Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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No, you are misrepresenting the facts. the intelligence community clearly said that, though the Russians did foment chaos and division on both sides of the aisle, they clearly targeted their effort to helping Trump win. Period. that is a fact, and you need to come to terms with it.

I am still waiting for one of you lefties to tell us exactly what the Russians did, which votes were affected, how many were affected, in what states, and how they did it.

Talking to a person from a foreign country is not collusion and is not a crime. the Mueller witch hunt has found nothing, except actual collusion by the Hillary campaign in paying for a dossier of lies and then the Obama admin using it fraudulently at the FISA court to get warrants to spy on political enemies during the campaign.

You hand a note to a bank teller demanding money but then you flee because you notice a cop -- according to your idiocy, no crime was committed because the bank robber didn't benefit from the crime.

Yeah, and tonight's news is about the meeting of Eric prince, a representative of the UAE and a Russian financier in the Seychelle Islands during the campaign. George Nader, that UAE guy is now another cooperating witness for Mueller. He'll tell of an attempt to set up yet another back channel to Putin and to funnel money from Russia, through the UAE and into the Campaign. All this without declaring any of it.

It's illegal to take anything of value from a foreign government to aid a political campaign or a politician. What's gonna come out I think is multiple sources were sought for monies to help bail out kushner Inc and benefit both him and Trump.

Couple this with a meeting recently with Arab money men and Kushner which resulted in huge loans and that upon the rejection for financing from Qatar to the Kushner cos. coincided with Qatar shortly thereafter being called a state sponsor of terrorism and the plot thickens.

Move along folks, nothing to see here! LOL

doing business with foreign nationals is not illegal. Paying them to create a dossier of lies and then using that in a FISA filing to spy on americans is illegal.
The dossier was not used to obtain a warrant.

parts of it were used, that has been clearly established, and that is illegal.
It was already confirmed through an investigation by the special council that the Russians used propaganda to play BOTH sides, to even include involvement in an anti-Trump rally.
No, you are misrepresenting the facts. the intelligence community clearly said that, though the Russians did foment chaos and division on both sides of the aisle, they clearly targeted their effort to helping Trump win. Period. that is a fact, and you need to come to terms with it.

I am still waiting for one of you lefties to tell us exactly what the Russians did, which votes were affected, how many were affected, in what states, and how they did it.

Talking to a person from a foreign country is not collusion and is not a crime. the Mueller witch hunt has found nothing, except actual collusion by the Hillary campaign in paying for a dossier of lies and then the Obama admin using it fraudulently at the FISA court to get warrants to spy on political enemies during the campaign.

You hand a note to a bank teller demanding money but then you flee because you notice a cop -- according to your idiocy, no crime was committed because the bank robber didn't benefit from the crime.

OK, once again, how exactly did Trump benefit from the Russians posting crap on facebook?

before you try to answer, remember that the Hillary campaign did exactly the same thing but spent millions more on it.
The DNC favored Hillary over Bernie. Russians discovered that and exposed it causing resentment between Hillary and Bernie voters. That cost Hillary votes.

And no, Hillary did do the same. Nothing she did was exposed to the electorate.

the Russians did it, the Russians did it, the Russians did it. Geez, dude give it a rest. The DNC cheating the Bernie voters was not disclosed by the Russians, it was disclosed by the US media and people within the DNC.

you and I are never going to agree on this, so lets quit arguing and let it all play out.

you are so far up Hillary's ass that you will never see daylight, and that's sad because you seem like an intelligent person.
BTW also, I just listened to two economists, a Harvard Professor and Robert Rieche. Both said the same thing and that was that what Trump has proposed makes no sense whatsoever. They both said Trump knows absolutely nothing about trade or trade imbalances or trade wars. The Harvard guy estimated about 140,000 jobs will be lost if these tariffs are implemented. Every argument made by Trump about what he believes they will accomplish is absolutely laughable. They said that they would have walked also if they were in Gary Cohns position. But Trump is smarter than the economists and the Generals too, right? Unreal. LOL

from left wing moronic academicians who have never lived in the real world, and you believe them?????????? what does that say about you?

