Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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Indictments such as possible Tax evasion, or another for simply believing he lied while under Mueller’s investigation DOES NOT involve Russia or the Kremlin.

Testing this “supposed” liberal knowledge on this thread with links to back up your story :

1) Show me one indictment that mentions the Kremlin or Putin involving someone from the Trump campaign.

2) Show me (to date) specific financial passing and acceptance of deals between Kremlin and Trump’s inner circle involving the election during his campaign against Hillary.

I have serious doubt these progressives can prove (links) anything but their hatred for Trump. Prove me wrong... I dare you.
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It was already confirmed through an investigation by the special council that the Russians used propaganda to play BOTH sides, to even include involvement in an anti-Trump rally.
No, you are misrepresenting the facts. the intelligence community clearly said that, though the Russians did foment chaos and division on both sides of the aisle, they clearly targeted their effort to helping Trump win. Period. that is a fact, and you need to come to terms with it.

I am still waiting for one of you lefties to tell us exactly what the Russians did, which votes were affected, how many were affected, in what states, and how they did it.

Talking to a person from a foreign country is not collusion and is not a crime. the Mueller witch hunt has found nothing, except actual collusion by the Hillary campaign in paying for a dossier of lies and then the Obama admin using it fraudulently at the FISA court to get warrants to spy on political enemies during the campaign.

Bill Clinton talked with Putin AND accepted a ratter large financial contribution from Russia for a “speech”. There is more of a transaction between the Clinton’s and Russia with plenty of links to back it up, yet that’s exactly what the liberals want to find with Trump (they just want one for THEIR .. A-Ha!! Gotcha moment). Interesting how that is.
Indictments such as possible Tax evasion, or another for simply believing he lied while under Mueller’s investigation DOES NOT involve Russia or the Kremlin.

Testing this “supposed” liberal knowledge on this thread with links to back up your story :

1) Show me one indictment that mentions the Kremlin or Putin involving someone from the Trump campaign.

2) Show me (to date) specific financial passing and acceptance of deals between Kremlin and Trump’s inner circle involving the election during his campaign against Hillary.

I have serious doubt these progressives can prove (links) anything but their hatred for Trump. Prove me wrong... I dare you.

We'll talk again after Mueller completes his inquiry. That is if he's allowed to finish. Trump is tweeting to threaten firing him. He desperately wants to shut down that investigation because he fears what he will find. Collusion, money laundering, using sanctioned Russian banks to fund projects, possible tax evasion issues etc. But it sure looks like we're headed for a huge fight over the Mueller affair. Trump is acting like a guilty man who is panicked over what he'll find. Stay tuned.
It was already confirmed through an investigation by the special council that the Russians used propaganda to play BOTH sides, to even include involvement in an anti-Trump rally.
No, you are misrepresenting the facts. the intelligence community clearly said that, though the Russians did foment chaos and division on both sides of the aisle, they clearly targeted their effort to helping Trump win. Period. that is a fact, and you need to come to terms with it.

I am still waiting for one of you lefties to tell us exactly what the Russians did, which votes were affected, how many were affected, in what states, and how they did it.

Talking to a person from a foreign country is not collusion and is not a crime. the Mueller witch hunt has found nothing, except actual collusion by the Hillary campaign in paying for a dossier of lies and then the Obama admin using it fraudulently at the FISA court to get warrants to spy on political enemies during the campaign.

You hand a note to a bank teller demanding money but then you flee because you notice a cop -- according to your idiocy, no crime was committed because the bank robber didn't benefit from the crime.

what crime has Trump committed, been accused of, or convicted of?

Mueller has found nothing, except collusion and corruption by the Clinton campaign, FBI officials, and the Obama administration.
Indictments such as possible Tax evasion, or another for simply believing he lied while under Mueller’s investigation DOES NOT involve Russia or the Kremlin.

Testing this “supposed” liberal knowledge on this thread with links to back up your story :

1) Show me one indictment that mentions the Kremlin or Putin involving someone from the Trump campaign.

2) Show me (to date) specific financial passing and acceptance of deals between Kremlin and Trump’s inner circle involving the election during his campaign against Hillary.

I have serious doubt these progressives can prove (links) anything but their hatred for Trump. Prove me wrong... I dare you.

