Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....
...and still no. Russian connection
do you think all of this went on without Donald's knowledge? do you think he sold a property for twice its value to a Russian oligarch just because he knows how to make a deal?

do you think everyone around him lied about their dealings with Russia but donald was clueless about what was going on around him?

and do you think that the only change Donald made in the republican platform .... to be more Russia friendly and not support Ukraine.... happened by chance?

I think Trump wasn't involved in Maniford's business dealings from before the campaign.

I don't have any idea what anyone said about dealings with Russia. I know that including the time before Mueller was appointed, there have been investigations by Congress and so far, nothing has come out.

I doubt if the change in the platform happened by chance. I just don't assign the nefarious motives you assign because I don't know why.

why would you think that? manaforte had no skills that should have caused trump to allow him to run the campaign. then manaforte wiped out a multimillion dollar debt, saying something to the effect of "does this make us good? look at my press clippings" (paraphrased).

Donald surrounded himself with people tied to Russia. why do you think that is... including a secretary of state who is running policy that looks designed by putin.

I'll bet that as they (Mueller's team) follows the money, there will be a strong tie to Tillerson and the Russian plan to drill off the north shore of Siberia where the largest oil find in history is located.

They had to halt a deal between Exxon and Putin's state owned wink wink energy co. to do a joint deal to extract it. But, the Obama sanctions killed the deal. That's a few trillion reasons to lift those sanctions and a whole bunch of motivation (money) to anyone able to implement that plan.

And, we all know what motivates Trump more than anything else on earth. I guarantee that will come to light in the final analysis.

I don't think the "money" will tie to Tillerson, although both Exxon and Putin desperately want to be able to follow through on their massive oil deal. Also, Tillerson had already received Putin's highest honor for non-Russian citizens -- the Friendship Medal. Apparently, he (meaning putin) was very vociferous in wanting Tillerson and not Romney.

But we also know Donald was trying to build the world's tallest tower in Moscow and we know that he had a lot of dealings with Russian oligarchs.... all of whom have ties to Putin. that is where the money laundering is.....

Oh, I know that's where the money laundering is, at least some of it. Phony Real Estate deals etc. And I'm not suggesting that the oil deal wasn't legit but it's what happened after the sanctions were put in place that smells of collusion to lift the sanctions. Quid pro quo.

You know?
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Have they found the sex tape between Putin and Trump yet that you guys keep insisting is out there? Come on man, snap it the hell up and get this over with!
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....
...and still no. Russian connection

You really don't know what Mueller you?
No it isn't moron, you keep swtiching between asking for evidence of Trump compaign's Russian dealings and Clinton's Russians, WITHOUT EVER ADRESSING ANYTHING I EXPLAIN TO YOU ON EACH

There is evidence of Trump campaign colluding with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government supporting Trump.

There is NO evidence of Clinton campaign collusion with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government campaign against Hillary.

Clear enough for you?

Saying I don't accept your lies doesn't mean I'm not clear what you're saying, Home Boy.

Putin was trying to disrupt the election. Obviously you only read the news you want to see, but Russians set up both pro-and anti-Trump demonstrations.

No you ARE NOT SAYING, you simply switch topic without directly addressing what I post.

Kremlin's top brass (ALONG WITH ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY) were congradulating each other on Trump victory.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

Russian media coverage of her own campaign was vicious, portraying her as an aggressive Russophobe, a criminal and a liar.

"Clinton will surround us with nuclear missiles; Trump would recognise Crimea," a typical tabloid headline read on election day.

"We are very glad that relations will improve with Russia and stop the artificial Cold War which Washington and London try to push on the world," pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov told the BBC.

"We're glad the new president will be Donald Trump who respects Vladimir Putin and recognises that Crimea is part of Russia," he said, referring to Mr Trump's comment that Russia's annexation of the peninsula could be 'looked at'.

