Trump Campaign Manager: He Will Debate Cruz Once A Judge Rules He Is A Natural Born Citizen

Someone needs to inform Donald Trump how the law works. You can't get a court or judge to make a ruling on a non-existing case against yourself. Trump could take Cruz to court challenging his natural born status, but until someone makes a case the court cannot rule.

Inevitably, some jerkwater WILL take this to court. This happens ALL the time... never fails. There has NEVER been a candidate removed from the presidential race on the basis of this and there probably never will be.

First of all, "natural born" is not defined by law anywhere by statute. It has been litigated numerous times and the court has set precedent on the matter. Second, it meets the Political Test Rule. This is where SCOTUS refuses to get involved in politically-charged issues of a partisan political nature. So whenever some yahoo makes the charge on Cruz, this is what will happen and that will be the end of it.
Why is it that the Fla. SC was permitted to make a judgment on the recount in the 2,000 election without a case being brought? No one filed a motion, they just made a ruling (in Gore's favor, of course).

Florida election recount - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Bush campaign sued to prevent additional recounts on the basis that no errors were found in the tabulation method until subjective measures were applied in manual recounts.

The trial of Palm Beach Canvassing Board v. Katherine Harris was a response from the Bush campaign to state litigation against extending the statutory deadlines for the manual recounts. Besides deadlines, also in dispute were the criteria that each county's canvassing board would use in examining the overvotes and/or undervotes. Numerous local court rulings went both ways, some ordering recounts because the vote was so close and others declaring that a selective manual recount in a few heavily Democratic counties would be unfair.
Eventually, the Gore campaign appealed to the Florida Supreme Court, which ordered the recount to proceed. The Bush campaign subsequently appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States,
I'm talking about the Fla. SC ruling that they could disregard the deadline for certification and continue to do a second recount.

So am I.

The trial of Palm Beach Canvassing Board v. Katherine Harris was a response from the Bush campaign to state litigation against extending the statutory deadlines for the manual recounts
OKTexas is using Forums, a blog site, for his definition of statutory citizens. Good grief.

No one, far right or far left or in between, gets their own facts and definitions.

In law, there is no such thing as a "statutory citizen."

Typical regressive there fakey, can't refute the information so you attack the source. Damn you're one pathetic individual.

What source?- you referenced someone opinion on a blog.

Hell you may have written that.

I referenced Black's Law Dictionary- you referenced someone's opinion on a blog.

That isn't attacking a source- it is attacking your lack of credibility when it comes to citations.

Really, I provided a link to the site where I found it. I only posted a small portion of the post, did you bother to actually read it?
I did. It is a personal opinion in a blog. It is not law. In law, there is no such thing as a statutory citizen.
OKTexas is using Forums, a blog site, for his definition of statutory citizens. Good grief.

No one, far right or far left or in between, gets their own facts and definitions.

In law, there is no such thing as a "statutory citizen."

Typical regressive there fakey, can't refute the information so you attack the source. Damn you're one pathetic individual.

What source?- you referenced someone opinion on a blog.

Hell you may have written that.

I referenced Black's Law Dictionary- you referenced someone's opinion on a blog.

That isn't attacking a source- it is attacking your lack of credibility when it comes to citations.

Really, I provided a link to the site where I found it. I only posted a small portion of the post, did you bother to actually read it?

You posted a link to a blog- with someone's opinion.

Within that opinion they cited Black's once- regarding the definition of Nationality.

Their opinion has no legal weight- it is no more relevant than if I say that Mormons are not really citizens or if you say that the people of Florida are all illegal aliens.
Someone needs to inform Donald Trump how the law works. You can't get a court or judge to make a ruling on a non-existing case against yourself. Trump could take Cruz to court challenging his natural born status, but until someone makes a case the court cannot rule.

Inevitably, some jerkwater WILL take this to court. This happens ALL the time... never fails. There has NEVER been a candidate removed from the presidential race on the basis of this and there probably never will be.

First of all, "natural born" is not defined by law anywhere by statute. It has been litigated numerous times and the court has set precedent on the matter. Second, it meets the Political Test Rule. This is where SCOTUS refuses to get involved in politically-charged issues of a partisan political nature. So whenever some yahoo makes the charge on Cruz, this is what will happen and that will be the end of it.

