Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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No, you are misrepresenting the facts. the intelligence community clearly said that, though the Russians did foment chaos and division on both sides of the aisle, they clearly targeted their effort to helping Trump win. Period. that is a fact, and you need to come to terms with it.

I am still waiting for one of you lefties to tell us exactly what the Russians did, which votes were affected, how many were affected, in what states, and how they did it.

Talking to a person from a foreign country is not collusion and is not a crime. the Mueller witch hunt has found nothing, except actual collusion by the Hillary campaign in paying for a dossier of lies and then the Obama admin using it fraudulently at the FISA court to get warrants to spy on political enemies during the campaign.

You hand a note to a bank teller demanding money but then you flee because you notice a cop -- according to your idiocy, no crime was committed because the bank robber didn't benefit from the crime.

what crime has Trump committed, been accused of, or convicted of?

Mueller has found nothing, except collusion and corruption by the Clinton campaign, FBI officials, and the Obama administration.
The investigation is not over yet.

true, but they have been leaking stuff for months, if they had anything on Trump it would have come out already.

crooked FBI officials are falling like hail stones in Kansas. Corruption at the top of our intelligence agencies for political gain is what happens in Russia and banana republics. But you lefties want to look the other way on that, right?

They have been leaking stuff for months? What has leaked from the Mueller probe and not the BS Inv committees? I think they are running a very tight ship. And, they're professionals who would never show their hand. We don't know what the Mueller team knows and we won't know til his probe is complete. That's if he isn't summarily fired and the probe shut down by your heroes. He still has to depose Trump himself and a few more major players.

You can try as you always do to deflect to Hillary but that's got nothing to do with what Mueller's team has been charged with investigating. He is also allowed to investigate other crimes or evidence of crimes that might arise from the probe.

If that encompasses Hillary or Obama it'll be looked at too. Because, unlike the congressional inv comms, this one is actually bipartisan or more accurately, non partisan.
If he has evidence of wrongdoing by either Hillary or Obama then I hope they are held to answer those charges.
Indictments such as possible Tax evasion, or another for simply believing he lied while under Mueller’s investigation DOES NOT involve Russia or the Kremlin.

Testing this “supposed” liberal knowledge on this thread with links to back up your story :

1) Show me one indictment that mentions the Kremlin or Putin involving someone from the Trump campaign.

2) Show me (to date) specific financial passing and acceptance of deals between Kremlin and Trump’s inner circle involving the election during his campaign against Hillary.

I have serious doubt these progressives can prove (links) anything but their hatred for Trump. Prove me wrong... I dare you.

I dare you to explain the fact that Trump said in an on-camera interview that he fired Comey because of the Russia probe. How is that not Obstruction? I dare you.

He enjoys making fools of idiots like you and your media masters. Its amazing how stupid you lefties are.

It's gonna be an indescribable pleasure to see what you've got to say when the truth is revealed. It'll be almost as satisfying as getting that lunatic out of our govt. We'll see who the fools are.
There was more links and proof with Benghazi and Lois Lerner investigations. What was the outcome?
I am still waiting for one of you lefties to tell us exactly what the Russians did, which votes were affected, how many were affected, in what states, and how they did it.

Talking to a person from a foreign country is not collusion and is not a crime. the Mueller witch hunt has found nothing, except actual collusion by the Hillary campaign in paying for a dossier of lies and then the Obama admin using it fraudulently at the FISA court to get warrants to spy on political enemies during the campaign.

You hand a note to a bank teller demanding money but then you flee because you notice a cop -- according to your idiocy, no crime was committed because the bank robber didn't benefit from the crime.

what crime has Trump committed, been accused of, or convicted of?

Mueller has found nothing, except collusion and corruption by the Clinton campaign, FBI officials, and the Obama administration.
The investigation is not over yet.

true, but they have been leaking stuff for months, if they had anything on Trump it would have come out already.

crooked FBI officials are falling like hail stones in Kansas. Corruption at the top of our intelligence agencies for political gain is what happens in Russia and banana republics. But you lefties want to look the other way on that, right?
Why would Mueller show his hand to the one man who can fire him before he finishes his investigation?

he won't. but its very likely that he has found nothing of substance. Continue wishing and hoping if it makes you feel good, but Trump is not going anywhere for the next 7 years.

