Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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BTW also, I just listened to two economists, a Harvard Professor and Robert Rieche. Both said the same thing and that was that what Trump has proposed makes no sense whatsoever. They both said Trump knows absolutely nothing about trade or trade imbalances or trade wars. The Harvard guy estimated about 140,000 jobs will be lost if these tariffs are implemented. Every argument made by Trump about what he believes they will accomplish is absolutely laughable. They said that they would have walked also if they were in Gary Cohns position. But Trump is smarter than the economists and the Generals too, right? Unreal. LOL

from left wing moronic academicians who have never lived in the real world, and you believe them?????????? what does that say about you?

Yeah, I think I'll take the words of two leaders in the field over your Yellow Scourge. I think it says that I can see through the smokescreen of lies and deceptions. So, let me ask you this. Do you agree that Trump is a pathological liar?

No, he is not a pathological liar, but Hillary Clinton is, Barack Obama is, most of the media is, and you are.

you are allowing the socialists and Marxists to invade your mind and fill it with crap, study a little history, that's what Hitler did, that's what Mao did, that's what Marx did, that's what Pol Pot did, that's what the emperor of Japan did. Brain wash the population, create hate and division, then demand that they all live their lives exactly as the super elites dictate. Oh, and first take away their guns so that they cannot defend themselves from the jack booted thugs.
If the goal of the Russians was to get americans screaming at each other, they succeeded, why cant you libs see that?

You left out the key step. They first colluded with the Trump team to fix the election and then when he was elected, the chaos that they sought began. And I don't scream at anyone. If someone wants to remain clueless my attitude is, go right ahead. The problem is that there are so many who fell for the lies by Trump and the propaganda by Russia that we now have a yellow and orange cancer metastasizing in the white house and those same folks refuse to see the truths that are as Lincoln said: Self Evident.

you keep repeating the same talking points, are you a robot? Tell us exactly and specifically what the Russians did to "fix the election". WHAT did they do? WHERE did they do it? How many votes were changed? Which states? Unless you can answer those questions, then you are nothing but a joke here.

You hand a note to a bank teller demanding money but then you flee because you notice a cop -- according to your idiocy, no crime was committed because the bank robber didn't benefit from the crime.

Yeah, and tonight's news is about the meeting of Eric prince, a representative of the UAE and a Russian financier in the Seychelle Islands during the campaign. George Nader, that UAE guy is now another cooperating witness for Mueller. He'll tell of an attempt to set up yet another back channel to Putin and to funnel money from Russia, through the UAE and into the Campaign. All this without declaring any of it.

It's illegal to take anything of value from a foreign government to aid a political campaign or a politician. What's gonna come out I think is multiple sources were sought for monies to help bail out kushner Inc and benefit both him and Trump.

Couple this with a meeting recently with Arab money men and Kushner which resulted in huge loans and that upon the rejection for financing from Qatar to the Kushner cos. coincided with Qatar shortly thereafter being called a state sponsor of terrorism and the plot thickens.

Move along folks, nothing to see here! LOL

doing business with foreign nationals is not illegal. Paying them to create a dossier of lies and then using that in a FISA filing to spy on americans is illegal.
The dossier was not used to obtain a warrant.

parts of it were used, that has been clearly established, and that is illegal.
I stand corrected.... it was "narrowly" used in the initial warrant request...

DOJ cited multiple sources to support the case for surveilling Page but made only narrow use of information from Steele's sources about Page's specific activities in 2016, chiefly his suspected July 2016 meetings in Moscow with Russian officials.

As DOJ informed the Court in subsequent renewals, [----] Steele's reporting about Page's Moscow meetings [----] DOJ's applications did not otherwise rely on Steele's reporting, including any "salacious" allegations about Trump, and the FBI never paid Steele for this reporting.

... and limited in scope to Page's trips to Russia, which were confirmed.

And there is nothing illegal about that.

even if that is the case, and you have cited just one biased source, they have found nothing that implicates Trump or his campaign in any illegal collusion with Russia.

