Trump Campaign Manager Charged with Battery

She stood up for herself at the risk of hurting her career, and it did. She resigned from Breitbart when they refused to support her, Breitbart being the biggest Trump ass-kissing "news" organization out there.
She is a lying neocon who is outraged by Breitbarts editorial policy of not attacking Trump at every opportunity, and so now she got a reason to wuit and look like the martyr.

Good for her, and I hope that Lewandowsky sues her for making false charges against him when he gets cleared.

Doesn't matter what she said. Court will go by video and his declaration that it didn't happen. Will he lie in court now? Hmmmmm......He created this shit when he could have just apologized and ended it. He's as dumb as a Drumpf.
No, dumb ass, the courts will take her comments into consideration to as it goes to her character, which is dumb as a sack of hammers and slimey as the bottom of a cesspool.

Nope. This is not a he said/she said. There is video proof that he put his hands on her. And there is an eye witness, Ben Terris standing a foot away who saw the whole thing.

Not good for the goons, goon.

There's also video proof that she lied. I hope she tells the same lie, under oath.
For normal people, when it's brought to light that they may have been too aggressive whether intentional or not, would say oops my bad, it was a chaotic situation... It's completely understandable. He responded by calling her a delusional attention seeking liar to the national media. not sure why you are sticking up for him. If this reporter was your daughter and was treated in the same way would you have the same view? This thing is pretty cut and dry.

Yes it is cut and dry; there is no apology necessary to an idiot that is getting too close to a Presidential candidate, grabbing him and being a jack ass.

Besides this Fields moron has a history of these kinds of things. This whole thing is political Establishment harassment of a candidate that they dont like, and you are being a retard falling for it.
Haha, the back of her hand brushed up against Trump and that's "grabbing him"? where do you get your info? I hope not from Trumps mouth, that's one of the most unreliable sources in America
For normal people, when it's brought to light that they may have been too aggressive whether intentional or not, would say oops my bad, it was a chaotic situation... It's completely understandable. He responded by calling her a delusional attention seeking liar to the national media. not sure why you are sticking up for him. If this reporter was your daughter and was treated in the same way would you have the same view? This thing is pretty cut and dry.

Yes it is cut and dry; there is no apology necessary to an idiot that is getting too close to a Presidential candidate, grabbing him and being a jack ass.

Besides this Fields moron has a history of these kinds of things. This whole thing is political Establishment harassment of a candidate that they dont like, and you are being a retard falling for it.
Haha, the back of her hand brushed up against Trump and that's "grabbing him"? where do you get your info? I hope not from Trumps mouth, that's one of the most unreliable sources in America

She grabbed his arm, and touching is still touching, dude.

Is today 'Liberal be Stupid Day'?
Nope. This is not a he said/she said. There is video proof that he put his hands on her. And there is an eye witness, Ben Terris standing a foot away who saw the whole thing.

Not good for the goons, goon.
roflmao, you are too stupid; you must be trying butyou really dont have to try, you know it is just easy for you.

The video shows a stupid reporter ignoring the commands of the Secret Service and a manager who finally removes her from the traffic by grabbing her arm as is his responsibility, in part, as campaign manager.

You morons have even lost the debate so bad on this most libtards and neocons are trying to change the topic from 'He assaulted her' to 'He lied about what happened'.

It is not a crime to lie about something unless under oath, like Bill Clinton did but you libtards had no problem with.

You are grasping at flecks of straw and you dont even realize how stupid it makes you look.

Keep goiong though, we wouldnt want normal life to get less humorous..

Ignoring the commands of the Secret Service? Would you like to show us that in the full video?

This is fantastic. So Trump got stuck with a couple of girlie men who couldn't keep a female reporter away from Trump? Bahahahahahaaaaaa.......

It's Obama's Secret Service...bahahahaha
Ignoring the commands of the Secret Service? Would you like to show us that in the full video?

This is fantastic. So Trump got stuck with a couple of girlie men who couldn't keep a female reporter away from Trump? Bahahahahahaaaaaa.......

