Trump Campaign Manager Charged with Battery

I don't know how many times I need to write this before it sinks in... It's not about the stupid grab or bruises... Situations get crowded and chaotic, shit happens. The shame of the situation is the fact that he lied about touching her then proceeded to attack and discredit her by calling her delusional and an attention seeker.

That is totally pathetic bullshit on your part. How many times do we touch people, I guess that is battery by the thousands in crowded cities, lol, and NO ONE REMEMBERS EVERYONE THAT THEY TOUCH.

The complete 100% bullshit view you pretend to believe is true here, is plainly nonsense. No one can be held responsible for remembering everything they did last night, much less days and weeks ago.

This is all nothing but political theater and complete horse shit and everyone realizes it, even the liars like you that keep pushing it.
For normal people, when it's brought to light that they may have been too aggressive whether intentional or not, would say oops my bad, it was a chaotic situation... It's completely understandable. He responded by calling her a delusional attention seeking liar to the national media. not sure why you are sticking up for him. If this reporter was your daughter and was treated in the same way would you have the same view? This thing is pretty cut and dry.
Grabbing someone with enough force to leave bruises is hardly just touching.

But yes its small potatoes compared with emailgate. But then that's going to take much more time to investigate due to the numerous witnesses and emails investigators need to sift through. For this case all police needed to do was take the complaint and watch the video.
Bruising is NOT a sign of force. Some people bruise VERY easily
That's what he said.
I don't care what he said. It is fact. I've had 2 people in my family that could bruise simply from bumping into a table.
Its not about the grab or the bruise it's about how the campaign responded... They lied about it then smeared the reporter.
She's a blogger, not a reporter. And supposedly said she was thrown to the floor until she found out there was video.

I had a girlfriend that would bruise if you looked at her wrong.
you got the facts wrong, do more homework before you comment. She never said she was thrown to the floor
Bruising is NOT a sign of force. Some people bruise VERY easily
That's what he said.
I don't care what he said. It is fact. I've had 2 people in my family that could bruise simply from bumping into a table.
Its not about the grab or the bruise it's about how the campaign responded... They lied about it then smeared the reporter.
She's a blogger, not a reporter. And supposedly said she was thrown to the floor until she found out there was video.

I had a girlfriend that would bruise if you looked at her wrong.
you got the facts wrong, do more homework before you comment. She never said she was thrown to the floor
She lied and your moral indignation made me laugh. Now go fuck thy self.
That's what he said.
I don't care what he said. It is fact. I've had 2 people in my family that could bruise simply from bumping into a table.
Its not about the grab or the bruise it's about how the campaign responded... They lied about it then smeared the reporter.
She's a blogger, not a reporter. And supposedly said she was thrown to the floor until she found out there was video.

I had a girlfriend that would bruise if you looked at her wrong.
you got the facts wrong, do more homework before you comment. She never said she was thrown to the floor
She lied and your moral indignation made me laugh. Now go fuck thy self.
Ok jackass, I guess because you say so...
For normal people, when it's brought to light that they may have been too aggressive whether intentional or not, would say oops my bad, it was a chaotic situation... It's completely understandable. He responded by calling her a delusional attention seeking liar to the national media. not sure why you are sticking up for him. If this reporter was your daughter and was treated in the same way would you have the same view? This thing is pretty cut and dry.
It is. She was an asshole, out of line then tried to make it a federal case when she was pulled off Trump. The fact that libs are outraged is par for the course. It's what they do.
Probably a mistake for Trump and his campaign manager to immediately start lying about the incident and go on the demonizing of the reporter rants. Now Trump is mocked globally once again as a child and a liar.
What lie did Trump tell?
Are you serious? He implied the altercation never happened and the reporter made the whole story up.
Altercation? LOL.

You failed.
Lame. Want to argue about whether the incident (official police term used) qualifies as an "altercation". Whatever it was, or however, you wish to define it, Trump and his buddy tried to deny anything happened until they got caught lying. Then they changed their lies in front of God and country.
BTW, it would have never happened if the reporter wasn't a girl. The creepy campaign manager would not have the balls to treat a man that way. He is a punk like his boss. Both of them are hardcore misogynist.
What's lame? And altercation is more than a grab, he was wrong but she clearly is making a mountain out of a mole hill. She needs to either put on her big girl panties or find something else to do.