Now, do you want to talk about the collusion regarding uranium one? How about the Clinton campaign paying Russian liars for the dossier? Is that collusion?
hmmm, so you cant tell us how many votes were affected, where they occurred, and what caused them to change.
Correct, I cant give you an exact number. But, being a rational person, I understand that I do not have to have an exact number to know that information campaigns do have effect. Yes, we can safely assume the Russian information campaign affected vote totals. That is why they did it and why they do it elsewhere.

can you tell me how many illegals cast votes? can you tell me how many people voted in the name of dead people? can you tell me how many people cast multiple votes? how many voted in more than one state? Is the total of these illegal votes more or less than the voters that were swung from Hillary to trump by Russian facebook postings?
BTW also, I just listened to two economists, a Harvard Professor and Robert Rieche. Both said the same thing and that was that what Trump has proposed makes no sense whatsoever. They both said Trump knows absolutely nothing about trade or trade imbalances or trade wars. The Harvard guy estimated about 140,000 jobs will be lost if these tariffs are implemented. Every argument made by Trump about what he believes they will accomplish is absolutely laughable. They said that they would have walked also if they were in Gary Cohns position. But Trump is smarter than the economists and the Generals too, right? Unreal. LOL

from left wing moronic academicians who have never lived in the real world, and you believe them?????????? what does that say about you?

Yeah, I think I'll take the words of two leaders in the field over your Yellow Scourge. I think it says that I can see through the smokescreen of lies and deceptions. So, let me ask you this. Do you agree that Trump is a pathological liar?

No, he is not a pathological liar, but Hillary Clinton is, Barack Obama is, most of the media is, and you are.

you are allowing the socialists and Marxists to invade your mind and fill it with crap, study a little history, that's what Hitler did, that's what Mao did, that's what Marx did, that's what Pol Pot did, that's what the emperor of Japan did. Brain wash the population, create hate and division, then demand that they all live their lives exactly as the super elites dictate. Oh, and first take away their guns so that they cannot defend themselves from the jack booted thugs.
Anyone too blind to see how pathological Trump is ought to have their head examined.

Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
BTW also, I just listened to two economists, a Harvard Professor and Robert Rieche. Both said the same thing and that was that what Trump has proposed makes no sense whatsoever. They both said Trump knows absolutely nothing about trade or trade imbalances or trade wars. The Harvard guy estimated about 140,000 jobs will be lost if these tariffs are implemented. Every argument made by Trump about what he believes they will accomplish is absolutely laughable. They said that they would have walked also if they were in Gary Cohns position. But Trump is smarter than the economists and the Generals too, right? Unreal. LOL

from left wing moronic academicians who have never lived in the real world, and you believe them?????????? what does that say about you?

Yeah, I think I'll take the words of two leaders in the field over your Yellow Scourge. I think it says that I can see through the smokescreen of lies and deceptions. So, let me ask you this. Do you agree that Trump is a pathological liar?

No, he is not a pathological liar, but Hillary Clinton is, Barack Obama is, most of the media is, and you are.

you are allowing the socialists and Marxists to invade your mind and fill it with crap, study a little history, that's what Hitler did, that's what Mao did, that's what Marx did, that's what Pol Pot did, that's what the emperor of Japan did. Brain wash the population, create hate and division, then demand that they all live their lives exactly as the super elites dictate. Oh, and first take away their guns so that they cannot defend themselves from the jack booted thugs.
Anyone too blind to see how pathological Trump is ought to have their head examined.

Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Anyone who wanted crooked Hillary in the white house should have their head examined. In any lying contest she wins by a huge margin.
Yeah, and tonight's news is about the meeting of Eric prince, a representative of the UAE and a Russian financier in the Seychelle Islands during the campaign. George Nader, that UAE guy is now another cooperating witness for Mueller. He'll tell of an attempt to set up yet another back channel to Putin and to funnel money from Russia, through the UAE and into the Campaign. All this without declaring any of it.

It's illegal to take anything of value from a foreign government to aid a political campaign or a politician. What's gonna come out I think is multiple sources were sought for monies to help bail out kushner Inc and benefit both him and Trump.

