Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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Trump campaign DID collude with Russia
They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.
Was there information passed during that meeting?

Have any of you nutjobs established yet that:
A). There is nothing criminal about collusion? Every administration does it.
B). It's not as if Hillary didn't seek dirt on Trump?
C). What makes it a crime is when money changes hands and so far that only occurred AFAIK when the DNC hired Steele.

That is true. But there is Obstruction of Justice, Money laundering, and other federal crimes
Odd how cons always bring up a dem. But you missed an important point, me boy. Money changed hands when the Republican national committee first hired Steele. You seem to simply ignore the fact that the dossier was started and initial work on it was done for repubs.
There was more links and proof with Benghazi and Lois Lerner investigations. What was the outcome?
Accusations are not poof, me poor con. Benghazi was investigated over and over and over. So, no crimes were made, and no charges resulted. Same with Lois Lerner. Sorry you missed it. So, you need to find what the difference is between investigations and charges, me poor ignorant con. Both were investigated, And in both cases no charges were brought. Get your facts straight.

As long as Whiterwater investigation took....nothing....Clinton was impeached over lying about sex....the orange one's fate may be for a similar lie.

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath, Perjury. What has Trump lied under oath about? All politicians lie, its what they do best. Remember "if you like your plan you can keep it" "the average family will save $2500 per year" "I never sent classified data on my personal server" "I did not have sex with that woman".

Two posts in a row with Hillary Hillary Hillary. One more time. She's not the President. She's not even a Senator. Get over her and address the current liar in chief. You can't help yourself can you?

The point in mentioning Hillary is that the non-Trump Voters glossed over her egregious level of corruption and wanted her to be President abs since they did not get their way, now they want to hold Trump to standards? Bullshit.
trump is an expert at degrading statements about the disabled and the sick.

Except he's never done either. You are so full of bull, you're becoming the laughing stock of USMB with your never-ending psychotic claptrap. Are you on any serious meds? Trump is an expert in getting at and telling the TRUTH. Straight out, blunt, to the POINT. Bottom line. That is his business instinct. What we've always needed in a leader. What the Left HATES because it raises and educates the voter rather than keeping them corralled and penned in as one of their victim identity group. Show me where he ever "degraded a disabled or sick" person?! You can't, because your a crazy, fucking liar. Like Hillary, you cannot tell where your lies begin and end.
Have any of you nutjobs established yet that:
A). There is nothing criminal about collusion? Every administration does it.
B). It's not as if Hillary didn't seek dirt on Trump?
C). What makes it a crime is when money changes hands and so far that only occurred AFAIK when the DNC hired Steele.

That is true. But there is Obstruction of Justice, Money laundering, and other federal crimes
Odd how cons always bring up a dem. But you missed an important point, me boy. Money changed hands when the Republican national committee first hired Steele. You seem to simply ignore the fact that the dossier was started and initial work on it was done for repubs.
There was more links and proof with Benghazi and Lois Lerner investigations. What was the outcome?
Accusations are not poof, me poor con. Benghazi was investigated over and over and over. So, no crimes were made, and no charges resulted. Same with Lois Lerner. Sorry you missed it. So, you need to find what the difference is between investigations and charges, me poor ignorant con. Both were investigated, And in
both cases no charges were brought. Get your facts straight.

As long as Whiterwater investigation took....nothing....Clinton was impeached over lying about sex....the orange one's fate may be for a similar lie.

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath, Perjury. What has Trump lied under oath about? All politicians lie, its what they do best. Remember "if you like your plan you can keep it" "the average family will save $2500 per year" "I never sent classified data on my personal server" "I did not have sex with that woman".

Two posts in a row with Hillary Hillary Hillary. One more time. She's not the President. She's not even a Senator. Get over her and address the current liar in chief. You can't help yourself can you?

The point in mentioning Hillary is that the non-Trump Voters glossed over her egregious level of corruption and wanted her to be President abs since they did not get their way, now they want to hold Trump to standards? Bullshit.

