turned out to be real, and now Manafort's lawyer is like, well yeah, okay, he was paid by those guys. I remember now. But it was all paid to him using totally legal international banking routing numbers and stuff. Musta slipped our minds when we were saying the whole thing was fake.

Because of the Russian collusion investigation which Trump unsuccessfully tried to make go away, Manafort's lawyer is obviously informing Manafort he is in deep legal shit. Thus, the retroactive filing this week.

"Oh, that's right! I was a pro-Russian foreign agent! I forgot all about that until now..."
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just like flynn, it sounds like pauly walnutsis talking & perhaps outright 'flipped'...............
No wonder Trump wanted Comey to stop the investigation. There are a lot of threads for Mueller to pull.

When the campaign chairman for a candidate for President of the United States is a Russian agent, that is extremely worrisome.

"B-b-b-b-but CLINTON!" :lol:
Apparently you don't know the difference between Ukraine and Russia.

So he worked in the Ukraine. It's not illegal in any way.

Keep dreaming idiots, the Russia thing is dead. Even Van Jones and CNN cucks admit it.
You know that ledger that I said was fake? You know those payments I said I didn't get? You know those Russian puppets I denied working for?

It was all legitimate! I didn't hide it! Wutchoo talkin bout?

In a statement to the AP on Tuesday, Manafort did not deny that his firm received the money but said “any wire transactions received by my company are legitimate payments for political consulting work that was provided. I invoiced my clients and they paid via wire transfer, which I received through a U.S. bank.”

Manafort noted that he agreed to be paid according to his “clients’ preferred financial institutions and instructions.”

On Wednesday, Manafort’s spokesman Jason Maloni provided an additional statement to the AP, saying that Manafort received all of his payments via wire transfers conducted through the international banking system.

“Mr. Manafort’s work in Ukraine was totally open and appropriate, and wire transfers for international work are perfectly legal,” Maloni said.

"Mr. Corleone's business dealings are totally legit."
Apparently you don't know the difference between Ukraine and Russia.

So he worked in the Ukraine. It's not illegal in any way.

Keep dreaming idiots, the Russia thing is dead. Even Van Jones and CNN cucks admit it.
He worked for Ukrainian puppets of Russia. He is now admitting it. That's why he has had to rush to file retroactively. His lawyer had advised him he's in deep shit.
Apparently you don't know the difference between Ukraine and Russia.

So he worked in the Ukraine. It's not illegal in any way.

Keep dreaming idiots, the Russia thing is dead. Even Van Jones and CNN cucks admit it.
He worked for Ukrainian puppets of Russia.

He worked for the party that was in power. Who cares if they were pro-Russia, it's their choice what allies they want. But fascists like Soros and morons like you don't care what people want, you know what's best for them.
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort files as foreign agent for Ukraine work

A consulting firm led by Paul Manafort, who chaired Donald Trump’s presidential campaign for several months last year, retroactively filed forms Tuesday showing that his firm received $17.1 million over two years from a political party that dominated Ukraine before its leader fled to Russia in 2014.

Manafort disclosed the total payments his firm received between 2012 and 2014 in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing late Tuesday that was submitted to the U.S. Justice Department. The report makes Manafort the second former senior Trump adviser to acknowledge the need to disclose work for foreign interests.

First Flynn, now Manafort.

You see, a ledger surfaced last year showing payments to Trump's campaign chairman from a pro-Russian group in the Ukraine.

Manafort first claimed the ledger was fake. "Nuh uh! That thing is so bogus!"

But the ledger has turned out to be real, and now Manafort's lawyer is like, well yeah, okay, he was paid by those guys. I remember now. But it was all paid to him using totally legal international banking routing numbers and stuff. Musta slipped our minds when we were saying the whole thing was fake.

Because of the Russian collusion investigation which Trump unsuccessfully tried to make go away, Manafort's lawyer is obviously informing Manafort he is in deep legal shit. Thus, the retroactive filing this week.

"Oh, that's right! I was a pro-Russian foreign agent! I forgot all about that until now..."

Ukraine isn't Russia. Hello?
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort files as foreign agent for Ukraine work

A consulting firm led by Paul Manafort, who chaired Donald Trump’s presidential campaign for several months last year, retroactively filed forms Tuesday showing that his firm received $17.1 million over two years from a political party that dominated Ukraine before its leader fled to Russia in 2014.