Russia celebrates Trump win

We have the view of Russia meddling in using “propaganda” to help influence an election, then antontoo wants to now TRUST Russia’s opinions as solid and reliable to his point. When the basis of your argument is that Russia has effectively influenced the outcome of an election, then don’t go around posting Russia’s response as a reliable source. Common sense should tell you that.

You are a total fucking idiot. Their opinions reflect their MOTIVATIONS...are you seriously going to try to say that there was this uber grand public and private conspiracy by Russians to misdirect the west into not-thinking that Russians love Hillary? :rolleyes:

No, he's pointing out that you're contradicting yourself, tutu

Tutu: Russians are the enemy, they are trying to steal our elections

Tutu: Using a Russian Dossier to get FISA warrants? Hillary taking $145 million in Russian money? Hillary agreeing to sell 20% of US uranium to Russia? Russians funding anti-Trump rallies? What's the problem?

Does anything about Russia and Democrats concern you? Not so much, huh?

You don't care about Russia. You just want to get Trump


Dossier is not a product of Russian government, there was a private Russian source involved who was corraborating what Steele found elsewhere, but there is zero evidence of KREMLIN involvement.

Kremlin being the source of dossier is IRRECONCILABLE to everything that is known about Kremlin's publicly and privately communicated positions and interests.

Belive it or not but it's actually not in Kremlins interest to shit on themselves and handcuff Kremlin friendly Trump.
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Saying I don't accept your lies doesn't mean I'm not clear what you're saying, Home Boy.

Putin was trying to disrupt the election. Obviously you only read the news you want to see, but Russians set up both pro-and anti-Trump demonstrations.

No you ARE NOT SAYING, you simply switch topic without directly addressing what I post.

Kremlin's top brass (ALONG WITH ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY) were congradulating each other on Trump victory.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

Russian media coverage of her own campaign was vicious, portraying her as an aggressive Russophobe, a criminal and a liar.

"Clinton will surround us with nuclear missiles; Trump would recognise Crimea," a typical tabloid headline read on election day.

"We are very glad that relations will improve with Russia and stop the artificial Cold War which Washington and London try to push on the world," pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov told the BBC.

"We're glad the new president will be Donald Trump who respects Vladimir Putin and recognises that Crimea is part of Russia," he said, referring to Mr Trump's comment that Russia's annexation of the peninsula could be 'looked at'.

Russia celebrates Trump win

We have the view of Russia meddling in using “propaganda” to help influence an election, then antontoo wants to now TRUST Russia’s opinions as solid and reliable to his point. When the basis of your argument is that Russia has effectively influenced the outcome of an election, then don’t go around posting Russia’s response as a reliable source. Common sense should tell you that.

You are a total fucking idiot. Their opinions reflect their MOTIVATIONS...are you seriously going to try to say that there was this uber grand public and private conspiracy by Russians to misdirect the west into not-thinking that Russians love Hillary? :rolleyes:

No, he's pointing out that you're contradicting yourself, tutu

Tutu: Russians are the enemy, they are trying to steal our elections

Tutu: Using a Russian Dossier to get FISA warrants? Hillary taking $145 million in Russian money? Hillary agreeing to sell 20% of US uranium to Russia? Russians funding anti-Trump rallies? What's the problem?

Does anything about Russia and Democrats concern you? Not so much, huh?

You don't care about Russia. You just want to get Trump


Dossier is not a product of Russian government, there was A private Russian source involved, NOT KREMLIN.

Kremlin being the source of dossier is IRRECONCILABLE to everything that is known about Kremlin's public and private interests
again, you have no fking idea.
No it isn't moron, you keep swtiching between asking for evidence of Trump compaign's Russian dealings and Clinton's Russians, WITHOUT EVER ADRESSING ANYTHING I EXPLAIN TO YOU ON EACH

There is evidence of Trump campaign colluding with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government supporting Trump.