You said it yourself. Bullshit.
Other than his being orange with yellow hair

You mean blond. Maybe you need a fucking eye exam. Definitely a brain exam.

and having lips like a carp,


Funny, they just look like lips to me.

and he is obviously not fit for office.

HOW SO? Do tell. Obviously, the lion's share of the nation disagreed with you on election day and if Congress even agreed with you, wouldn't he be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors? Do tell us what those are? We all need a good laugh from a boob like you that the Left dug up a month ago, sent here, and your 287 posts out of 287 posts have all been about flinging wild accusations at Trump ever since. Nothing more.

It's just like when you accused me of insulting everyone and I challenged you to show me any instance where I insulted anyone who didn't insult me first.

You mean as you began and ended every post with an insult to anyone who questioned or challenged your ridiculous comments, then asked, what insults?? You were insulting others with names even as you denied even making them. What is the point even having a conversation with such a horse's ass as you, let alone even trying to reason with them?
trump is an expert at degrading statements about the disabled and the sick.

Except he's never done either. You are so full of bull, you're becoming the laughing stock of USMB with your never-ending psychotic claptrap. Are you on any serious meds? Trump is an expert in getting at and telling the TRUTH. Straight out, blunt, to the POINT. Bottom line. That is his business instinct. What we've always needed in a leader. What the Left HATES because it raises and educates the voter rather than keeping them corralled and penned in as one of their victim identity group. Show me where he ever "degraded a disabled or sick" person?! You can't, because your a crazy, fucking liar. Like Hillary, you cannot tell where your lies begin and end.

Always with the personal stuff. That's probably because you have no integrity yourself. Just another attempt at deflection. Educates the voter? How? The man doesn't have idea one of what he's doing. And his capitulation to Putin is glaringly obvious to all but "The Educated" as you put it. His congratulatory phone call to Vladimir was so ill timed and revealing of what he's all about but, you'll probably see that as some sort of brilliant move. Well, the rest of the world sees it for what it is, a shout-out to a co-conspiritor and a sword of Damacles hanging over his head. Trump has been compromised by Putin and is averse to saying a single negative word about an enemy who tried to damage our democratic system and is still in the act of doing so. But, you don't see it because you're "educated!" If anyone is the laughing stock of this forum it's you sir. And all the vile personal attacks in the world will only cement that title that you earn with every post. And If I hear Hillary from you one more time, I'll consider having you Baker Acted.
trump is an expert at degrading statements about the disabled and the sick.

Except he's never done either. You are so full of bull, you're becoming the laughing stock of USMB with your never-ending psychotic claptrap. Are you on any serious meds? Trump is an expert in getting at and telling the TRUTH. Straight out, blunt, to the POINT. Bottom line. That is his business instinct. What we've always needed in a leader. What the Left HATES because it raises and educates the voter rather than keeping them corralled and penned in as one of their victim identity group. Show me where he ever "degraded a disabled or sick" person?! You can't, because your a crazy, fucking liar. Like Hillary, you cannot tell where your lies begin and end.

Always with the personal stuff. That's probably because you have no integrity yourself. Just another attempt at deflection. Educates the voter? How? The man doesn't have idea one of what he's doing. And his capitulation to Putin is glaringly obvious to all but "The Educated" as you put it. His congratulatory phone call to Vladimir was so ill timed and revealing of what he's all about but, you'll probably see that as some sort of brilliant move. Well, the rest of the world sees it for what it is, a shout-out to a co-conspiritor and a sword of Damacles hanging over his head. Trump has been compromised by Putin and is averse to saying a single negative word about an enemy who tried to damage our democratic system and is still in the act of doing so. But, you don't see it because you're "educated!" If anyone is the laughing stock of this forum it's you sir. And all the vile personal attacks in the world will only cement that title that you earn with every post. And If I hear Hillary from you one more time, I'll consider having you Baker Acted.