So now you think there was no Secret Service there giving her orders?

For normal people, when it's brought to light that they may have been too aggressive whether intentional or not, would say oops my bad, it was a chaotic situation... It's completely understandable. He responded by calling her a delusional attention seeking liar to the national media. not sure why you are sticking up for him. If this reporter was your daughter and was treated in the same way would you have the same view? This thing is pretty cut and dry.

Yes it is cut and dry; there is no apology necessary to an idiot that is getting too close to a Presidential candidate, grabbing him and being a jack ass.

Besides this Fields moron has a history of these kinds of things. This whole thing is political Establishment harassment of a candidate that they dont like, and you are being a retard falling for it.
Haha, the back of her hand brushed up against Trump and that's "grabbing him"? where do you get your info? I hope not from Trumps mouth, that's one of the most unreliable sources in America

It's unwarranted physical contact.
He doesn't remember? Do you think he saw the video BEFORE or AFTER he claimed innocence? Just answer the question.

The video was only just now released idiot.

It's Trump's video from his CCTV inside the Trump National Golf Club.
Can't get any stupider than this Lewanowski guy and his boss.

What the hell do you think it means when you own damned video that you posted says 'Jupiter Police RELEASE..."?
The police seized it as evidence before the Trump campaign reviewed it, obviously.

That's why I say you can't get any stupider. If you had a person on YOUR PROPERTY make a criminal claim about someone in YOUR organization, you're going to wait until it accelerates and the local police want to see your CCTV?

You're as stupid as they are.

Trump and his campaign team were not present on site when the charges were filed ass hole. So the police were given the video without it being reviewed.

Not everyone acts like crooks like Democrats do all the time because they are crooks.

Trump and his campaign team don't have to be present. The phones probably work well inside his golf club. And the people and security who work there probably answer when they ring.

You are even more stupid than they are.
Jesus... I need to just copy and paste... It's not about the grab, Bruises, or even the aggressiveness. It's how the campaign called her a delusional liar and attention seeker afterwards going after her reputation which led to the loss of her job and degradation of her character. Trump and his campaign have a tremendous amount of power which carry a tremendous amount of responsibility but they seem unable to handle this in a poised way. By fields pressing charges she is trying to bring accountability. This is not a simple battery charge.

She is a delusional liar as she was not even reacting in pain, much less nearly thrown to the ground.

You buy a lot of land in a Floriduh swamp too?
Have you heard the audio of her surprised at how hard she was grabbed immediately after Corey passed her? She was a trump fan working for a pro trump org. If you can't see the obvious spin that the Trumps are trying to put on this thing then you gotta open your eyes man. It's so obvious
Ignoring the commands of the Secret Service? Would you like to show us that in the full video?

This is fantastic. So Trump got stuck with a couple of girlie men who couldn't keep a female reporter away from Trump? Bahahahahahaaaaaa.......

So now you think there was no Secret Service there giving her orders?


I see you can't prove your claim. "roflmao" is not proof.
For normal people, when it's brought to light that they may have been too aggressive whether intentional or not, would say oops my bad, it was a chaotic situation... It's completely understandable. He responded by calling her a delusional attention seeking liar to the national media. not sure why you are sticking up for him. If this reporter was your daughter and was treated in the same way would you have the same view? This thing is pretty cut and dry.

Yes it is cut and dry; there is no apology necessary to an idiot that is getting too close to a Presidential candidate, grabbing him and being a jack ass.

Besides this Fields moron has a history of these kinds of things. This whole thing is political Establishment harassment of a candidate that they dont like, and you are being a retard falling for it.
Haha, the back of her hand brushed up against Trump and that's "grabbing him"? where do you get your info? I hope not from Trumps mouth, that's one of the most unreliable sources in America

It's unwarranted physical contact.
So? He said she was grabbing him. That's a lie
For normal people, when it's brought to light that they may have been too aggressive whether intentional or not, would say oops my bad, it was a chaotic situation... It's completely understandable. He responded by calling her a delusional attention seeking liar to the national media. not sure why you are sticking up for him. If this reporter was your daughter and was treated in the same way would you have the same view? This thing is pretty cut and dry.

