Trump Campaign Chairman Just Retroactively Filed As A Pro-Russian Foreign Agent

No wonder Trump wanted Comey to stop the investigation. There are a lot of threads for Mueller to pull.

When the campaign chairman for a candidate for President of the United States is a Russian agent, that is extremely worrisome.

"B-b-b-b-but CLINTON!" :lol:

Could you tell us what they were colluding about. Its always periphery this periphery that.......and nothing.

Funny, as if colluding for one reason would be totally cool and you're just trying to find out which it is. if we're talking about colluding on a great chili recipe rofl

I should point out, considering the situation re. International Law.

The only ones who are involved in Syria within International Law are Russia, this is because Assad requested that Russia get involved to assist in the fight against ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front.

American involvement in Syria is outside of International Law, Obama got America involved in full violation of International Law.

The way this works is:

To be involved military within the borders of another nation, you either are requested by that nation to assist them, which is what Assad did when he asked Russia to get involved, also it's what Mali did when they asked France to get involved to help assist in 2012 when Tuareg Islamist Rebels took control of a portion of Northern Mali and literally announced the secession and declared a new State Azawad.

Azawad - Wikipedia

So the Government of Mali asked France to assist them with both putting down the Tuareg Islamist Rebels and helping to get the whole situation back under the control of the Government of Mali. So France military got involved Code Name Operation Serval.

Operation Serval - Wikipedia

France also to be double sure got an UN Resolution for the action, but a nation need not get a UN Resolution if the host nation has already asked them to assist them.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2085 - Wikipedia

So this is the first way another nation within International Law militarily gets involved in another nation.

The second way is if you feel you MUST get involved but do NOT have the permission of said nation. In this case you then get an UN Resolution which gives you the go ahead. This is what GWB did for the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

This was UN Resolution 1441.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 - Wikipedia

As the UN Security Council felt that Iraq was not in compliance with UN Resolution 1441, the 2003 invasion of Iraq was legitimised by UN Resolution 1441 and that Iraq had failed to comply with previous UN Resolutions 660-687.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 687 - Wikipedia

So thanks to Obama America is in full violation of all International Law being militarily involved in Syria, Obama announced live on the television that he needed NO permission to get involved in Syria, a blatant disregarding of International Law, Obama did not get asked to get involved in Syria by the Government of Syria and he didn't get a UN Resolution authorising and legitimising America getting involved in Syria.

I should add that the Tuareg Islamist Rebels who were causing the trouble in Mali, they were a DIRECT result of Obama fucking up Libya and abandoning Libya and allowing ISIS and various other Islamist groups to step into the vacuum. All Obama seemed to do was HELP Islamist Rebel Groups, from Al-Nusra, who Obama referred to as the "moderate rebels", to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and elsewhere.

Most of the Tuareg Islamist Rebels that went to Mali, they went there directly from Libya, they are Libyan, they also have deep connections to the Internationally Recognised Terrorist Organisation Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb aka AQIM.


al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb - Wikipedia
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I should point out, considering the situation re. International Law.

The only ones who are involved in Syria within International Law are Russia, this is because Assad requested that Russia get involved to assist in the fight against ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front.

American involvement in Syria is outside of International Law, Obama got America involved in full violation of International Law.

The way this works is:

To be involved military within the borders of another nation, you either are requested by that nation to assist them, which is what Assad did when he asked Russia to get involved, also it's what Mali did when they asked France to get involved to help assist in 2012 when Tuareg Islamist Rebels took control of a portion of Northern Mali and literally announced the secession and declared a new State Azawad.

Azawad - Wikipedia

So the Government of Mali asked France to assist them with both putting down the Tuareg Islamist Rebels and helping to get the whole situation back under the control of the Government of Mali. So France military got involved Code Name Operation Serval.

Operation Serval - Wikipedia

So this is the first way another nation within International Law militarily gets involved in another nation.

