Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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You hand a note to a bank teller demanding money but then you flee because you notice a cop -- according to your idiocy, no crime was committed because the bank robber didn't benefit from the crime.

Yeah, and tonight's news is about the meeting of Eric prince, a representative of the UAE and a Russian financier in the Seychelle Islands during the campaign. George Nader, that UAE guy is now another cooperating witness for Mueller. He'll tell of an attempt to set up yet another back channel to Putin and to funnel money from Russia, through the UAE and into the Campaign. All this without declaring any of it.

It's illegal to take anything of value from a foreign government to aid a political campaign or a politician. What's gonna come out I think is multiple sources were sought for monies to help bail out kushner Inc and benefit both him and Trump.

Couple this with a meeting recently with Arab money men and Kushner which resulted in huge loans and that upon the rejection for financing from Qatar to the Kushner cos. coincided with Qatar shortly thereafter being called a state sponsor of terrorism and the plot thickens.

Move along folks, nothing to see here! LOL

doing business with foreign nationals is not illegal. Paying them to create a dossier of lies and then using that in a FISA filing to spy on americans is illegal.
The dossier was not used to obtain a warrant.

parts of it were used, that has been clearly established, and that is illegal.

Who says?
Redfish says.
Ya know, today's actions by Trump of making a congratulatory call to Putin pretty much convinces me beyond any reasonable doubt that Putin owns Trump. He has something on him that Trump doesn't want to get out. It makes no sense to see it any other way. No admonishment for the poisonings of our number one allies in the UK, No mention of our elections. In fact, his failure to make mention of Russia's tinkering in our democracy while declaring Putin's "election" victory as a good thing is as close to treason as I've seen in my lifetime. These are facts and not a result of irrational animosity on my part. Never in history has anything even remotely like this ever happened. Seems everything Trump does internationally is to benefit Russia to the detriment of our democracy and our relations with our allies. It's grotesque, it's bizarre and it's perverted. C'mon righties, tell us why this affinity for Putin and these actions by Trump aren't treasonous. I want to hear your take on all this. I think we all do.
trump is an expert at degrading statements about the disabled and the sick.

Except he's never done either. You are so full of bull, you're becoming the laughing stock of USMB with your never-ending psychotic claptrap. Are you on any serious meds? Trump is an expert in getting at and telling the TRUTH. Straight out, blunt, to the POINT. Bottom line. That is his business instinct. What we've always needed in a leader. What the Left HATES because it raises and educates the voter rather than keeping them corralled and penned in as one of their victim identity group. Show me where he ever "degraded a disabled or sick" person?! You can't, because your a crazy, fucking liar. Like Hillary, you cannot tell where your lies begin and end.
"Show me where he ever "degraded a disabled or sick" person?! You can't, because your a crazy, fucking liar."


Trump: ”you gotta see this guy...”

Ya know, today's actions by Trump of making a congratulatory call to Putin pretty much convinces me beyond any reasonable doubt that Putin owns Trump. He has something on him that Trump doesn't want to get out. It makes no sense to see it any other way. No admonishment for the poisonings of our number one allies in the UK, No mention of our elections. In fact, his failure to make mention of Russia's tinkering in our democracy while declaring Putin's "election" victory as a good thing is as close to treason as I've seen in my lifetime. These are facts and not a result of irrational animosity on my part. Never in history has anything even remotely like this ever happened. Seems everything Trump does internationally is to benefit Russia to the detriment of our democracy and our relations with our allies. It's grotesque, it's bizarre and it's perverted. C'mon righties, tell us why this affinity for Putin and these actions by Trump aren't treasonous. I want to hear your take on all this. I think we all do.
They've convinced themselves that there is some "new russia" which better than old russia.
That is true. But there is Obstruction of Justice, Money laundering, and other federal crimes
Odd how cons always bring up a dem. But you missed an important point, me boy. Money changed hands when the Republican national committee first hired Steele. You seem to simply ignore the fact that the dossier was started and initial work on it was done for repubs.
Accusations are not poof, me poor con. Benghazi was investigated over and over and over. So, no crimes were made, and no charges resulted. Same with Lois Lerner. Sorry you missed it. So, you need to find what the difference is between investigations and charges, me poor ignorant con. Both were investigated, And in
both cases no charges were brought. Get your facts straight.

As long as Whiterwater investigation took....nothing....Clinton was impeached over lying about sex....the orange one's fate may be for a similar lie.

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath, Perjury. What has Trump lied under oath about? All politicians lie, its what they do best. Remember "if you like your plan you can keep it" "the average family will save $2500 per year" "I never sent classified data on my personal server" "I did not have sex with that woman".