This goes to show....even if you have him on video mocking a disabled reporter....his cult member will deny it.
The only explanation I have is they lack the mental facilities to grasp the thought they voted for a fecal slug....
Other than his being orange with yellow hair

You mean blond. Maybe you need a fucking eye exam. Definitely a brain exam.

and having lips like a carp,

View attachment 183691

Funny, they just look like lips to me.

and he is obviously not fit for office.

HOW SO? Do tell. Obviously, the lion's share of the nation disagreed with you on election day and if Congress even agreed with you, wouldn't he be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors? Do tell us what those are? We all need a good laugh from a boob like you that the Left dug up a month ago, sent here, and your 287 posts out of 287 posts have all been about flinging wild accusations at Trump ever since. Nothing more.

It's just like when you accused me of insulting everyone and I challenged you to show me any instance where I insulted anyone who didn't insult me first.

You mean as you began and ended every post with an insult to anyone who questioned or challenged your ridiculous comments, then asked, what insults?? You were insulting others with names even as you denied even making them. What is the point even having a conversation with such a horse's ass as you, let alone even trying to reason with them?

I'm still waiting for you to show a single instance where I insulted someone who didn't insult me first. You can't because it didn't happen. You on the other hand have only insults because you don't know what you're talking about. Don't forget. Show me where I insulted anyone first. I'm waiting. Tic Toc.
trump is an expert at degrading statements about the disabled and the sick.

Except he's never done either. You are so full of bull, you're becoming the laughing stock of USMB with your never-ending psychotic claptrap. Are you on any serious meds? Trump is an expert in getting at and telling the TRUTH. Straight out, blunt, to the POINT. Bottom line. That is his business instinct. What we've always needed in a leader. What the Left HATES because it raises and educates the voter rather than keeping them corralled and penned in as one of their victim identity group. Show me where he ever "degraded a disabled or sick" person?! You can't, because your a crazy, fucking liar. Like Hillary, you cannot tell where your lies begin and end.

Always with the personal stuff. That's probably because you have no integrity yourself. Just another attempt at deflection. Educates the voter? How? The man doesn't have idea one of what he's doing. And his capitulation to Putin is glaringly obvious to all but "The Educated" as you put it. His congratulatory phone call to Vladimir was so ill timed and revealing of what he's all about but, you'll probably see that as some sort of brilliant move. Well, the rest of the world sees it for what it is, a shout-out to a co-conspiritor and a sword of Damacles hanging over his head. Trump has been compromised by Putin and is averse to saying a single negative word about an enemy who tried to damage our democratic system and is still in the act of doing so. But, you don't see it because you're "educated!" If anyone is the laughing stock of this forum it's you sir. And all the vile personal attacks in the world will only cement that title that you earn with every post. And If I hear Hillary from you one more time, I'll consider having you Baker Acted.

This goes to show....even if you have him on video mocking a disabled reporter....his cult member will deny it.
The only explanation I have is they lack the mental facilities to grasp the thought they voted for a fecal slug....

That doesn't count because it was Trump and we can expect nothing more from a madman. That was, comparatively speaking, some of his best behavior.
Indictments such as possible Tax evasion, or another for simply believing he lied while under Mueller’s investigation DOES NOT involve Russia or the Kremlin.

Testing this “supposed” liberal knowledge on this thread with links to back up your story :

1) Show me one indictment that mentions the Kremlin or Putin involving someone from the Trump campaign.

2) Show me (to date) specific financial passing and acceptance of deals between Kremlin and Trump’s inner circle involving the election during his campaign against Hillary.

I have serious doubt these progressives can prove (links) anything but their hatred for Trump. Prove me wrong... I dare you.

We'll talk again after Mueller completes his inquiry. That is if he's allowed to finish. Trump is tweeting to threaten firing him. He desperately wants to shut down that investigation because he fears what he will find. Collusion, money laundering, using sanctioned Russian banks to fund projects, possible tax evasion issues etc. But it sure looks like we're headed for a huge fight over the Mueller affair. Trump is acting like a guilty man who is panicked over what he'll find. Stay tuned.

Russian interfering with a foreign government is different from a collusion between Trump working with Russia to effect their election in his favor.