Couple this with a meeting recently with Arab money men and Kushner which resulted in huge loans and that upon the rejection for financing from Qatar to the Kushner cos. coincided with Qatar shortly thereafter being called a state sponsor of terrorism and the plot thickens.

Move along folks, nothing to see here! LOL

doing business with foreign nationals is not illegal. Paying them to create a dossier of lies and then using that in a FISA filing to spy on americans is illegal.
The dossier was not used to obtain a warrant.

parts of it were used, that has been clearly established, and that is illegal.
I stand corrected.... it was "narrowly" used in the initial warrant request...

DOJ cited multiple sources to support the case for surveilling Page but made only narrow use of information from Steele's sources about Page's specific activities in 2016, chiefly his suspected July 2016 meetings in Moscow with Russian officials.

As DOJ informed the Court in subsequent renewals, [----] Steele's reporting about Page's Moscow meetings [----] DOJ's applications did not otherwise rely on Steele's reporting, including any "salacious" allegations about Trump, and the FBI never paid Steele for this reporting.

... and limited in scope to Page's trips to Russia, which were confirmed.

And there is nothing illegal about that.

even if that is the case, and you have cited just one biased source, they have found nothing that implicates Trump or his campaign in any illegal collusion with Russia.

Now, do you want to talk about the collusion regarding uranium one? How about the Clinton campaign paying Russian liars for the dossier? Is that collusion?
What other sources are there? The only other source was Nunes but he wouldn’t say what parts of the dossier were verified and what parts were presented to the FISC. And now thanks to Schiff’s memo, we see why Nunes left out the specifics.

And who knows what collusion you delude yourself about Uranium One? :cuckoo: But your attempt to deflect is noted.
you keep repeating the same talking points, are you a robot? Tell us exactly and specifically what the Russians did to "fix the election". WHAT did they do? WHERE did they do it? How many votes were changed? Which states? Unless you can answer those questions, then you are nothing but a joke here.

The Russians did not physically 'rig' any primaries / elections to benefit one candidate over another.
--- The DNC, according to its chairwoman, unfairly rigged their primaries to ensure Sanders did not win.

The Russians did not provide any candidate with Debate Questions to help one candidate defeat another.
--- The DNC, according to its chairwoman, affected the cheating in debates by providing Hillary with the questions beforehand, a clear unfair advantage

The Russians did not 'buy' the DNC, did not violate campaign finance laws to give Hillary more money for her campaign, it did not violate election laws, and it did not collude with any candidate...or at least Republican.
--- Hillary stepped in and BOUGHT the DNC,after Obama left it millions in debt then used it as part of her own campaign. She violated campaign finance laws (BROKE THE LAW) by using donations intended for other candidates on her own campaign. While Mueller struggles to prove Trump colluded with the Russians, meeting with and successfully getting 'dirt' on Hillary, evidence already shows HILLARY spent $12 million for the Dossier she illegally used in a US election against Trump - Hillary paid a foreign spy working with Russians, through a company working for the Russians, for a document filled with Russian Propaganda.

ZERO conclusive evidence has been presented that the Russians hacked the DNC and are THE source for all the embarrassing, damaging released DNC 'dirt' (election rigging, debate cheating, election fraud during the primaries...) and racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic personal DNC e-mails. The DNC refused to hand over their server to the FBI to have their claims confirmed. One report stated what was discovered was the amount of data so quickly downloaded and the location identified from where it was done indicates the perpetrator / hacked most probably downloaded all the info FROM THE INSIDE, THERE AT THE DNC.
-- Coincidently, evidence shows Debbie Wassrerman-Schultz hired terrorist-connected Pakistani spies whom she not only gave access to the DNC server and ALL DNC e-mails but also gave them the DNC users' usernames and passwords. Evidence shows the Pakistani spies downloaded TERA-bytes of information illegally after being given access to classified House files and the DNC server / files. ("Nothing to see here - move along!" :p )

ZERO Votes Were Altered By The Russians
--- Evidence shows the DNC engaged in election fraud during their primaries. DNC reps STILL won't release original ballots in some states.

