Trump Campaign Manager Charged with Battery

As far as the claim by Trump on his plane where he said "he was done with the press conference," wasn't taking any more questions -- and basically she had no right to even consider asking him for questions after....

Here is video from WPTV which shows Trump answered numerous question from reporters on his way out.

(starts about 14:00)

Literally seconds after the Fields was there, Trump asks “Whose book is this?” after having just signed it.

You can see him reach for his pen at the moment Fields was by his side --

....from the Breitbart article, where they initially even denied the Lewandowski was the “short-cropped hair" fellow who grabbed her.

The altercation itself is not shown, but Fields quickly disappears from view, as if pulled back. At 16:18, Trump appears in the frame, holding a book and asking, “Whose book is this?” — which he also is heard saying in the audio published by Politico, right before Fields and Terris discuss what happened. He seems unaware of any altercation."

The Scrum: Video Shows Lewandowski Reaching in Michelle Fields's Direction - Breitbart
You clearly see Trump pull his arm away from her when she won't stop following him. Once she touched him I don't see how she has a case when Trump's manager touched her in the the same manner. .
Trump Campaign Manager Charged with Battery

Someone is looking for a pay day and a way to slander Trump. She was obviously trying to force her way to Trump. OK, I get it she's a reporter and it's what they do. But she can't cry foul when she's "forced" back. Seems like part of the business to me.
You clearly see Trump pull his arm away from her when she won't stop following him. Once she touched him I don't see how she has a case when Trump's manager touched her in the the same manner. .
Trump Campaign Manager Charged with Battery

Someone is looking for a pay day and a way to slander Trump. She was obviously trying to force her way to Trump. OK, I get it she's a reporter and it's what they do. But she can't cry foul when she's "forced" back. Seems like part of the business to me.
Probably a mistake for Trump and his campaign manager to immediately start lying about the incident and go on the demonizing of the reporter rants. Now Trump is mocked globally once again as a child and a liar.
Its not about the grab or the bruise it's about how the campaign responded... They lied about it then smeared the reporter.
She's a blogger, not a reporter. And supposedly said she was thrown to the floor until she found out there was video.

I had a girlfriend that would bruise if you looked at her wrong.
And I know a guy whose arm will break if you run it over with a car!
No, I don't know you.
Oh, you want to run over me. Stand in line.
I thought you were calling me boyfriend. This is all very confusing :lol:
You clearly see Trump pull his arm away from her when she won't stop following him. Once she touched him I don't see how she has a case when Trump's manager touched her in the the same manner. .
Trump Campaign Manager Charged with Battery

Someone is looking for a pay day and a way to slander Trump. She was obviously trying to force her way to Trump. OK, I get it she's a reporter and it's what they do. But she can't cry foul when she's "forced" back. Seems like part of the business to me.
Probably a mistake for Trump and his campaign manager to immediately start lying about the incident and go on the demonizing of the reporter rants. Now Trump is mocked globally once again as a child and a liar.
What lie did Trump tell?
LOL, something that happened on March 8th and all the lamestream leftwing stations has BREAKING NEWS on someone grabbed the poor wittle reporters arm. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG SPARE US your whiny crap

It wasn't "someone", it was Trump's campaign manager.

Now you're a big supporter of the police, correct? They believed her after watching the video and filed charges against this asshole Lewandowski.

Answer this question: Are you saying you disagree with the cops?

well I hope they have better video then the one out there. I think this gets dropped quickly.

It would have been dropped very quickly if Lewandowski had simply come forward and apologized.

Something like this would have worked: " Ms Fields, I apologize for approaching you in that manner and putting my hand on you. I was reacting to what I thought was a situation in which I needed to protect Mr. Trump and perhaps acted too quickly. Again, I apologize and want to assure you that going forward I will be much more aware of my actions and rely more on our secret service personnel."

But no....the asshole denies the whole thing. He's a goon and waaaaaay out of his depth.

""""Mr. Trump told one friend that he liked Mr. Lewandowski “because he doesn’t get emotional.”

But that is not a view that is universally shared about Mr. Lewandowski, who is known to have a temper and who had a mixed reputation at Americans for Prosperity, the group sponsored by Charles G. and David H. Koch he first represented as a lobbyist and for which he later went to work."""

For His Unconventional Campaign, Donald Trump Looks to an Unorthodox Manager
She a blogger. I realize the standards are not very high these days but a blogger with a mic isn't a reporter.