Yes it is cut and dry; there is no apology necessary to an idiot that is getting too close to a Presidential candidate, grabbing him and being a jack ass.

Besides this Fields moron has a history of these kinds of things. This whole thing is political Establishment harassment of a candidate that they dont like, and you are being a retard falling for it.
Haha, the back of her hand brushed up against Trump and that's "grabbing him"? where do you get your info? I hope not from Trumps mouth, that's one of the most unreliable sources in America

It's unwarranted physical contact.
So? He said she was grabbing him. That's a lie

Unwarranted contact is assault, period.
Trump and his campaign team don't have to be present. The phones probably work well inside his golf club. And the people and security who work there probably answer when they ring.

You are even more stupid than they are.

Lol, the cops show up and say that they need the tapes because someone is pressing charges, and the people hand them over, then the video is reviewed and the DA and LEO decide to make an arrest or not.

Trumps people had no opportunity to look at the fucking video.

Oh My Gawd, are you liberals being stupid today more than ever, or have I been missing out on all the fun?
Jesus... I need to just copy and paste... It's not about the grab, Bruises, or even the aggressiveness. It's how the campaign called her a delusional liar and attention seeker afterwards going after her reputation which led to the loss of her job and degradation of her character. Trump and his campaign have a tremendous amount of power which carry a tremendous amount of responsibility but they seem unable to handle this in a poised way. By fields pressing charges she is trying to bring accountability. This is not a simple battery charge.

She is a delusional liar as she was not even reacting in pain, much less nearly thrown to the ground.

You buy a lot of land in a Floriduh swamp too?
Have you heard the audio of her surprised at how hard she was grabbed immediately after Corey passed her? She was a trump fan working for a pro trump org. If you can't see the obvious spin that the Trumps are trying to put on this thing then you gotta open your eyes man. It's so obvious

Both she and Ben Terris had their audio on when it happened. She wasnt' hurt, she was startled, as anyone would be if someone came through a crowd and grabbed you suddenly.
Both she and Ben Terris had their audio on when it happened. She wasnt' hurt, she was startled, as anyone would be if someone came through a crowd and grabbed you suddenly.
Yes, she wasnt hurt, which is what everyone is trying to tell your stupid ass.
Trump and his campaign team don't have to be present. The phones probably work well inside his golf club. And the people and security who work there probably answer when they ring.

You are even more stupid than they are.

Lol, the cops show up and say that they need the tapes because someone is pressing charges, and the people hand them over, then the video is reviewed and the DA and LEO decide to make an arrest or not.

Trumps people had no opportunity to look at the fucking video.

Oh My Gawd, are you liberals being stupid today more than ever, or have I been missing out on all the fun?

So you know for a fact what Trump's security staff at his golf club can and cannot do.
Fascinating. I wonder if you can walk and chew gum at the same time, too.
I watched the interview Trump gave from his plane about this last night. The hypocrisy was screaming. As he lashed out at fields for attacking Corey and trying to ruin his life, while he glorified his stance in standing up for his man, and suggested that he may sue her for grabbing his arm. Well didn't they start this whole mess by attacking her when all she wanted was an apology? Isn't she standing up for herself by pressing charges? Didn't they try to go after her reputation and ruin her life by calling her a delusional attention seeking liar? Can we say hypocrisy?
First you said she didn't say squat, her boyfriend made it an issue, now you say she wanted an apology. She was out of line too. I didn't hear Trump say he was going to charge or sue her, do you have a source for that?
her boyfriend tweeted about the grab, Corey called her a delusional liar, she posted photos and wanted an apology, Corey and trump doubled down calling her an attention seeking liar trying to bully and discredit her. Her fight back was pressing charges. If she had gone start to the police from the press conference it would be a joke. Given the circumstances and how trumps campaign attacked her, it is fully justified.

If you didn't hear Trump threaten to sue her then just turn on the news or do a google search.

It wasn't "someone", it was Trump's campaign manager.