Evidence shows Obama and his DHS attempted to hack several state election processes / systems numerous times leading up to the election in an attempt to justify his administration seizing control and overseeing all state election processes / systems / elections, claiming the ability to hack into those systems made ie a necessity for him / his administration to take them over and 'keep them safe'.
--- THANK GOD he and his DHS FAILED to hack into any of the State systems!

The PLAIN OBVIOUS TRUTH is Obama, Hillary, and the Democrats did more to alter the outcome of the 2016 election than the Russians ever did.

The Russians sought to split the nation, an objective the Democrats have helped them to continue to achieve. The Russians engaged in a Psychological Op program in which they used Social Media to manipulate and brainwash already-hate-driven snowflakes, successfully getting snowflakes to organize and march for them. The Russians, evidence also shows, paid liberal extremist groups like the Black Fist, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa to spread racial division and violence.

The fact is Hillary, the worst and most criminal candidate to ever run for public office, ran the worst campaign in US history. Forget the FACT that she did not even win her own party's nomination (it was stolen / given to her), she arrogantly took Americans for granted, not even showing up to acknowledge / campaign for votes in states she lost that could have given her the victory. She had nothing to offer the nation except #Me Too / #More Of The Same Obama Politics.

She and the DNC cheated and broke laws during the primaries before being GIVEN the nomination, not EARNING / WINNING it. During the General Election she treasonously / illegally paid a foreign spy working for the Russians $12 million for a Russian-Propaganda-Filled un-verified document that was illegally used in a US election in an attempt to defeat Trump and illegally used to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the GOP Presidential candidate and his campaign AND to use to try to take down the newly elected President.

Obama KNEW about the Russians' actions - just like during Uranium One - and HID them, did not do anything about them, letting the Russians do what they wanted, because Barry was trying to get Vlad's permission / approval to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria...

AGAIN, Obama, Hillary, and the DNC did more to attempt to alter the results of the 2016 election than the Russians dreamed of doing!
hmmm, so you cant tell us how many votes were affected, where they occurred, and what caused them to change.
Correct, I cant give you an exact number. But, being a rational person, I understand that I do not have to have an exact number to know that information campaigns do have effect. Yes, we can safely assume the Russian information campaign affected vote totals. That is why they did it and why they do it elsewhere.

can you tell me how many illegals cast votes? can you tell me how many people voted in the name of dead people? can you tell me how many people cast multiple votes? how many voted in more than one state? Is the total of these illegal votes more or less than the voters that were swung from Hillary to trump by Russian facebook postings?
Ummm... you don’t know what those numbers are either. You also don’t know how many dead voters voted for Republicans, or how many illegal aliens voted for Republicans, or how many people who voted more than once, cast all their multiple illegal votes for Republicans.
doing business with foreign nationals is not illegal. Paying them to create a dossier of lies and then using that in a FISA filing to spy on americans is illegal.
The dossier was not used to obtain a warrant.

parts of it were used, that has been clearly established, and that is illegal.
I stand corrected.... it was "narrowly" used in the initial warrant request...

DOJ cited multiple sources to support the case for surveilling Page but made only narrow use of information from Steele's sources about Page's specific activities in 2016, chiefly his suspected July 2016 meetings in Moscow with Russian officials.

As DOJ informed the Court in subsequent renewals, [----] Steele's reporting about Page's Moscow meetings [----] DOJ's applications did not otherwise rely on Steele's reporting, including any "salacious" allegations about Trump, and the FBI never paid Steele for this reporting.

... and limited in scope to Page's trips to Russia, which were confirmed.

And there is nothing illegal about that.

even if that is the case, and you have cited just one biased source, they have found nothing that implicates Trump or his campaign in any illegal collusion with Russia.

Now, do you want to talk about the collusion regarding uranium one? How about the Clinton campaign paying Russian liars for the dossier? Is that collusion?
What other sources are there? The only other source was Nunes but he wouldn’t say what parts of the dossier were verified and what parts were presented to the FISC. And now thanks to Schiff’s memo, we see why Nunes left out the specifics.