We'll talk again after Mueller completes his inquiry. That is if he's allowed to finish. Trump is tweeting to threaten firing him. He desperately wants to shut down that investigation because he fears what he will find. Collusion, money laundering, using sanctioned Russian banks to fund projects, possible tax evasion issues etc. But it sure looks like we're headed for a huge fight over the Mueller affair. Trump is acting like a guilty man who is panicked over what he'll find. Stay tuned.

the panic is coming from the dems and libs as they finally realize that they have been pissing into the wind and blaming trump for their wet shoes.
It was already confirmed through an investigation by the special council that the Russians used propaganda to play BOTH sides, to even include involvement in an anti-Trump rally.
No, you are misrepresenting the facts. the intelligence community clearly said that, though the Russians did foment chaos and division on both sides of the aisle, they clearly targeted their effort to helping Trump win. Period. that is a fact, and you need to come to terms with it.

I am still waiting for one of you lefties to tell us exactly what the Russians did, which votes were affected, how many were affected, in what states, and how they did it.

Talking to a person from a foreign country is not collusion and is not a crime. the Mueller witch hunt has found nothing, except actual collusion by the Hillary campaign in paying for a dossier of lies and then the Obama admin using it fraudulently at the FISA court to get warrants to spy on political enemies during the campaign.

Bill Clinton talked with Putin AND accepted a ratter large financial contribution from Russia for a “speech”. There is more of a transaction between the Clinton’s and Russia with plenty of links to back it up, yet that’s exactly what the liberals want to find with Trump (they just want one for THEIR .. A-Ha!! Gotcha moment). Interesting how that is.
Un, no me boy. Stupid post. I want no one to find anything, dipshit. It is Mueller who will find what he finds. And you have no clue what he is investigating. Neither do i, me boy. But Mueller does. We are all forced to simply wait and see. Which is why Trump want's him gone.
Indictments such as possible Tax evasion, or another for simply believing he lied while under Mueller’s investigation DOES NOT involve Russia or the Kremlin.

Testing this “supposed” liberal knowledge on this thread with links to back up your story :

1) Show me one indictment that mentions the Kremlin or Putin involving someone from the Trump campaign.

2) Show me (to date) specific financial passing and acceptance of deals between Kremlin and Trump’s inner circle involving the election during his campaign against Hillary.

I have serious doubt these progressives can prove (links) anything but their hatred for Trump. Prove me wrong... I dare you.

We'll talk again after Mueller completes his inquiry. That is if he's allowed to finish. Trump is tweeting to threaten firing him. He desperately wants to shut down that investigation because he fears what he will find. Collusion, money laundering, using sanctioned Russian banks to fund projects, possible tax evasion issues etc. But it sure looks like we're headed for a huge fight over the Mueller affair. Trump is acting like a guilty man who is panicked over what he'll find. Stay tuned.

the panic is coming from the dems and libs as they finally realize that they have been pissing into the wind and blaming trump for their wet shoes.
Not at all. My shoes are dry, and I know only Mueller will tell us what occurred. Let's wait, eh me con troll. But here is the thing. I know Mueller, a Republican, and a person who was well respected by all republicans until he began investigating Trump, probably does not like wasting time. And he has been investigating for over a year, and probably has months to go. Then, me boy, when his investigation is done, we will all get to see if he was just on a really long goose chase. But, me boy, my money is on there being a reason all the trump folks want him gone so badly.
Trump campaign DID collude with Russia
They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.
Was there information passed during that meeting?

Have any of you nutjobs established yet that:
A). There is nothing criminal about collusion? Every administration does it.
B). It's not as if Hillary didn't seek dirt on Trump?
C). What makes it a crime is when money changes hands and so far that only occurred AFAIK when the DNC hired Steele.
It was already confirmed through an investigation by the special council that the Russians used propaganda to play BOTH sides, to even include involvement in an anti-Trump rally.
No, you are misrepresenting the facts. the intelligence community clearly said that, though the Russians did foment chaos and division on both sides of the aisle, they clearly targeted their effort to helping Trump win. Period. that is a fact, and you need to come to terms with it.

I am still waiting for one of you lefties to tell us exactly what the Russians did, which votes were affected, how many were affected, in what states, and how they did it.