His policies are creating a boom economy, THAT is what americans see in their personal lives.
Indictments such as possible Tax evasion, or another for simply believing he lied while under Mueller’s investigation DOES NOT involve Russia or the Kremlin.

Testing this “supposed” liberal knowledge on this thread with links to back up your story :

1) Show me one indictment that mentions the Kremlin or Putin involving someone from the Trump campaign.

2) Show me (to date) specific financial passing and acceptance of deals between Kremlin and Trump’s inner circle involving the election during his campaign against Hillary.

I have serious doubt these progressives can prove (links) anything but their hatred for Trump. Prove me wrong... I dare you.

I dare you to explain the fact that Trump said in an on-camera interview that he fired Comey because of the Russia probe. How is that not Obstruction? I dare you.

He enjoys making fools of idiots like you and your media masters. Its amazing how stupid you lefties are.

It's gonna be an indescribable pleasure to see what you've got to say when the truth is revealed. It'll be almost as satisfying as getting that lunatic out of our govt. We'll see who the fools are.

Look asshole, if something is uncovered that proves that Trump is personally guilty of a crime, I will be the first to demand that he be removed from office. Now, I challenge you to say that you would support indicting Hillary if she is proven guilty.

Your real problem with Trump is that he won and he is fixing the mess created by generations of libs from both parties, and he tells it like it is, he is not PC, he is a real person not a bullshit politician who can talk all day and say nothing.
coming from the lunatic that constantly screams that Trump is personally guilty of impeachable offences, that's quite funny
Of course, I have not done that one single time, and you just made it up because you come from a bizarre state of mind that believes that pointing at someone and claiming they farted will get everyone to ignore the fact that you have just shit your pants.

my comment was aimed at dem/libs in general. If that does not apply to you, fine. I really don't give a shit.

You hand a note to a bank teller demanding money but then you flee because you notice a cop -- according to your idiocy, no crime was committed because the bank robber didn't benefit from the crime.

what crime has Trump committed, been accused of, or convicted of?

Mueller has found nothing, except collusion and corruption by the Clinton campaign, FBI officials, and the Obama administration.
The investigation is not over yet.

true, but they have been leaking stuff for months, if they had anything on Trump it would have come out already.

crooked FBI officials are falling like hail stones in Kansas. Corruption at the top of our intelligence agencies for political gain is what happens in Russia and banana republics. But you lefties want to look the other way on that, right?
Why would Mueller show his hand to the one man who can fire him before he finishes his investigation?

he won't. but its very likely that he has found nothing of substance. Continue wishing and hoping if it makes you feel good, but Trump is not going anywhere for the next 7 years.

His policies are creating a boom economy, THAT is what americans see in their personal lives.
An unabashed liar like you pretending Mueller has nothing because you see nothing only lends me to believe he has something.

And as far as the economy, you mean he hasn’t yet screwed up the economy Obama handed him?

Indictments such as possible Tax evasion, or another for simply believing he lied while under Mueller’s investigation DOES NOT involve Russia or the Kremlin.

Testing this “supposed” liberal knowledge on this thread with links to back up your story :

1) Show me one indictment that mentions the Kremlin or Putin involving someone from the Trump campaign.

2) Show me (to date) specific financial passing and acceptance of deals between Kremlin and Trump’s inner circle involving the election during his campaign against Hillary.

I have serious doubt these progressives can prove (links) anything but their hatred for Trump. Prove me wrong... I dare you.

I dare you to explain the fact that Trump said in an on-camera interview that he fired Comey because of the Russia probe. How is that not Obstruction? I dare you.

He enjoys making fools of idiots like you and your media masters. Its amazing how stupid you lefties are.

It's gonna be an indescribable pleasure to see what you've got to say when the truth is revealed. It'll be almost as satisfying as getting that lunatic out of our govt. We'll see who the fools are.

Look asshole, if something is uncovered that proves that Trump is personally guilty of a crime, I will be the first to demand that he be removed from office. Now, I challenge you to say that you would support indicting Hillary if she is proven guilty.

Your real problem with Trump is that he won and he is fixing the mess created by generations of libs from both parties, and he tells it like it is, he is not PC, he is a real person not a bullshit politician who can talk all day and say nothing.
Bullshit. Whatever they find, you’ll excuse and defend. Everybody here knows that, so why pretend now to have some integrity?
Trump campaign DID collude with Russia
They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.
Was there information passed during that meeting?