Two posts in a row with Hillary Hillary Hillary. One more time. She's not the President. She's not even a Senator. Get over her and address the current liar in chief. You can't help yourself can you?

The point in mentioning Hillary is that the non-Trump Voters glossed over her egregious level of corruption and wanted her to be President abs since they did not get their way, now they want to hold Trump to standards? Bullshit.

You said it yourself. Bullshit.

Yeah, Liberals and their bullshit double standards.
As long as Whiterwater investigation took....nothing....Clinton was impeached over lying about sex....the orange one's fate may be for a similar lie.

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath, Perjury. What has Trump lied under oath about? All politicians lie, its what they do best. Remember "if you like your plan you can keep it" "the average family will save $2500 per year" "I never sent classified data on my personal server" "I did not have sex with that woman".

Two posts in a row with Hillary Hillary Hillary. One more time. She's not the President. She's not even a Senator. Get over her and address the current liar in chief. You can't help yourself can you?

The point in mentioning Hillary is that the non-Trump Voters glossed over her egregious level of corruption and wanted her to be President abs since they did not get their way, now they want to hold Trump to standards? Bullshit.

You said it yourself. Bullshit.

Yeah, Liberals and their bullshit double standards.

Saying this seems to imply that Conservatives don't have bullshit double standards.

Your sentence would be much more credible if you said:

"Partisans and their bullshit double standards" because it's partisans that are often trying to prove things to fit their partisan politics, rather than have fundamental principles which will then guide their views.
Let me ask you if it's true that Trump disrespected a gold star family and trashed John McCains service? You'll probably deny those things also.

Like an impudent child you see the world but simply do not understand it. No he didn't intend to disrespect any gold star family, why would he do that? And if you had the mind to see, his comments about McCain were not about McCain himself but was speaking to his own ideal of success and winning, and was using McCain only in the context of a metaphor as was the current context of that conversation. But you simply cannot understand that and if you could, would chose not to.
This goes to show....even if you have him on video mocking a disabled reporter....his cult member will deny it.

Except you refuse to show us any such video. To you, it is all made up lies and fantasy.

You idiot! Go to YouTube and search for "Trump mocks disabled reporter" and see what u get....

You get a video of Trump flailing his arms around as he always does, with another person claiming it was in mocking of a disabled person when it wasn't at all. Just another fake news story.

And I'm STILL waiting to see those videos you keep talking about which show Trump mocking disabled people and gold star families! If you can't even produce one, then take your puerile accusations and go blow them out of your ass.
It was already confirmed through an investigation by the special council that the Russians used propaganda to play BOTH sides, to even include involvement in an anti-Trump rally.
No, you are misrepresenting the facts. the intelligence community clearly said that, though the Russians did foment chaos and division on both sides of the aisle, they clearly targeted their effort to helping Trump win. Period. that is a fact, and you need to come to terms with it.

I am still waiting for one of you lefties to tell us exactly what the Russians did, which votes were affected, how many were affected, in what states, and how they did it.

Talking to a person from a foreign country is not collusion and is not a crime. the Mueller witch hunt has found nothing, except actual collusion by the Hillary campaign in paying for a dossier of lies and then the Obama admin using it fraudulently at the FISA court to get warrants to spy on political enemies during the campaign.

You hand a note to a bank teller demanding money but then you flee because you notice a cop -- according to your idiocy, no crime was committed because the bank robber didn't benefit from the crime.

OK, once again, how exactly did Trump benefit from the Russians posting crap on facebook?

before you try to answer, remember that the Hillary campaign did exactly the same thing but spent millions more on it.

OK, once again, how exactly did Trump benefit from the Russians posting crap on facebook?

He's president, fool.

Listen to his more “LARGER POINT” that President Obama was trying to make and wanted to ensure Trump and the American people of. Then look at the article headline below.

Obama White House Knew of Russian Election Hacking, but Delayed Telling

Why do you believe President Obama responded as he did on the White House lawn?

Because in all intensive purposes everyone, (I mean the media was SOLD on this with all their polling numbers) they honestly believed Hillary would win and no one would be the wiser. If there was another Clinton in the White House, would we EVER know anything about Russia?

Then Hillary lost. You can end it right there, because all these theories and conspiracies are going to hit IMMEDIATELY. Suddenly things didn’t go as planned, the American people didn’t elect a woman. Wait a minute, the Russians were behind this! Even while Hillary contends it was Comey’s fault with the talk of those damn emails again. Today she says “No, It’s the women! Yes they were not strong enough. Listening to their white male husbands, boss, sons, because we all know white males are all republican. See you don’t want to elect her!!! She is a criminal!” - Hillary Clinton’s own words.