There is NO evidence of Clinton campaign collusion with Russian government and clear evidence of Russian government campaign against Hillary.

Clear enough for you?

Saying I don't accept your lies doesn't mean I'm not clear what you're saying, Home Boy.

Putin was trying to disrupt the election. Obviously you only read the news you want to see, but Russians set up both pro-and anti-Trump demonstrations.

No you ARE NOT SAYING, you simply switch topic without directly addressing what I post.

Kremlin's top brass (ALONG WITH ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY) were congradulating each other on Trump victory.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

Russian media coverage of her own campaign was vicious, portraying her as an aggressive Russophobe, a criminal and a liar.

"Clinton will surround us with nuclear missiles; Trump would recognise Crimea," a typical tabloid headline read on election day.

"We are very glad that relations will improve with Russia and stop the artificial Cold War which Washington and London try to push on the world," pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov told the BBC.

"We're glad the new president will be Donald Trump who respects Vladimir Putin and recognises that Crimea is part of Russia," he said, referring to Mr Trump's comment that Russia's annexation of the peninsula could be 'looked at'.

Russia celebrates Trump win

We have the view of Russia meddling in using “propaganda” to help influence an election, then antontoo wants to now TRUST Russia’s opinions as solid and reliable to his point. When the basis of your argument is that Russia has effectively influenced the outcome of an election, then don’t go around posting Russia’s response as a reliable source. Common sense should tell you that.

You are a total fucking idiot. Their opinions reflect their MOTIVATIONS...are you seriously going to try to say that there was this uber grand public and private conspiracy by Russians to misdirect the west into not-thinking that Russians love Hillary? :rolleyes:

No, he's pointing out that you're contradicting yourself, tutu

Tutu: Russians are the enemy, they are trying to steal our elections

Tutu: Using a Russian Dossier to get FISA warrants? Hillary taking $145 million in Russian money? Hillary agreeing to sell 20% of US uranium to Russia? Russians funding anti-Trump rallies? What's the problem?

Does anything about Russia and Democrats concern you? Not so much, huh?

You don't care about Russia. You just want to get Trump
Do you ever stop kazzing?


Hillary did not take $145 million in Russian money nor did she sell Russia 20% of our Uranium.
Saying I don't accept your lies doesn't mean I'm not clear what you're saying, Home Boy.

Putin was trying to disrupt the election. Obviously you only read the news you want to see, but Russians set up both pro-and anti-Trump demonstrations.

No you ARE NOT SAYING, you simply switch topic without directly addressing what I post.

Kremlin's top brass (ALONG WITH ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY) were congradulating each other on Trump victory.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

Russian media coverage of her own campaign was vicious, portraying her as an aggressive Russophobe, a criminal and a liar.

"Clinton will surround us with nuclear missiles; Trump would recognise Crimea," a typical tabloid headline read on election day.

"We are very glad that relations will improve with Russia and stop the artificial Cold War which Washington and London try to push on the world," pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov told the BBC.

"We're glad the new president will be Donald Trump who respects Vladimir Putin and recognises that Crimea is part of Russia," he said, referring to Mr Trump's comment that Russia's annexation of the peninsula could be 'looked at'.

Russia celebrates Trump win

We have the view of Russia meddling in using “propaganda” to help influence an election, then antontoo wants to now TRUST Russia’s opinions as solid and reliable to his point. When the basis of your argument is that Russia has effectively influenced the outcome of an election, then don’t go around posting Russia’s response as a reliable source. Common sense should tell you that.

You are a total fucking idiot. Their opinions reflect their MOTIVATIONS...are you seriously going to try to say that there was this uber grand public and private conspiracy by Russians to misdirect the west into not-thinking that Russians love Hillary? :rolleyes:

No, he's pointing out that you're contradicting yourself, tutu

Tutu: Russians are the enemy, they are trying to steal our elections

Tutu: Using a Russian Dossier to get FISA warrants? Hillary taking $145 million in Russian money? Hillary agreeing to sell 20% of US uranium to Russia? Russians funding anti-Trump rallies? What's the problem?