Have any of you nutjobs established yet that:
A). There is nothing criminal about collusion? Every administration does it.
B). It's not as if Hillary didn't seek dirt on Trump?
C). What makes it a crime is when money changes hands and so far that only occurred AFAIK when the DNC hired Steele.

That is true. But there is Obstruction of Justice, Money laundering, and other federal crimes
Odd how cons always bring up a dem. But you missed an important point, me boy. Money changed hands when the Republican national committee first hired Steele. You seem to simply ignore the fact that the dossier was started and initial work on it was done for repubs.
There was more links and proof with Benghazi and Lois Lerner investigations. What was the outcome?
Accusations are not poof, me poor con. Benghazi was investigated over and over and over. So, no crimes were made, and no charges resulted. Same with Lois Lerner. Sorry you missed it. So, you need to find what the difference is between investigations and charges, me poor ignorant con. Both were investigated, And in both cases no charges were brought. Get your facts straight.
Trump campaign DID collude with Russia
They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.
Was there information passed during that meeting?

Have any of you nutjobs established yet that:
A). There is nothing criminal about collusion? Every administration does it.
B). It's not as if Hillary didn't seek dirt on Trump?
C). What makes it a crime is when money changes hands and so far that only occurred AFAIK when the DNC hired Steele.

That is true. But there is Obstruction of Justice, Money laundering, and other federal crimes
Odd how cons always bring up a dem. But you missed an important point, me boy. Money changed hands when the Republican national committee first hired Steele. You seem to simply ignore the fact that the dossier was started and initial work on it was done for repubs.
There was more links and proof with Benghazi and Lois Lerner investigations. What was the outcome?
Accusations are not poof, me poor con. Benghazi was investigated over and over and over. So, no crimes were made, and no charges resulted. Same with Lois Lerner. Sorry you missed it. So, you need to find what the difference is between investigations and charges, me poor ignorant con. Both were investigated, And in both cases no charges were brought. Get your facts straight.

As long as Whiterwater investigation took....nothing....Clinton was impeached over lying about sex....the orange one's fate may be for a similar lie.
Trump campaign DID collude with Russia
They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.
Was there information passed during that meeting?

Have any of you nutjobs established yet that:
A). There is nothing criminal about collusion? Every administration does it.
B). It's not as if Hillary didn't seek dirt on Trump?
C). What makes it a crime is when money changes hands and so far that only occurred AFAIK when the DNC hired Steele.

That is true. But there is Obstruction of Justice, Money laundering, and other federal crimes
Odd how cons always bring up a dem. But you missed an important point, me boy. Money changed hands when the Republican national committee first hired Steele. You seem to simply ignore the fact that the dossier was started and initial work on it was done for repubs.
There was more links and proof with Benghazi and Lois Lerner investigations. What was the outcome?
Accusations are not poof, me poor con. Benghazi was investigated over and over and over. So, no crimes were made, and no charges resulted. Same with Lois Lerner. Sorry you missed it. So, you need to find what the difference is between investigations and charges, me poor ignorant con. Both were investigated, And in both cases no charges were brought. Get your facts straight.

As long as Whiterwater investigation took....nothing....Clinton was impeached over lying about sex....the orange one's fate may be for a similar lie.

You mean Trump will get a slap on the wrist just like Bill Clinton did, then go on to be an icon of the Party?
Trump campaign DID collude with Russia
They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.
Was there information passed during that meeting?

Have any of you nutjobs established yet that:
A). There is nothing criminal about collusion? Every administration does it.
B). It's not as if Hillary didn't seek dirt on Trump?
C). What makes it a crime is when money changes hands and so far that only occurred AFAIK when the DNC hired Steele.

That is true. But there is Obstruction of Justice, Money laundering, and other federal crimes
Odd how cons always bring up a dem. But you missed an important point, me boy. Money changed hands when the Republican national committee first hired Steele. You seem to simply ignore the fact that the dossier was started and initial work on it was done for repubs.
There was more links and proof with Benghazi and Lois Lerner investigations. What was the outcome?
Accusations are not poof, me poor con. Benghazi was investigated over and over and over. So, no crimes were made, and no charges resulted. Same with Lois Lerner. Sorry you missed it. So, you need to find what the difference is between investigations and charges, me poor ignorant con. Both were investigated, And in both cases no charges were brought. Get your facts straight.