Now you're a big supporter of the police, correct? They believed her after watching the video and filed charges against this asshole Lewandowski.

Answer this question: Are you saying you disagree with the cops?


See my post above. How do bruises travel down your arms? He grabbed her upper arm. You dislike Trump and everything regarding his campaign. don't let that cloud common sense and good judgement

See my post. You admit he grabbed her arm. That's simple battery.

Don't let your lack of understanding a few simple laws cloud your judgment.

Good for Michelle Fields that she understands her rights.

If thats simple battery then we're all fucked.

If I'm in a crowd and I brush past a women from behind and my dick (through my pants) rubs against her ass is that considered sexual assault?

Feeling desperate? Why don't you separate yourself from the sheep here and Google it.

And frankly, if a man did to me what you just described I'd turn around and both assault and batter him, and face the consequences later.
Again, if thats simple assault we're fucked. Not once did I say you were wrong. Still haven't addressed the bruises on her FOREARM.

Don't go to packed concerts or festivals because people bounce and "rub up" against each other constantly. Thats what happens when people are packed tightly together. But hey if you want to batter someone for trying to get by you, feel free.
She never would have brought charges if Lewandowski hadn't basically called her a complete liar. An apology would have been fine. But then, until the video emerged, they were calling her a liar--including her own boss, apparently, so she had to push back.
I get it that he might not even have known who she was or remembered the incident at first, but by refusing to look into it or talk to her about it before calling her a liar, he could have avoided the entire thing, for himself and Trump.
Both she and Ben Terris had their audio on when it happened. She wasnt' hurt, she was startled, as anyone would be if someone came through a crowd and grabbed you suddenly.
Yes, she wasnt hurt, which is what everyone is trying to tell your stupid ass.

No, that is not the point, dumb-ass. He had no right to put his hands on her, anywhere and for any reason. And then he lied about it when he was accused.

I realize you don't have a fucking inkling of individual rights in this country, and I don't have the time to teach you,

I don't know how many times I need to write this before it sinks in... It's not about the stupid grab or bruises... Situations get crowded and chaotic, shit happens. The shame of the situation is the fact that he lied about touching her then proceeded to attack and discredit her by calling her delusional and an attention seeker.

That is totally pathetic bullshit on your part. How many times do we touch people, I guess that is battery by the thousands in crowded cities, lol, and NO ONE REMEMBERS EVERYONE THAT THEY TOUCH.

The complete 100% bullshit view you pretend to believe is true here, is plainly nonsense. No one can be held responsible for remembering everything they did last night, much less days and weeks ago.

This is all nothing but political theater and complete horse shit and everyone realizes it, even the liars like you that keep pushing it.

If this reporter was your daughter and was treated in the same way would you have the same view?

If this reporter was our daughter? Really? If she was getting on a ride a Disney World and was pulled back by someone trying to cut the line we'd all be pissed off. But if my daughter was playing with the big boys in a presidential race and being aggressive trying get an interview? Not the same thing. I wouldn't like it, but legal action? Please. I'd advise her not to try and advance her career in this manner.
Jesus... I need to just copy and paste... It's not about the grab, Bruises, or even the aggressiveness. It's how the campaign called her a delusional liar and attention seeker afterwards going after her reputation which led to the loss of her job and degradation of her character. Trump and his campaign have a tremendous amount of power which carry a tremendous amount of responsibility but they seem unable to handle this in a poised way. By fields pressing charges she is trying to bring accountability. This is not a simple battery charge.

She should not have exaggerated or even made false claims. Before she opened her mouth she should have thought this through and who it affects. Did Corey Lewandowski really mean her harm or was he just trying to get her off Trump? Seems to me he was just trying to back her off Trump. The reality is, people tend to get defensive when false claims are made against them. Arrest and simple battery? What a fucking joke. Again, if they were in line at a movie theatre or a restaurant, then she has a point and I'd back her. But she's doing her job playing in the big leagues trying to force her question onto Trump in a campaign season that has tested everyone's nerves. Get over it.

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