Talking to a person from a foreign country is not collusion and is not a crime. the Mueller witch hunt has found nothing, except actual collusion by the Hillary campaign in paying for a dossier of lies and then the Obama admin using it fraudulently at the FISA court to get warrants to spy on political enemies during the campaign.

You hand a note to a bank teller demanding money but then you flee because you notice a cop -- according to your idiocy, no crime was committed because the bank robber didn't benefit from the crime.

what crime has Trump committed, been accused of, or convicted of?

Mueller has found nothing, except collusion and corruption by the Clinton campaign, FBI officials, and the Obama administration.
The investigation is not over yet.
Evidently Mueller is getting pretty close to pay dirt. The Orange King is off the rails...:aargh:
Evidently Mueller is getting pretty close to pay dirt. The Orange King is off the rails...:aargh:

Yeah, we keep getting requests to show what crimes have been committed. How can we say one way or another? The inquiry is ongoing. But even Trey Gowdy, Marco Rubio and other Gop members are starting to see what we on the left have seen from the beginning. We see a guilty man who is desperate to shut down any investigations. These are not the words or actions of an innocent person. An innocent man would encourage any look at his actions as exculpatory. That's the opposite of what we've seen. So, as we are trashed on here by those on the right all we are saying is let's all calm down and wait for the Mueller probe to conclude before we go about ripping each other apart. And, as we get grilled to present evidence of guilt or collusion we say we don't know for sure what occurred and neither do you.
Indictments such as possible Tax evasion, or another for simply believing he lied while under Mueller’s investigation DOES NOT involve Russia or the Kremlin.

Testing this “supposed” liberal knowledge on this thread with links to back up your story :

1) Show me one indictment that mentions the Kremlin or Putin involving someone from the Trump campaign.

2) Show me (to date) specific financial passing and acceptance of deals between Kremlin and Trump’s inner circle involving the election during his campaign against Hillary.

I have serious doubt these progressives can prove (links) anything but their hatred for Trump. Prove me wrong... I dare you.

I dare you to explain the fact that Trump said in an on-camera interview that he fired Comey because of the Russia probe. How is that not Obstruction? I dare you.
Another falsehood always touted by the right is that the Mueller probe was ordered based on the collection of Steele memos known as the dossier. That's simply not true. Rosenstein opened the special counsel's probe because trump told him that he wanted to fire Comey based on the Hillary email thing and had him write a letter of support for that position. Then, Trump confirmed what everyone on the left presumed was the real reason for his dismissal, the probe into the Trump campaign's collusion with Russia and what that all meant. He openly admitted that the letters he asked Rosenstein and Sessions to write were just a cover. That's what triggered the Mueller appointment and the subsequent investigation. But folks on here will stick with the dossier story til the end. And the fact that Trump tried to shut it down also by ordering Don McGann to fire Mueller in June also is never mentioned by folks on the right. It's always the same GOP mantra. "It's the dossier!" "It's the dossier!" Bullsnot and they know it's bullsnot but it doesn't fit with their agenda to shut it (Mueller's probe) down.
Indictments such as possible Tax evasion, or another for simply believing he lied while under Mueller’s investigation DOES NOT involve Russia or the Kremlin.

Testing this “supposed” liberal knowledge on this thread with links to back up your story :

1) Show me one indictment that mentions the Kremlin or Putin involving someone from the Trump campaign.

2) Show me (to date) specific financial passing and acceptance of deals between Kremlin and Trump’s inner circle involving the election during his campaign against Hillary.

I have serious doubt these progressives can prove (links) anything but their hatred for Trump. Prove me wrong... I dare you.

We'll talk again after Mueller completes his inquiry. That is if he's allowed to finish. Trump is tweeting to threaten firing him. He desperately wants to shut down that investigation because he fears what he will find. Collusion, money laundering, using sanctioned Russian banks to fund projects, possible tax evasion issues etc. But it sure looks like we're headed for a huge fight over the Mueller affair. Trump is acting like a guilty man who is panicked over what he'll find. Stay tuned.