Ha! She was a reporter with Breitbart when this incident took place. Not a blogger anywhere else. Nice try, low-info guy.
You clearly see Trump pull his arm away from her when she won't stop following him. Once she touched him I don't see how she has a case when Trump's manager touched her in the the same manner. .
Trump Campaign Manager Charged with Battery

Someone is looking for a pay day and a way to slander Trump. She was obviously trying to force her way to Trump. OK, I get it she's a reporter and it's what they do. But she can't cry foul when she's "forced" back. Seems like part of the business to me.
Probably a mistake for Trump and his campaign manager to immediately start lying about the incident and go on the demonizing of the reporter rants. Now Trump is mocked globally once again as a child and a liar.
What lie did Trump tell?
Are you serious? He implied the altercation never happened and the reporter made the whole story up.
You clearly see Trump pull his arm away from her when she won't stop following him. Once she touched him I don't see how she has a case when Trump's manager touched her in the the same manner. .
Trump Campaign Manager Charged with Battery

Someone is looking for a pay day and a way to slander Trump. She was obviously trying to force her way to Trump. OK, I get it she's a reporter and it's what they do. But she can't cry foul when she's "forced" back. Seems like part of the business to me.
Probably a mistake for Trump and his campaign manager to immediately start lying about the incident and go on the demonizing of the reporter rants. Now Trump is mocked globally once again as a child and a liar.
What lie did Trump tell?
Are you serious? He implied the altercation never happened and the reporter made the whole story up.
Altercation? LOL.

You failed.
She a blogger. I realize the standards are not very high these days but a blogger with a mic isn't a reporter.

Ha! She was a reporter with Breitbart when this incident took place. Not a blogger anywhere else. Nice try, low-info guy.
Golly, that would change everything!

If a male reporter tried to claim this was 'battery', he'd be rightly mocked.
Toughen up, @MichelleFields. Twitter Video

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) March 29, 2016
Can you imagine Barbara Walters, Katie Couric or Diane Sawyer claiming 'battery' for this? Just ridiculous. Twitter Video

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) March 29, 2016
She a blogger. I realize the standards are not very high these days but a blogger with a mic isn't a reporter.

I wonder, if the blogger was male would this be news?
No way. He'd be laughed at and ridiculed. Even Peirs Morgan said so, and he's not exactly a rightly.

Exactly. This is just ridiculous and serves as a nice diversion from Hillary and her possible indictment.

Someone is looking for a pay day and a way to slander Trump. She was obviously trying to force her way to Trump. OK, I get it she's a reporter and it's what they do. But she can't cry foul when she's "forced" back. Seems like part of the business to me.
Probably a mistake for Trump and his campaign manager to immediately start lying about the incident and go on the demonizing of the reporter rants. Now Trump is mocked globally once again as a child and a liar.
What lie did Trump tell?
Are you serious? He implied the altercation never happened and the reporter made the whole story up.
Altercation? LOL.

You failed.
Lame. Want to argue about whether the incident (official police term used) qualifies as an "altercation". Whatever it was, or however, you wish to define it, Trump and his buddy tried to deny anything happened until they got caught lying. Then they changed their lies in front of God and country.
BTW, it would have never happened if the reporter wasn't a girl. The creepy campaign manager would not have the balls to treat a man that way. He is a punk like his boss. Both of them are hardcore misogynist.
Someone is looking for a pay day and a way to slander Trump. She was obviously trying to force her way to Trump. OK, I get it she's a reporter and it's what they do. But she can't cry foul when she's "forced" back. Seems like part of the business to me.
Probably a mistake for Trump and his campaign manager to immediately start lying about the incident and go on the demonizing of the reporter rants. Now Trump is mocked globally once again as a child and a liar.
What lie did Trump tell?
Are you serious? He implied the altercation never happened and the reporter made the whole story up.
Altercation? LOL.

You failed.
Lame. Want to argue about whether the incident (official police term used) qualifies as an "altercation". Whatever it was, or however, you wish to define it, Trump and his buddy tried to deny anything happened until they got caught lying. Then they changed their lies in front of God and country.
BTW, it would have never happened if the reporter wasn't a girl. The creepy campaign manager would not have the balls to treat a man that way. He is a punk like his boss. Both of them are hardcore misogynist.
What's lame? And altercation is more than a grab, he was wrong but she clearly is making a mountain out of a mole hill. She needs to either put on her big girl panties or find something else to do.

Wouldn't have grabbed a guy? Based on what besides your hate?
It wasn't much of an altercation, however it was her only choice at this point, to save her name that Trump & Co smeared through LYING.... by denying that his campaign manager even touched her... leading to her boss in bed with Trump, not believing her, leading to her quitting.... just a messy mess...
Well Trump is a jackass so that's to be expected. Having said that anyone that thinks this qualifies as battery needs to have their head examined. And that includes you avatar.

the court will decide the merits of the case, which are beside the point.

trump fostered the atmosphere of brutality where his people feel perfectly okay grabbing others to the point of bruising.

those media people are just so disgusting and awful after all, so they deserve rough treatment, like the old days.

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