Trump Campaign Manager Charged with Battery

secret service reports that she was warned twice to back off and stop touching Trump
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Jake Tapper just destroyed a Trump rep about this issue and the exploitation of the Cruz affair NE story... There really is no way excuse or spin this stuff.
link or it didnt happen, bubba.

Trumps people are quite right in their support of Trump and the jackals howling are a little bit early in their happy dance

I saw it. It was Huckabee's daughter. She was fumbling all over herself. If she had any self pride, she would walk away from the embarrassing campaign. Her dad, who obviously has sold his sole to Phrump, should tell her to walk away.
It happened... Trump campaign adviser: Incident wasn't a 'big deal' - CNN Video
Lol, Jake Tapper did not destroy Huckabee, dude. roflmao She nailed it, but you hear what you want to hear.

I do like one aspect to this; all the people with their panties in a wad are people who had no intention of ever voting for Trump anyway. All the people defending Trump were never going to change their minds over this also. But alot of people in the middle who have not made up their minds are seeing a man get arrested and his whole life threatened with ruin because her pulled an idiot out of the way as his job requires him to.

Its the votes up for grabs that matter and I am certain that they wont be pushed away from Trump because of this bullshit. It will simply be tossed on that huge pile of reporters having a conniption fit over something Trump said or did that is not 'a big deal' when the voter actually looks into the matter for themselves.

Trumps idiot opposition has been doing this for the last 8 months and look where it has gotten him; in the lead only a few hundred delegates from clinching the nomination.
Jake Tapper just destroyed a Trump rep about this issue and the exploitation of the Cruz affair NE story... There really is no way excuse or spin this stuff.
link or it didnt happen, bubba.

Trumps people are quite right in their support of Trump and the jackals howling are a little bit early in their happy dance

I saw it. It was Huckabee's daughter. She was fumbling all over herself. If she had any self pride, she would walk away from the embarrassing campaign. Her dad, who obviously has sold his sole to Phrump, should tell her to walk away.
It happened... Trump campaign adviser: Incident wasn't a 'big deal' - CNN Video
Lol, Jake Tapper did not destroy Huckabee, dude. roflmao She nailed it, but you hear what you want to hear.

I do like one aspect to this; all the people with their panties in a wad are people who had no intention of ever voting for Trump anyway. All the people defending Trump were never going to change their minds over this also. But alot of people in the middle who have not made up their minds are seeing a man get arrested and his whole life threatened with ruin because her pulled an idiot out of the way as his job requires him to.

Its the votes up for grabs that matter and I am certain that they wont be pushed away from Trump because of this bullshit. It will simply be tossed on that huge pile of reporters having a conniption fit over something Trump said or did that is not 'a big deal' when the voter actually looks into the matter for themselves.

Trumps idiot opposition has been doing this for the last 8 months and look where it has gotten him; in the lead only a few hundred delegates from clinching the nomination.
I don't know how many times I need to write this before it sinks in... It's not about the stupid grab or bruises... Situations get crowded and chaotic, shit happens. The shame of the situation is the fact that he lied about touching her then proceeded to attack and discredit her by calling her delusional and an attention seeker. A simple apology would have put this thing to bed but Trump and his goons don't apologize for anything, right? That's only for the weak and Trump is about strength so if somebody attacks they attack harder, whether they are right or wrong. It's pretty pathetic.
I don't know how many times I need to write this before it sinks in... It's not about the stupid grab or bruises... Situations get crowded and chaotic, shit happens. The shame of the situation is the fact that he lied about touching her then proceeded to attack and discredit her by calling her delusional and an attention seeker.

That is totally pathetic bullshit on your part. How many times do we touch people, I guess that is battery by the thousands in crowded cities, lol, and NO ONE REMEMBERS EVERYONE THAT THEY TOUCH.

The complete 100% bullshit view you pretend to believe is true here, is plainly nonsense. No one can be held responsible for remembering everything they did last night, much less days and weeks ago.

This is all nothing but political theater and complete horse shit and everyone realizes it, even the liars like you that keep pushing it.
lol, pwjohn, the bulk of the American people are laughing at the Professional Political Class for being so completely asinine over this.

And I am laughing at you for being a total jack ass.

The big bully's bully needs to keep his hands off people.

Give me a fucking break. This is fucking LAUGHABLE. Not only will it NEVER hold up in court, those raising the shit-storm will feel the wrath of Trump and his legal team. Nice attempt Liberals - stick to Hillary and her e-mail problems, and her adultering, impeached, bisexual husband Bill's problems.

I don't know how many times I need to write this before it sinks in... It's not about the stupid grab or bruises... Situations get crowded and chaotic, shit happens. The shame of the situation is the fact that he lied about touching her then proceeded to attack and discredit her by calling her delusional and an attention seeker.

That is totally pathetic bullshit on your part. How many times do we touch people, I guess that is battery by the thousands in crowded cities, lol, and NO ONE REMEMBERS EVERYONE THAT THEY TOUCH.

The complete 100% bullshit view you pretend to believe is true here, is plainly nonsense. No one can be held responsible for remembering everything they did last night, much less days and weeks ago.

This is all nothing but political theater and complete horse shit and everyone realizes it, even the liars like you that keep pushing it.

That is totally pathetic bullshit on your part. How many times do we touch people,

you can see on the video where trump yanks his arm away in a defensive move

from her grabbing his arm a second time
He will probably threaten to sue everyone that votes against him. REALLY? This guy has got to be the biggest Tool alive!