Yep, just like the cases against the dear leader, all were dismissed for lack of standing.
I have the site for Ok

The earth is surrounded on all sides by an ice wall that holds the oceans back. This ice wall is what explorers have named Antarctica. Beyond the ice wall is a topic of great interest to the Flat Earth Society. To our knowledge, no one has been very far past the ice wall and returned to tell of their journey. What we do know is that it encircles the earth and serves to hold in our oceans and helps protect us from whatever lies beyond.

Here is picture of a proposed, but certainly not definitive, flat earth:

Someone needs to inform Donald Trump how the law works. You can't get a court or judge to make a ruling on a non-existing case against yourself. Trump could take Cruz to court challenging his natural born status, but until someone makes a case the court cannot rule.

Inevitably, some jerkwater WILL take this to court. This happens ALL the time... never fails. There has NEVER been a candidate removed from the presidential race on the basis of this and there probably never will be.

First of all, "natural born" is not defined by law anywhere by statute. It has been litigated numerous times and the court has set precedent on the matter. Second, it meets the Political Test Rule. This is where SCOTUS refuses to get involved in politically-charged issues of a partisan political nature. So whenever some yahoo makes the charge on Cruz, this is what will happen and that will be the end of it.

Yep, just like the cases against the dear leader, all were dismissed for lack of standing.
The jerkwaters are still upset about that- and still don't understand why they had no standing.
Someone needs to inform Donald Trump how the law works. You can't get a court or judge to make a ruling on a non-existing case against yourself. Trump could take Cruz to court challenging his natural born status, but until someone makes a case the court cannot rule.

Inevitably, some jerkwater WILL take this to court. This happens ALL the time... never fails. There has NEVER been a candidate removed from the presidential race on the basis of this and there probably never will be.

First of all, "natural born" is not defined by law anywhere by statute. It has been litigated numerous times and the court has set precedent on the matter. Second, it meets the Political Test Rule. This is where SCOTUS refuses to get involved in politically-charged issues of a partisan political nature. So whenever some yahoo makes the charge on Cruz, this is what will happen and that will be the end of it.
Why is it that the Fla. SC was permitted to make a judgment on the recount in the 2,000 election without a case being brought? No one filed a motion, they just made a ruling (in Gore's favor, of course).

Because that is the STATE Supreme Court. They don't have the same rules as the US Supreme Court. And yes, Gore filed the motion and the ruling was in his favor. It went before SCOTUS and the Political Question Doctrine came into play.
The Fla. SC didn't have the authority to do that either, but they did. Courts often act outside their authority, that's one of the reasons for all the chaos in the system. I know that you can walk into a court and if you can catch a judge before he leaves the courthouse, you can get him to give you a ruling on an issue regarding a case if it doesn't require an opposition party to be there. For example, if you want an extension on a case, you can get it if the judge is so inclined and it doesn't require a filing to get a ruling. I think Cruz could do this but of course, he's not going to try, so it's really a moot point.
Someone needs to inform Donald Trump how the law works. You can't get a court or judge to make a ruling on a non-existing case against yourself. Trump could take Cruz to court challenging his natural born status, but until someone makes a case the court cannot rule.

Inevitably, some jerkwater WILL take this to court. This happens ALL the time... never fails. There has NEVER been a candidate removed from the presidential race on the basis of this and there probably never will be.

First of all, "natural born" is not defined by law anywhere by statute. It has been litigated numerous times and the court has set precedent on the matter. Second, it meets the Political Test Rule. This is where SCOTUS refuses to get involved in politically-charged issues of a partisan political nature. So whenever some yahoo makes the charge on Cruz, this is what will happen and that will be the end of it.
Why is it that the Fla. SC was permitted to make a judgment on the recount in the 2,000 election without a case being brought? No one filed a motion, they just made a ruling (in Gore's favor, of course).

Florida election recount - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Bush campaign sued to prevent additional recounts on the basis that no errors were found in the tabulation method until subjective measures were applied in manual recounts.