Yeah, I think I'll take the words of two leaders in the field over your Yellow Scourge. I think it says that I can see through the smokescreen of lies and deceptions. So, let me ask you this. Do you agree that Trump is a pathological liar?
If the goal of the Russians was to get americans screaming at each other, they succeeded, why cant you libs see that?

You left out the key step. They first colluded with the Trump team to fix the election and then when he was elected, the chaos that they sought began. And I don't scream at anyone. If someone wants to remain clueless my attitude is, go right ahead. The problem is that there are so many who fell for the lies by Trump and the propaganda by Russia that we now have a yellow and orange cancer metastasizing in the white house and those same folks refuse to see the truths that are as Lincoln said: Self Evident.
48 page fake news thread. At least it kept some the pedo-friendlies out of other threads for a while.

Mueller subpoenas massive trove of documents from Trump and his campaign: report
Investigators have subpoenaed a documents from Donald Trump and his closest campaign advisors, according to a bombshell report which broke Sunday night.

lol too bad all that will produce more of what they've already subpoenaed has, which is a big fat zero. Well, except for all the criminal activities they themselves committed and having to delete all the Hillary and Obama evidence. That is what the subpoenas are really for, covering up and destroying evidence of Democratic Party felonies and treason.

But you know that already.

You don't know and I don't know what Mueller does or does not have. But if there was zero as you put it that wouldn't explain all the rats lawyering up at great expense and then scurrying away from the mother ship. The cheese stands alone. But even if Mueller can't tie him to the collusion, all the others around him and his campaign who have either pled guilty or have taken the fifth or in many cases simply can't remember anything including what they had for breakfast shows clearly that Trump walks around in a fog. If he's not a co conspirator, he's a moron. Take your choice but it's gotta be one of those choices.

only in libtardian land. Nothing there, nothing.

Now, shall we discuss the collusion between hitlery and the Russians? No? why not?

The whole point of this fake news campaign is to cover up for Hillary, Podesta, and Obama using their offices to stuff their cronies pockets via 'special' deals all over the world. The most recent attempt is even more damning, since they're claiming Trump 'collusion' with one of the Russians who it turns out helped sell the Democrats 'dirt' on Trump, and also made a huge 'contribution' to Hillary's phony 'foundation', while she's in office, of course; this is just some what the FBI stooges were covering up at the time and of course now they can't afford to let it become the top stories.

Next week they will suddenly drop indictments and all that fake noise for yet another fake news alarum. Nothing to see here, just more fake news from an openly criminal 'Resistance'.

Mueller subpoenas massive trove of documents from Trump and his campaign: report
Investigators have subpoenaed a documents from Donald Trump and his closest campaign advisors, according to a bombshell report which broke Sunday night.

lol too bad all that will produce more of what they've already subpoenaed has, which is a big fat zero. Well, except for all the criminal activities they themselves committed and having to delete all the Hillary and Obama evidence. That is what the subpoenas are really for, covering up and destroying evidence of Democratic Party felonies and treason.

But you know that already.

You don't know and I don't know what Mueller does or does not have. But if there was zero as you put it that wouldn't explain all the rats lawyering up at great expense and then scurrying away from the mother ship. The cheese stands alone. But even if Mueller can't tie him to the collusion, all the others around him and his campaign who have either pled guilty or have taken the fifth or in many cases simply can't remember anything including what they had for breakfast shows clearly that Trump walks around in a fog. If he's not a co conspirator, he's a moron. Take your choice but it's gotta be one of those choices.

only in libtardian land. Nothing there, nothing.

Now, shall we discuss the collusion between hitlery and the Russians? No? why not?

No. She's not the President. And, I don't fall for the Righty Deflections.

Now, to the Somethingburger. In the final analysis there will be so many charges against so many Trumpets that folks like you will be stunned to learn just how blind you've been. And all of us in Libtardland will be toasting Bob Mueller and his team.

And The Donald won't be left out of the gala proceedings. Not at all. Because there's a special place in hell for traitors and dictators and worst of all for him, no mirrors. Money Laundering, Obstruction of Justice, Conspiracy against the US, Colluding with an enemy to subvert our Democracy, etc etc.