Manafort disclosed the total payments his firm received between 2012 and 2014 in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing late Tuesday that was submitted to the U.S. Justice Department. The report makes Manafort the second former senior Trump adviser to acknowledge the need to disclose work for foreign interests.

First Flynn, now Manafort.

You see, a ledger surfaced last year showing payments to Trump's campaign chairman from a pro-Russian group in the Ukraine.

Manafort first claimed the ledger was fake. "Nuh uh! That thing is so bogus!"

But the ledger has turned out to be real, and now Manafort's lawyer is like, well yeah, okay, he was paid by those guys. I remember now. But it was all paid to him using totally legal international banking routing numbers and stuff. Musta slipped our minds when we were saying the whole thing was fake.

Because of the Russian collusion investigation which Trump unsuccessfully tried to make go away, Manafort's lawyer is obviously informing Manafort he is in deep legal shit. Thus, the retroactive filing this week.

"Oh, that's right! I was a pro-Russian foreign agent! I forgot all about that until now..."
An interesting question is why was a legally elected leader in the Ukraine forced to flee? It couldn't have anything to do with Obama meddling in foreign elections, could it?
Apparently you don't know the difference between Ukraine and Russia.

So he worked in the Ukraine. It's not illegal in any way.

Keep dreaming idiots, the Russia thing is dead. Even Van Jones and CNN cucks admit it.

Lying about it is illegal
Flynn turned out to be slezy democrat payback for his support of a sexual harassment victim. Manafort working for the Ukraine government in 2012, four years before the election is hardly determinative of anything.

A foreign agent doesn't mean he's James Bond. It means there was an agency as in acting on behalf of. Which is NOT illegal even if the agency was with Russia directly.
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort files as foreign agent for Ukraine work

A consulting firm led by Paul Manafort, who chaired Donald Trump’s presidential campaign for several months last year, retroactively filed forms Tuesday showing that his firm received $17.1 million over two years from a political party that dominated Ukraine before its leader fled to Russia in 2014.

Manafort disclosed the total payments his firm received between 2012 and 2014 in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing late Tuesday that was submitted to the U.S. Justice Department. The report makes Manafort the second former senior Trump adviser to acknowledge the need to disclose work for foreign interests.

First Flynn, now Manafort.

You see, a ledger surfaced last year showing payments to Trump's campaign chairman from a pro-Russian group in the Ukraine.

Manafort first claimed the ledger was fake. "Nuh uh! That thing is so bogus!"

But the ledger has turned out to be real, and now Manafort's lawyer is like, well yeah, okay, he was paid by those guys. I remember now. But it was all paid to him using totally legal international banking routing numbers and stuff. Musta slipped our minds when we were saying the whole thing was fake.

Because of the Russian collusion investigation which Trump unsuccessfully tried to make go away, Manafort's lawyer is obviously informing Manafort he is in deep legal shit. Thus, the retroactive filing this week.

"Oh, that's right! I was a pro-Russian foreign agent! I forgot all about that until now..."
An interesting question is why was a legally elected leader in the Ukraine forced to flee? It couldn't have anything to do with Obama meddling in foreign elections, could it?


Soros and his lapdog Obama, worked to overthrow the Ukraine government because they decided to give the EU the middle finger. That's a big no-no for the globalists running the corrupt governments of the West. They quickly funded "protests" which quickly turned into a coup.

The rightful leader fled to Russia and asked for their help, otherwise he would had been murdered. The Ukraine parliament tried to legally remove the President from office and failed, so they scrapped their constitution and created a new government. Because you know, when you lose elections it's no big deal, you can't just claim the results were bogus and claim the winning side is "illegitimate" (sound familiar?).

Now the new Ukraine thug government founded by terrorism (funded by Soros and supported by Obama), quickly moved to take away the rights of ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine. The rightfully elected President wisely asked for Russia to protect those citizens from the Ukraine Nazi thugs.
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Apparently you don't know the difference between Ukraine and Russia.

So he worked in the Ukraine. It's not illegal in any way.