The trial of Palm Beach Canvassing Board v. Katherine Harris was a response from the Bush campaign to state litigation against extending the statutory deadlines for the manual recounts. Besides deadlines, also in dispute were the criteria that each county's canvassing board would use in examining the overvotes and/or undervotes. Numerous local court rulings went both ways, some ordering recounts because the vote was so close and others declaring that a selective manual recount in a few heavily Democratic counties would be unfair.
Eventually, the Gore campaign appealed to the Florida Supreme Court, which ordered the recount to proceed. The Bush campaign subsequently appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States,
I'm talking about the Fla. SC ruling that they could disregard the deadline for certification and continue to do a second recount.

So am I.

The trial of Palm Beach Canvassing Board v. Katherine Harris was a response from the Bush campaign to state litigation against extending the statutory deadlines for the manual recounts
The Bush campaign was following the law. They didn't need to petition the court. Gore failed to petition them so the court acted on their own. Find a better source than Wikipedia. It was all over the news, and eventually the SCOTUS slapped the FSC down on their illegal intervention. You probably weren't even born then.
The Fla. SC didn't have the authority to do that either, but they did. Courts often act outside their authority, that's one of the reasons for all the chaos in the system. I know that you can walk into a court and if you can catch a judge before he leaves the courthouse, you can get him to give you a ruling on an issue regarding a case if it doesn't require an opposition party to be there. For example, if you want an extension on a case, you can get it if the judge is so inclined and it doesn't require a filing to get a ruling. I think Cruz could do this but of course, he's not going to try, so it's really a moot point.

You can't get a judge to issue a ruling on a non-existent case. Sorry... just not how the law works in this country. Cruz can't do a thing until someone brings a case before the court.
Trump will not bring a case, obviously, so he does not have to debate Cruz.

An incredibly intelligent move, because Cruz is the better speaker and debater.
Someone needs to inform Donald Trump how the law works. You can't get a court or judge to make a ruling on a non-existing case against yourself. Trump could take Cruz to court challenging his natural born status, but until someone makes a case the court cannot rule.

Inevitably, some jerkwater WILL take this to court. This happens ALL the time... never fails. There has NEVER been a candidate removed from the presidential race on the basis of this and there probably never will be.

First of all, "natural born" is not defined by law anywhere by statute. It has been litigated numerous times and the court has set precedent on the matter. Second, it meets the Political Test Rule. This is where SCOTUS refuses to get involved in politically-charged issues of a partisan political nature. So whenever some yahoo makes the charge on Cruz, this is what will happen and that will be the end of it.
Why is it that the Fla. SC was permitted to make a judgment on the recount in the 2,000 election without a case being brought? No one filed a motion, they just made a ruling (in Gore's favor, of course).

Florida election recount - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Bush campaign sued to prevent additional recounts on the basis that no errors were found in the tabulation method until subjective measures were applied in manual recounts.

The trial of Palm Beach Canvassing Board v. Katherine Harris was a response from the Bush campaign to state litigation against extending the statutory deadlines for the manual recounts. Besides deadlines, also in dispute were the criteria that each county's canvassing board would use in examining the overvotes and/or undervotes. Numerous local court rulings went both ways, some ordering recounts because the vote was so close and others declaring that a selective manual recount in a few heavily Democratic counties would be unfair.
Eventually, the Gore campaign appealed to the Florida Supreme Court, which ordered the recount to proceed. The Bush campaign subsequently appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States,
I'm talking about the Fla. SC ruling that they could disregard the deadline for certification and continue to do a second recount.

So am I.

The trial of Palm Beach Canvassing Board v. Katherine Harris was a response from the Bush campaign to state litigation against extending the statutory deadlines for the manual recounts
The Bush campaign was following the law. They didn't need to petition the court. Gore failed to petition them so the court acted on their own. Find a better source than Wikipedia. It was all over the news, and eventually the SCOTUS slapped the FSC down on their illegal intervention. You probably weren't even born then.

Says you- citing - you.

You want to find a better source than Wikipedia to back up your claims- feel free to- but no- the courts don't 'spontaniously' make rulings.

By the way- both campaigns were following the law. Both campaigns filed law suits.

Those of us who followed the matter then- and who still have our faculties- remember it- and luckily we have this internet thingie to refresh our memories.