And there shall be joyous celebrations throughout the land when this Yellow fever is broken and we return to normalcy and sanity once again and the dark days of Trumpism is just a bad memory and a gutteral wretching that will then be settled.

you are a pathetic human being, you wish for the downfall of our country because you didn't get your way in an election.

I didn't like Obama, never voted for him, never would have. But, I wanted him to be a good president because that is what our country needed. He could have done away with race issues, he could have healed the divide, he could have done great things, but instead he set race relations back 50 years, doubled the national debt, and worked every day to create divides among our citizens.

But you libs cannot see that, you cannot give Trump a chance because you are so brainwashed by the media, hollyweirds, and egghead college professors that you are no longer able to think for yourselves and support the USA.

If we do not do away with all the hate and division, this country will not survive. The so-called Oscars provided a perfect example of the hate, bias, and vitriol that is coming from the media, thankfully no one watched that crap.

Thomas Jefferson, the alleged 'Founder' of the Democratic Party would have just deported the vermin now running it. That's the only decent way to do away with their hate, racism, violence, and criminality. They are fifth columnist scum and assorted mentally ill deviants intent on destroying the country, not 'progressives'.
lol too bad all that will produce more of what they've already subpoenaed has, which is a big fat zero. Well, except for all the criminal activities they themselves committed and having to delete all the Hillary and Obama evidence. That is what the subpoenas are really for, covering up and destroying evidence of Democratic Party felonies and treason.

But you know that already.

You don't know and I don't know what Mueller does or does not have. But if there was zero as you put it that wouldn't explain all the rats lawyering up at great expense and then scurrying away from the mother ship. The cheese stands alone. But even if Mueller can't tie him to the collusion, all the others around him and his campaign who have either pled guilty or have taken the fifth or in many cases simply can't remember anything including what they had for breakfast shows clearly that Trump walks around in a fog. If he's not a co conspirator, he's a moron. Take your choice but it's gotta be one of those choices.

only in libtardian land. Nothing there, nothing.

Now, shall we discuss the collusion between hitlery and the Russians? No? why not?

No. She's not the President. And, I don't fall for the Righty Deflections.

Now, to the Somethingburger. In the final analysis there will be so many charges against so many Trumpets that folks like you will be stunned to learn just how blind you've been. And all of us in Libtardland will be toasting Bob Mueller and his team.

And The Donald won't be left out of the gala proceedings. Not at all. Because there's a special place in hell for traitors and dictators and worst of all for him, no mirrors. Money Laundering, Obstruction of Justice, Conspiracy against the US, Colluding with an enemy to subvert our Democracy, etc etc.

And there shall be joyous celebrations throughout the land when this Yellow fever is broken and we return to normalcy and sanity once again and the dark days of Trumpism is just a bad memory and a gutteral wretching that will then be settled.

you are a pathetic human being, you wish for the downfall of our country because you didn't get your way in an election.

I didn't like Obama, never voted for him, never would have. But, I wanted him to be a good president because that is what our country needed. He could have done away with race issues, he could have healed the divide, he could have done great things, but instead he set race relations back 50 years, doubled the national debt, and worked every day to create divides among our citizens.

But you libs cannot see that, you cannot give Trump a chance because you are so brainwashed by the media, hollyweirds, and egghead college professors that you are no longer able to think for yourselves and support the USA.

If we do not do away with all the hate and division, this country will not survive. The so-called Oscars provided a perfect example of the hate, bias, and vitriol that is coming from the media, thankfully no one watched that crap.

Thomas Jefferson, the alleged 'Founder' of the Democratic Party would have just deported the vermin now running it. That's the only decent way to do away with their hate, racism, violence, and criminality. They are fifth columnist scum and assorted mentally ill deviants intent on destroying the country, not 'progressives'.