Keep dreaming idiots, the Russia thing is dead. Even Van Jones and CNN cucks admit it.

Lying about it is illegal

Perhaps his not reporting it was, doesn't mean his actual work in the Ukraine was illegal in any way. And it doesn't have anything to do with Trump. But nice try.
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort files as foreign agent for Ukraine work

A consulting firm led by Paul Manafort, who chaired Donald Trump’s presidential campaign for several months last year, retroactively filed forms Tuesday showing that his firm received $17.1 million over two years from a political party that dominated Ukraine before its leader fled to Russia in 2014.

Manafort disclosed the total payments his firm received between 2012 and 2014 in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing late Tuesday that was submitted to the U.S. Justice Department. The report makes Manafort the second former senior Trump adviser to acknowledge the need to disclose work for foreign interests.

First Flynn, now Manafort.

You see, a ledger surfaced last year showing payments to Trump's campaign chairman from a pro-Russian group in the Ukraine.

Manafort first claimed the ledger was fake. "Nuh uh! That thing is so bogus!"

But the ledger has turned out to be real, and now Manafort's lawyer is like, well yeah, okay, he was paid by those guys. I remember now. But it was all paid to him using totally legal international banking routing numbers and stuff. Musta slipped our minds when we were saying the whole thing was fake.

Because of the Russian collusion investigation which Trump unsuccessfully tried to make go away, Manafort's lawyer is obviously informing Manafort he is in deep legal shit. Thus, the retroactive filing this week.

"Oh, that's right! I was a pro-Russian foreign agent! I forgot all about that until now..."

You have many many Foreign Agents working within the American Government, especially the past twenty years plus in the State Department, regardless of whichever party is in and people like you don't seem to care about The Fifth Column existing within centered around these slugs.

These Foreign Agents are the Neo-Conservatives, many born in America but Traitors to America and dragging you into Wars you cannot win and are not meant to win and that are certainly NOT in either America's best interest or having ANYTHING to do with protecting America's National Interests, considering these Wars are 10,000 plus miles AWAY from the American mainland where America has NO National Interests to protect. Their wet dream is to get WWIII up and running by hook or by crook, it's been their wet dream for at least 15 years.

With regard to Ukraine Victoria Nudelman is one of those Traitors, along with her big fat husband Robert Kagan.

Victoria Nudelman a Neo-Conservative bitch married to a Neo-Conservative fat fuck Robert Kagan.

Victoria Nuland - Wikipedia

Robert Kagan - Wikipedia
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort files as foreign agent for Ukraine work

A consulting firm led by Paul Manafort, who chaired Donald Trump’s presidential campaign for several months last year, retroactively filed forms Tuesday showing that his firm received $17.1 million over two years from a political party that dominated Ukraine before its leader fled to Russia in 2014.

Manafort disclosed the total payments his firm received between 2012 and 2014 in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing late Tuesday that was submitted to the U.S. Justice Department. The report makes Manafort the second former senior Trump adviser to acknowledge the need to disclose work for foreign interests.

First Flynn, now Manafort.

You see, a ledger surfaced last year showing payments to Trump's campaign chairman from a pro-Russian group in the Ukraine.

Manafort first claimed the ledger was fake. "Nuh uh! That thing is so bogus!"

But the ledger has turned out to be real, and now Manafort's lawyer is like, well yeah, okay, he was paid by those guys. I remember now. But it was all paid to him using totally legal international banking routing numbers and stuff. Musta slipped our minds when we were saying the whole thing was fake.

Because of the Russian collusion investigation which Trump unsuccessfully tried to make go away, Manafort's lawyer is obviously informing Manafort he is in deep legal shit. Thus, the retroactive filing this week.

"Oh, that's right! I was a pro-Russian foreign agent! I forgot all about that until now..."

Is the above the equivalent of right wingers' "rationale" that you should ONLY buy health insurance AFTER you are diagnosed with cancer???
No wonder Trump wanted Comey to stop the investigation. There are a lot of threads for Mueller to pull.

When the campaign chairman for a candidate for President of the United States is a Russian agent, that is extremely worrisome.

"B-b-b-b-but CLINTON!" :lol:

Mueller has brought several people in who are experts at investigating money laundering. I don't think they are there to grasp at straws.

Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort files as foreign agent for Ukraine work

A consulting firm led by Paul Manafort, who chaired Donald Trump’s presidential campaign for several months last year, retroactively filed forms Tuesday showing that his firm received $17.1 million over two years from a political party that dominated Ukraine before its leader fled to Russia in 2014.

Manafort disclosed the total payments his firm received between 2012 and 2014 in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing late Tuesday that was submitted to the U.S. Justice Department. The report makes Manafort the second former senior Trump adviser to acknowledge the need to disclose work for foreign interests.

First Flynn, now Manafort.

You see, a ledger surfaced last year showing payments to Trump's campaign chairman from a pro-Russian group in the Ukraine.

Manafort first claimed the ledger was fake. "Nuh uh! That thing is so bogus!"

But the ledger has turned out to be real, and now Manafort's lawyer is like, well yeah, okay, he was paid by those guys. I remember now. But it was all paid to him using totally legal international banking routing numbers and stuff. Musta slipped our minds when we were saying the whole thing was fake.

Because of the Russian collusion investigation which Trump unsuccessfully tried to make go away, Manafort's lawyer is obviously informing Manafort he is in deep legal shit. Thus, the retroactive filing this week.

"Oh, that's right! I was a pro-Russian foreign agent! I forgot all about that until now..."
An interesting question is why was a legally elected leader in the Ukraine forced to flee? It couldn't have anything to do with Obama meddling in foreign elections, could it?


Soros and his lapdog Obama, worked to overthrow the Ukraine government because they decided to give the EU the middle finger. That's a big no-no for the globalists running the corrupt governments of the West. They quickly funded "protests" which quickly turned into a coup.

The rightful leader fled to Russia and asked for their help, otherwise he would had been murdered. The Ukraine parliament tried to legally remove the President from office and failed, so they scrapped their constitution and created a new government. Because you know, when you lose elections it's no big deal, you can't just claim the results we bogus and claim the winning side is "illegitimate" (sound familiar?).

Now the new Ukraine thug government founded by terrorism (funded by Soros and supported by Obama), quickly moved to take away the rights of ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine. The rightfully elected President wisely asked for Russia to protect those citizens from the Ukraine Nazi thugs.

Well of course Russia didn't invade The Ukraine that's just the Propaganda that says that they did, Washington DC had CIA types with Victoria Nudelman in tow orchestrated a coup to overthrow the democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych because he wanted closer relations with Russia and wasn't in favour of The Ukraine joining NATO, which isn't what Washington DC wants due to the situation that Washington DC thinks they control the planet and that all nations should just become vassals and also members of NATO so that Russia can be surrounded.

The Ukraine is now a failed nation thanks to Obama and Co.

Russia also didn't "annex" The Crimea, when the above coup happened, the first thing Washington DC's Puppet Rulers did was outlaw anything Russian in The Crimea and as most of Crimeans are Ethnic Russian they rightly freaked and decided to have a referendum, the question being did they want to return to Russia or did they want to stay with The Ukraine and they voted that they wanted to return to Russia.

Also the Russian Black Fleet founded by Prince Grigory Potemkin has been based in The Crimea since 1783 and this has been crucial throughout history to the defence of Russia.

The Crimea was Russian from 1783, until the Bolshevik POS came along and made it an autonomous republic and then later it was declared The Crimean Oblast and then in 1954 the Ukranian Nikita Khruschev gave The Crimea to The Ukraine.
Apparently you don't know the difference between Ukraine and Russia.

So he worked in the Ukraine. It's not illegal in any way.

Keep dreaming idiots, the Russia thing is dead. Even Van Jones and CNN cucks admit it.

Lying about it is illegal

Perhaps his not reporting it was, doesn't mean his actual work in the Ukraine was illegal in any way. And it doesn't have anything to do with Trump. But nice try.

No, not perhaps it was...It IS illegal to not disclose it. Period.
An interesting question is why was a legally elected leader in the Ukraine forced to flee? It couldn't have anything to do with Obama meddling in foreign elections, could it?

"Duly elected" with Russian help.....pretty much like the orange charlatan....

Russia needed the practice as to how to manipulate elections....The Ukraine provided the opportunity.

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