Trump Campaign Forced to Refund $64 Million Dollars from Donation Scam

Before Trump was elected to office his Trump University was refunding money because it was a scam, during his presidency he had to give back money he blew from a charity, after his presidency he continues to get caught scamming and has to refund millions. The guy is a crook plain and simple and people keep letting him operate without impunity, why in the fuck is this criminal allowed to run the streets?

Won't be for long, hopefully, Georgia, DC and NY may provide "restrictions" for decades, depending on the prison.
Why would anyone donate money to a campaign? That is the height of stupidity. Give an already Uber wealthy person more money. I've never and will never give ANY candidate one penny.
Pretty boring fake news story. Those campaign donations were given to several different campaigns and PACs, not President Trump’s personal one. Most of it seems to be the RNC. A very small percentage of donations was even disputed (less than 1%) and the donations were returned.

Another big nothing burger. Must be a slow news day.
You should really read the article in the OP. It's pretty clear it was T****'s campaign fund, and it was way out of line compared with other campaigns. 12% refunds, not 1%. Someone is playing with numbers yet again.
Maybe Trump should ask the feds to return all of the donations he gave them by refusing to accept his pay.
You're never going to hear of a Democrat politician donating his own check to charity. They have no problem donating ours.

Is THAT what Trump told you?
A $400,000 check doesn't even cover the fuel for ONE trip, ONE way to Palm Beach.
I would trade a $400,000 salary for spending $152 million in golf.
335 years of salary.
But you never had any problem with Obama's trips to Oahu every 6 months causing the 7th fucking fleet to have to deploy and do security for his fun on the beach....not to mention his trips to Cuba, shopping trips to China, South Africa, and all of his trips to Kenya, his golf trips to Martha's Vineyard. So you can shove that happy horse shit up your ass. $4.2 billion to take care of one family. That's how much the Obama's cost us in the first year of his presiduncy. The entire British monarchy's costs were a fraction of that.

It's just amazing the crapola you faggots keep pushing about any Republican president while ignoring the horrible actions of Democrats. That's why I file every damned complaint you folks throw at us in the circular file (trash can). This thread just reeks of hypocrisy.

You're so FOS.

April 19 2017

Trump has cost U.S. taxpayers at least $24 million to cover expenses for trips to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm, Beach Florida nearly every weekend. To put that in perspective, President Obama spent approximately $24 million on travel over the first two years of his time in office. Since taking office, Trump has spent 9 out of 11 weekends at a Trump-owned property.

According to the Independent UK, Obama spent $97 million on travel expenses over his two-term presidency, which equates to an average of $12.1 million each year. Trump, however, has spent double what Obama spent per year, in less than 3 months.

Let’s not forget to mention the fact that New York City has also been footing the bill for First Lady Melania Trump and son Barron to live in New York until he finishes school. According to the New York Police Department, it costs taxpayers between $127,000 and $146,000 per day in security costs to protect Melania and Barron. › 2017/04/09 › trump-vs-obama

$97 million, over two terms vs $152 million for ONE?
Oh....and you have links to prove this nonsense? it....otherwise you're simply repeating false talking-points from anonymous sources as always.
Why would anyone donate money to a campaign? That is the height of stupidity. Give an already Uber wealthy person more money. I've never and will never give ANY candidate one penny.
Well, just did.
That $1.9 stimulus was mostly bailouts and kickbacks to states that helped Democraps steal the election. And guess who got stuck with the bill?
Pretty boring fake news story. Those campaign donations were given to several different campaigns and PACs, not President Trump’s personal one. Most of it seems to be the RNC. A very small percentage of donations was even disputed (less than 1%) and the donations were returned.

Another big nothing burger. Must be a slow news day.

TDS in full force. That is a lie. It was linked to Trump's campaign and was a scam. It demonstrates hosw crooked Trump is. The box allowing the campaign to continue to access their accounts was pre-checked and not easy to read. You demonstrste you are a weak minded cult member.
It happens for both parties. It unexplainable. People who have nothing send in money to wealthy candidates. Is there an explanation?
You know, I understand why the Trump campaign fleeces their supporters: It's so easy to. But these folks must really not care either way whether or not they support them, because they are clearly only interested in getting money from them, and that includes scamming them. If you didn't read the fine print and uncheck a box, your donation was automatically "recurring"….

Stacy Blatt was in hospice care last September listening to Rush Limbaugh’s dire warnings about how badly Donald J. Trump’s campaign needed money when he went online and chipped in everything he could: $500.

It was a big sum for a 63-year-old battling cancer and living in Kansas City on less than $1,000 per month. But that single contribution — federal records show it was his first ever — quickly multiplied. Another $500 was withdrawn the next day, then $500 the next week and every week through mid-October, without his knowledge — until Mr. Blatt’s bank account had been depleted and frozen. When his utility and rent payments bounced, he called his brother, Russell, for help.

What the Blatts soon discovered was $3,000 in withdrawals by the Trump campaign in less than 30 days. They called their bank and said they thought they were victims of fraud.
“It felt,” Russell said, “like it was a scam.”

But what the Blatts believed was duplicity was actually an intentional scheme to boost revenues by the Trump campaign and the for-profit company that processed its online donations, WinRed. Facing a cash crunch and getting badly outspent by the Democrats, the campaign had begun last September to set up recurring donations by default for online donors, for every week until the election.

Don't feel sorry for them at all....they knew they were cuddling a snake.
While I agree this was an underhanded move by the campaign...