Did you folks get a Talking Points handbook when you voted for Trump to go along with your Junior Master Deflector Kit complete with secret decoder ring? Sounds cool. But do I have to help destroy the country like you Trump sheep or can I remain sane and still get them? Do I need box tops? Oh please, I can't wait to learn to talk nonsense just like all of you. It's like watching Monty Python 24/7!
You don't know and I don't know what Mueller does or does not have. But if there was zero as you put it that wouldn't explain all the rats lawyering up at great expense and then scurrying away from the mother ship. The cheese stands alone. But even if Mueller can't tie him to the collusion, all the others around him and his campaign who have either pled guilty or have taken the fifth or in many cases simply can't remember anything including what they had for breakfast shows clearly that Trump walks around in a fog. If he's not a co conspirator, he's a moron. Take your choice but it's gotta be one of those choices.

only in libtardian land. Nothing there, nothing.

Now, shall we discuss the collusion between hitlery and the Russians? No? why not?

No. She's not the President. And, I don't fall for the Righty Deflections.

Now, to the Somethingburger. In the final analysis there will be so many charges against so many Trumpets that folks like you will be stunned to learn just how blind you've been. And all of us in Libtardland will be toasting Bob Mueller and his team.

And The Donald won't be left out of the gala proceedings. Not at all. Because there's a special place in hell for traitors and dictators and worst of all for him, no mirrors. Money Laundering, Obstruction of Justice, Conspiracy against the US, Colluding with an enemy to subvert our Democracy, etc etc.

And there shall be joyous celebrations throughout the land when this Yellow fever is broken and we return to normalcy and sanity once again and the dark days of Trumpism is just a bad memory and a gutteral wretching that will then be settled.

you are a pathetic human being, you wish for the downfall of our country because you didn't get your way in an election.

I didn't like Obama, never voted for him, never would have. But, I wanted him to be a good president because that is what our country needed. He could have done away with race issues, he could have healed the divide, he could have done great things, but instead he set race relations back 50 years, doubled the national debt, and worked every day to create divides among our citizens.

But you libs cannot see that, you cannot give Trump a chance because you are so brainwashed by the media, hollyweirds, and egghead college professors that you are no longer able to think for yourselves and support the USA.

If we do not do away with all the hate and division, this country will not survive. The so-called Oscars provided a perfect example of the hate, bias, and vitriol that is coming from the media, thankfully no one watched that crap.

Thomas Jefferson, the alleged 'Founder' of the Democratic Party would have just deported the vermin now running it. That's the only decent way to do away with their hate, racism, violence, and criminality. They are fifth columnist scum and assorted mentally ill deviants intent on destroying the country, not 'progressives'.

Did you folks get a Talking Points handbook when you voted for Trump to go along with your Junior Master Deflector Kit complete with secret decoder ring? Sounds cool. But do I have to help destroy the country like you Trump sheep or can I remain sane and still get them? Do I need box tops? Oh please, I can't wait to learn to talk nonsense just like all of you. It's like watching Monty Python 24/7!

You robot shills got boring years ago. You never have anything, just fake news, and now even that is totally irrelevant now; your ilk are not going to win hardly anything in 2018, and you will lose miserably in 2020. Your idiotic rantings and Big Giant Media campaign are only interesting for the laughs you vermin occasionally provide with your hysterical lunacy. You're just talking to yourselves. lol
hmmm, so you cant tell us how many votes were affected, where they occurred, and what caused them to change.
Correct, I cant give you an exact number. But, being a rational person, I understand that I do not have to have an exact number to know that information campaigns do have effect. Yes, we can safely assume the Russian information campaign affected vote totals. That is why they did it and why they do it elsewhere.
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hmmm, so you cant tell us how many votes were affected, where they occurred, and what caused them to change.
Correct, I cant give you an exact number. But, being a rational person, I understand that I do not have to have an exact number to know that information campaigns do have effect. Yes, we can safely assume the Russian information campaign affected vote totals. That is why they did it and why they do it elsewhere.
It also shows the murdering swine putin was in cahoots with the other pig trump
48 page fake news thread. At least it kept some the pedo-friendlies out of other threads for a while.

Mueller subpoenas massive trove of documents from Trump and his campaign: report
Investigators have subpoenaed a documents from Donald Trump and his closest campaign advisors, according to a bombshell report which broke Sunday night.

lol too bad all that will produce more of what they've already subpoenaed has, which is a big fat zero. Well, except for all the criminal activities they themselves committed and having to delete all the Hillary and Obama evidence. That is what the subpoenas are really for, covering up and destroying evidence of Democratic Party felonies and treason.

