Trump Campaign Chairman Just Retroactively Filed As A Pro-Russian Foreign Agent

No wonder Trump wanted Comey to stop the investigation. There are a lot of threads for Mueller to pull.

When the campaign chairman for a candidate for President of the United States is a Russian agent, that is extremely worrisome.

"B-b-b-b-but CLINTON!" :lol:

On record twice, once with Comey and Lester Holt Trump stated he wanted the investigation to continue. And neither Flynn nor Manafort were ever Russian agents. Now you just sound like all the left wing looney tunes who can't accept the fact that your candidate didn't win.

What a sore fucking crazy loser you are.
nat4900 is one of the biggest Troll Idiots at this forum, NOTHING he posts is anything but worthy of being flushed down the toilet.

I'm only posting in this thread to show what a moronic Troll Boi piece of human waste nat4900 is.

Go away shit for brains, you understand NOTHING, you do not possess the intelligence of a paper cup, you are beyond stupid go and hang yourself in your basement and do society a favour.

I voted both of these as funny :badgrin:

Yes you would, I would vote ALL of your posts in EVERY thread as Funny but I don't want to add to your already shit ratings.

View attachment 136361

Well the difference is that it upsets you. Lol
Russia's Largest Bank Confirms Hiring Podesta Group To Lobby For Ending Sanctions

by Tyler Durden
Mar 10, 2017 5:22 AM

Russia's largest bank, Sberbank, has confirmed that it hired the consultancy of Tony Podesta, the elder brother of John Podesta who chaired Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, for lobbying its interests in the United States and proactively seeking the removal of various Obama-era sanctions, the press service of the Russian institution told TASS on Thursday.

"The New York office of Sberbank CIB indeed hired Podesta Group. Engagement of external consultants is part of standard business practices for us," Sberbank said.


Previously, The Daily Caller reported that Tony Podesta was proactively lobbying for cancellation of a range of anti-Russian sanctions against the banking sector. In particular, he represented interests of Sberbank and was paid $170,000 for his efforts over a six-month period last year to seek to end one of the Obama administration’s economic sanctions against that country. Podesta, founder and chairman of the Podesta Group, is listed as a key lobbyist on behalf of Sberbank, according to Senate lobbying disclosure forms. His firm received more than $24 million in fees in 2016, much of it coming from foreign governments, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.

Former President Barack Obama imposed the Russian sanctions following the break out in violence in east Ukraine in 2014.

Podesta’s efforts were a key part of under-the-radar lobbying during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign led mainly by veteran Democratic strategists to remove sanctions against Sberbank and VTB Capital, Russia’s second largest bank.

The two Russian banks spent more than $700,000 in 2016 on Washington lobbyists as they sought to end the U.S. sanctions, according to Senate lobbying disclosure forms and documents filed with the Department of Justice.

The Podesta Group charged Sberbank $20,000 per month, plus expenses, on a contract from March through September 2016.

Both Sberbank and VTB Capital have faced severe cash shortages due to plunging oil prices, plus the U.S. sanctions. If Obama's sanctions were lifted, however, both banks could legally seek funds from American financial institutions. The lobbying campaign targeted Congress and the executive branch, with Podesta and other lobbyists arranging at least two meetings between Sberbank officers and Department of State officials, according to Elena Teplitskaya, Sberbank’s board chairman, who spoke to House aides in August.

More shit on Podesta at link:

Russia's Largest Bank Confirms Hiring Podesta Group To Lobby For Ending Sanctions | Zero Hedge
Apparently you don't know the difference between Ukraine and Russia.

So he worked in the Ukraine. It's not illegal in any way.

Keep dreaming idiots, the Russia thing is dead. Even Van Jones and CNN cucks admit it.
He worked for Ukrainian puppets of Russia.

He worked for the party that was in power. Who cares if they were pro-Russia, it's their choice what allies they want. But fascists like Soros and morons like you don't care what people want, you know what's best for them.
Who cares? Did you say "who cares"?

Believe me, patriotic Americans care. Russian puppets don't.
Apparently you don't know the difference between Ukraine and Russia.

So he worked in the Ukraine. It's not illegal in any way.

Keep dreaming idiots, the Russia thing is dead. Even Van Jones and CNN cucks admit it.
He worked for Ukrainian puppets of Russia.

He worked for the party that was in power. Who cares if they were pro-Russia, it's their choice what allies they want. But fascists like Soros and morons like you don't care what people want, you know what's best for them.
Who cares? Did you say "who cares"?

Believe me, patriotic Americans care. Russian puppets don't.

Russia, Ukraine, it's all the same
Apparently you don't know the difference between Ukraine and Russia.

So he worked in the Ukraine. It's not illegal in any way.

Keep dreaming idiots, the Russia thing is dead. Even Van Jones and CNN cucks admit it.
He worked for Ukrainian puppets of Russia.

He worked for the party that was in power. Who cares if they were pro-Russia, it's their choice what allies they want. But fascists like Soros and morons like you don't care what people want, you know what's best for them.
Who cares? Did you say "who cares"?

Believe me, patriotic Americans care. Russian puppets don't.

Why would American patriots care about the politics of the Ukraine? Why would an American patriot favor overthrowing a democratically elected government and support a coup?

Something tells me you wouldn't know an American patriot if one walked up to you and punched you in the face. You'd probably call such a patriot a "fascist" or "Russian puppet".
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort files as foreign agent for Ukraine work

A consulting firm led by Paul Manafort, who chaired Donald Trump’s presidential campaign for several months last year, retroactively filed forms Tuesday showing that his firm received $17.1 million over two years from a political party that dominated Ukraine before its leader fled to Russia in 2014.

Manafort disclosed the total payments his firm received between 2012 and 2014 in a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing late Tuesday that was submitted to the U.S. Justice Department. The report makes Manafort the second former senior Trump adviser to acknowledge the need to disclose work for foreign interests.

First Flynn, now Manafort.

You see, a ledger surfaced last year showing payments to Trump's campaign chairman from a pro-Russian group in the Ukraine.

Manafort first claimed the ledger was fake. "Nuh uh! That thing is so bogus!"

But the ledger has turned out to be real, and now Manafort's lawyer is like, well yeah, okay, he was paid by those guys. I remember now. But it was all paid to him using totally legal international banking routing numbers and stuff. Musta slipped our minds when we were saying the whole thing was fake.

Because of the Russian collusion investigation which Trump unsuccessfully tried to make go away, Manafort's lawyer is obviously informing Manafort he is in deep legal shit. Thus, the retroactive filing this week.

"Oh, that's right! I was a pro-Russian foreign agent! I forgot all about that until now..."

Really digging deep are we? Desperation, Snowflake?

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