Caveat Emptor. (Let the buyer beware)

Ive gotten the Trump donation request emails as well as ones from candidates on both ends of the spectrum. I learned early to pay extremely close attention to EVERY link in them and what pressing them obligates you to.

I don’t donate ANY amount to ANY campaign so I make absolutely certain to know what I’m accepting in any link.

Especially after an associate of mine had a local campaign website refuse to close a browser window after they’d accidentally pressed a donation button. Turns out it was a “software glitch” according to the site, but I’m sure many made the minimum $5 donation to get the window to close.
You know, I understand why the Trump campaign fleeces their supporters: It's so easy to. But these folks must really not care either way whether or not they support them, because they are clearly only interested in getting money from them, and that includes scamming them. If you didn't read the fine print and uncheck a box, your donation was automatically "recurring"….

Stacy Blatt was in hospice care last September listening to Rush Limbaugh’s dire warnings about how badly Donald J. Trump’s campaign needed money when he went online and chipped in everything he could: $500.

It was a big sum for a 63-year-old battling cancer and living in Kansas City on less than $1,000 per month. But that single contribution — federal records show it was his first ever — quickly multiplied. Another $500 was withdrawn the next day, then $500 the next week and every week through mid-October, without his knowledge — until Mr. Blatt’s bank account had been depleted and frozen. When his utility and rent payments bounced, he called his brother, Russell, for help.

What the Blatts soon discovered was $3,000 in withdrawals by the Trump campaign in less than 30 days. They called their bank and said they thought they were victims of fraud.
“It felt,” Russell said, “like it was a scam.”

But what the Blatts believed was duplicity was actually an intentional scheme to boost revenues by the Trump campaign and the for-profit company that processed its online donations, WinRed. Facing a cash crunch and getting badly outspent by the Democrats, the campaign had begun last September to set up recurring donations by default for online donors, for every week until the election.

I normally feel empathy for people who get scammed out of money. But these people are so damn clueless that's it's very difficult to feel empathy (or even sympathy) for them. Pity is the best I can muster up for them.

You see, I pegged Trump as a grifter, and a user, and a completely unscrupulous man right out of the gate. His early incessant, constant lying proved to me that anybody who ever trusted a word he said was a fool. But his supporters fawned over him like a junior high school boy trips over himself in an effort to impress a girl he has a crush on. I could have understood it if there was any evidence that Trump returned the affection, but the evidence was again overwhelming that he didn't care about his supporters because they were not rich, successful city dwellers; they were mostly poorly educated, lower income rural folks who Trump had never shown any interest in during his entire life. I mean, in Trump's NYC world, if a person wasn't rich, or a famous celebrity, or a gorgeous supermodel, they were only nobody losers.

Here's the thing...

If a person gets scammed by a smooth talker, or a long-term trusted friend, or some kind of very believable representative from an otherwise reputable company, sympathy is warranted. But when someone gets scammed by someone who is so glaringly and obviously a transparent compulsive liar, you've got to lay the blame squarely on their own doorstep.

Caveat emptor, dude!
Pretty boring fake news story. Those campaign donations were given to several different campaigns and PACs, not President Trump’s personal one. Most of it seems to be the RNC. A very small percentage of donations was even disputed (less than 1%) and the donations were returned.

Another big nothing burger. Must be a slow news day.
Another 5th Ave Dear Leader can do no wrong...(chuckle)
Why would anyone donate money to a campaign? That is the height of stupidity. Give an already Uber wealthy person more money. I've never and will never give ANY candidate one penny.
Well, just did.
That $1.9 stimulus was mostly bailouts and kickbacks to states that helped Democraps steal the election. And guess who got stuck with the bill?

The Covid package cost $69K per family, with only $1.4K going to each family. 2% is even lower than the mere 5% going to roads and bridges in the "Infrastrucuture" porkfest.
You know, I understand why the Trump campaign fleeces their supporters: It's so easy to. But these folks must really not care either way whether or not they support them, because they are clearly only interested in getting money from them, and that includes scamming them. If you didn't read the fine print and uncheck a box, your donation was automatically "recurring"….

Stacy Blatt was in hospice care last September listening to Rush Limbaugh’s dire warnings about how badly Donald J. Trump’s campaign needed money when he went online and chipped in everything he could: $500.

It was a big sum for a 63-year-old battling cancer and living in Kansas City on less than $1,000 per month. But that single contribution — federal records show it was his first ever — quickly multiplied. Another $500 was withdrawn the next day, then $500 the next week and every week through mid-October, without his knowledge — until Mr. Blatt’s bank account had been depleted and frozen. When his utility and rent payments bounced, he called his brother, Russell, for help.

What the Blatts soon discovered was $3,000 in withdrawals by the Trump campaign in less than 30 days. They called their bank and said they thought they were victims of fraud.
“It felt,” Russell said, “like it was a scam.”

But what the Blatts believed was duplicity was actually an intentional scheme to boost revenues by the Trump campaign and the for-profit company that processed its online donations, WinRed. Facing a cash crunch and getting badly outspent by the Democrats, the campaign had begun last September to set up recurring donations by default for online donors, for every week until the election.


trump doesn't care what he is doing to his followers.

To be fair, his followers don't care what trump is doing to them. They probably don't believe that trump is stealing from them.

I want to care but after years of attacks and abuse from trump and his people, I no longer care.

It couldn't happen to more deserving people.

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