The 2000 The Election Dispute: November 8 - January 20 (long version)

Shortly thereafter, Volusia County filed a lawsuit requesting the courts to grant an extension of the deadline.

Manual Recount Legal Challenge: At 9:00 a.m. Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris petitioned the Florida Supreme Court to halt hand recounts in Miami-Date, Broward, and Palm Beach counties, and to consolidate lawsuits in a state court. Palm Beach County officials asked the Florida

Afternoon: In response to the Volusia County legal action, Circuit Court Judge Terry Lewis upheld the 5 p.m. deadline. He went on to say that supplemental returns could be filed after the deadline, but also that those returns could be ignored if circumstances so warranted. The Gore legal team appealed this decision to the Florida Supreme Court.

Manual Recount Legal Challenge: At 9:00 a.m. Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris petitioned the Florida Supreme Court to halt hand recounts in Miami-Date, Broward, and Palm Beach counties, and to consolidate lawsuits in a state court. Palm Beach County officials asked the Florida Supreme Court to decide if the county has the authority to count votes by hand.

2:00 p.m.: The Bush camp said it would join with the petition filed by Secretary of State Katherine Harris to stop all hand recounts.

In the evening, the Florida Supreme Court denied the motion submitted by Secretary Harris to stop all manual recounts.
Lawyers for Bush submitted written arguments to the US Federal appeals court in Atlanta to end the manual recounts.

The Florida Supreme Court blocked Harris from any vote certification "until further order of this court," until it could rule on the Democrats' motion to allow hand recounts to be counted. It set a Monday hearing on the recount dispute. Miami-Dade County then reversed its earlier decision and announced it would conduct a full manual recount. Finally, the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit denied a Bush team request to stop the manual recounts.

Manual Recount Legal Challenge: The Florida Supreme Court: The Florida Supreme Court heard arguments in Palm Beach County Canvassing Board v. Harris, to answer the legal question of whether or not Secretary of State Katherine Harris should have to include hand-recounted ballots in the state's final certification. The decision was handed down the following da

In their decision in Palm Beach County Canvassing Board v. Harris, the Florida Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the recounts could continue in three Florida counties and that the results of those recounts must be included in the final tally. The court set a deadline of November 26 (or early November 27, since the 26th was a Sunday) to certify the recount vote. Harris set the deadline at 5:00 p.m., November 26. Democratic candidates Al Gore and Joe Lieberman made a brief statement to the press.
Someone needs to inform Donald Trump how the law works. You can't get a court or judge to make a ruling on a non-existing case against yourself. Trump could take Cruz to court challenging his natural born status, but until someone makes a case the court cannot rule.

Inevitably, some jerkwater WILL take this to court. This happens ALL the time... never fails. There has NEVER been a candidate removed from the presidential race on the basis of this and there probably never will be.

First of all, "natural born" is not defined by law anywhere by statute. It has been litigated numerous times and the court has set precedent on the matter. Second, it meets the Political Test Rule. This is where SCOTUS refuses to get involved in politically-charged issues of a partisan political nature. So whenever some yahoo makes the charge on Cruz, this is what will happen and that will be the end of it.

Yep, just like the cases against the dear leader, all were dismissed for lack of standing.
The jerkwaters are still upset about that- and still don't understand why they had no standing.

Actually I tend to agree with them, anyone who has taken the oath to support and defend the Constitution should be able to bring such a case. The courts should quit running away from the issue.
Both campaigns filed law suits.
True, but initially they were not filed in the Fla. SC. The Fla. SC stepped in without the case being filed with them. Petitions were filed AFTER that, but the FSC was not initially asked to intervene, they did that on their own.
Someone needs to inform Donald Trump how the law works. You can't get a court or judge to make a ruling on a non-existing case against yourself. Trump could take Cruz to court challenging his natural born status, but until someone makes a case the court cannot rule.

Inevitably, some jerkwater WILL take this to court. This happens ALL the time... never fails. There has NEVER been a candidate removed from the presidential race on the basis of this and there probably never will be.

First of all, "natural born" is not defined by law anywhere by statute. It has been litigated numerous times and the court has set precedent on the matter. Second, it meets the Political Test Rule. This is where SCOTUS refuses to get involved in politically-charged issues of a partisan political nature. So whenever some yahoo makes the charge on Cruz, this is what will happen and that will be the end of it.