The second way is if you feel you MUST get involved but do NOT have the permission of said nation. In this case you then get an UN Resolution which gives you the go ahead. This is what GWB did for the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

This was UN Resolution 1441.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 - Wikipedia

As the UN Security Council felt that Iraq was not in compliance with UN Resolution 1441, the 2003 invasion of Iraq was legitimised by UN Resolution 1441 and that Iraq had failed to comply with previous UN Resolutions 660-687.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 687 - Wikipedia

So thanks to Obama America is in full violation of all International Law being militarily involved in Syria, Obama announced live on the television that he needed NO permission to get involved in Syria, a blatant disregarding of International Law, Obama did not get asked to get involved in Syria by the Government of Syria and he didn't get a UN Resolution authorising and legitimising America getting involved in Syria.

I should add that the Tuareg Islamist Rebels who were causing the trouble in Mali, they were a DIRECT result of Obama fucking up Libya and abandoning Libya and allowing ISIS and various other Islamist groups to step into the vacuum. All Obama seemed to do was HELP Islamist Rebel Groups, from Al-Nusra, who Obama referred to as the "moderate rebels", to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and elsewhere.

Most of the Tuareg Islamist Rebels that went to Mali, they went there directly from Libya, they are Libyan, they also have deep connections to the Internationally Recognised Terrorist Organisation Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb aka AQIM.

View attachment 136358

al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb - Wikipedia

I'm sure it was an "oversight", but did you forget Cheney and his side-kick GWB??

I should point out, considering the situation re. International Law.

The only ones who are involved in Syria within International Law are Russia, this is because Assad requested that Russia get involved to assist in the fight against ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front.

American involvement in Syria is outside of International Law, Obama got America involved in full violation of International Law.

The way this works is:

To be involved military within the borders of another nation, you either are requested by that nation to assist them, which is what Assad did when he asked Russia to get involved, also it's what Mali did when they asked France to get involved to help assist in 2012 when Tuareg Islamist Rebels took control of a portion of Northern Mali and literally announced the secession and declared a new State Azawad.

Azawad - Wikipedia

So the Government of Mali asked France to assist them with both putting down the Tuareg Islamist Rebels and helping to get the whole situation back under the control of the Government of Mali. So France military got involved Code Name Operation Serval.

Operation Serval - Wikipedia

France also to be double sure got an UN Resolution for the action, but a nation need not get a UN Resolution if the host nation has already asked them to assist them.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2085 - Wikipedia

So this is the first way another nation within International Law militarily gets involved in another nation.

The second way is if you feel you MUST get involved but do NOT have the permission of said nation. In this case you then get an UN Resolution which gives you the go ahead. This is what GWB did for the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

This was UN Resolution 1441.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 - Wikipedia

As the UN Security Council felt that Iraq was not in compliance with UN Resolution 1441, the 2003 invasion of Iraq was legitimised by UN Resolution 1441 and that Iraq had failed to comply with previous UN Resolutions 660-687.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 687 - Wikipedia

So thanks to Obama America is in full violation of all International Law being militarily involved in Syria, Obama announced live on the television that he needed NO permission to get involved in Syria, a blatant disregarding of International Law, Obama did not get asked to get involved in Syria by the Government of Syria and he didn't get a UN Resolution authorising and legitimising America getting involved in Syria.

I should add that the Tuareg Islamist Rebels who were causing the trouble in Mali, they were a DIRECT result of Obama fucking up Libya and abandoning Libya and allowing ISIS and various other Islamist groups to step into the vacuum. All Obama seemed to do was HELP Islamist Rebel Groups, from Al-Nusra, who Obama referred to as the "moderate rebels", to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and elsewhere.

Most of the Tuareg Islamist Rebels that went to Mali, they went there directly from Libya, they are Libyan, they also have deep connections to the Internationally Recognised Terrorist Organisation Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb aka AQIM.

View attachment 136358

al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb - Wikipedia

You know just to illustrate what a completely ignorant, uneducated MORON nat4900 is, ANYTHING that contains ANYTHING intelligent he Funny's.

nat4900 is one of the biggest Troll Idiots at this forum, NOTHING he posts is anything but worthy of being flushed down the toilet.

I'm only posting in this thread to show what a moronic Troll Boi piece of human waste nat4900 is.


I should point out, considering the situation re. International Law.