Does anything about Russia and Democrats concern you? Not so much, huh?

You don't care about Russia. You just want to get Trump


Dossier is not a product of Russian government, there was a private Russian source involved who was corraborating what Steele found elsewhere, but there is zero evidence of KREMLIN involvement.

Kremlin being the source of dossier is IRRECONCILABLE to everything that is known about Kremlin's publicly and privately communicated positions and interests.

Belive it or not but it's actually not in Kremlins interest to shit on themselves and handcuff Kremlin friendly Trump.

So if Trump colludes with private Russian citizens, you're OK with that? It's only the Russian government that you care about?

What about Hillary taking $145 million from a Russian State energy company? That concern you? Not so much, huh?
No you ARE NOT SAYING, you simply switch topic without directly addressing what I post.

Kremlin's top brass (ALONG WITH ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY) were congradulating each other on Trump victory.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

Russian media coverage of her own campaign was vicious, portraying her as an aggressive Russophobe, a criminal and a liar.

"Clinton will surround us with nuclear missiles; Trump would recognise Crimea," a typical tabloid headline read on election day.

"We are very glad that relations will improve with Russia and stop the artificial Cold War which Washington and London try to push on the world," pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov told the BBC.

"We're glad the new president will be Donald Trump who respects Vladimir Putin and recognises that Crimea is part of Russia," he said, referring to Mr Trump's comment that Russia's annexation of the peninsula could be 'looked at'.

Russia celebrates Trump win

We have the view of Russia meddling in using “propaganda” to help influence an election, then antontoo wants to now TRUST Russia’s opinions as solid and reliable to his point. When the basis of your argument is that Russia has effectively influenced the outcome of an election, then don’t go around posting Russia’s response as a reliable source. Common sense should tell you that.

You are a total fucking idiot. Their opinions reflect their MOTIVATIONS...are you seriously going to try to say that there was this uber grand public and private conspiracy by Russians to misdirect the west into not-thinking that Russians love Hillary? :rolleyes:

No, he's pointing out that you're contradicting yourself, tutu

Tutu: Russians are the enemy, they are trying to steal our elections

Tutu: Using a Russian Dossier to get FISA warrants? Hillary taking $145 million in Russian money? Hillary agreeing to sell 20% of US uranium to Russia? Russians funding anti-Trump rallies? What's the problem?

Does anything about Russia and Democrats concern you? Not so much, huh?

You don't care about Russia. You just want to get Trump


Dossier is not a product of Russian government, there was a private Russian source involved who was corraborating what Steele found elsewhere, but there is zero evidence of KREMLIN involvement.

Kremlin being the source of dossier is IRRECONCILABLE to everything that is known about Kremlin's publicly and privately communicated positions and interests.

Belive it or not but it's actually not in Kremlins interest to shit on themselves and handcuff Kremlin friendly Trump.

So if Trump colludes with private Russian citizens, you're OK with that? It's only the Russian government that you care about?

What about Hillary taking $145 million from a Russian State energy company? That concern you? Not so much, huh?
Since that never happened, who should be concerned by your kazzes?
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I think Trump wasn't involved in Maniford's business dealings from before the campaign.

I don't have any idea what anyone said about dealings with Russia. I know that including the time before Mueller was appointed, there have been investigations by Congress and so far, nothing has come out.

I doubt if the change in the platform happened by chance. I just don't assign the nefarious motives you assign because I don't know why.

why would you think that? manaforte had no skills that should have caused trump to allow him to run the campaign. then manaforte wiped out a multimillion dollar debt, saying something to the effect of "does this make us good? look at my press clippings" (paraphrased).

Donald surrounded himself with people tied to Russia. why do you think that is... including a secretary of state who is running policy that looks designed by putin.