Let’s look at one crystal clear fact, feel free to provide proof that states otherwise.

The Democrats are claiming Trump won by colluding with Russian leaders (meaning Trumps efforts are tied directly to Kremlin or Putin). That’s a very serious allegation, that CNN .. MSNBC .. CBS .. Washington Post .. New York Times .. every left leaning media outlet, were only to happy to take as FACT without evidence.

This alleged allegation came from Fusion GPS paid by the Democrat party. Where did they go to provide evidence for a FISA warrant .. The CIA (who’s job is in government espionage with familiarity, resources, and tools in authenticating and confirming which foreign agents can be identified for further inquiry), or even the NSA ( responsible for global monitoring, collection, and processing of information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes ) ?

No. In determining a foreign government interfered into a government election in electing a candidate from a certain political party, the gathering of this information to obtain a FISA warrant ( for approving tapped government surveillance on an American individual - challenging someone’s clearly spelled out 4th Amendment rights under the Constitution ) the Democrats relied HEAVILY on a paid RETIRED OPERATIVE, a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT AGENT - from Great Britain.

Take the time to swallow that fact a bit.

Are you really this shallow or are you trying to impress the low IQ trump supporters? Should I draw pictures?

I believe I was rather clear in my reply stating that those who oppose the facts as I have provided them, can provide a link that contradicts what I have written. If, of course, you indeed feel you have a valid argument with proof.

So is your response based on reading comprehension or the inability to follow instructions? Now your mild suggestion of a superior IQ I find rather hilarious. Apparently it’s shown to be rather illusive here, If this is indeed ALL the opposition of facts I am left with to debate you on.
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This goes to show....even if you have him on video mocking a disabled reporter....his cult member will deny it.

Except you refuse to show us any such video. To you, it is all made up lies and fantasy.

The fact that you have to ask makes you one of the few Americans who never saw the video of him mocking a man (journalist) with Cerebral Palsy. And, like I said, that's one of Trump's better moments. Hell, Faun has it showing on every post. You must be so proud of your man. Is that one of the examples of your "educating voters" moments caught on tape?
Other than his being orange with yellow hair

You mean blond. Maybe you need a fucking eye exam. Definitely a brain exam.

and having lips like a carp,

View attachment 183691

Funny, they just look like lips to me.

and he is obviously not fit for office.

HOW SO? Do tell. Obviously, the lion's share of the nation disagreed with you on election day and if Congress even agreed with you, wouldn't he be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors? Do tell us what those are? We all need a good laugh from a boob like you that the Left dug up a month ago, sent here, and your 287 posts out of 287 posts have all been about flinging wild accusations at Trump ever since. Nothing more.

It's just like when you accused me of insulting everyone and I challenged you to show me any instance where I insulted anyone who didn't insult me first.

You mean as you began and ended every post with an insult to anyone who questioned or challenged your ridiculous comments, then asked, what insults?? You were insulting others with names even as you denied even making them. What is the point even having a conversation with such a horse's ass as you, let alone even trying to reason with them?
Wow, you really take this stuff personal, huh?
Other than his being orange with yellow hair

You mean blond. Maybe you need a fucking eye exam. Definitely a brain exam.

and having lips like a carp,

View attachment 183691

Funny, they just look like lips to me.

and he is obviously not fit for office.

HOW SO? Do tell. Obviously, the lion's share of the nation disagreed with you on election day and if Congress even agreed with you, wouldn't he be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors? Do tell us what those are? We all need a good laugh from a boob like you that the Left dug up a month ago, sent here, and your 287 posts out of 287 posts have all been about flinging wild accusations at Trump ever since. Nothing more.

It's just like when you accused me of insulting everyone and I challenged you to show me any instance where I insulted anyone who didn't insult me first.

You mean as you began and ended every post with an insult to anyone who questioned or challenged your ridiculous comments, then asked, what insults?? You were insulting others with names even as you denied even making them. What is the point even having a conversation with such a horse's ass as you, let alone even trying to reason with them?
Wow, you really take this stuff personal, huh?