The only ones who are involved in Syria within International Law are Russia, this is because Assad requested that Russia get involved to assist in the fight against ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front.

American involvement in Syria is outside of International Law, Obama got America involved in full violation of International Law.

The way this works is:

To be involved military within the borders of another nation, you either are requested by that nation to assist them, which is what Assad did when he asked Russia to get involved, also it's what Mali did when they asked France to get involved to help assist in 2012 when Tuareg Islamist Rebels took control of a portion of Northern Mali and literally announced the secession and declared a new State Azawad.

Azawad - Wikipedia

So the Government of Mali asked France to assist them with both putting down the Tuareg Islamist Rebels and helping to get the whole situation back under the control of the Government of Mali. So France military got involved Code Name Operation Serval.

Operation Serval - Wikipedia

So this is the first way another nation within International Law militarily gets involved in another nation.

The second way is if you feel you MUST get involved but do NOT have the permission of said nation. In this case you then get an UN Resolution which gives you the go ahead. This is what GWB did for the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

This was UN Resolution 1441.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 - Wikipedia

As the UN Security Council felt that Iraq was not in compliance with UN Resolution 1441, the 2003 invasion of Iraq was legitimised by UN Resolution 1441 and that Iraq had failed to comply with previous UN Resolutions 660-687.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 687 - Wikipedia

So thanks to Obama America is in full violation of all International Law being militarily involved in Syria, Obama announced live on the television that he needed NO permission to get involved in Syria, a blatant disregarding of International Law, Obama did not get asked to get involved in Syria by the Government of Syria and he didn't get a UN Resolution authorising and legitimising America getting involved in Syria.

I should add that the Tuareg Islamist Rebels who were causing the trouble in Mali, they were a DIRECT result of Obama fucking up Libya and abandoning Libya and allowing ISIS and various other Islamist groups to step into the vacuum. All Obama seemed to do was HELP Islamist Rebel Groups, from Al-Nusra, who Obama referred to as the "moderate rebels", to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and elsewhere.

Most of the Tuareg Islamist Rebels that went to Mali, they went there directly from Libya, they are Libyan, they also have deep connections to the Internationally Recognised Terrorist Organisation Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb aka AQIM.

View attachment 136358

al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb - Wikipedia

I'm sure it was an "oversight", but did you forget Cheney and his side-kick GWB??

Go away shit for brains, you understand NOTHING, you do not possess the intelligence of a paper cup, you are beyond stupid go and hang yourself in your basement and do society a favour.

You cannot even read what is written, or you would have read that the 2003 Invasion of Iraq was completely legal under International Law.

Of course personally I do not agree with the invasion of Iraq, it was one of the worst and badly planned and ultimately pointless invasions ever.

But it's okay because your fellow Troll Boi Closed Caption is right next to you in the Moron League.

Being the ignorant Partisan moron that you are, I notice you DIDN'T mention that Obama was in FULL violation of ALL International Law getting involved in Syria, or that because of Obama fucking up Libya the Tuareg Islamist Rebels went and started fucking up Northern Mali.
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Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort files as foreign agent for Ukraine work

A consulting firm led by Paul Manafort, who chaired Donald Trump’s presidential campaign for several months last year, retroactively filed forms Tuesday showing that his firm received $17.1 million over two years from a political party that dominated Ukraine before its leader fled to Russia in 2014.

Manafort disclosed the total payments his firm received between 2012 and 2014 in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing late Tuesday that was submitted to the U.S. Justice Department. The report makes Manafort the second former senior Trump adviser to acknowledge the need to disclose work for foreign interests.

First Flynn, now Manafort.

You see, a ledger surfaced last year showing payments to Trump's campaign chairman from a pro-Russian group in the Ukraine.

Manafort first claimed the ledger was fake. "Nuh uh! That thing is so bogus!"

But the ledger has turned out to be real, and now Manafort's lawyer is like, well yeah, okay, he was paid by those guys. I remember now. But it was all paid to him using totally legal international banking routing numbers and stuff. Musta slipped our minds when we were saying the whole thing was fake.