I'll bet that as they (Mueller's team) follows the money, there will be a strong tie to Tillerson and the Russian plan to drill off the north shore of Siberia where the largest oil find in history is located.

They had to halt a deal between Exxon and Putin's state owned wink wink energy co. to do a joint deal to extract it. But, the Obama sanctions killed the deal. That's a few trillion reasons to lift those sanctions and a whole bunch of motivation (money) to anyone able to implement that plan.

And, we all know what motivates Trump more than anything else on earth. I guarantee that will come to light in the final analysis.

I don't think the "money" will tie to Tillerson, although both Exxon and Putin desperately want to be able to follow through on their massive oil deal. Also, Tillerson had already received Putin's highest honor for non-Russian citizens -- the Friendship Medal. Apparently, he (meaning putin) was very vociferous in wanting Tillerson and not Romney.

But we also know Donald was trying to build the world's tallest tower in Moscow and we know that he had a lot of dealings with Russian oligarchs.... all of whom have ties to Putin. that is where the money laundering is.....

Oh, I know that's where the money laundering is, at least some of it. Phony Real Estate deals etc. And I'm not suggesting that the oil deal wasn't legit but it's what happened after the sanctions were put in place that smells of collusion to lift the sanctions. Quid pro quo.

You know?

You don't?
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Have they found the sex tape between Putin and Trump yet that you guys keep insisting is out there? Come on man, snap it the hell up and get this over with!

Wait a minute! Sex tape between Trump and Putin? Really? Wow, now that's a very disturbing thought to entertain. He should stick with hookers and porn stars. Unless of course Putin charges less to stay silent.
Former Trump campaign official Rick Gates pleads guilty to 2 charges

Neither of the charges Gates pled to have anything to do with Trump.

he pled to acting against the US government. Do you think they let him plea to that because he doesn't have anything on manifort and trump, dum dum?

I think he has a lot on Manifort. You're just hoping he's got something on Trump, but no indication of that yet. BTW, nice use of kindergarten taunts.

do you think all of this went on without Donald's knowledge? do you think he sold a property for twice its value to a Russian oligarch just because he knows how to make a deal?

do you think everyone around him lied about their dealings with Russia but donald was clueless about what was going on around him?

and do you think that the only change Donald made in the republican platform .... to be more Russia friendly and not support Ukraine.... happened by chance?

I think Trump wasn't involved in Maniford's business dealings from before the campaign.

I don't have any idea what anyone said about dealings with Russia. I know that including the time before Mueller was appointed, there have been investigations by Congress and so far, nothing has come out.

I doubt if the change in the platform happened by chance. I just don't assign the nefarious motives you assign because I don't know why.
Mueller is updating our leftist folks in here! Don’t you know this? They actually have more information than congress who investigated this Russia thingy!

Ok. I think that's as big a distraction as the Trump thing. Instead of investigating, we should ALL focus on the future.
Former Trump campaign official Rick Gates pleads guilty to 2 charges

Neither of the charges Gates pled to have anything to do with Trump.

he pled to acting against the US government. Do you think they let him plea to that because he doesn't have anything on manifort and trump, dum dum?

I think he has a lot on Manifort. You're just hoping he's got something on Trump, but no indication of that yet. BTW, nice use of kindergarten taunts.

do you think all of this went on without Donald's knowledge? do you think he sold a property for twice its value to a Russian oligarch just because he knows how to make a deal?

do you think everyone around him lied about their dealings with Russia but donald was clueless about what was going on around him?

and do you think that the only change Donald made in the republican platform .... to be more Russia friendly and not support Ukraine.... happened by chance?

I think Trump wasn't involved in Maniford's business dealings from before the campaign.

I don't have any idea what anyone said about dealings with Russia. I know that including the time before Mueller was appointed, there have been investigations by Congress and so far, nothing has come out.