Yep, just like the cases against the dear leader, all were dismissed for lack of standing.
The jerkwaters are still upset about that- and still don't understand why they had no standing.

Actually I tend to agree with them, anyone who has taken the oath to support and defend the Constitution should be able to bring such a case. The courts should quit running away from the issue.

You mean you want the courts to ignore the Constitution.
Both campaigns filed law suits.
True, but initially they were not filed in the Fla. SC. The Fla. SC stepped in without the case being filed with them. Petitions were filed AFTER that, but the FSC was not initially asked to intervene, they did that on their own.

The Florida Supreme Court was not 'initially asked to intervene' because they take cases from the courts. They no more acted on their own than the Supreme Court of the United States did.

The 2000 The Election Dispute: November 8 - January 20 (long version)

Shortly thereafter, Volusia County filed a lawsuit requesting the courts to grant an extension of the deadline.

Manual Recount Legal Challenge: At 9:00 a.m. Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris petitioned the Florida Supreme Court to halt hand recounts in Miami-Date, Broward, and Palm Beach counties, and to consolidate lawsuits in a state court. Palm Beach County officials asked the Florida

Afternoon: In response to the Volusia County legal action, Circuit Court Judge Terry Lewis upheld the 5 p.m. deadline. He went on to say that supplemental returns could be filed after the deadline, but also that those returns could be ignored if circumstances so warranted. The Gore legal team appealed this decision to the Florida Supreme Court.

Manual Recount Legal Challenge: At 9:00 a.m. Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris petitioned the Florida Supreme Court to halt hand recounts in Miami-Date, Broward, and Palm Beach counties, and to consolidate lawsuits in a state court. Palm Beach County officials asked the Florida Supreme Court to decide if the county has the authority to count votes by hand.

2:00 p.m.: The Bush camp said it would join with the petition filed by Secretary of State Katherine Harris to stop all hand recounts.

In the evening, the Florida Supreme Court denied the motion submitted by Secretary Harris to stop all manual recounts.
Lawyers for Bush submitted written arguments to the US Federal appeals court in Atlanta to end the manual recounts.

The Florida Supreme Court blocked Harris from any vote certification "until further order of this court," until it could rule on the Democrats' motion to allow hand recounts to be counted. It set a Monday hearing on the recount dispute. Miami-Dade County then reversed its earlier decision and announced it would conduct a full manual recount. Finally, the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit denied a Bush team request to stop the manual recounts.

Manual Recount Legal Challenge: The Florida Supreme Court: The Florida Supreme Court heard arguments in Palm Beach County Canvassing Board v. Harris, to answer the legal question of whether or not Secretary of State Katherine Harris should have to include hand-recounted ballots in the state's final certification. The decision was handed down the following da

In their decision in Palm Beach County Canvassing Board v. Harris, the Florida Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the recounts could continue in three Florida counties and that the results of those recounts must be included in the final tally. The court set a deadline of November 26 (or early November 27, since the 26th was a Sunday) to certify the recount vote. Harris set the deadline at 5:00 p.m., November 26. Democratic candidates Al Gore and Joe Lieberman made a brief statement to the press.
Someone needs to inform Donald Trump how the law works. You can't get a court or judge to make a ruling on a non-existing case against yourself. Trump could take Cruz to court challenging his natural born status, but until someone makes a case the court cannot rule.

Inevitably, some jerkwater WILL take this to court. This happens ALL the time... never fails. There has NEVER been a candidate removed from the presidential race on the basis of this and there probably never will be.

First of all, "natural born" is not defined by law anywhere by statute. It has been litigated numerous times and the court has set precedent on the matter. Second, it meets the Political Test Rule. This is where SCOTUS refuses to get involved in politically-charged issues of a partisan political nature. So whenever some yahoo makes the charge on Cruz, this is what will happen and that will be the end of it.

Yep, just like the cases against the dear leader, all were dismissed for lack of standing.
The jerkwaters are still upset about that- and still don't understand why they had no standing.

Actually I tend to agree with them, anyone who has taken the oath to support and defend the Constitution should be able to bring such a case. The courts should quit running away from the issue.