And who knows what collusion you delude yourself about Uranium One? :cuckoo: But your attempt to deflect is noted.

look dude, you hate Trump, I get it. You are wasting space here posting dem/lib talking points like a fricken parrot. Post something original, use your brain and think for yourself. I am tired of responding to your recorded talking points.
hmmm, so you cant tell us how many votes were affected, where they occurred, and what caused them to change.
Correct, I cant give you an exact number. But, being a rational person, I understand that I do not have to have an exact number to know that information campaigns do have effect. Yes, we can safely assume the Russian information campaign affected vote totals. That is why they did it and why they do it elsewhere.

can you tell me how many illegals cast votes? can you tell me how many people voted in the name of dead people? can you tell me how many people cast multiple votes? how many voted in more than one state? Is the total of these illegal votes more or less than the voters that were swung from Hillary to trump by Russian facebook postings?
Ummm... you don’t know what those numbers are either. You also don’t know how many dead voters voted for Republicans, or how many illegal aliens voted for Republicans, or how many people who voted more than once, cast all their multiple illegal votes for Republicans.

true, my point exactly, but you libs are making the claim that somehow Russian activity changed enough votes to give Trump 306 EC votes, with absolutely zero proof.
BTW also, I just listened to two economists, a Harvard Professor and Robert Rieche. Both said the same thing and that was that what Trump has proposed makes no sense whatsoever. They both said Trump knows absolutely nothing about trade or trade imbalances or trade wars. The Harvard guy estimated about 140,000 jobs will be lost if these tariffs are implemented. Every argument made by Trump about what he believes they will accomplish is absolutely laughable. They said that they would have walked also if they were in Gary Cohns position. But Trump is smarter than the economists and the Generals too, right? Unreal. LOL

from left wing moronic academicians who have never lived in the real world, and you believe them?????????? what does that say about you?

Yeah, I think I'll take the words of two leaders in the field over your Yellow Scourge. I think it says that I can see through the smokescreen of lies and deceptions. So, let me ask you this. Do you agree that Trump is a pathological liar?

No, he is not a pathological liar, but Hillary Clinton is, Barack Obama is, most of the media is, and you are.

you are allowing the socialists and Marxists to invade your mind and fill it with crap, study a little history, that's what Hitler did, that's what Mao did, that's what Marx did, that's what Pol Pot did, that's what the emperor of Japan did. Brain wash the population, create hate and division, then demand that they all live their lives exactly as the super elites dictate. Oh, and first take away their guns so that they cannot defend themselves from the jack booted thugs.
Anyone too blind to see how pathological Trump is ought to have their head examined.

Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Anyone who wanted crooked Hillary in the white house should have their head examined. In any lying contest she wins by a huge margin.
If that were true, you’d be able to demonstrate it as opposed to merely projecting about it like your doing. Your hollow words mean nothing when you can’t back them up. For example, I just showed you s list containing hundreds of lies told by Trump. You claim Hillary lies more. Unless you can prove that obvious bullshit, all you do is expose yourself as the whiney projectionist who can’t deal with the flaws on his own side.
you keep repeating the same talking points, are you a robot? Tell us exactly and specifically what the Russians did to "fix the election". WHAT did they do? WHERE did they do it? How many votes were changed? Which states? Unless you can answer those questions, then you are nothing but a joke here.

The Russians did not physically 'rig' any primaries / elections to benefit one candidate over another.
--- The DNC, according to its chairwoman, unfairly rigged their primaries to ensure Sanders did not win.

The Russians did not provide any candidate with Debate Questions to help one candidate defeat another.
--- The DNC, according to its chairwoman, affected the cheating in debates by providing Hillary with the questions beforehand, a clear unfair advantage

The Russians did not 'buy' the DNC, did not violate campaign finance laws to give Hillary more money for her campaign, it did not violate election laws, and it did not collude with any candidate...or at least Republican.
--- Hillary stepped in and BOUGHT the DNC,after Obama left it millions in debt then used it as part of her own campaign. She violated campaign finance laws (BROKE THE LAW) by using donations intended for other candidates on her own campaign. While Mueller struggles to prove Trump colluded with the Russians, meeting with and successfully getting 'dirt' on Hillary, evidence already shows HILLARY spent $12 million for the Dossier she illegally used in a US election against Trump - Hillary paid a foreign spy working with Russians, through a company working for the Russians, for a document filled with Russian Propaganda.