Wouldn't have grabbed a guy? Based on what besides your hate?
Discussions Trump supporters can be a total waste. This one doesn't know the definition of the word altercation and is too lazy to look it up.
For normal people, when it's brought to light that they may have been too aggressive whether intentional or not, would say oops my bad, it was a chaotic situation... It's completely understandable. He responded by calling her a delusional attention seeking liar to the national media. not sure why you are sticking up for him. If this reporter was your daughter and was treated in the same way would you have the same view? This thing is pretty cut and dry.
It is. She was an asshole, out of line then tried to make it a federal case when she was pulled off Trump. The fact that libs are outraged is par for the course. It's what they do.
She didn't try to make a federal case, she didn't even make a scene when it happened. Her boyfriend tweeted about the incident a few days later and the Trump train responded by attacking her and calling her a delusional liar. They put gas in the fire and put her in a position where she needed to defend herself.
It wasn't much of an altercation, however it was her only choice at this point, to save her name that Trump & Co smeared through LYING.... by denying that his campaign manager even touched her... leading to her boss in bed with Trump, not believing her, leading to her quitting.... just a messy mess...

yes a case like this is about measurable harm.

her job and her reputation are lost. but that's her fault cuz 'it's just a bruise'?

the squawkers claim she lied about (almost) falling or (her arm) being 'pulled down' but it is what it is.

the man bruised a reporter who got no apology but a denial, then a dismissal and now a spectacular diminishing.
I don't know how many times I need to write this before it sinks in... It's not about the stupid grab or bruises... Situations get crowded and chaotic, shit happens. The shame of the situation is the fact that he lied about touching her then proceeded to attack and discredit her by calling her delusional and an attention seeker.

That is totally pathetic bullshit on your part. How many times do we touch people, I guess that is battery by the thousands in crowded cities, lol, and NO ONE REMEMBERS EVERYONE THAT THEY TOUCH.

The complete 100% bullshit view you pretend to believe is true here, is plainly nonsense. No one can be held responsible for remembering everything they did last night, much less days and weeks ago.

This is all nothing but political theater and complete horse shit and everyone realizes it, even the liars like you that keep pushing it.

If this reporter was your daughter and was treated in the same way would you have the same view?

If this reporter was our daughter? Really? If she was getting on a ride a Disney World and was pulled back by someone trying to cut the line we'd all be pissed off. But if my daughter was playing with the big boys in a presidential race and being aggressive trying get an interview? Not the same thing. I wouldn't like it, but legal action? Please. I'd advise her not to try and advance her career in this manner.
It wasn't much of an altercation, however it was her only choice at this point, to save her name that Trump & Co smeared through LYING.... by denying that his campaign manager even touched her... leading to her boss in bed with Trump, not believing her, leading to her quitting.... just a messy mess...
She should sue Trump for loss of income.
I don't know how many times I need to write this before it sinks in... It's not about the stupid grab or bruises... Situations get crowded and chaotic, shit happens. The shame of the situation is the fact that he lied about touching her then proceeded to attack and discredit her by calling her delusional and an attention seeker.

That is totally pathetic bullshit on your part. How many times do we touch people, I guess that is battery by the thousands in crowded cities, lol, and NO ONE REMEMBERS EVERYONE THAT THEY TOUCH.

The complete 100% bullshit view you pretend to believe is true here, is plainly nonsense. No one can be held responsible for remembering everything they did last night, much less days and weeks ago.

This is all nothing but political theater and complete horse shit and everyone realizes it, even the liars like you that keep pushing it.

If this reporter was your daughter and was treated in the same way would you have the same view?