I doubt if the change in the platform happened by chance. I just don't assign the nefarious motives you assign because I don't know why.

why would you think that? manaforte had no skills that should have caused trump to allow him to run the campaign. then manaforte wiped out a multimillion dollar debt, saying something to the effect of "does this make us good? look at my press clippings" (paraphrased).

Donald surrounded himself with people tied to Russia. why do you think that is... including a secretary of state who is running policy that looks designed by putin.

Are you sure? I thought Maniford was an adviser to the U.S. presidential campaigns of Republicans Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush and Bob Dole. If so, I'd say there WERE skills that caused Trump to allow him to run a campaign.
he pled to acting against the US government. Do you think they let him plea to that because he doesn't have anything on manifort and trump, dum dum?

I think he has a lot on Manifort. You're just hoping he's got something on Trump, but no indication of that yet. BTW, nice use of kindergarten taunts.

do you think all of this went on without Donald's knowledge? do you think he sold a property for twice its value to a Russian oligarch just because he knows how to make a deal?

do you think everyone around him lied about their dealings with Russia but donald was clueless about what was going on around him?

and do you think that the only change Donald made in the republican platform .... to be more Russia friendly and not support Ukraine.... happened by chance?

I think Trump wasn't involved in Maniford's business dealings from before the campaign.

I don't have any idea what anyone said about dealings with Russia. I know that including the time before Mueller was appointed, there have been investigations by Congress and so far, nothing has come out.

I doubt if the change in the platform happened by chance. I just don't assign the nefarious motives you assign because I don't know why.

why would you think that? manaforte had no skills that should have caused trump to allow him to run the campaign. then manaforte wiped out a multimillion dollar debt, saying something to the effect of "does this make us good? look at my press clippings" (paraphrased).

Donald surrounded himself with people tied to Russia. why do you think that is... including a secretary of state who is running policy that looks designed by putin.

Are you sure? I thought Maniford was an adviser to the U.S. presidential campaigns of Republicans Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush and Bob Dole. If so, I'd say there WERE skills that caused Trump to allow him to run a campaign.

Lately, he helped elect a Pro Russian president in Ukraine...who was removed from office. Then he helped elect a Pro Russian president in the US who may also be shortly removed from office.
can you tell me how many illegals cast votes?
NO, but, given the logistics and circumstances, I would say...virtually none. As would any honest person. And then we could have an honest discussion about the cost of measures to combat this insignificant problem. So your point misses the mark.
I think he has a lot on Manifort. You're just hoping he's got something on Trump, but no indication of that yet. BTW, nice use of kindergarten taunts.

do you think all of this went on without Donald's knowledge? do you think he sold a property for twice its value to a Russian oligarch just because he knows how to make a deal?

do you think everyone around him lied about their dealings with Russia but donald was clueless about what was going on around him?

and do you think that the only change Donald made in the republican platform .... to be more Russia friendly and not support Ukraine.... happened by chance?

I think Trump wasn't involved in Maniford's business dealings from before the campaign.

I don't have any idea what anyone said about dealings with Russia. I know that including the time before Mueller was appointed, there have been investigations by Congress and so far, nothing has come out.

I doubt if the change in the platform happened by chance. I just don't assign the nefarious motives you assign because I don't know why.

why would you think that? manaforte had no skills that should have caused trump to allow him to run the campaign. then manaforte wiped out a multimillion dollar debt, saying something to the effect of "does this make us good? look at my press clippings" (paraphrased).

Donald surrounded himself with people tied to Russia. why do you think that is... including a secretary of state who is running policy that looks designed by putin.

Are you sure? I thought Maniford was an adviser to the U.S. presidential campaigns of Republicans Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush and Bob Dole. If so, I'd say there WERE skills that caused Trump to allow him to run a campaign.

Lately, he helped elect a Pro Russian president in Ukraine...who was removed from office. Then he helped elect a Pro Russian president in the US who may also be shortly removed from office.

LOL! I'm sure you hope so.
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