But you know that already.

You don't know and I don't know what Mueller does or does not have. But if there was zero as you put it that wouldn't explain all the rats lawyering up at great expense and then scurrying away from the mother ship. The cheese stands alone. But even if Mueller can't tie him to the collusion, all the others around him and his campaign who have either pled guilty or have taken the fifth or in many cases simply can't remember anything including what they had for breakfast shows clearly that Trump walks around in a fog. If he's not a co conspirator, he's a moron. Take your choice but it's gotta be one of those choices.

only in libtardian land. Nothing there, nothing.

Now, shall we discuss the collusion between hitlery and the Russians? No? why not?

The whole point of this fake news campaign is to cover up for Hillary, Podesta, and Obama using their offices to stuff their cronies pockets via 'special' deals all over the world. The most recent attempt is even more damning, since they're claiming Trump 'collusion' with one of the Russians who it turns out helped sell the Democrats 'dirt' on Trump, and also made a huge 'contribution' to Hillary's phony 'foundation', while she's in office, of course; this is just some what the FBI stooges were covering up at the time and of course now they can't afford to let it become the top stories.

Next week they will suddenly drop indictments and all that fake noise for yet another fake news alarum. Nothing to see here, just more fake news from an openly criminal 'Resistance'.

Why do we need to cover for anyone? i certainly don't. I couldn't care less about either of them. Why? Because they are not president. Trump is. That simple. I have no use for any of them. You, on the other hand need them because you need someone else to blame for what is happening in the white house every day. It's the very first instruction in the Deflector's handbook.

We NEVER see a real answer to what's happening under this administration. Always with the kneejerk Hillary! yeah but! What about Obama?! Bob Hope! George Clooney! Podesta! I guess he hacked his own computers.

Any lame ass excuse will do as long as we change the subject as quickly as possible. It's endlessly amusing but agonizingly stupid. I guess that's what's happening in America, an outbreak of mass stupidity. When will it end? When Mueller decides it's time to lower the boom of truth. I don't think you folks can handle it. That will also be endlessly amusing.
Mueller Has Evidence of Secret Backchannel to Kremlin
March 7, 2018
Special counsel Robert Mueller “has gathered evidence that a secret meeting in the Seychelles just before the inauguration of Donald Trump was an effort to establish a back-channel between the incoming administration and the Kremlin — apparently contradicting statements made to lawmakers by one of its participants,” the Washington Post reports.

“In January, 2017, Erik Prince, the founder of the private military company Blackwater, met with a Russian official close to President Vladimir Putin, and later described the meeting to congressional investigators as a chance encounter that was not a planned discussion of U.S.-Russia relations.”

“A witness cooperating with Mueller has told investigators the meeting was set up in advance so that a representative of the Trump transition could meet with an emissary from Moscow to discuss future relations between the two countries.”
Mueller Has Evidence of Secret Backchannel to Kremlin

March 7, 2018
Special counsel Robert Mueller “has gathered evidence that a secret meeting in the Seychelles just before the inauguration of Donald Trump was an effort to establish a back-channel between the incoming administration and the Kremlin — apparently contradicting statements made to lawmakers by one of its participants,” the Washington Post reports.

“In January, 2017, Erik Prince, the founder of the private military company Blackwater, met with a Russian official close to President Vladimir Putin, and later described the meeting to congressional investigators as a chance encounter that was not a planned discussion of U.S.-Russia relations.”

“A witness cooperating with Mueller has told investigators the meeting was set up in advance so that a representative of the Trump transition could meet with an emissary from Moscow to discuss future relations between the two countries.”

Yeah, and shortly thereafter prince's sister is appointed Secretary of Education. A post she is as ill-suited to as just about 3/4 of his choices for cabinet positions. Just like the Trump empire, we've apparently got a second string Royal Family.
Yeah, and with the team of pros he's assembled, if anyone can do it it's Mueller. I think the hope for justice relies on the top shelf forensic accountants on the team. They're the ones who must dig deep to connect all the dots and unveil the truth.