ZERO conclusive evidence has been presented that the Russians hacked the DNC and are THE source for all the embarrassing, damaging released DNC 'dirt' (election rigging, debate cheating, election fraud during the primaries...) and racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic personal DNC e-mails. The DNC refused to hand over their server to the FBI to have their claims confirmed. One report stated what was discovered was the amount of data so quickly downloaded and the location identified from where it was done indicates the perpetrator / hacked most probably downloaded all the info FROM THE INSIDE, THERE AT THE DNC.
-- Coincidently, evidence shows Debbie Wassrerman-Schultz hired terrorist-connected Pakistani spies whom she not only gave access to the DNC server and ALL DNC e-mails but also gave them the DNC users' usernames and passwords. Evidence shows the Pakistani spies downloaded TERA-bytes of information illegally after being given access to classified House files and the DNC server / files. ("Nothing to see here - move along!" :p )

ZERO Votes Were Altered By The Russians
--- Evidence shows the DNC engaged in election fraud during their primaries. DNC reps STILL won't release original ballots in some states.

Evidence shows Obama and his DHS attempted to hack several state election processes / systems numerous times leading up to the election in an attempt to justify his administration seizing control and overseeing all state election processes / systems / elections, claiming the ability to hack into those systems made ie a necessity for him / his administration to take them over and 'keep them safe'.
--- THANK GOD he and his DHS FAILED to hack into any of the State systems!

The PLAIN OBVIOUS TRUTH is Obama, Hillary, and the Democrats did more to alter the outcome of the 2016 election than the Russians ever did.

The Russians sought to split the nation, an objective the Democrats have helped them to continue to achieve. The Russians engaged in a Psychological Op program in which they used Social Media to manipulate and brainwash already-hate-driven snowflakes, successfully getting snowflakes to organize and march for them. The Russians, evidence also shows, paid liberal extremist groups like the Black Fist, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa to spread racial division and violence.

The fact is Hillary, the worst and most criminal candidate to ever run for public office, ran the worst campaign in US history. Forget the FACT that she did not even win her own party's nomination (it was stolen / given to her), she arrogantly took Americans for granted, not even showing up to acknowledge / campaign for votes in states she lost that could have given her the victory. She had nothing to offer the nation except #Me Too / #More Of The Same Obama Politics.

She and the DNC cheated and broke laws during the primaries before being GIVEN the nomination, not EARNING / WINNING it. During the General Election she treasonously / illegally paid a foreign spy working for the Russians $12 million for a Russian-Propaganda-Filled un-verified document that was illegally used in a US election in an attempt to defeat Trump and illegally used to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the GOP Presidential candidate and his campaign AND to use to try to take down the newly elected President.

Obama KNEW about the Russians' actions - just like during Uranium One - and HID them, did not do anything about them, letting the Russians do what they wanted, because Barry was trying to get Vlad's permission / approval to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria...

AGAIN, Obama, Hillary, and the DNC did more to attempt to alter the results of the 2016 election than the Russians dreamed of doing!
What utter bullshit. Let’s start with the low hanging fruit — prove your claim that Hillary paid $12 million for the dossier........
The dossier was not used to obtain a warrant.

parts of it were used, that has been clearly established, and that is illegal.
I stand corrected.... it was "narrowly" used in the initial warrant request...

DOJ cited multiple sources to support the case for surveilling Page but made only narrow use of information from Steele's sources about Page's specific activities in 2016, chiefly his suspected July 2016 meetings in Moscow with Russian officials.

As DOJ informed the Court in subsequent renewals, [----] Steele's reporting about Page's Moscow meetings [----] DOJ's applications did not otherwise rely on Steele's reporting, including any "salacious" allegations about Trump, and the FBI never paid Steele for this reporting.

... and limited in scope to Page's trips to Russia, which were confirmed.