He isnt going to sue anyone for opposing him. You libtards do shit like that, not Trump.

Please....he has been yelling "SUE!" every since he announced in June. If he ever was elected president, that is how he would govern, with threats and bullying. But since he has NO CHANCE at winning the General, we don't need to worry about the scam artist.
I don't know how many times I need to write this before it sinks in... It's not about the stupid grab or bruises... Situations get crowded and chaotic, shit happens. The shame of the situation is the fact that he lied about touching her then proceeded to attack and discredit her by calling her delusional and an attention seeker.

That is totally pathetic bullshit on your part. How many times do we touch people, I guess that is battery by the thousands in crowded cities, lol, and NO ONE REMEMBERS EVERYONE THAT THEY TOUCH.

The complete 100% bullshit view you pretend to believe is true here, is plainly nonsense. No one can be held responsible for remembering everything they did last night, much less days and weeks ago.

This is all nothing but political theater and complete horse shit and everyone realizes it, even the liars like you that keep pushing it.

That is totally pathetic bullshit on your part. How many times do we touch people,

you can see on the video where trump yanks his arm away in a defensive move

from her grabbing his arm a second time
He doesn't "yank his arm away" idiot.

The Don was reaching into his jacket pocket to get a pen and sign a book. Watch the damn video.

He signs it literally seconds later, and then holds it up and says "Whose book is this?"
You clearly see Trump pull his arm away from her when she won't stop following him. Once she touched him I don't see how she has a case when Trump's manager touched her in the the same manner. .
LOL, something that happened on March 8th and all the lamestream leftwing stations has BREAKING NEWS on someone grabbed the poor wittle reporters arm. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG SPARE US your whiny crap

It wasn't "someone", it was Trump's campaign manager.

Now you're a big supporter of the police, correct? They believed her after watching the video and filed charges against this asshole Lewandowski.

Answer this question: Are you saying you disagree with the cops?

He grabbed her upper arm, not where that bruise appears in the photo.
Charged with battery for TOUCHING someone.....
Petraeus court-martialed.....
Meanwhile Hillary skates for a federal offense to this point.....

Trump is a punk but this is absurd

Grabbing someone with enough force to leave bruises is hardly just touching.

But yes its small potatoes compared with emailgate. But then that's going to take much more time to investigate due to the numerous witnesses and emails investigators need to sift through. For this case all police needed to do was take the complaint and watch the video.
Bruising is NOT a sign of force. Some people bruise VERY easily
That's what he said.
I don't care what he said. It is fact. I've had 2 people in my family that could bruise simply from bumping into a table.
Its not about the grab or the bruise it's about how the campaign responded... They lied about it then smeared the reporter.
She's a blogger, not a reporter. And supposedly said she was thrown to the floor until she found out there was video.

I had a girlfriend that would bruise if you looked at her wrong.
This is the establishment trying to turn a minor contact into a beat down.

You also don't understand basic assault and battery laws. Doesn't matter even if he had not left a mark on her.

And try to remind yourself that it's a thousand tiny cuts that add up to major wounds when it comes to civil rights.

Lying to swear out a warrant is called perjury.
Grabbing someone with enough force to leave bruises is hardly just touching.

But yes its small potatoes compared with emailgate. But then that's going to take much more time to investigate due to the numerous witnesses and emails investigators need to sift through. For this case all police needed to do was take the complaint and watch the video.
Bruising is NOT a sign of force. Some people bruise VERY easily
That's what he said.
I don't care what he said. It is fact. I've had 2 people in my family that could bruise simply from bumping into a table.
Its not about the grab or the bruise it's about how the campaign responded... They lied about it then smeared the reporter.
She's a blogger, not a reporter. And supposedly said she was thrown to the floor until she found out there was video.

I had a girlfriend that would bruise if you looked at her wrong.
And I know a guy whose arm will break if you run it over with a car!
Bruising is NOT a sign of force. Some people bruise VERY easily
That's what he said.
I don't care what he said. It is fact. I've had 2 people in my family that could bruise simply from bumping into a table.
Its not about the grab or the bruise it's about how the campaign responded... They lied about it then smeared the reporter.
She's a blogger, not a reporter. And supposedly said she was thrown to the floor until she found out there was video.

I had a girlfriend that would bruise if you looked at her wrong.
And I know a guy whose arm will break if you run it over with a car!
That's what he said.
I don't care what he said. It is fact. I've had 2 people in my family that could bruise simply from bumping into a table.
Its not about the grab or the bruise it's about how the campaign responded... They lied about it then smeared the reporter.
She's a blogger, not a reporter. And supposedly said she was thrown to the floor until she found out there was video.

I had a girlfriend that would bruise if you looked at her wrong.
And I know a guy whose arm will break if you run it over with a car!
No, I don't know you.
I don't care what he said. It is fact. I've had 2 people in my family that could bruise simply from bumping into a table.
Its not about the grab or the bruise it's about how the campaign responded... They lied about it then smeared the reporter.
She's a blogger, not a reporter. And supposedly said she was thrown to the floor until she found out there was video.

I had a girlfriend that would bruise if you looked at her wrong.
And I know a guy whose arm will break if you run it over with a car!
No, I don't know you.
Oh, you want to run over me. Stand in line.

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