You mean you want the courts to ignore the Constitution.
Both campaigns filed law suits.
True, but initially they were not filed in the Fla. SC. The Fla. SC stepped in without the case being filed with them. Petitions were filed AFTER that, but the FSC was not initially asked to intervene, they did that on their own.

The Florida Supreme Court was not 'initially asked to intervene' because they take cases from the courts. They no more acted on their own than the Supreme Court of the United States did.

The 2000 The Election Dispute: November 8 - January 20 (long version)

Shortly thereafter, Volusia County filed a lawsuit requesting the courts to grant an extension of the deadline.

Manual Recount Legal Challenge: At 9:00 a.m. Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris petitioned the Florida Supreme Court to halt hand recounts in Miami-Date, Broward, and Palm Beach counties, and to consolidate lawsuits in a state court. Palm Beach County officials asked the Florida

Afternoon: In response to the Volusia County legal action, Circuit Court Judge Terry Lewis upheld the 5 p.m. deadline. He went on to say that supplemental returns could be filed after the deadline, but also that those returns could be ignored if circumstances so warranted. The Gore legal team appealed this decision to the Florida Supreme Court.

Manual Recount Legal Challenge: At 9:00 a.m. Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris petitioned the Florida Supreme Court to halt hand recounts in Miami-Date, Broward, and Palm Beach counties, and to consolidate lawsuits in a state court. Palm Beach County officials asked the Florida Supreme Court to decide if the county has the authority to count votes by hand.

2:00 p.m.: The Bush camp said it would join with the petition filed by Secretary of State Katherine Harris to stop all hand recounts.

In the evening, the Florida Supreme Court denied the motion submitted by Secretary Harris to stop all manual recounts.
Lawyers for Bush submitted written arguments to the US Federal appeals court in Atlanta to end the manual recounts.

The Florida Supreme Court blocked Harris from any vote certification "until further order of this court," until it could rule on the Democrats' motion to allow hand recounts to be counted. It set a Monday hearing on the recount dispute. Miami-Dade County then reversed its earlier decision and announced it would conduct a full manual recount. Finally, the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit denied a Bush team request to stop the manual recounts.

Manual Recount Legal Challenge: The Florida Supreme Court: The Florida Supreme Court heard arguments in Palm Beach County Canvassing Board v. Harris, to answer the legal question of whether or not Secretary of State Katherine Harris should have to include hand-recounted ballots in the state's final certification. The decision was handed down the following da

In their decision in Palm Beach County Canvassing Board v. Harris, the Florida Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the recounts could continue in three Florida counties and that the results of those recounts must be included in the final tally. The court set a deadline of November 26 (or early November 27, since the 26th was a Sunday) to certify the recount vote. Harris set the deadline at 5:00 p.m., November 26. Democratic candidates Al Gore and Joe Lieberman made a brief statement to the press.

Why are you mixing two different subjects in one post? It wouldn't be ignoring the Constitution to accept a case, questioning constitutional qualifications of a candidate, by someone who has sworn to support and defend the Constitution. If they don't have standing, who does?
They no more acted on their own than the Supreme Court of the United States did.
Yes, they did. They stepped in without a case being brought to them. They acted outside their authority. The U.S. Supreme Court was ASKED to intervene and the case was filed with them first. Totally different.
Yes, they did. They stepped in without a case being brought to them. They acted outside their authority.

Yes, and they claimed they had this authority under Florida state law. However, the SCOTUS corrected them on this because they can't take an action on their own motion. What they did was unconstitutional. Now back to the issue of Cruz, a court can't make a ruling on a case that hasn't been brought... it's unconstitutional. They can't even claim they have authority under state law as they did with the recount. There is no provision in the law to allow the court to rule on something that has not been brought before the court.
They no more acted on their own than the Supreme Court of the United States did.
Yes, they did. They stepped in without a case being brought to them. They acted outside their authority. The U.S. Supreme Court was ASKED to intervene and the case was filed with them first. Totally different.

Says you- citing you.

While I provide citations saying you are wrong.

IF you really think that the Florida Supreme Court acted on their own- and outside their authority- either put up or shut up.
Someone needs to inform Donald Trump how the law works. You can't get a court or judge to make a ruling on a non-existing case against yourself. Trump could take Cruz to court challenging his natural born status, but until someone makes a case the court cannot rule.