What IS rather evident in all this is everyone’s hatred for Trump. Regardless of the facts they want to impeach him, just like Maxine Waters. “Impeach 45!!! Impeach 45!! “

Truth hurts. However there is plenty of evidence out there from the DNC and liberal progressives. All they need to do is drum up a little evidence...

Shall we continue?
Trump campaign DID collude with Russia
They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.
Was there information passed during that meeting?

Have any of you nutjobs established yet that:
A). There is nothing criminal about collusion? Every administration does it.
B). It's not as if Hillary didn't seek dirt on Trump?
C). What makes it a crime is when money changes hands and so far that only occurred AFAIK when the DNC hired Steele.

That is true. But there is Obstruction of Justice, Money laundering, and other federal crimes
Odd how cons always bring up a dem. But you missed an important point, me boy. Money changed hands when the Republican national committee first hired Steele. You seem to simply ignore the fact that the dossier was started and initial work on it was done for repubs.
There was more links and proof with Benghazi and Lois Lerner investigations. What was the outcome?
Accusations are not poof, me poor con. Benghazi was investigated over and over and over. So, no crimes were made, and no charges resulted. Same with Lois Lerner. Sorry you missed it. So, you need to find what the difference is between investigations and charges, me poor ignorant con. Both were investigated, And in both cases no charges were brought. Get your facts straight.

As long as Whiterwater investigation took....nothing....Clinton was impeached over lying about sex....the orange one's fate may be for a similar lie.

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath, Perjury. What has Trump lied under oath about? All politicians lie, its what they do best. Remember "if you like your plan you can keep it" "the average family will save $2500 per year" "I never sent classified data on my personal server" "I did not have sex with that woman".

Two posts in a row with Hillary Hillary Hillary. One more time. She's not the President. She's not even a Senator. Get over her and address the current liar in chief. You can't help yourself can you?

my post was about your hypocrisy and democrat lies, including Hillary's.

I asked you if Trump had lied under oath like bubba Clinton, has he? Has he violated national security laws regarding the handling and transmission of classified data, Hillary did.

the previous poster said that Clinton was impeached over sex. That is a lie, he was impeached for perjury, lying under oath.
Have any of you nutjobs established yet that:
A). There is nothing criminal about collusion? Every administration does it.
B). It's not as if Hillary didn't seek dirt on Trump?
C). What makes it a crime is when money changes hands and so far that only occurred AFAIK when the DNC hired Steele.

That is true. But there is Obstruction of Justice, Money laundering, and other federal crimes
Odd how cons always bring up a dem. But you missed an important point, me boy. Money changed hands when the Republican national committee first hired Steele. You seem to simply ignore the fact that the dossier was started and initial work on it was done for repubs.
There was more links and proof with Benghazi and Lois Lerner investigations. What was the outcome?
Accusations are not poof, me poor con. Benghazi was investigated over and over and over. So, no crimes were made, and no charges resulted. Same with Lois Lerner. Sorry you missed it. So, you need to find what the difference is between investigations and charges, me poor ignorant con. Both were investigated, And in both cases no charges were brought. Get your facts straight.

As long as Whiterwater investigation took....nothing....Clinton was impeached over lying about sex....the orange one's fate may be for a similar lie.

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath, Perjury. What has Trump lied under oath about? All politicians lie, its what they do best. Remember "if you like your plan you can keep it" "the average family will save $2500 per year" "I never sent classified data on my personal server" "I did not have sex with that woman".

Two posts in a row with Hillary Hillary Hillary. One more time. She's not the President. She's not even a Senator. Get over her and address the current liar in chief. You can't help yourself can you?

When the heat gets too much on trump....They pull the Hillary card. It is old and no one cares!

trump is an illegitimate president.

beating Hillary makes him illegitimate? can you explain further?
Let me ask you if it's true that Trump disrespected a gold star family and trashed John McCains service? You'll probably deny those things also.

Like an impudent child you see the world but simply do not understand it. No he didn't intend to disrespect any gold star family, why would he do that? And if you had the mind to see, his comments about McCain were not about McCain himself but was speaking to his own ideal of success and winning, and was using McCain only in the context of a metaphor as was the current context of that conversation. But you simply cannot understand that and if you could, would chose not to.

I wonder if the dems would like to discuss the dems in congress disrespecting those black families at the SOTU speech whose kids were killed by illegal aliens. The asshole dems refused to stand for those victims. Disgraceful.
Let me ask you if it's true that Trump disrespected a gold star family and trashed John McCains service? You'll probably deny those things also.