If this reporter was our daughter? Really? If she was getting on a ride a Disney World and was pulled back by someone trying to cut the line we'd all be pissed off. But if my daughter was playing with the big boys in a presidential race and being aggressive trying get an interview? Not the same thing. I wouldn't like it, but legal action? Please. I'd advise her not to try and advance her career in this manner.
Jesus... I need to just copy and paste... It's not about the grab, Bruises, or even the aggressiveness. It's how the campaign called her a delusional liar and attention seeker afterwards going after her reputation which led to the loss of her job and degradation of her character. Trump and his campaign have a tremendous amount of power which carry a tremendous amount of responsibility but they seem unable to handle this in a poised way. By fields pressing charges she is trying to bring accountability. This is not a simple battery charge.
I watched the interview Trump gave from his plane about this last night. The hypocrisy was screaming. As he lashed out at fields for attacking Corey and trying to ruin his life, while he glorified his stance in standing up for his man, and suggested that he may sue her for grabbing his arm. Well didn't they start this whole mess by attacking her when all she wanted was an apology? Isn't she standing up for herself by pressing charges? Didn't they try to go after her reputation and ruin her life by calling her a delusional attention seeking liar? Can we say hypocrisy?
For normal people, when it's brought to light that they may have been too aggressive whether intentional or not, would say oops my bad, it was a chaotic situation... It's completely understandable. He responded by calling her a delusional attention seeking liar to the national media. not sure why you are sticking up for him. If this reporter was your daughter and was treated in the same way would you have the same view? This thing is pretty cut and dry.

Yes it is cut and dry; there is no apology necessary to an idiot that is getting too close to a Presidential candidate, grabbing him and being a jack ass.

Besides this Fields moron has a history of these kinds of things. This whole thing is political Establishment harassment of a candidate that they dont like, and you are being a retard falling for it.
Jesus... I need to just copy and paste... It's not about the grab, Bruises, or even the aggressiveness. It's how the campaign called her a delusional liar and attention seeker afterwards going after her reputation which led to the loss of her job and degradation of her character. Trump and his campaign have a tremendous amount of power which carry a tremendous amount of responsibility but they seem unable to handle this in a poised way. By fields pressing charges she is trying to bring accountability. This is not a simple battery charge.

She is a delusional liar as she was not even reacting in pain, much less nearly thrown to the ground.

You buy a lot of land in a Floriduh swamp too?
For normal people, when it's brought to light that they may have been too aggressive whether intentional or not, would say oops my bad, it was a chaotic situation... It's completely understandable. He responded by calling her a delusional attention seeking liar to the national media. not sure why you are sticking up for him. If this reporter was your daughter and was treated in the same way would you have the same view? This thing is pretty cut and dry.
It is. She was an asshole, out of line then tried to make it a federal case when she was pulled off Trump. The fact that libs are outraged is par for the course. It's what they do.
She didn't try to make a federal case, she didn't even make a scene when it happened. Her boyfriend tweeted about the incident a few days later and the Trump train responded by attacking her and calling her a delusional liar. They put gas in the fire and put her in a position where she needed to defend herself.
Which of course explains why she went way overboard with her accusations?
I watched the interview Trump gave from his plane about this last night. The hypocrisy was screaming. As he lashed out at fields for attacking Corey and trying to ruin his life, while he glorified his stance in standing up for his man, and suggested that he may sue her for grabbing his arm. Well didn't they start this whole mess by attacking her when all she wanted was an apology? Isn't she standing up for herself by pressing charges? Didn't they try to go after her reputation and ruin her life by calling her a delusional attention seeking liar? Can we say hypocrisy?
First you said she didn't say squat, her boyfriend made it an issue, now you say she wanted an apology. She was out of line too. I didn't hear Trump say he was going to charge or sue her, do you have a source for that?
You clearly see Trump pull his arm away from her when she won't stop following him. Once she touched him I don't see how she has a case when Trump's manager touched her in the the same manner. .
Trump Campaign Manager Charged with Battery

Someone is looking for a pay day and a way to slander Trump. She was obviously trying to force her way to Trump. OK, I get it she's a reporter and it's what they do. But she can't cry foul when she's "forced" back. Seems like part of the business to me.
Probably a mistake for Trump and his campaign manager to immediately start lying about the incident and go on the demonizing of the reporter rants. Now Trump is mocked globally once again as a child and a liar.
What lie did Trump tell?
Are you serious? He implied the altercation never happened and the reporter made the whole story up.

He did indeed lie his slimy ass off. The NYT reporter who wrote about the incident is just to the left.

He did indeed lie his slimy ass off. The NYT reporter who wrote about the incident is just to the left.

View attachment 69489

Lewandowsky isnt even looking at her, and yet you say he lied when he obviously just didnt remember every jack ass reporter who he had to move aside.

And yet she is not being forced to the ground, and this is obviously just political dirty tricks by the GOP Establishment to derail Trump.

So all you have proven is that you are an idiot too.
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