Because of the Russian collusion investigation which Trump unsuccessfully tried to make go away, Manafort's lawyer is obviously informing Manafort he is in deep legal shit. Thus, the retroactive filing this week.

"Oh, that's right! I was a pro-Russian foreign agent! I forgot all about that until now..."

He was campaign chairman for 6 months...john podesta was hilary's campaign chairman and actually had direct relations with the Russian government, as did his brother and daughter......leaving out the 144 million dollars hilary got from Putin controlled energy companies...
nat4900 is one of the biggest Troll Idiots at this forum, NOTHING he posts is anything but worthy of being flushed down the toilet.

I'm only posting in this thread to show what a moronic Troll Boi piece of human waste nat4900 is.

Go away shit for brains, you understand NOTHING, you do not possess the intelligence of a paper cup, you are beyond stupid go and hang yourself in your basement and do society a favour.

I voted both of these as funny :badgrin:
nat4900 is one of the biggest Troll Idiots at this forum, NOTHING he posts is anything but worthy of being flushed down the toilet.

I'm only posting in this thread to show what a moronic Troll Boi piece of human waste nat4900 is.

Go away shit for brains, you understand NOTHING, you do not possess the intelligence of a paper cup, you are beyond stupid go and hang yourself in your basement and do society a favour.

I voted both of these as funny :badgrin:

Yes you would, I would vote ALL of your posts in EVERY thread as Funny but I don't want to add to your already shit ratings.

No wonder Trump wanted Comey to stop the investigation. There are a lot of threads for Mueller to pull.

When the campaign chairman for a candidate for President of the United States is a Russian agent, that is extremely worrisome.

"B-b-b-b-but CLINTON!" :lol:

Could you tell us what they were colluding about. Its always periphery this periphery that.......and nothing.

Funny, as if colluding for one reason would be totally cool and you're just trying to find out which it is. if we're talking about colluding on a great chili recipe rofl

Lol. Again, just more periphery noise.
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort files as foreign agent for Ukraine work

A consulting firm led by Paul Manafort, who chaired Donald Trump’s presidential campaign for several months last year, retroactively filed forms Tuesday showing that his firm received $17.1 million over two years from a political party that dominated Ukraine before its leader fled to Russia in 2014.

Manafort disclosed the total payments his firm received between 2012 and 2014 in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing late Tuesday that was submitted to the U.S. Justice Department. The report makes Manafort the second former senior Trump adviser to acknowledge the need to disclose work for foreign interests.

First Flynn, now Manafort.

You see, a ledger surfaced last year showing payments to Trump's campaign chairman from a pro-Russian group in the Ukraine.

Manafort first claimed the ledger was fake. "Nuh uh! That thing is so bogus!"

But the ledger has turned out to be real, and now Manafort's lawyer is like, well yeah, okay, he was paid by those guys. I remember now. But it was all paid to him using totally legal international banking routing numbers and stuff. Musta slipped our minds when we were saying the whole thing was fake.

Because of the Russian collusion investigation which Trump unsuccessfully tried to make go away, Manafort's lawyer is obviously informing Manafort he is in deep legal shit. Thus, the retroactive filing this week.

"Oh, that's right! I was a pro-Russian foreign agent! I forgot all about that until now..."

/----- A guy who worked for a guy who worked for Trump for several months....... Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Sent from my iPhone using
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort files as foreign agent for Ukraine work

A consulting firm led by Paul Manafort, who chaired Donald Trump’s presidential campaign for several months last year, retroactively filed forms Tuesday showing that his firm received $17.1 million over two years from a political party that dominated Ukraine before its leader fled to Russia in 2014.

Manafort disclosed the total payments his firm received between 2012 and 2014 in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing late Tuesday that was submitted to the U.S. Justice Department. The report makes Manafort the second former senior Trump adviser to acknowledge the need to disclose work for foreign interests.

First Flynn, now Manafort.

You see, a ledger surfaced last year showing payments to Trump's campaign chairman from a pro-Russian group in the Ukraine.

Manafort first claimed the ledger was fake. "Nuh uh! That thing is so bogus!"