As long as Whiterwater investigation took....nothing....Clinton was impeached over lying about sex....the orange one's fate may be for a similar lie.

You mean Trump will get a slap on the wrist just like Bill Clinton did, then go on to be an icon of the Party?

He will be impeached in his first term and will go away. The GOP will be devastated with huge losses for generations...
Trump’s Russian Laundromat

Trump’s Russian Laundromat
How to use Trump Tower and other luxury high-rises to clean dirty money, run an international crime syndicate, and propel a failed real estate developer into the White House.
July 13, 2017

".....“They saved his bacon,” says Kenneth McCallion, a former assistant U.S. attorney in the Reagan administration who investigated ties between organized crime and Trump’s developments in the 1980s.

It’s entirely possible that Trump was never more than a convenient patsy for Russian oligarchs and mobsters, with his casinos and condos providing easy pass-throughs for their illicit riches.

At the very least, with his constant need for new infusions of cash and his well-documented troubles with creditors, Trump made an easy “mark” for anyone looking to launder money. But whatever his knowledge about the source of his wealth, the public record makes clear that Trump built his business empire in no small part with a lot of dirty money from a lot of dirty Russians—including the dirtiest and most feared of them all."..."
Indictments such as possible Tax evasion, or another for simply believing he lied while under Mueller’s investigation DOES NOT involve Russia or the Kremlin.

Testing this “supposed” liberal knowledge on this thread with links to back up your story :

1) Show me one indictment that mentions the Kremlin or Putin involving someone from the Trump campaign.

2) Show me (to date) specific financial passing and acceptance of deals between Kremlin and Trump’s inner circle involving the election during his campaign against Hillary.

I have serious doubt these progressives can prove (links) anything but their hatred for Trump. Prove me wrong... I dare you.

I dare you to explain the fact that Trump said in an on-camera interview that he fired Comey because of the Russia probe. How is that not Obstruction? I dare you.

He enjoys making fools of idiots like you and your media masters. Its amazing how stupid you lefties are.

It's gonna be an indescribable pleasure to see what you've got to say when the truth is revealed. It'll be almost as satisfying as getting that lunatic out of our govt. We'll see who the fools are.

Look asshole, if something is uncovered that proves that Trump is personally guilty of a crime, I will be the first to demand that he be removed from office. Now, I challenge you to say that you would support indicting Hillary if she is proven guilty.

Your real problem with Trump is that he won and he is fixing the mess created by generations of libs from both parties, and he tells it like it is, he is not PC, he is a real person not a bullshit politician who can talk all day and say nothing.

No, my real problem is that he is destroying the fabric of my country and yours and you don't really care because you'll get an extra $50 out of the massive gift to himself that he calls tax reform. And, he didn't have to fix anything because it wasn't broken like what was handed to Obama to clean up. Those wars were not lib wars and it wasn't libs who lied us into a war in Iraq and then had no way to pay for it so it was left for libs to fix just like after every GOP administration.
Your attempt once again to bring Hillary into the discussion is duly noted and rejected. She's not the president. You're right about one thing, he's not a politician because even the most slimy politician takes a back seat to this fucking second story man. And you fell for the bullshit hook line and sinker. I've already said I'd support looking at Hillary after this Mueller investigation is done with the Russia probe. I don't want any crooked people in our govt. BTW, she is no longer in our govt.
Trump has not only taken over our democracy as he tries to destroy it but he's cowed every member of your party into acting like they are mesmerized and scared to death to speak out.
And you don't see any of it do you? That's amazing. You're not only an asshole but a stupid asshole.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Interesting. Therefore, do you have the intellectual honesty to admit the Democrats colluded with Russia, considering said collusion isn't debatable? What should we do about it?
Trump’s Russian Laundromat

Trump’s Russian Laundromat
How to use Trump Tower and other luxury high-rises to clean dirty money, run an international crime syndicate, and propel a failed real estate developer into the White House.
July 13, 2017

".....“They saved his bacon,” says Kenneth McCallion, a former assistant U.S. attorney in the Reagan administration who investigated ties between organized crime and Trump’s developments in the 1980s.