And there is nothing illegal about that.

even if that is the case, and you have cited just one biased source, they have found nothing that implicates Trump or his campaign in any illegal collusion with Russia.

Now, do you want to talk about the collusion regarding uranium one? How about the Clinton campaign paying Russian liars for the dossier? Is that collusion?
What other sources are there? The only other source was Nunes but he wouldn’t say what parts of the dossier were verified and what parts were presented to the FISC. And now thanks to Schiff’s memo, we see why Nunes left out the specifics.

And who knows what collusion you delude yourself about Uranium One? :cuckoo: But your attempt to deflect is noted.

look dude, you hate Trump, I get it. You are wasting space here posting dem/lib talking points like a fricken parrot. Post something original, use your brain and think for yourself. I am tired of responding to your recorded talking points.
^^^ more deflection because you can’t back up your nonsense.

hmmm, so you cant tell us how many votes were affected, where they occurred, and what caused them to change.
Correct, I cant give you an exact number. But, being a rational person, I understand that I do not have to have an exact number to know that information campaigns do have effect. Yes, we can safely assume the Russian information campaign affected vote totals. That is why they did it and why they do it elsewhere.

can you tell me how many illegals cast votes? can you tell me how many people voted in the name of dead people? can you tell me how many people cast multiple votes? how many voted in more than one state? Is the total of these illegal votes more or less than the voters that were swung from Hillary to trump by Russian facebook postings?
Ummm... you don’t know what those numbers are either. You also don’t know how many dead voters voted for Republicans, or how many illegal aliens voted for Republicans, or how many people who voted more than once, cast all their multiple illegal votes for Republicans.

true, my point exactly, but you libs are making the claim that somehow Russian activity changed enough votes to give Trump 306 EC votes, with absolutely zero proof.
Quote someone saying Russian meddling changed the outcome of the election.......?

Now you’re making shit up and attacking your own delusions because you can’t attsck what people are actually saying.
hmmm, so you cant tell us how many votes were affected, where they occurred, and what caused them to change.
Correct, I cant give you an exact number. But, being a rational person, I understand that I do not have to have an exact number to know that information campaigns do have effect. Yes, we can safely assume the Russian information campaign affected vote totals. That is why they did it and why they do it elsewhere.

can you tell me how many illegals cast votes? can you tell me how many people voted in the name of dead people? can you tell me how many people cast multiple votes? how many voted in more than one state? Is the total of these illegal votes more or less than the voters that were swung from Hillary to trump by Russian facebook postings?
Ummm... you don’t know what those numbers are either. You also don’t know how many dead voters voted for Republicans, or how many illegal aliens voted for Republicans, or how many people who voted more than once, cast all their multiple illegal votes for Republicans.

true, my point exactly, but you libs are making the claim that somehow Russian activity changed enough votes to give Trump 306 EC votes, with absolutely zero proof.
Quote someone saying Russian meddling changed the outcome of the election.......?

Now you’re making shit up and attacking your own delusions because you can’t attsck what people are actually saying.

are you serious in that question? every one of your lib friends on this message board has claimed that Hillary was cheated out of the election by Russian meddling. Not one of them can say how or where, but they make that claim every day. This entire thread is full of that claim by you and your friends on the left. WTF, dude?
Correct, I cant give you an exact number. But, being a rational person, I understand that I do not have to have an exact number to know that information campaigns do have effect. Yes, we can safely assume the Russian information campaign affected vote totals. That is why they did it and why they do it elsewhere.

can you tell me how many illegals cast votes? can you tell me how many people voted in the name of dead people? can you tell me how many people cast multiple votes? how many voted in more than one state? Is the total of these illegal votes more or less than the voters that were swung from Hillary to trump by Russian facebook postings?
Ummm... you don’t know what those numbers are either. You also don’t know how many dead voters voted for Republicans, or how many illegal aliens voted for Republicans, or how many people who voted more than once, cast all their multiple illegal votes for Republicans.

true, my point exactly, but you libs are making the claim that somehow Russian activity changed enough votes to give Trump 306 EC votes, with absolutely zero proof.
Quote someone saying Russian meddling changed the outcome of the election.......?