Like an impudent child you see the world but simply do not understand it. No he didn't intend to disrespect any gold star family, why would he do that? And if you had the mind to see, his comments about McCain were not about McCain himself but was speaking to his own ideal of success and winning, and was using McCain only in the context of a metaphor as was the current context of that conversation. But you simply cannot understand that and if you could, would chose not to.

Old bone spur degraded a real American hero....trump is pond scum....
Yeah, and tonight's news is about the meeting of Eric prince, a representative of the UAE and a Russian financier in the Seychelle Islands during the campaign. George Nader, that UAE guy is now another cooperating witness for Mueller. He'll tell of an attempt to set up yet another back channel to Putin and to funnel money from Russia, through the UAE and into the Campaign. All this without declaring any of it.

It's illegal to take anything of value from a foreign government to aid a political campaign or a politician. What's gonna come out I think is multiple sources were sought for monies to help bail out kushner Inc and benefit both him and Trump.

Couple this with a meeting recently with Arab money men and Kushner which resulted in huge loans and that upon the rejection for financing from Qatar to the Kushner cos. coincided with Qatar shortly thereafter being called a state sponsor of terrorism and the plot thickens.

Move along folks, nothing to see here! LOL

doing business with foreign nationals is not illegal. Paying them to create a dossier of lies and then using that in a FISA filing to spy on americans is illegal.
The dossier was not used to obtain a warrant.

parts of it were used, that has been clearly established, and that is illegal.

Who says?
Redfish says.

NO, not me. the DOJ. I don't have access to the FISA warrant, do you?
That is true. But there is Obstruction of Justice, Money laundering, and other federal crimes
Odd how cons always bring up a dem. But you missed an important point, me boy. Money changed hands when the Republican national committee first hired Steele. You seem to simply ignore the fact that the dossier was started and initial work on it was done for repubs.
Accusations are not poof, me poor con. Benghazi was investigated over and over and over. So, no crimes were made, and no charges resulted. Same with Lois Lerner. Sorry you missed it. So, you need to find what the difference is between investigations and charges, me poor ignorant con. Both were investigated, And in both cases no charges were brought. Get your facts straight.

As long as Whiterwater investigation took....nothing....Clinton was impeached over lying about sex....the orange one's fate may be for a similar lie.

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath, Perjury. What has Trump lied under oath about? All politicians lie, its what they do best. Remember "if you like your plan you can keep it" "the average family will save $2500 per year" "I never sent classified data on my personal server" "I did not have sex with that woman".

Two posts in a row with Hillary Hillary Hillary. One more time. She's not the President. She's not even a Senator. Get over her and address the current liar in chief. You can't help yourself can you?

When the heat gets too much on trump....They pull the Hillary card. It is old and no one cares!

trump is an illegitimate president.

beating Hillary makes him illegitimate? can you explain further?

He was chosen and aided by a foreign adversary in order to remove the US as the free world leader. He is doing Putin's bidding.
Let me ask you if it's true that Trump disrespected a gold star family and trashed John McCains service? You'll probably deny those things also.

Like an impudent child you see the world but simply do not understand it. No he didn't intend to disrespect any gold star family, why would he do that? And if you had the mind to see, his comments about McCain were not about McCain himself but was speaking to his own ideal of success and winning, and was using McCain only in the context of a metaphor as was the current context of that conversation. But you simply cannot understand that and if you could, would chose not to.

Old bone spur degraded a real American hero....trump is pond scum....

we all understand that you don't like Trump because he beat your beloved crooked Hillary. What's amazing is that you let that destroy your mind.
You remember that time Trump took $145 million from the KGB Bank?

...oh wait, that was HILLARY.
As long as Whiterwater investigation took....nothing....Clinton was impeached over lying about sex....the orange one's fate may be for a similar lie.

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath, Perjury. What has Trump lied under oath about? All politicians lie, its what they do best. Remember "if you like your plan you can keep it" "the average family will save $2500 per year" "I never sent classified data on my personal server" "I did not have sex with that woman".

Two posts in a row with Hillary Hillary Hillary. One more time. She's not the President. She's not even a Senator. Get over her and address the current liar in chief. You can't help yourself can you?

When the heat gets too much on trump....They pull the Hillary card. It is old and no one cares!

trump is an illegitimate president.

beating Hillary makes him illegitimate? can you explain further?

He was chosen and aided by a foreign adversary in order to remove the US as the free world leader. He is doing Putin's bidding.

are you really that stupid? Putin had everything he needed to blackmail Hillary into doing exactly what he wanted. He has nothing on Trump. Do you ever think before typing bullshit?
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