Hundreds or more of shill LLC's and multiple deposits and withdrawals etc. It will be a Herculean task and I hope to heck they're up to it. We can't allow this shit to go on in our govt at the highest level. This is so much more important and devious than Watergate that it pales in comparison.

I think you're right that they won't get a second bite at the apple. So, every time I think to myself, "c'mon Mueller, let's get this done!" I remember just how important it is to get it right.

So, c'mon Mueller, you served your country many times before, let's make this time the most vital and your best effort.

I think I just out metaphored ya! LOL
so you're rooting for russia eh?

I know you think you're on the trump payroll, but are you aware at all of the charges Gates pled to?

Neither of the charges Gates pled to have anything to do with Trump.

he pled to acting against the US government. Do you think they let him plea to that because he doesn't have anything on manifort and trump, dum dum?

I think he has a lot on Manifort. You're just hoping he's got something on Trump, but no indication of that yet. BTW, nice use of kindergarten taunts.

do you think all of this went on without Donald's knowledge? do you think he sold a property for twice its value to a Russian oligarch just because he knows how to make a deal?

do you think everyone around him lied about their dealings with Russia but donald was clueless about what was going on around him?

and do you think that the only change Donald made in the republican platform .... to be more Russia friendly and not support Ukraine.... happened by chance?
This must be the George Nader testimony, that was reported yesterday...

"Mueller has secured sworn testimony from George Nader, a little-known but critical witness in the Russia investigation.

Nader serves as an adviser to the UAE's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan and attended two meetings with Trump's associates that have invited intense FBI scrutiny.

In particular, investigators are focused on a January 2017 meeting in the Seychelles islands between Nader, Trump associate Erik Prince, and Kremlin ally Kirill Dmitriev, the head of a sanctioned Russian investment fund."

I am still waiting for one of you lefties to tell us exactly what the Russians did, which votes were affected, how many were affected, in what states, and how they did it.

Talking to a person from a foreign country is not collusion and is not a crime. the Mueller witch hunt has found nothing, except actual collusion by the Hillary campaign in paying for a dossier of lies and then the Obama admin using it fraudulently at the FISA court to get warrants to spy on political enemies during the campaign.

You hand a note to a bank teller demanding money but then you flee because you notice a cop -- according to your idiocy, no crime was committed because the bank robber didn't benefit from the crime.

Yeah, and tonight's news is about the meeting of Eric prince, a representative of the UAE and a Russian financier in the Seychelle Islands during the campaign. George Nader, that UAE guy is now another cooperating witness for Mueller. He'll tell of an attempt to set up yet another back channel to Putin and to funnel money from Russia, through the UAE and into the Campaign. All this without declaring any of it.

It's illegal to take anything of value from a foreign government to aid a political campaign or a politician. What's gonna come out I think is multiple sources were sought for monies to help bail out kushner Inc and benefit both him and Trump.

Couple this with a meeting recently with Arab money men and Kushner which resulted in huge loans and that upon the rejection for financing from Qatar to the Kushner cos. coincided with Qatar shortly thereafter being called a state sponsor of terrorism and the plot thickens.

Move along folks, nothing to see here! LOL

doing business with foreign nationals is not illegal. Paying them to create a dossier of lies and then using that in a FISA filing to spy on americans is illegal.
The dossier was not used to obtain a warrant.

parts of it were used, that has been clearly established, and that is illegal.
I stand corrected.... it was "narrowly" used in the initial warrant request...

DOJ cited multiple sources to support the case for surveilling Page but made only narrow use of information from Steele's sources about Page's specific activities in 2016, chiefly his suspected July 2016 meetings in Moscow with Russian officials.

As DOJ informed the Court in subsequent renewals, [----] Steele's reporting about Page's Moscow meetings [----] DOJ's applications did not otherwise rely on Steele's reporting, including any "salacious" allegations about Trump, and the FBI never paid Steele for this reporting.

... and limited in scope to Page's trips to Russia, which were confirmed.

And there is nothing illegal about that.
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