Inevitably, some jerkwater WILL take this to court. This happens ALL the time... never fails. There has NEVER been a candidate removed from the presidential race on the basis of this and there probably never will be.

First of all, "natural born" is not defined by law anywhere by statute. It has been litigated numerous times and the court has set precedent on the matter. Second, it meets the Political Test Rule. This is where SCOTUS refuses to get involved in politically-charged issues of a partisan political nature. So whenever some yahoo makes the charge on Cruz, this is what will happen and that will be the end of it.

Yep, just like the cases against the dear leader, all were dismissed for lack of standing.
The jerkwaters are still upset about that- and still don't understand why they had no standing.

Actually I tend to agree with them, anyone who has taken the oath to support and defend the Constitution should be able to bring such a case. The courts should quit running away from the issue.

You mean you want the courts to ignore the Constitution.
Both campaigns filed law suits.
True, but initially they were not filed in the Fla. SC. The Fla. SC stepped in without the case being filed with them. Petitions were filed AFTER that, but the FSC was not initially asked to intervene, they did that on their own.

The Florida Supreme Court was not 'initially asked to intervene' because they take cases from the courts. They no more acted on their own than the Supreme Court of the United States did.

The 2000 The Election Dispute: November 8 - January 20 (long version)

Shortly thereafter, Volusia County filed a lawsuit requesting the courts to grant an extension of the deadline.

Manual Recount Legal Challenge: At 9:00 a.m. Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris petitioned the Florida Supreme Court to halt hand recounts in Miami-Date, Broward, and Palm Beach counties, and to consolidate lawsuits in a state court. Palm Beach County officials asked the Florida

Afternoon: In response to the Volusia County legal action, Circuit Court Judge Terry Lewis upheld the 5 p.m. deadline. He went on to say that supplemental returns could be filed after the deadline, but also that those returns could be ignored if circumstances so warranted. The Gore legal team appealed this decision to the Florida Supreme Court.

Manual Recount Legal Challenge: At 9:00 a.m. Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris petitioned the Florida Supreme Court to halt hand recounts in Miami-Date, Broward, and Palm Beach counties, and to consolidate lawsuits in a state court. Palm Beach County officials asked the Florida Supreme Court to decide if the county has the authority to count votes by hand.

2:00 p.m.: The Bush camp said it would join with the petition filed by Secretary of State Katherine Harris to stop all hand recounts.

In the evening, the Florida Supreme Court denied the motion submitted by Secretary Harris to stop all manual recounts.
Lawyers for Bush submitted written arguments to the US Federal appeals court in Atlanta to end the manual recounts.

The Florida Supreme Court blocked Harris from any vote certification "until further order of this court," until it could rule on the Democrats' motion to allow hand recounts to be counted. It set a Monday hearing on the recount dispute. Miami-Dade County then reversed its earlier decision and announced it would conduct a full manual recount. Finally, the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit denied a Bush team request to stop the manual recounts.

Manual Recount Legal Challenge: The Florida Supreme Court: The Florida Supreme Court heard arguments in Palm Beach County Canvassing Board v. Harris, to answer the legal question of whether or not Secretary of State Katherine Harris should have to include hand-recounted ballots in the state's final certification. The decision was handed down the following da

In their decision in Palm Beach County Canvassing Board v. Harris, the Florida Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the recounts could continue in three Florida counties and that the results of those recounts must be included in the final tally. The court set a deadline of November 26 (or early November 27, since the 26th was a Sunday) to certify the recount vote. Harris set the deadline at 5:00 p.m., November 26. Democratic candidates Al Gore and Joe Lieberman made a brief statement to the press.

Why are you mixing two different subjects in one post? It wouldn't be ignoring the Constitution to accept a case, questioning constitutional qualifications of a candidate, by someone who has sworn to support and defend the Constitution. If they don't have standing, who does?

Not my problem if you can't follow the thread.
Yep, they are granted most of same rights as citizens, by law, in the jurisdictions where they reside. That is the definition of a statutory citizen.
'Most of' is the definition of 'all'?

Oh well, this is the Twilight Zone I suppose.

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