Oh, yeah! You might think I shot Kennedy or something. His hair isn't yellow! It's Blonde! I think someone's in love. LOL
It was already confirmed through an investigation by the special council that the Russians used propaganda to play BOTH sides, to even include involvement in an anti-Trump rally.
No, you are misrepresenting the facts. the intelligence community clearly said that, though the Russians did foment chaos and division on both sides of the aisle, they clearly targeted their effort to helping Trump win. Period. that is a fact, and you need to come to terms with it.

I am still waiting for one of you lefties to tell us exactly what the Russians did, which votes were affected, how many were affected, in what states, and how they did it.

Talking to a person from a foreign country is not collusion and is not a crime. the Mueller witch hunt has found nothing, except actual collusion by the Hillary campaign in paying for a dossier of lies and then the Obama admin using it fraudulently at the FISA court to get warrants to spy on political enemies during the campaign.

You hand a note to a bank teller demanding money but then you flee because you notice a cop -- according to your idiocy, no crime was committed because the bank robber didn't benefit from the crime.

OK, once again, how exactly did Trump benefit from the Russians posting crap on facebook?

before you try to answer, remember that the Hillary campaign did exactly the same thing but spent millions more on it.

OK, once again, how exactly did Trump benefit from the Russians posting crap on facebook?

He's president, fool.
I am still waiting for one of you lefties to tell us exactly what the Russians did, which votes were affected, how many were affected, in what states, and how they did it.

Talking to a person from a foreign country is not collusion and is not a crime. the Mueller witch hunt has found nothing, except actual collusion by the Hillary campaign in paying for a dossier of lies and then the Obama admin using it fraudulently at the FISA court to get warrants to spy on political enemies during the campaign.

You hand a note to a bank teller demanding money but then you flee because you notice a cop -- according to your idiocy, no crime was committed because the bank robber didn't benefit from the crime.

Yeah, and tonight's news is about the meeting of Eric prince, a representative of the UAE and a Russian financier in the Seychelle Islands during the campaign. George Nader, that UAE guy is now another cooperating witness for Mueller. He'll tell of an attempt to set up yet another back channel to Putin and to funnel money from Russia, through the UAE and into the Campaign. All this without declaring any of it.

It's illegal to take anything of value from a foreign government to aid a political campaign or a politician. What's gonna come out I think is multiple sources were sought for monies to help bail out kushner Inc and benefit both him and Trump.

Couple this with a meeting recently with Arab money men and Kushner which resulted in huge loans and that upon the rejection for financing from Qatar to the Kushner cos. coincided with Qatar shortly thereafter being called a state sponsor of terrorism and the plot thickens.

Move along folks, nothing to see here! LOL

doing business with foreign nationals is not illegal. Paying them to create a dossier of lies and then using that in a FISA filing to spy on americans is illegal.
The dossier was not used to obtain a warrant.

parts of it were used, that has been clearly established, and that is illegal.

Who says?
This goes to show....even if you have him on video mocking a disabled reporter....his cult member will deny it.

Except you refuse to show us any such video. To you, it is all made up lies and fantasy.

You idiot! Go to YouTube and search for "Trump mocks disabled reporter" and see what u get....

You get a video of Trump flailing his arms around as he always does, with another person claiming it was in mocking of a disabled person when it wasn't at all. Just another fake news story.
This goes to show....even if you have him on video mocking a disabled reporter....his cult member will deny it.

Except you refuse to show us any such video. To you, it is all made up lies and fantasy.

You idiot! Go to YouTube and search for "Trump mocks disabled reporter" and see what u get....

You get a video of Trump flailing his arms around as he always does, with another person claiming it was in mocking of a disabled person when it wasn't at all. Just another fake news story.

I've never seen him making those motions with his arms. Not a single time. And to say it was just a coincidence is to deny he would do such a thing. Bullshit! He has no governor. No filter of decency at all and you know that. Let me ask you if it's true that Trump disrespected a gold star family and trashed John McCains service? You'll probably deny those things also.
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