the panic is coming from the dems and libs as they finally realize that they have been pissing into the wind and blaming trump for their wet shoes.
Not at all. My shoes are dry, and I know only Mueller will tell us what occurred. Let's wait, eh me con troll. But here is the thing. I know Mueller, a Republican, and a person who was well respected by all republicans until he began investigating Trump, probably does not like wasting time. And he has been investigating for over a year, and probably has months to go. Then, me boy, when his investigation is done, we will all get to see if he was just on a really long goose chase. But, me boy, my money is on there being a reason all the trump folks want him gone so badly.

if he is found guilty of impeachable offences, I will be with you. There is hard evidence that Hillary Clinton violated several laws, are you saying she should be held accountable, or does accountability only apply to republicans?
It was already confirmed through an investigation by the special council that the Russians used propaganda to play BOTH sides, to even include involvement in an anti-Trump rally.
No, you are misrepresenting the facts. the intelligence community clearly said that, though the Russians did foment chaos and division on both sides of the aisle, they clearly targeted their effort to helping Trump win. Period. that is a fact, and you need to come to terms with it.

I am still waiting for one of you lefties to tell us exactly what the Russians did, which votes were affected, how many were affected, in what states, and how they did it.

Talking to a person from a foreign country is not collusion and is not a crime. the Mueller witch hunt has found nothing, except actual collusion by the Hillary campaign in paying for a dossier of lies and then the Obama admin using it fraudulently at the FISA court to get warrants to spy on political enemies during the campaign.

You hand a note to a bank teller demanding money but then you flee because you notice a cop -- according to your idiocy, no crime was committed because the bank robber didn't benefit from the crime.

what crime has Trump committed, been accused of, or convicted of?

Mueller has found nothing, except collusion and corruption by the Clinton campaign, FBI officials, and the Obama administration.
The investigation is not over yet.

true, but they have been leaking stuff for months, if they had anything on Trump it would have come out already.

crooked FBI officials are falling like hail stones in Kansas. Corruption at the top of our intelligence agencies for political gain is what happens in Russia and banana republics. But you lefties want to look the other way on that, right?
Indictments such as possible Tax evasion, or another for simply believing he lied while under Mueller’s investigation DOES NOT involve Russia or the Kremlin.

Testing this “supposed” liberal knowledge on this thread with links to back up your story :

1) Show me one indictment that mentions the Kremlin or Putin involving someone from the Trump campaign.

2) Show me (to date) specific financial passing and acceptance of deals between Kremlin and Trump’s inner circle involving the election during his campaign against Hillary.

I have serious doubt these progressives can prove (links) anything but their hatred for Trump. Prove me wrong... I dare you.

I dare you to explain the fact that Trump said in an on-camera interview that he fired Comey because of the Russia probe. How is that not Obstruction? I dare you.

He enjoys making fools of idiots like you and your media masters. Its amazing how stupid you lefties are.
No, you are misrepresenting the facts. the intelligence community clearly said that, though the Russians did foment chaos and division on both sides of the aisle, they clearly targeted their effort to helping Trump win. Period. that is a fact, and you need to come to terms with it.

I am still waiting for one of you lefties to tell us exactly what the Russians did, which votes were affected, how many were affected, in what states, and how they did it.

Talking to a person from a foreign country is not collusion and is not a crime. the Mueller witch hunt has found nothing, except actual collusion by the Hillary campaign in paying for a dossier of lies and then the Obama admin using it fraudulently at the FISA court to get warrants to spy on political enemies during the campaign.

You hand a note to a bank teller demanding money but then you flee because you notice a cop -- according to your idiocy, no crime was committed because the bank robber didn't benefit from the crime.

what crime has Trump committed, been accused of, or convicted of?

Mueller has found nothing, except collusion and corruption by the Clinton campaign, FBI officials, and the Obama administration.
The investigation is not over yet.

true, but they have been leaking stuff for months, if they had anything on Trump it would have come out already.

crooked FBI officials are falling like hail stones in Kansas. Corruption at the top of our intelligence agencies for political gain is what happens in Russia and banana republics. But you lefties want to look the other way on that, right?
Why would Mueller show his hand to the one man who can fire him before he finishes his investigation?
coming from the lunatic that constantly screams that Trump is personally guilty of impeachable offences, that's quite funny
Of course, I have not done that one single time, and you just made it up because you come from a bizarre state of mind that believes that pointing at someone and claiming they farted will get everyone to ignore the fact that you have just shit your pants.
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