It’s entirely possible that Trump was never more than a convenient patsy for Russian oligarchs and mobsters, with his casinos and condos providing easy pass-throughs for their illicit riches.

At the very least, with his constant need for new infusions of cash and his well-documented troubles with creditors, Trump made an easy “mark” for anyone looking to launder money. But whatever his knowledge about the source of his wealth, the public record makes clear that Trump built his business empire in no small part with a lot of dirty money from a lot of dirty Russians—including the dirtiest and most feared of them all."..."

I couldn't have said it any better. And I'll only add to that statement that the Prince son-in-law Kushner is following an identical path. Seeking financing for failing real estate deals from around the globe. Enemies, Sanctioned banks, Oligs, Saudis, Qatar and anywhere else he can find it so that 666 fifth ave doesn't drag him down. He'll be found doing the same stuff as Trump along with tossing poor folks out onto the street to clear the way for profit. I hope Mueller looks into his sale of rent-controlled apartment buildings under false pretenses and lying to cover his tracks. He's learned well from the master of disaster. But the party will soon be over.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Interesting. Therefore, do you have the intellectual honesty to admit the Democrats colluded with Russia, considering said collusion isn't debatable? What should we do about it?

It's that Junior Master Deflector Kit at work once again. It's a reflex that they can't control because they've been so indoctrinated. Amazing, really.
Indictments such as possible Tax evasion, or another for simply believing he lied while under Mueller’s investigation DOES NOT involve Russia or the Kremlin.

Testing this “supposed” liberal knowledge on this thread with links to back up your story :

1) Show me one indictment that mentions the Kremlin or Putin involving someone from the Trump campaign.

2) Show me (to date) specific financial passing and acceptance of deals between Kremlin and Trump’s inner circle involving the election during his campaign against Hillary.

I have serious doubt these progressives can prove (links) anything but their hatred for Trump. Prove me wrong... I dare you.

I dare you to explain the fact that Trump said in an on-camera interview that he fired Comey because of the Russia probe. How is that not Obstruction? I dare you.

He enjoys making fools of idiots like you and your media masters. Its amazing how stupid you lefties are.

It's gonna be an indescribable pleasure to see what you've got to say when the truth is revealed. It'll be almost as satisfying as getting that lunatic out of our govt. We'll see who the fools are.

Look asshole, if something is uncovered that proves that Trump is personally guilty of a crime, I will be the first to demand that he be removed from office. Now, I challenge you to say that you would support indicting Hillary if she is proven guilty.

Your real problem with Trump is that he won and he is fixing the mess created by generations of libs from both parties, and he tells it like it is, he is not PC, he is a real person not a bullshit politician who can talk all day and say nothing.
Bullshit. Whatever they find, you’ll excuse and defend. Everybody here knows that, so why pretend now to have some integrity?

Mueller's team is staffed exclusively with democrats, Hillary supporters, and DNC contributors, and you have the nerve to claim that its not a partisan witch hunt? WTF, dude. Wake up.
Trump campaign DID collude with Russia
They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.
Was there information passed during that meeting?

Have any of you nutjobs established yet that:
A). There is nothing criminal about collusion? Every administration does it.
B). It's not as if Hillary didn't seek dirt on Trump?
C). What makes it a crime is when money changes hands and so far that only occurred AFAIK when the DNC hired Steele.

That is true. But there is Obstruction of Justice, Money laundering, and other federal crimes
Odd how cons always bring up a dem. But you missed an important point, me boy. Money changed hands when the Republican national committee first hired Steele. You seem to simply ignore the fact that the dossier was started and initial work on it was done for repubs.
There was more links and proof with Benghazi and Lois Lerner investigations. What was the outcome?
Accusations are not poof, me poor con. Benghazi was investigated over and over and over. So, no crimes were made, and no charges resulted. Same with Lois Lerner. Sorry you missed it. So, you need to find what the difference is between investigations and charges, me poor ignorant con. Both were investigated, And in both cases no charges were brought. Get your facts straight.

As long as Whiterwater investigation took....nothing....Clinton was impeached over lying about sex....the orange one's fate may be for a similar lie.

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath, Perjury. What has Trump lied under oath about? All politicians lie, its what they do best. Remember "if you like your plan you can keep it" "the average family will save $2500 per year" "I never sent classified data on my personal server" "I did not have sex with that woman".
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