Now you’re making shit up and attacking your own delusions because you can’t attsck what people are actually saying.

are you serious in that question? every one of your lib friends on this message board has claimed that Hillary was cheated out of the election by Russian meddling. Not one of them can say how or where, but they make that claim every day. This entire thread is full of that claim by you and your friends on the left. WTF, dude?

Don’t change my question. I didn’t challenge you to quote anyone saying Russia meddled in the election.... I challenged you to quote anyone saying that meddling flipped the outcome of the election. Obviously you can’t, otherwise, you wouldn’t have pulled that cheesy stunt of changing my question.
so you're rooting for russia eh?

I know you think you're on the trump payroll, but are you aware at all of the charges Gates pled to?

Neither of the charges Gates pled to have anything to do with Trump.

he pled to acting against the US government. Do you think they let him plea to that because he doesn't have anything on manifort and trump, dum dum?

I think he has a lot on Manifort. You're just hoping he's got something on Trump, but no indication of that yet. BTW, nice use of kindergarten taunts.

do you think all of this went on without Donald's knowledge? do you think he sold a property for twice its value to a Russian oligarch just because he knows how to make a deal?

do you think everyone around him lied about their dealings with Russia but donald was clueless about what was going on around him?

and do you think that the only change Donald made in the republican platform .... to be more Russia friendly and not support Ukraine.... happened by chance?

I think Trump wasn't involved in Maniford's business dealings from before the campaign.

I don't have any idea what anyone said about dealings with Russia. I know that including the time before Mueller was appointed, there have been investigations by Congress and so far, nothing has come out.

I doubt if the change in the platform happened by chance. I just don't assign the nefarious motives you assign because I don't know why.
I know you think you're on the trump payroll, but are you aware at all of the charges Gates pled to?

Neither of the charges Gates pled to have anything to do with Trump.

he pled to acting against the US government. Do you think they let him plea to that because he doesn't have anything on manifort and trump, dum dum?

I think he has a lot on Manifort. You're just hoping he's got something on Trump, but no indication of that yet. BTW, nice use of kindergarten taunts.

do you think all of this went on without Donald's knowledge? do you think he sold a property for twice its value to a Russian oligarch just because he knows how to make a deal?

do you think everyone around him lied about their dealings with Russia but donald was clueless about what was going on around him?

and do you think that the only change Donald made in the republican platform .... to be more Russia friendly and not support Ukraine.... happened by chance?

I think Trump wasn't involved in Maniford's business dealings from before the campaign.

I don't have any idea what anyone said about dealings with Russia. I know that including the time before Mueller was appointed, there have been investigations by Congress and so far, nothing has come out.

I doubt if the change in the platform happened by chance. I just don't assign the nefarious motives you assign because I don't know why.
Mueller is updating our leftist folks in here! Don’t you know this? They actually have more information than congress who investigated this Russia thingy!
Former Trump campaign official Rick Gates pleads guilty to 2 charges

Neither of the charges Gates pled to have anything to do with Trump.

he pled to acting against the US government. Do you think they let him plea to that because he doesn't have anything on manifort and trump, dum dum?

I think he has a lot on Manifort. You're just hoping he's got something on Trump, but no indication of that yet. BTW, nice use of kindergarten taunts.

do you think all of this went on without Donald's knowledge? do you think he sold a property for twice its value to a Russian oligarch just because he knows how to make a deal?

do you think everyone around him lied about their dealings with Russia but donald was clueless about what was going on around him?

and do you think that the only change Donald made in the republican platform .... to be more Russia friendly and not support Ukraine.... happened by chance?

I think Trump wasn't involved in Maniford's business dealings from before the campaign.

I don't have any idea what anyone said about dealings with Russia. I know that including the time before Mueller was appointed, there have been investigations by Congress and so far, nothing has come out.

I doubt if the change in the platform happened by chance. I just don't assign the nefarious motives you assign because I don't know why.
Mueller is updating our leftist folks in here! Don’t you know this? They actually have more information than congress who investigated this Russia thingy!

the ones leaking are in the white house, dum dum

occasionally, you might try posting something that isn't made up
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