But the ledger has turned out to be real, and now Manafort's lawyer is like, well yeah, okay, he was paid by those guys. I remember now. But it was all paid to him using totally legal international banking routing numbers and stuff. Musta slipped our minds when we were saying the whole thing was fake.

Because of the Russian collusion investigation which Trump unsuccessfully tried to make go away, Manafort's lawyer is obviously informing Manafort he is in deep legal shit. Thus, the retroactive filing this week.

"Oh, that's right! I was a pro-Russian foreign agent! I forgot all about that until now..."

/----- A guy who worked for a guy who worked for Trump for several months....... Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
His campaign chairman, retard.

A pro-Russian agent in the closest position to the next President of the United States.
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort files as foreign agent for Ukraine work

A consulting firm led by Paul Manafort, who chaired Donald Trump’s presidential campaign for several months last year, retroactively filed forms Tuesday showing that his firm received $17.1 million over two years from a political party that dominated Ukraine before its leader fled to Russia in 2014.

Manafort disclosed the total payments his firm received between 2012 and 2014 in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing late Tuesday that was submitted to the U.S. Justice Department. The report makes Manafort the second former senior Trump adviser to acknowledge the need to disclose work for foreign interests.

First Flynn, now Manafort.

You see, a ledger surfaced last year showing payments to Trump's campaign chairman from a pro-Russian group in the Ukraine.

Manafort first claimed the ledger was fake. "Nuh uh! That thing is so bogus!"

But the ledger has turned out to be real, and now Manafort's lawyer is like, well yeah, okay, he was paid by those guys. I remember now. But it was all paid to him using totally legal international banking routing numbers and stuff. Musta slipped our minds when we were saying the whole thing was fake.

Because of the Russian collusion investigation which Trump unsuccessfully tried to make go away, Manafort's lawyer is obviously informing Manafort he is in deep legal shit. Thus, the retroactive filing this week.

"Oh, that's right! I was a pro-Russian foreign agent! I forgot all about that until now..."

/----- A guy who worked for a guy who worked for Trump for several months....... Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
His campaign chairman, retard.

A pro-Russian agent in the closest position to the next President of the United States.

So Manafort made you flip your vote from Hillary...hmmmkay
Trump Campaign Chairman Just Retroactively Filed As A Pro-Russian Foreign Agent

Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort files as foreign agent for Ukraine work

A consulting firm led by Paul Manafort, who chaired Donald Trump’s presidential campaign for several months last year, retroactively filed forms Tuesday showing that his firm received $17.1 million over two years from a political party that dominated Ukraine before its leader fled to Russia in 2014.

Manafort disclosed the total payments his firm received between 2012 and 2014 in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing late Tuesday that was submitted to the U.S. Justice Department. The report makes Manafort the second former senior Trump adviser to acknowledge the need to disclose work for foreign interests.

First Flynn, now Manafort.

You see, a ledger surfaced last year showing payments to Trump's campaign chairman from a pro-Russian group in the Ukraine.

Manafort first claimed the ledger was fake. "Nuh uh! That thing is so bogus!"

But the ledger has turned out to be real, and now Manafort's lawyer is like, well yeah, okay, he was paid by those guys. I remember now. But it was all paid to him using totally legal international banking routing numbers and stuff. Musta slipped our minds when we were saying the whole thing was fake.

Because of the Russian collusion investigation which Trump unsuccessfully tried to make go away, Manafort's lawyer is obviously informing Manafort he is in deep legal shit. Thus, the retroactive filing this week.

"Oh, that's right! I was a pro-Russian foreign agent! I forgot all about that until now..."

/----- A guy who worked for a guy who worked for Trump for several months....... Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
His campaign chairman, retard.

A pro-Russian agent in the closest position to the next President of the United States.
My God, there are actually folks here still believing the fake news Russia narrative. :p The thing is, we need these people. Without some crazies, it could get boring around here, and less amusing.
Oh piss off. Manafort was paid by the Party of Regions. Stop with the Russian bullshit. Nothing he did was ever illegal.

NOW guess who else you asswipe G5000 had to register as a foreign agent. TONY PODESTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who worked directly for the State bank of Russia during the election to overturn sanctions.

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